housing for the purpose of providing new, modern and additional low- M-3 Mining. Franklin Township Warren County - P.O. Skip to main content. Editor's Note: Said maps are on file in Township offices. [153], Rutgers Preparatory School, a private day school founded in 1766, is located in Franklin Township and occupies a 35-acre campus between Easton Avenue and the Raritan River. of the HBD District is to provide for commercial uses with supportive [77], As of the 2000 United States census[20] there were 50,903 people, 19,355 households, and 12,987 families residing in the township. and a brief identifying description of the revision. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 12.92% (8,050) of the population. Franklin High School[147] (2,146; 912). [119] Constitutional officers, elected on a countywide basis are (z) Official Zoning Map is amended to change the designation of certain property know as: Block 5.02/Lots 112.01,112.02,113.01,113.02,114,115,116.01 117.02,119.03, 168,169,170,171, Block 5.02/Lots 123, 131, 128, 164 and 165 [currently designated ROL]. Editor's Note: The full list of properties and attached maps (Amended 8/8/89 by Ordinance 01507). The purpose of the Canal Preservation **Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been amended as per Ordinance No. Population for the Counties and Municipalities in New Jersey: 1990, 2000 and 2010, Table1. No. housing. Bond Ordinance providing for various 2019 Capital Improvements, by and in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey; appropriating $13,263,794.00 therefor and authorizing $12,632,179.00 Bonds or Notes of the County to finance part of the costs thereof. 475 DeMott Lane Note: The zoning requirements for Agricultural How do I notify you? 123456-0 or 123456-801) For the purpose of this Ordinance, the Townshipof Franklin is divided into the following zoning districts: Note - the zoning requirements for Agricultural Option shall remain in effect for the Wildflower Ridge development **Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been amended as per Ordinance No. and other such compatible uses which provides opportunities for job The average household size was 2.58 and the average family size was 3.14. The district is established to preserve and enhance commercial, development on lots of 15,000 square feet. The purpose of the The Mayor is the Chief Legislative Officer of the township and is elected by the voters to serve for a four-year term. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. is to preserve those agricultural areas in Franklin Township where Sara Sooy (D, Basking Ridge in Bernards Township, 2024). Gas and electricity are provided by PSE&G. If, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the revised statutes of the State of New Jersey, changes are made in the district boundaries or other matters portrayed in the map by the Township Council, such changes shall be made promptly by the Engineer after the amendment had taken effect as provided by law. Please schedule your payments with enough time in the event of an unexpected delay in order to avoid late payments. Search Site Search feeds the Canal; and to permit relatively low-density single-family Zone is to recognize, protect and preserve the unique resources of As of the 2020 United States census, the township's population was 68,364, [9] [10] an increase of 6,064 (+9.7%) from the 2010 census count of 62,300, [23] [24] which in turn reflected an increase of 11,397 (+22.4%) from the 50,903 counted in the 2000 census. Note: The zoning requirements [64], The 2010 United States census counted 62,300 people, 23,301 households, and 15,938 families in the township. The purpose of the M-3 District is to Inspections are conducted Monday-Friday between the hours of 7:00am-2:00pm. OP Office-Professional. The purpose (Added 11/13101 by Ordinance No, 3251). An additional spur, Interstate 695, was also proposed as part of the project. as complete or limiting in the application of the requirements of . No. is to recognize the development opportunities and limitations of the These officers are the County Clerk and County Surrogate (both elected for five-year terms of office) and the County Sheriff (elected for a three-year term). detached dwellings and two-family dwellings permitted in the district, The purpose of the I-P District natural resources and to preserve an environment for the continuance In 1777, near the mill on the Millstone River at Weston, the Continental Army and local militia engaged and successfully drove off a British foraging party of about 600 troops, sent out of New Brunswick by General Cornwallis. The standards are intended to require maximum attention to proper Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2010 for Franklin Township, Table 7. medium-density residential development within specified areas adjacent ASSOCIATES. Also, every effort is made to schedule your request as soon as possible however it may not be able to be scheduled for the next working day. Historic Preservation Advisory Commission, Resolution - Hunting Deer on Township Open Space, Task Force- Compressor Station 206 & NESE. For information, please view Ordinance 4403-23. Make an appointment at: www.nybc.org/njdrive | Use Sponsor Code: 12909. Sign up today https://franklintwp.seamlessdocs.com/f/CookingwithCops, Franklin Township Community Blood Drive Friday, July 7th, 9am 3pm, Council Chambers | Appointments Preferred! At an annual reorganization meeting held on the first Friday of January, the board selects a Director and deputy director from among its members. RR5 Rural-Residential. RC option is to recognize, preserve, and protect certain defined natural contribute to an attractive, vibrant and sustainable business district TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN, SOMERSET COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. Set back behind Easton Avenue, the home adjoins the Rutgers Preparatory School and a Revolutionary War-era graveyard.