In addition, state law requires that all Board members receive four (4) hours of training annually. The Rutherford County Regional Planning Commission is composed of eleven (11) members, which is a mix of citizens and members of the county legislative body. Overcrowded Rockvale Elementary would lose students to Barfield Elementary if school officials approve a newrezoning proposal for Plainview Elementary. The permit holder will receive a Certificate of Occupancy or notice of final inspection to authorize Use and Occupancy of the improvements. Applications will not be processed until payment is received. 144 N. Mitchell Street. A Plans Review will be required in the following scenarios: 1) A Single-Family Dwelling with basement of any type or size, 2) A Single-Family Dwelling 5000sf or greater, 4) Pole barn type structures with conditioned living space regardless of square footage, Application to the Board of Adjustmentand Appeals, Swimming Pool Barrier and Alarm Agreement. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Circuit Court - General Sessions Criminal Division. a change in the text of the document or a change to the Zoning Map. In addition, property owners within 500 feet of the property in question are notified via letter and a sign is placed on the property. Rutherford County Schools Zoning. . Building Department personnel will contact you early the following week with any questions. Wendy Craig . The Zoning Ordinance includes detailed information on the specific regulations of zoning districts, various zoning processes, the composition of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment, and more. Both the 2021-2022 school zones and the updated high school zones for 2022-2023 are available. (828) 287-7858 (FAX) Inspection schedules vary; please call 201-460-3010 to schedule your inspection. Appraises and assesses business personal property (furniture, fixtures . This is accomplished via a legal notice in a paper of general circulation within the county. This is the advertised public hearing. About UsFAQNewsCurrent Adoptions & UpdatesResidential Building PermitsDevelopment TaxCommercial Building PermitsResidential Swimming PoolsForms/Applications/ChecklistsProperty Maintenance/ZoningReport a Property ViolationRequest a Building InspectionRequest an Electrical InspectionReportsAdjustments & AppealsStaff Directory, Room 101, 1 S Public Square Please include all of the required information requested on all forms and e-mail completed application packets to[emailprotected]Once you have emailed your application, please call us @ 615-898-7730 to make your payment. Rutherford County Zoning Ordinance Page 1-4 Whenever, in the course of administration and enforcement of this ordinance, it is necessary or desirable to make any administrative decisions, then, unless other standards are provided in this ordinance, the decision shall be made so that the result will . -86.553 35.869 Degrees. Zoning Officer: Thomas Delia. During the review period every parcel in the county is inspected to ensure the Property Assessors records correctly reflect what is actually on the property. County Courthouse Suite 105 Rutherford County Commissioners Approve Property Tax Increase . Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Citizen involvement in the process of planning and land use is valuable and necessary. To submit a written request for public information contact Kim Aldridge(email). We advise that you contact a member of our staff to confirm permit fees before arriving at our office. Esri, HERE, Garmin, NGA, USGS, NPS. We recommend upgrading to the . The Definition of a subdivision as defined by State Law (TCA 13-3-401) is: the division of any parcel into two (2) or more lots, sites, or other divisions requiring new street or utility construction, or any division of less than five (5) acres with frontage on an existing public way. Any minor subdivision must conform to the requirements of the zoning district in which it is located. All items, except for amendments to the Subdivision Regulations, are sent to the Rutherford County Board of Commissioners with recommendations for approval or denial. Rutherfordton, NC 28139. To assist us in providing you with the best service possible during the permit application process, we ask that you read the following information carefully, as some of our application processes have changed. This legal notice is run in the paper at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting date. The Planning Department will monitor each potential building site to be sure it is not in a watershed or school zone, as well as stay abreast of all County ordinances to enable you to build safely. 615-898-7734 Major Subdivisions, i.e. F: (615) 898-7823, Engineering: Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Planning: However, we do request advance notice for copies or inspection of any documents. Zoning changes can only be made after a public hearing and the Board of Commissioners has enacted the change. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation, Consolidated Utility District of Rutherford County. Building Sub-Code Official. Code Enforcement Officer. To see a fee schedule for Rutherford County click here. Please contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the new site. This department also monitors the dividing of land into smaller tracts, mobile home parks and other land use matters. GIS services is a division of the Office of Information Technology. greater than five (5). Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue Plumbing Sub-Code and Construction Official: GIS services is a division of the Office of Information Technology. P: (615) 898-7732 (pdf) An interactive version of the Town of Spindale Zoning Map is also available via Rutherford County's GIS platform. If you have business with the Building Department, we ask that you plan accordingly and notify your contractor of these closures as well. Murfreesboro, TN 37130 See the results from our 2022 Consumer Confidence Report. Permits will be issued to property owner or State licensed contractor only, and must be paid in full by check, cash, or major credit card with a small nominal fee at the time of issuance. Data HubCounty MapDrone FlightsCounty Offices MapBOE School AtlasArchives Historic Structure SurveyProperty Assessment SearchDisclaimer, Mike Curtis, GIS Manager Keith Matino, Electrical Sub-Code Official: The public is invited to attend the video tour; however, comments to Board members are not permitted until the public hearing. We continue to meet and exceed state and federal requirements for water quality. Section 22.02 of the Rutherford County Zoning Resolution governs the issuance of building permits and provides, among other things, that it shall be unlawful to commence the excavation or construction of any building until the Building Commissioner issues a permit. There is 1 Building Department per 59,691 people, and 1 Building Department per 123 square miles. The report also shows the total collected in Building Codes for new dwellings and the total collected in Planning for new lots. All meetings are open to the public. Read the GIS Disclaimer for all maps. To find the bus route information for a specific address, Tennessee Prohibited Concepts Complaint Form, School Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes 2023, Copy of 2020-2021 Teachers of the Year: A Virtual Celebration, Spring 2023 Middle school orientation dates. View larger map. The third zoning option may relieve overcrowding for three to five years, said Trey Lee, the district's assistant superintendent of engineering and construction. County Courthouse Suite 105 1) A Single-Family Dwelling with basement of any type or size 2) A Single-Family Dwelling 5000sf or greater 3) All Townhome developments 4) Pole barn type structures with conditioned living space regardless of square footage 5) All Commercial use structures Appeals Forms Read more about Appeals Forms Appeals Forms The Planning Commission will review the subdivision plat and approve, deny, or approve with conditions. Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. Under the first option presented,Plainview Elementary would open with 525 students, based on the following moves: District staff used input from parents in crafting a second zoning option presented during a second public hearing in December at Barfield Elementary. To ensure that all requirements have been met, the applicant must submit all the necessary documentation to our office for review prior to obtaining a Building Permit. Planning and Engineering DepartmentsRegional Planning CommissionSteps in the ProcessBoard of Zoning Appeals. This is accomplished via a legal notice in a paper of general circulation within the county. Room 200 Next the Planning Commission will review the final subdivision plat and approve, deny, or approve with conditions. A bin will be provided outside the Building Department where applications and plans can be left for review and will be collected regularly. Barfield Elementary has not dealt with asmuch growth the past couple of years because many families are choosing to send their children to Salem Elementary, which Murfreesboro City Schools opened in 2019, Spurlock said. Tennessee Rutherford County There are 5 Building Departments in Rutherford County, Tennessee, serving a population of 298,456 people in an area of 620 square miles. This content is for decoration only skip decoration.. Close window. Barfield Elementary would go from having an enrollment of 751 students and two portable classrooms to a campus with 813 students. The meetings are open to all. The information is reconciled and values are applied to each group. Thank you for visiting and we welcome any comments or suggestions you may have to make our website navigational for you and ultimately for others. A Plans Review is required for any home with a basement, a single family dwelling greater than 5,000 sf, and town house units in the county jurisdiction. Cut off for zoning applications are the 30th day before the meeting date. A signed and notarized swimming pool barrier agreement can be completed and notarized at our office signing the barrier agreement constitutes full acknowledgment of the barrier requirements for a swimming pool. 8:00AM - 4:15PM[emailprotected], Murfreesboro City Code Smyrna Codes Lavergne CodesInternational Code Council Middle Tennessee Electric Membership CorporationConsolidated Utility District of Rutherford County Department of Commerce & Insurance. "Barfield is a pretty