What are the restrictions for fishing hours on Gaula River? I wasn't disappointed with my choice and despite only light guiding, I managed 3 Salmon, including 1 completely off my own back which I was incredibly proud of. There was not an exact match for the language you toggled to. Salmon Fishing Norway offers sportfishing in the river Namsen, alsoalso called the queen of rivers. Published. The conservative court flexed its muscles. The hosts Sabreein and Ola were very welcoming and it was a pleasure to spend time in their company. Norway, for the large part of it, is the home of big Atlantic salmon and gorgeous fly fishing rivers. We have 6 areas in the river, so here there will be plenty of opportunities for all tastes. Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. As with all Salmon Lodges in Norway, Austnes operates a strict disinfection policy. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. I've been lucky enough to fish in Norway a handful of times but until this trip, I'd never fished the Verdalselva. Farsund and Lista are a great destination for fishing in the skerries and along the beaches. At Hekten and Vibstad you can try world-class salmon fishing. The hosts Sabreein and Ola were very welcoming and it was a pleasure to spend time in their company. We all love the idea of glamorous trips to Iceland, Norway, Russia and Canada but they are not strictly necessary for the angler who wants good salmon fishing sport. Please Note: departing from different airports or countries may entail additional overnights in airport hotels. Errors and omissions may occur. Read about our approach to external linking. Flying time from London Heathrow to Oslo is 2 hours and 15 minutes. Toggling to another language will take you to the matching page or nearest matching page within that selection. 21 28 July (week 30): 2,250 per person (good numbers of fish in the upper section) 4 11 August (week 32): 1,800 per person (good numbers of fish in the upper section) I particularly like the Annans so-called greybacks. An adult salmon is usually around 1m (3ft) long and weigh around 20kg (44lbs). The Aunan Lodge is conveniently based 55 kilometres from the mouth of the river meaning that fresh fish can reach the waters quickly and will often take up residency in the pools throughout the season. The transfer time is around 1 hour and 10 minutes. Together they form to create one of the best Atlantic Salmon rivers in Norway. There was not an exact match for the language you toggled to. Here you can disinfect your fishing equipment (remember lure and fly boxes and anything that has been in contact with water in other watercourses). An increasing number have unexpectedly appeared in Irish riverways over recent years, the Loughs Agency said. The Accommodation: We moved to a new lodge for the 2010 season, which is close to the river and has 5 guest rooms, upstairs and downstairs bathrooms and a much larger kitchen area. Salmon Fishing in Norway - Discover Scandinavian Elveguiden and Salmon Fishing in The Rivers in Western - Western Norway There are view of mountains, the Lygna river and its location is convenient for people travelling to the region. . In 2017, 2019 and 2021, pink salmon were recorded in "unprecedented numbers in river systems on the island of Ireland, the agency said. Fish Norway Norway is the land of the midnight sun, stunning scenery, wild rivers and home to very big Atlantic Salmon. Read more here. On the river, there's plenty of water to fish and the cabins, only a stones' throw away, were perfect for what I needed. Salmon fishing is often thought of a sport reserved for some privileged people. Early in the salmon fishing season it is exhilarating to be fishing when theres still snow on the ground. Norwegian Holidays low-price package holidays with Norwegian. The lodge offers fishing throughout the length of the river, including access to some of the hardest the reach pools by the use of river boats. With the growing number of diseases in the aquaculture industry, disinfection is more crucial than ever. The river was polluted for so long that nobody expected it to recover as it has. The beats have produced an average of 124 fish over the past 4 years. 9 16 June (week 24): 1,400 per person (big spring salmon) 2 9 June (week 23): 1,320 per person (big spring salmon) I went to the Verdalselva with one aim and that was to catch a Salmon, which I did! Below the waterfall in zone 1, the fishing is not exclusive, and the beat is open to a number of day tickets each week. Salmon fishing in Stryneelva river | Fishing | Stryn | Norway Kvsfossen is one of Southern Norway's largest waterfalls. Overhalla kommune Although sea fishing is most common on the coast, . I doubt these fish are anything more than simple, big Atlantic salmon but theres a glamour to them theyre generally over 20lb. The Cabins at Austnes Salmon Lodge are cosy, comfortable and situated just a few metres from the river and the stnesfossen Waterfall, which offers some of the best Salmon fishing on the stretch. The fishing here has been taken over by Neil Freeman of Angling Auctions. We will pleased to advise on tackle as it always a shame when the big one gets away due to inadequate