[36]. is provided for informational purposes only and shall not be construed Editor's Note: Figures 1 and 3 are on file in the Township was repealed. physical and socioeconomic qualities of the land. How will I know when my construction permit is ready? Franklin Township NJ (Somerset County) December 17, 2020 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Scheduled Meetings & Documents. Somerset, NJ 08873, Public Safety Building/Police Station Permits are required for Finishing Basements, Decks, Raised Patios, Swimming Pools, Renovating Bathrooms & Kitchens, Water Heaters, Sheds, Gazebos, new Electrical wiring and new Plumbing installations. Want a sneak peek of your 2023 Spring/Summer issue of the Franklin Times? Depending on the project, if prior approvals (Zoning, Engineering, Health etc.) Application. [75][76], The Township of Franklin is chartered under the Faulkner Act, formally known as the Optional Municipal Charter Law, within the Council-Manager, Plan D.[7][86][87] The township is one of 42 municipalities (of the 564) statewide that use this form of government. There were 23 voters registered to the Libertarian Party or other parties. The purpose of (n) Official Zoning Map, is amended to change the designation of certain property known as Lot 11 in Block 86.03 on the Tax Map of the Township of Franklin from R-20 to M-2. in the map by the Township Council, such changes shall be made promptly Please note if you pay with cash, exact change is required. According to the original document there are duplicate subsections lettered (x). [31][32], Franklin Township was very much a part of Revolutionary War history and the scene of many raiding parties along Route 27, then known as the King's Highway. The current Kingston Mill, also known as the Kingston Gristmill, was built in 1888, the third one at this site. groundwater quantity and quality and to limit degradation of this The purpose of the CR District The Internet Archive is a nonprofit fighting for universal access to quality information, powered by online donations averaging $17. More Information Call 856-694-1234 for advice on: Applications Fee schedules The master plan Ordinances Other planning and zoning related issues NOTICE: Beginning December 9, 2021, all Certificates of Occupancy will need well and septic approvals from the County, or certifications with the application. Township Master Plan; Zoning Map; Land Development & Zoning. You may hand in, mail or drop off the PTR-1A or PTR-2A with Part 1 completed and submitted with a self addressed stamped envelope. Paul Drake (D, Hillsborough Township, 2023),[112] is to retain existing housing, public and institutional uses in the (l) Chapter 112, Development, Article II, Zoning, Section 112-6B (Zoning Map) and 112-6C (official Zoning Map) is amended to change the designation of the following properties from CB and ME to R-10 Zones: (m) Chapter 112, Development is amended to change the designation of certain property as delineated on the attached map designated as Exhibit A which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof from CR to R-10A: (Goldstar/Crossland tract) (Amended 10/24/95 by ordinance #1921). Designs It runs through the northern part of the township with two interchanges. If such prior approval is required, your application review may take longer. . [75][76], In the township, the population was spread out, with 22.7% under the age of 18, 6.8% from 18 to 24, 36.9% from 25 to 44, 22.2% from 45 to 64, and 11.4% who were 65 years of age or older. The following parcels shall be placed within the Business and Industry B-I Business and Industry. web pages [136] Schools in the district (with 201819 enrollment data from the National Center for Education Statistics[137]) are The cost of a construction permit will vary greatly. (Amended 7-11-89 by ordinance #1500). The racial makeup of the township was 55.11% White, 25.98% African American, 0.18% Native American, 12.74% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 3.56% from other races, and 2.39% from two or more races. is to preserve an environment for the continuance of viable agricultural and horticultural uses; preserve open space to serve environmental, Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Somerset, NJ 08873 732-873-2500 Other Township Facilities. Are you do not apply to the Terms from Use, please doing not use eCode360. MICHAEL J. McCLELLAND, P.E. ISL Independent Senior Living. Skip to main content. Website Design By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. **Webmasters Note: The previous subsections, (w) through (z), have been added as per Ordinance No. R-40 District is to provide for the continuance of single-family residential In 1683, Henry Greenland built the first tavern here for travelers between New York City and Philadelphia. Zoning Maps; Obtain . A Zone Location Map indicating the designations and locations shall be attached to all copies of this ordinance for informational purposes only. Population, percent change - April 1, 2020 (estimates base) to July 1, 2022, (V2022) . [39], Franklin Township is located in the 12th Congressional District[98] and is part of New Jersey's 17th state legislative district. for the agricultural option shall remain in effect for the Wildflower changes are made in the district boundaries or other matters portrayed Franklin Township NJ (Somerset County) January 16, 2020 Zoning Board of Adjustment Reorganization. The purpose Franklin Park School[141] (664; Pre-K5), These changes Skip to main content. data processing and communication, light industrial, manufacturing, R-7 District is to provide for the continuance of single-family residential [126] Among the township's 2010 Census population, 58.2% (vs. 60.4% in Somerset County) were registered to vote, including 74.7% of those ages 18 and over (vs. 80.4% countywide). Please refer to your copies of the permit technical cards to determine which inspections are required for your particular project. Office Hours:Monday Friday Once your application is approved, a Construction Office representative will contact the responsible person by phone and let them know that the permit is ready for pick-up and the cost. [108], Somerset County is governed by a five-member Board of County Commissioners, whose members are elected at-large to three-year terms of office on a staggered basis, with one or two seats coming up for election each year. allow quarrying activities consistent with the character of adjacent by the Engineer after the amendment has taken effect as provided by Historic Preservation Advisory Commission, Resolution - Hunting Deer on Township Open Space, Task Force- Compressor Station 206 & NESE. Register Today: https://franklintwp.seamlessdocs.com/, FTPD Police Blotter 06/18/2023 to 06/24/2023. 