stable zone where it is currently," Spurlock said. P: (615) 898-7730 Room 101, 1 S Public Square Murfreesboro, TN 37130 615-898-7734 8:00AM - 4:15PM [email protected] Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Planning & Engineering - Comprehensive Plan New Features, Circuit Court - General Sessions Criminal Division. HomePlanning DepartmentEngineering DepartmentBoard of Zoning AppealsStormwaterApplication FormsFee ScheduleFAQLinks, 1 South Public Square A citizen submits an application requesting a zoning change to the Planning Department. The planning staff prepares reports, maps and other pertinent information for the Planning Commission. Once again, straight A's in water quality. Please read the form completely, Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation, Consolidated Utility District of Rutherford County. Phone: (615) 898-7762[emailprotected] The codes are sets of regulations governing the design, construction, alteration and maintenance of structures. The building codes department has a detailed report showing the permits issued each month. F: (615) 898-7823, Planning and Engineering Fee Changes 2023, For new & replacement accessory structures, additions, pools, etc., please complete the following packet application: Accessory Structures & Additions, For new & replacement single family dwellings, additional dwelling units or conversion of an ADU please complete the following packet application: New & Replacement SFDs & ADUs. At the completion of the project, after all final inspections have been made and approved, the electrical service will be released to the power company. Is required by state law to verify certain information on real estate sales with buyer or seller. Inspection schedules vary; please call 201-460-3010 to schedule your inspection. HomeShort Term Rental IdentificationProperty Data SearchHistoric Property Tax Abatement, 319 N Maple St. Suite 200 It is co-managed by the Town Manager and Code Enforcement Officer. Another important function of the Commission is to consider and make recommendations concerning any change to the Zoning Resolution, i.e. At the time of permit issuance each applicant is provided a checklist indicating the required inspections and instruction on how to request an inspection. C.Minor Subdivisions, i.e. HomePlanning DepartmentEngineering DepartmentBoard of Zoning AppealsStormwaterApplication FormsFee ScheduleFAQLinks, 1 South Public Square Recent sales within those groups are collected and analyzed. County Courthouse Suite 105 ", For Planninginside municipal/town limits please contact:The Town of Bostic: (828) 245-5108TheVillage of Chimney Rock (828) 777-5718The Town of Ellenboro: (828)453-8611The Town of Forest City (828) 248-5201The Town Lake Lure (828) 625-9983The Town of Ruth (828) 287-6002The Town of Rutherfordton (828) 287-9508The Town of Spindale (828) 286-2541. Please contact our office for any questions. This review process will take 1-2 business days, upon completion of the review you will receive a text or email to advise that your permit is ready to be issued. Please be advised that all Commercial and Residential Building Permit Fees will be increasing effective July 1, 2023. The appointed citizens serve four (4) year staggered terms. Murfreesboro, TN 37130 The two departments work together to promote orderly growth and development for Rutherford County. Planning CommissionBoard of Zoning Appeals, Zoning Ordinance - Amended through April 23, 2023Subdivision Regulation- Amended through December 12, 2022Long Range Transportation PlanUrban Growth BoundariesRutherford County's Comprehensive PlanRutherford County's Comprehensive Plan Suburban Belt - Adopted Centers and Character Areas Map, Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue Frank Recanati, Building Sub-Code Official REPORTS SCHOOL FACILITIES TAX Zoning Reports Menu About Us FAQ Current Adoptions, News, & Updates Residential Building Permits Development Tax Commercial Building Permits Residential Swimming Pools Forms/Applications/Checklists Property Maintenance/Zoning Report a Property Violation Request a Building Inspection Request an Electrical Inspection The zoning for the future Plainview Elementary also impacts Buchanan Elementary, which has nine portable classrooms and 509 students, and Christiana Elementary, which has 10 portable classrooms and 690 students. Map Name: Layers Legend All Layers and Tables Dynamic Legend Dynamic All Layers Layers: RC Subdivisions 2010 (0) Zoning Comments (1) Zoning 2013 (2) Description: Copyright Text: Eric McMillan; Bethany Hall Spatial Reference: 102736 (2274) All members are recommended for appointment by the Rutherford County Executive and are appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Wendy Craig. Keith Matino. For meeting dates and location contact the Planning Department at (615) 898-7730. By keeping up with the monthly activities of the Planning Commission, a citizen will know of any proposed changes which might affect him and will be able to voice his concerns early in the process. State law requires that all members of the Planning Commission receive four (4) hours of training annually. Read More. 615-898-7750 The preliminary subdivision plat is presented to the Planning Commission for review. The primary purpose