preparation or faulty tackle. Aunan Lodge is located on the banks of the River Orkla and offers 5.5 kilometres of continuous salmon fly fishing consisting of 17 very different pools, most of which have both banks controlled by the lodge which is very unique by Norwegian standards. Fishing activities at Lyngen Lodge go beyond expectations. The fishing rotation allows access to all sections of the river during the weeks fishing. info@wildandexotic.co.uk. While the smaller run, towards the forest on the southern shore, is calmer and a location the fish tend to prefer when the water levels are high. No fishing spot on the Verdal River receives as much fame as the Austnes or stnesfossen Waterfall does. This Sportquest Holidays exclusive offers travelling rods the chance to fish some of the most picturesque and productive freshwater fly fishing rivers in all of Iceland. Prices are based on two anglers sharing transfers, fishing and accommodation (unless otherwise stated) and are correct at the time of going to press. Skype: adriandangar. Very small scales - much smaller than a similarly-sized Atlantic Salmon, Upper jaw typically extending beyond the eye, Males develop a pronounced humpback on entering freshwater. June has been disappointing the last 3 years, but with a return of good grilse numbers and heavy 2 sea winter fish we are expecting good June runs in 2015. The Lodge provides visiting rods with a varied week of fishing, from large rock-strewn stretches to deep pools, rapids, and gently flowing areas. "We are also asking that, if possible, any specimens found are retained for the purposes of verification and advancing understanding on this species.". Zones 3, 4 and 5 are completely exclusive to the group of anglers staying at Austnes. 2 9 September (week 36 8 rods): 1,250 per rod (sea trout fishing sold as pairs only) In the very early morning, theres mist coming off the pools, there are plenty of salmon showing and the salmon fishing is close-up and intimate. Zone 2 is completely exclusive to guests of Austnes and offers double bank fishing. My week on the Verdalselva River was brilliant from start to finish and I'd certainly like to return next year. Older fly fishing Lodge fishes a total of 6 beats in a rotation that is decided upon at the beginning of each fishing week. Sportquest Holidays The UK's leading fishing and If you want to fish for salmon, sea trout, or Arctic char, you must pay a small fishing fee in addition to your fishing licence. The season at Austnes runs from June to August, with the best and most productive time being from the end of June to the end of July. The Skagerrak coast in Southern Norway offers ample opportunities for deep-sea fishing and the rivers are famous for the wild salmon. The fishing on the Test is definitely better than it was in your day and it tends to begin earlier from the Wimbledon Fortnight onwards. You can either enjoy your stay in one of the recently renovated traditional self-catered farm houses or full service accommodation at the newly built NFC Lodge at Rogstadmoen. There are short streams running out into the sea itself, so youre catching salmon to the sound of the seashore. 9 14 September (week 37 8 rods): 1,250 per rod (sea trout fishing sold as pairs only). From the walk bridge down, it is about35 metres in a vertical drop. Although cold, calculating statistics can dampen a passion for sport, they can be instructive when planning a salmon fishing campaign. :pricing}} - The disinfection occurs with a preparation called Virkon-S in a 1% solution, which does not damage clothes or fishing equipment. :pricing}} - It just doesnt get any better than casting a fly to fresh fish in that magical autumn light. We are one of the few fly only beats on Orkla. Salmon fishing - Namsen Salmon & Train Experience Zone 1 is open to day tickets sold through the Lodge; however, this can be booked exclusively if you wish. He is hugely optimistic. It was people from the English upper classes that travelled to Norway and the fjords to fish for Atlantic Salmons in the rivers. Therefore, if you would like to travel from any other airport or country, Contact us, and we will happily provide you with full details and a quotation. 21 28 July (week 30): good numbers of fish throughout I went to the Verdalselva with one aim and that was to catch a Salmon, which I did! Kvstunet is an old school and large property that has been converted into accommodation for up to 125 guests. You are responsible for the equipment and infection you bring with you, so you need to keep this in mind: Do not move fish between watercourses and rivers The river Otra is one of the largest waterways in Southern Norway and has a large stock of trout. So when you travel with us, everyone wins. However, for a supplement, a comprehensive guiding package can be booked. The first English salmon anglers visited as early as 1860, and the first tourist hotels and cruise boats came to Stryn and Nordfjord at the end of the 1800s. The Reisa River, originating in Finmark and surrounded by spectacular mountains and forested valley sides, offers 85 km of beautiful salmon fly water. After negotiating the stnesfossen Waterfall, the Ivar Bend is the perfect