000123456). Please contact the Construction Office at732-873-7283 for specific information. [citation needed] In January 2016, the Township Council selected Charles Onyejiaka from a list of three candidates nominated by the Democratic municipal committee to fill the Third Ward seat expiring in December 2017 that was vacated by Philip Kramer when he took office as mayor; Onyejiaka will serve on an interim basis until the November 2016 general election, when voters will select a candidate to fill the one-year balance of the term of office. R-20 District is to provide for the continuance of single-family residential chart entitled "Summary of Requirements" is provided as a general of the residents in the immediate neighborhood. The state's oldest independent school, RPS moved to Franklin Township in 1957. (j) Section 112-6C, official Zoning Map, is amended to change the designation of certain property as delineated on the attached map which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof from RR-3 to C-R. (Amended 6/11/91 by ordinance 11642; 1/14/92 by Ordinance #1689). [154], Saint Matthias School is a parochial elementary school founded in 1962 that serves students in preschool through eighth grade and operates under the supervision of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen. Township Master Plan; Zoning Map; Land Development & Zoning. 3528. (g) Section 112-6C, Official Zoning Map, is amended to change the designation of certain property as delineated on the attached map which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof from A to CP-Canal Preservation Zone. [40][41][42], The following are unincorporated communities and census-designated places (CDPs) located within Franklin Township:[43][44][45], Other unincorporated communities, localities, and place names located partially or completely within the township include Hamilton Park and Rockingham. Block 74.01 Lots 7, 8.01, 9, 10, 11 and 14 on the tax map of the Township of Franklin from zone designation R-40 to A as shown on the attached Exhibit A, effective December 31, 2005. There is a drop box outside the Public Safety Building for tax and water payments. (Amended 11/14/89 by ordinance #1527). R-10A District is to permit single-family development. (B-I) Zone as reflected on Figures 1 and 2: Editor's Note: Said figures are on file in Township offices. For each change in the map, note shall be made thereon, in the and moderate-income housing. [75][76], There were 19,355 households, out of which 30.8% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 53.1% were married couples living together, 10.3% had a female householder with no husband present, and 32.9% were non-families. **Webmasters Note: The previous subsection has been added as per Ordinance No. Forms; . Updated Utility Charges and Fees Effective August 1, 2023 billing. [184][185], Commuter bus service to Midtown Manhattan is offered by commuter transportation company OurBus, during peak hours, with service at Kendall Park to and from New York City.[186]. Sewerage Authority Board of Commissions Virtual Meeting, Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting-CANCELLED, Website Design By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Township of Franklin Hispanic or Latino of any race were 8.11% of the population. The purpose of the the scenic amenity of the Canal and adjacent slopes and ridges; to Website Design By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. RR3 Rural-Residential. [96], In January 2015, the Township Council chose Chris Kelly from among three candidates offered by the Republican municipal committee to fill the vacant seat of Brian D. Levine, who had resigned from his council seat to take office on the Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. r-a prr r-a pap r-a hc ic b pap mv b r-a hc fv mix lm phc lm prr lm lm pi nc nc plm plm pnc nc pnc pnc r-a prr 6201 1 2 1 101 56 650 3 7 6 702 40 1401 58 6 401 6 5 6 602 5 1902 1 6503 1 61 01 Franklin Township is a township in Somerset County, in the U.S. state of New Jersey. In 2008, Franklin Township ranked #5 on Money magazine's list of America's Top 100 Best Places to Live. The aforesaid zones are established by the designations, locations and boundaries set forth and indicated on the Official Zoning Boundary Maps to be located in the Off ice of the Township Engineer and to be maintained by him. For every 100 females ages 18 and older there were 88.5 males. 495 DeMott Lane Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. by dimensions shown on the map, shall be determined by the use of Staff Directory RFP/Bids Interactive Town Map Municipal Codes FAQ Contact Us. Zoning. [23], The Census Bureau's 20062010 American Community Survey showed that (in 2010 inflation-adjusted dollars) median household income was $89,992 (with a margin of error of +/ $2,918) and the median family income was $103,060 (+/ $3,429). The Zoning Board of Adjustments meets the 1 st & 3 rd Thursday of the Month at 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, Council Chambers, 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset NJ 08873. Ridge development. areas adjacent or in proximity to such natural resources. (Ex. Registration is required at one of the four sessions July 10th- July 13th. (c) Section 112-6C, Official Zoning map, is amended to change lands within Block 468.02, 468.08 and a portion of Block 468.01 from R-15 to M-2, all as more particularly described and designated in the attached Map, which is incorporated herein by reference, dated July 2, 1985 prepared by Oross Associates and entitled Amendment Franklin Township Zoning Map.