of this meeting is to review all major subdivision plats, site plans and any waivers to the Subdivision Regulations. CODE County of RUTHERFORD, NORTH CAROLINA Codified through Ordinance of July 6, 2021 (21-004) (Supp. To complete a plans review we will require a full set of architectural plans, septic or step letter, land disturbance permit, a zoning compliance form and a full set of structural plans if it is determined by the Plans Reviewer that they are necessary. If the information within this website does not answer all your questions, I encourage you to call our office anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to speak with an inspector or any member of our staff. It is the responsibility of the owner of the property on which the fence is erected to maintain the fence structure in good repair at all times. The Rutherford County Building Codes Department provides permitting, plans review, inspection, codes enforcement, property maintenance enforcement and zoning enforcement to the citizens of Rutherford County. 1. To see a list of building inspections, click hereto find who inspects your area, click here. Maintenance. Forest City Building Inspections / Zoning / Planning Department - (828)248-5201 Property located within all other municipalities or unincorporated areas of Rutherford County, contact: Rutherford County Building Inspections - (828) 287-6035. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Property Assessor - Rutherford County, TN, Online Filing for Tangible Personal Property, New Remedy for Excessive Forced Assessments. The Rutherford County Building Codes Department provides permitting, plans review, inspection, codes enforcement, property maintenance enforcement and zoning enforcement to the citizens of Rutherford County. Copy and past this code into your website. Tracks changes in ownership, addresses and property boundaries. What is the Procedure for Closing a Business? Records may be adjusted due to additions, new buildings, demolition or error correction. This legal notice is run in the paper ten (10) days prior to the meeting date. Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue The Board's functions fall under four (4) major headings. For any questions, please contact our office. You may confirm meeting dates, times and locations by contacting the Planning Department at (615) 898-7730. Looking for Rutherford County GIS data? Salem Elementary, which Murfreesboro City Schools opened in 2019, Rutherford schools adds 5,000 students in 5 years, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy, Barfield Elementary is not expected to see significant student growth, school official says, School officials want to leave room for growth at future Plainview Elementary, Rutherford County Schools presented Rezoning Proposal 1 in November, School officials then presented Rezoning Proposal 2 in December. Zoning changes can only be made after a public hearing and the Board of Commissioners has enacted the change. B. Rockvale Elementary, however, is expected to see significant growth in yet-developed areas southwest of New Salem Highway and Veterans Parkway. County Courthouse Suite 105 The report consists of the type of permits issued, the number of permits issued, the total fees collected, and the total of different types of inspections completed for the month. drainage, roads, etc. The primary purpose of this meeting is to review all rezoning requests, Type III Conditional Use Permits, amendments to the Zoning Resolution, amendments to the Subdivision Regulations, preparation of the Planning Commission's annual budget and long range planning. The interpretation of the Zoning Resolution or the Zoning Map; 2. Welcome to the Rutherford County Planning Department (828) 288-4501 Fax: (828) 288-3283 272 N. Toms Street, Rutherfordton, NC 28139 Your Planning Department staff: Janet Lovelace, Administration Aubrey Clay, Project Manager (email) Danny Searcy, Director (email) VIOLATION OF COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS M / C Hearing Type: Criminal Hearing 75GS1-2023-CR-478792 Off: Ed Gorham Rutherford County Maps View Rutherford County's zoning map by specified land use including different types of residential, commercial, and industrial. Appeals from administrative decisions. The Rutherford County Board of Education approved a rezoning plan on Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022, that affects Rockvale High School, Blackman High School, Riverdale High School and Siegel High School. final plat is then submitted to the Planning Department for review and compliance to the subdivision regulations, the Zoning Resolution and to ensure it agrees with the preliminary plat. You must have your building permit number and full address to request an inspection. However, any one who wishes to speak on a subdivision before the Planning Commission may request to be identified by the Chair to voice his concerns. Board members are paid for each meeting. Public notice is given in order for each case to be heard. The monthly zoning enforcement report details the type and number of zoning inspections completed each month by the building codes department. After the values have been calculated and assigned, property owners are notified by mail of their new values. F: (615) 898-7823. To find the bus route information for a specific address,click here. RUTHERFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Amended July 6, 2021 Revised 2006 Adopted April 1, 1985 ARTICLE I SHORT TITLE These regulations shall be known and may be cited as the Subdivision Regulations of Rutherford County, North Carolina. During either of the meetings (the Planning Commission or the Board of Commissioners) any person who wishes to speak for or against the request may speak at the appropriate time. In addition, staff sends written notification to all property owners within 500 feet of the corners of the property in question and also places a sign on that property with the Planning Department's telephone number. ZONING PERMIT (IF APPLICABLE) Is your property located in the Town of Chimney Rock, Lake Lure, Rutherfordton, or Spindale? Rutherford County Schools. Spurlock said his staff crafted the third option to "relieve Rockvale" by moving students in high-density neighborhoods south of New Salem Highway and north of Veterans Parkway to Barfield Elementary. In this respect, the Commission is merely an advisory body and the final decisions rest with the Rutherford County Board of Commissioners. Plumbing Sub-Code and Construction Official: Internet 30) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. View In: ArcGIS JavaScript Map Google Earth ArcMap ArcGIS Explorer View Footprint In: Map Service Description: Rutherford County subdivisions and zoning feature classes served as a service. Zoning Ordinance - Amended through April 23, 2023 Subdivision Regulation - Amended through December 12, 2022 Long Range Transportation Plan Urban Growth Boundaries Rutherford County's Comprehensive Plan Rutherford County's Comprehensive Plan Suburban Belt - Adopted Centers and Character . International Code Council Benefits of Building Permits, Energy Code Requirements For Duct and Envelope Testing, Workers' Compensation Affidavit of Exemption, Erosion Prevention & Sedimentation Control Plan Options, Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue Check out our new Data Hub with access to free GIS data and public maps. Use the interactive map below to look up school zones for a specific address. Follow him on Twitter @ScottBroden. Each legislator serves for the duration of his/her term in office. All members are nominated by the Steering Committee of the Board of Commissioners and appointed by the Board of Commissioners for four (4) year staggered terms. We apologize in advance for the temporary inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Planning: Service Description: Rutherford County subdivisions and zoning feature classes served as a service. When does the School Facilities Tax apply? Development Tax is collected in the Building Codes and Planning Department for new dwelling developments in Rutherford County. The $51.5 million elementary campus is under constructionsouthwest of the Epps Mill Road interchange with Interstate 24. Plainview Elementary would open with 396 students offPlainview, Sledge, Christiana Hoovers Gap and Miller roads. "We cant get enough kids out of Rockvale Elementary," Lee said. Middle and high schools will be built at the site in ta yet-determined date in the future. Please reference the following lists to review the complete list of documentation necessary for the type of project you are permitting. During the 4th year of reappraisal, properties are grouped together by property characteristics (size, quality and location). Prior to permit issuance, a site plan review or other approvals may also be required, such as a Plans Review, evidence of water availability or a proper sewage disposal method. The plat is recorded with the Rutherford County Register of Deeds when all conditions of approval have been met, a road and drainage bond have been posted, a home owner's association, if necessary, has been established, and all fees and taxes have been paid. AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT and WELL LAYOUT (if you will be drilling a well) P: (615) 898-7730 The building codes monthly report also shows the previous year's permits in reference to the current year's permits. Planning Commission meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. and the fourth Monday of the month at 1:p.m. Rutherford County Schools presented Rezoning Proposal 1 in November; . For a full list of documentation required for issuance of a building permit in Rutherford County click here. No. A permit cannot be issued until a review has been completed, please allow for this in your building schedule. Map Name: Layers Legend All Layers and Tables Dynamic Legend Dynamic All Layers Layers: RC Subdivisions (0) ; RC Subdivisions 2010 (1) ; RC Zoning Comments (2) P: (615) 898-7732 The Property Assessor is charged with identifying and valuing all property, real or personal, within the county. All meetings are open to the public. You can reach out to either Sharon Stevens at [emailprotected], or Mike Curtis at [emailprotected] We hope you enjoy the improvements! Rutherford County - TN (06/29/2023) Residents who own a home valued at $450,000 can expect to pay $24 more a month, $288 annually as a result of the property tax increase approved by Rutherford County Commissioners 13-8 on Monday.