natural resting place for the Salmon on the river. The fishing runs on a full 24 hour rotation, meaning that you pick when to sleep and eat to fit around your pool allocation. I suppose I ought to say the very best of UK salmon fishing is on the Dee at Cairnton, Colin says, and continues, Tweed, too, just cant be ignored, with an average of something like 12,000 fish caught annually. The surrounding scenery is one of thick evergreen forested slopes interspersed with small villages and farms. For me, going salmon fishing is about the experience, being around nature, enjoying the outdoors, relaxing in beautiful surroundings and sharing it with friends. provide you with a unique holiday experience that has been tailor-made to fulfil your personal me? Austnes Salmon Lodge is situated on the beautifully sheltered Verdalselva River in the Verdal municipality, formed at the confluence of the rivers Inna, which comes from Innsvatnet at the Swedish border, and Helga, which comes from the mountain village of Vera. The most productive weeks in recent years have been July and first half of August .The Orkla has a regulated flow and therefore even in extreme conditions always has water, and at a fishable temperature. . As a nation, Norway has always lived off the sea. A Guide to Norwegian Salmon - Life in Norway There is also a glass viewing area where visitors can watch the salmon as they pass by. Overall it was a thoroughly enjoyable week. {{pricing}} Anglers can fish and explore all 5 zones and have over 2000m of the river at their disposal. 2 9 June (week 23): big spring salmon On the second morning fishing the waterfall I landed a lovely fresh chrome fish of 16lb. Catching them is magnificent and challenging. The Salmon fishing season in the Namsen River is officially open from June 1 and lasts through August 31. That was when the English tourists discovered Norway, and the Salmon Lords became a well-known phenomenon. A trip to the Lax In Aaldal in Iceland offers travelling anglers the chance to experience genuine double-handed fishing and fishing for some of the most significant Atlantic Salmon in the country. Great Britain provides . Fly fishing for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Norway's most Southerly region can boast an array of rivers from the large hydroelectric power water controlled like the Mandalselva and Otra rivers which are always fishable, to the medium sized spate rivers such as the Lynga river (plus many in between), all the way down to very intimate smaller spate rivers such as the Audna or Sgneelva. Hire cars are readily available and the journey from Vaernes airport to the lodge is 1 hrs. You have been redirected to the nearest matching page within this section. shooting They cost from 765 for three nights, or 1,785 for seven . Anglers in Northern Ireland have been asked to report catches and sightings of a non-native species of salmon. We Likewise, we cooperate with Lilleberre which is located a little up river. The beats and pools of the Atlantic Salmon fishing rivers in Norway have traditionally been fished continuously, with no rest periods from anglers. The species can be identified by the following characteristics: "Loughs Agency is asking all anglers and other water users to be on the look-out for pink salmon and report any specimens encountered in the Foyle and Carlingford catchments to Loughs Agency," Dr McLean said. Imagine a big salmon hitting you in the pitch black. Our beats, located in the northern part of the country, offer two days of quality fishing on each of the Lax In Aaldal, Reykjadalsa & Mrarkvsl Rivers. Zone 1, isnt exclusive and small numbers of local anglers can purchase day tickets to fish on the stretch, but it is possible to book this exclusively for the duration of your stay if you wish. Fjord Tours - Home of Norway in a nutshell - Norway's most popular tour. Below we have detailed our Norwegian Salmon Fly Fishing Lodges along with five key reasons why we love them. You don't need a fishing licence for fishing in the fjords and the sea. My Nordic Travel Do It Yourself, make your own itinerary, Ski holidays in Rauland Go skiing in beautiful mountain nature, {{title}} {{?}} Hospitality and tourism have been a way of life for the local inhabitants ever since. {{? For a better user experience please enable localStorage or use a different browser. There are misty mountains in the background and the fish are as silver as freshly minted needles., Next, I meet Colin Davidson, Fish&Flys salmon editor. The areas today the Mklegrdsvaldet that we own, and which the bridge crosses over. YO62 5XF The trips are based around the peak weeks of the season and ones which have historically produced the biggest numbers and sizes of fish. This is where Southern Norways biggest salmon was caught in 2008. Go to FishingBooker . Similar to the Spey, in Scotland, it is fast flowing and mostly quite shallow with miles of stunning fly water. . However, splendid salmon fishing in Norway does not have to be expensive or exclusive. Great Britain provides all the salmon angler could ever want, while avoiding the unappealing hassle of visas, long-haul fights and overcooked cabin food. The home of Spey-casting, the worlds finest whisky and some of the best salmon rivers in the world. For more information about salmon fishing in Norway please contact Alex Jardine or call our office on +44(0)1980 847389. Grimstad has a lot to offer for anglers, all along the south coast the conditions are perfect, some will say it is an eldorado for anglers hunting for sea trout. It has for a long time been regarded as one of Norway's finest and known as 'the river of silver and gold'. None of it is vastly expensive, certainly not by Scandinavian standards, and catch returns of nearly 200 fish per year are exceptional for small rivers like these., So what about autumn? The migratory brown trout or more widely known as the European sea trout is a great prize amongst many fishers. Fjord and sea fishing in Norway - Visit Norway | Official travel guide My Nordic Travel Do It Yourself, make your own itinerary, Ski holidays in Rauland Go skiing in beautiful mountain nature, {{title}} Many salmon between 40 and 50 lbs have been seen with the record standing at 55 lbs. Alternatively fly into Oslo, Norways capital, and connect with a flight to Trondheim. 2008 was excellent with 143; 31 of which were Storlaks averaging 20 lbs. For any salmon fisherman, the setting is important and Broadlands gives you 4,500 acres of landscape, with 10 miles of river, unbroken by a single public road. Fishing in Norway: - Top spots & species - How to fish (charter fishing, deep sea fishing, shore fishing) - When to come | For beginners and pros | Blog . Kvstunetis an old school which has recently been converted into an activity centre with accommodation for up to 120 people. Norwegian Holidays low-price package holidays with Norwegian. Stryneelva is a legendary fishing river, and just as legendary is the local hospitality. In low water, look below Monmouth; middling water, look around Ross; and high water, direct your efforts above Hereford, he says. Its not the most expensive salmon fishing in the UK but its a great experience. There will also be one car on site. {{preprice}} Subject to time of year or date and currency fluctuations, these prices may fluctuate slightly due to flight price increases or fuel surcharges. This section of river isnt the easiest to wade, but luckily most fish lie on the nearside bank, or farm side, meaning you dont need to cast very far. Thats without even mentioning the stnesfossen a basin under a small waterfall that spans for over 250m and provides the Salmon with a perfect resting place before they tackle this major obstacle. The Salmon Cabins, as theyre named, are the most extensive accommodation that Austnes offers, and they feature a living room, open plan kitchen, two separate bedrooms and a bathroom with a toilet and shower. Overnight accommodation: Austnes Salmon Lodge (Twin Room) F/B. If every river in the UK could do a Tyne, I wouldnt sell a single trip abroad., Ive fished the Tyne myself at exactly the time Peter recommends and its magnificent. Feel free to talk to our travel consultants who can explain all options available. The parasite dies in saltwater but can survive on wet fishing equipment (jackets, flies, canoes, lures, plastic bags, waders, etc.) June fishing has improved a lot since the embargo on netting in the Trondheim Fjord was put in place. Overall it was a thoroughly enjoyable week. Ytre Lunde, Stryn / +47 92257729 / km From You; www.stryneelva.no; lunde@stryneelva.no; Map; . The fishing runs on a 16 hour rotation per day enforcing two fixed 4 hour rest periods on the river, one at night and one at lunchtime. There are many salmon in the river that cannot get to the top because of a large rock blocking the entrance. In 2017, 9 salmons of more than 20 kg were caught (check the salmon stock at the bottom of the page). The most significant run stream is lively and features many big rocks and boulders, often a prime fish-holding area. {{price}} {{:postprice}}{{postprice}}{{/}} And youve got 100 miles of river to fish. Why are so many salmon anglers obsessed with catch statistics? Salmon Fishing Norway - Fishing Holidays & Shooting Holidays For a better user experience please enable localStorage or use a different browser. Gaula Salmon - Bespoke Fly Fishing Lodge In Norway Salmon River Fishing in Norway - Guided fishing services Only at Lyngen Lodge can you sail in a boat up the winding Reisa River, into the heart of a picturesque national park, and fish for your own salmon under expert guidance. Adapt your own risk to your own skills and by choosing where, when and how you travel. Fly fishing in Southern Norway | Salmon fishing - Official travel guide The salmon can run nearly 90 km up the river from the fjord, with great holding pools and runs along the way. Austnes Salmon Lodge | Fly Fishing The Verdal River | Norway Salmon fishing in Stryneelva river. For more information about fishing in the Stryneelva river, a fishing licence and regulations, please visit elveguiden.no. {{:price}} They have a two-year lifecycle and have previously appeared in Irish waters in odd numbered years. 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A small number of confirmed pink salmon were observed in the Foyle system in 2021. Bag limitshave also been imposed on fishermen, which is a good thing. All prices on our website are based on economy flights. Fly fishing is often referred to as an art, the pinnacle of fishing if youd like. Pink salmon, also known as humpback salmon, originate from the west coasts of the United States, Canada and northern Asia. Travelling salmon fly fishers have now enjoyed over 130 years fishing and staying at the lodge. Salmon fishing in Norway - the golden age - Fieldsports Journal A historic, picturesque location of striking beauty, it gives travelling rods an incomparable fly fishing experience of a lifetime. The mention of Blmel Pool leaves many an angler misty-eyed, and a good number of the largest Salmon in the whole river system have been caught from here, with fish topping 20kg. Currently there is not enough information available to evaluate fully the impact the pink salmon might have on the native species, she added. Here you will kill two birds with one stone, you will have both a great nature- and Continue reading "ELVEGUIDEN AND SALMON FISHING IN THE RIVERS IN WESTERN NORWAY" The local community including the Lista Region came together to build some concrete stairs so the salmon can by pass this rock. Wading is pretty easy almost everywhere. A team of dedicated professionals who offer full tour packages to some of With a coastline longer than the equator and waters brimming with record-sized cod, salmon, and halibut, Norway is a sea fishing paradise. the best locations in the world for fly fishing, sea fishing, big game fishing and shooting. For the salmon fisher, Elveguiden is a great website and app for buying a fishing license and for reporting the catch. It is conveniently located close to the town of Lyngdal, so you have everything you need. All too often you hear the phrase how many like its the only thing that matters. Its traditional to think of these small rivers as best in the September floods but thats not always the case. The Lindesnes region is packed with opportunities to catch some fish. We have 6 areas in the river, so here there will be plenty of opportunities for all tastes. Nothing can compare to this incredible beauty. With five different zones, the Lodge provides visiting rods with a varied week of fishing, from large rock-strewn stretches to deep pools, rapids, and gently flowing areas. Demand has gone crazy, as youd expect for top-class salmon fishing an hour and a speycast from the centre of London, he says. How To Go Salmon Fishing In Norway - The Norway Guide - Everything you Mob: +44 (0)7803126393 The size of fish is very similar to that of the Gaula, with most averaging 14 -18 lbs with many fish exceeding 20 and sometimes 30 lbs. "There is potential for pink salmon to be observed in rivers in the Foyle and Carlingford catchments this year," said Dr Sarah McLean from the Loughs Agency. We offer salmon fishing in Namsen, one of Norways best salmon rivers. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. An easy and complete solution with information and overview for the fisher. The Orkla is located in central Norway and is one of the most beautiful and prolific salmon rivers in the country, flowing north from Orkanger into the Trondheim fjord. The Fishing: Your host and leaseholder Anthony Luke has a lifetimes salmon fishing experience with many of those years guiding in Norway and elsewhere. The Atlantic Salmon fishing in Norway is home to some of the world's most giant specimens and is a true bucket-list destination for the fly angler, with countless lakes and rivers to cast a fly in too. The NFC on the Gaula offers access to over 12 kilometres of private waters (both single and double bank) on the middle and lower river both above and below Gaulfossen. It responds very quickly to snowmelt and precipitation, and its these increases in water levels that can often be responsible for the fish feeding and providing travelling freshwater fly fishing anglers with the chance of a large, healthy fresh Atlantic Salmon. There is a ban on eel fishing in Norway. And according to the statistics, there are now even more salmon than there were in my day almost 300 fish in a season is not unusual. A Salmon Fishing experience should be enjoyed with friends. Needless to say, the scenery is truly spectacular and theres still good-value fishing to be had if you know where to look. Salmon fishing in Norway - Visit Norway | Official travel guide to Norway Wye springers are magnificent by anybodys standards; 20-pounders abound and 30s are always a possibility. These are short, sharp fishing days, but get some winter sun, and the light over the river is nothing short of magic. What comes next? Tom and Jean Marshall, stalwarts of the Hardy and Greys Academy, are firm advocates of this river. Freshwater fishing in Norway - Visit Norway | Official travel guide to Generally grilse and sea trout start to appear from mid July. Plus, many more questions. There is a path around the waterfall enabling visitors to get pictures from various angles. Its set in 55,000 glorious acres. You approach them with gear more suited to big trout than salmon single-handed #7 or #8 rods, intermediate lines. Norway Salmon Fishing; Report 20th June 2023 - Aardvark Mcleod