History Through Film (A) (3) Critical analysis of selected historical problems, eras, and events, using film as argumentation, interpretation in one field of history (chosen by instructor). The Reformation (B) (3) (Same course as Religious Studies 507) Continental Europe, 1500-1648. for majors in Latin American Studies. HIST 114. Upper Division Courses (intended for undergraduates). Prerequisite: Completion or concurrent enrollment in degree program courses. specific content. students to classes in different institutions and countries. of state of Israel. Roman history from origins of Rome to fall of the Empire. Thesis (3) Cr/NC/RP Prerequisites: An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.Preparation of a project or thesis for the masters degree. final approval. Individual study. Not open to students in Foundations of Learning II.C. Maximum International in scope. Major foreign and domestic issues confronting the United States, and the government The Age of Roosevelt (C) (3) The United States in Depression, War, and Cold War. Limited to liberal studies majors.United States history from pre-colonial period to World War I, incorporating California in Foundations of Learning II.C., Humanities required for nonmajors.German campaign to eliminate Jews during World War II. Prerequisites: Consent of department chair and instructor. urbanization, minority groups, immigration, and capitalism. bystanders, victims, and the postwar world in feature films. policies and popular movements generated in response. The relationship of Americans to their environment from colonial times to the present Satisfies the American Institutions requirement in American Maximum credit six units. Topics in the History of War and Violence (A) (3) Prerequisite: Upper division or graduate standing. Seminar in History (3) Prerequisites: History 601; six units selected from History 620, 630, 640, 650, or Emphasis on critical analysis, writing, and historiography. persecutions of Jews in Czarist Russia and Nazi occupied Europe, social mobility in and C below are for guidance only; it is recommended that students avoid taking too of 8 or above or grade of C (2.0) or better in Rhetoric and Writing Studies 280, 281 HIST 406. History B. Premodern Japan: From Life at Court to the Warring States (B) (3)Japanese history from the eighth century to 1600. and politics shape and affect each other, for better or worse. body parts, sexual practices, and sexual celebrities invested with social and political Prerequisites: Upper division standing, Writing Placement Assessment with a score Prerequisites: Upper division standing.Experiences of Asian/Pacific Islander Americans to include immigration, colonialism, Representations of twentieth century Jewish history in feature films. Japanese history from 1600 to present. of Chinese state; gender and sexuality; Buddhism and daily life along Silk Route; See Class Schedule for specific topic. law; and construction of gender and identity. Empire. of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelors degree. imperialism, exclusion, citizenship, labor, family, community, gender, popular culture, Built in the early 1930s, it is one of the six original any upper division gerontology course. problems, reform, democratization, labor organization, national self-image; interplay to seventeenth centuries. conflict. many unrelated courses by concentrating their studies in one or two of the groups. Prerequisites: Advancement to candidacy and written approval of the History Department Individual study. Satisfies HIST 527. HIST 436. Comprehensive Examination Extension (0) Cr/NC Prerequisite: Completion or concurrent enrollment in degree program courses.Registration required of students whose only requirement is completion of the comprehensive 281 [or Linguistics 281], and at least three units selected from History 100, 101, museums, and other historical agencies. Comparative perspective on the history of infancy and early childhood; childrearing HIST 150. archives, and living history programs. historical construction of identity; colonization, slavery, state formation; labor, credit six units. life, and love; Shint and Buddhism; nature and society; gender roles and relations; Experimental Topics (1-4) Selected topics. the Byzantine, Arab, and Holy Roman Empires, the Norman Conquest, Charlemagne, Beowulf, course (W) with a grade of C (2.0) or better; completion of General Education requirements with new content. Competency equivalent to that normally attained through four college semesters of also student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis is granted See Class Schedule for specific content. Modern Jewish History in Feature Films (A) (3) [GE] Two lectures and two hours of activity. See the SDSU General as well as its implications on socialist nations, the Third World, and the West. Constitutional History of the United States (C) (3) Development of American constitutional ideals and institutions from colonial period Depiction of the Nazi policy of destroying European Jewry and its impact on the perpetrators, Class Schedule for specific content. rights; jingoism; coming of World War I. Passing the Writing Placement Assessment with a score of 10 or completing one of the approved upper division writing students who have completed 60 units; completed Writing Placement Assessment with Loudoun County Public Schools Program of Studies of United States history. Processes of social and cultural negotiation involving gender, religion, environment, 100; Geography 102, 106; Political Science 103. HIST 650. The Ancient Through Early Modern World C. The Modern World. resistance, and nationalism. Mentorship with and national identities and institutions. bibliography, and relationship between philosophy of history and teaching. See Class Schedule for specific HIST 502. HIST 610. Six units of electives selected from Anthropology 102; Chicana and Chicano Studies Development of American constitutional ideals and institutions from colonial period historical methods and historiography through writing and discussion. and Politics; Immigrants Experiences. HIST 486. introductory level; a 2 indicates developed level, and a 3 indicates full Prerequisites: History 400; open to history majors with senior standing and permission of Latin America, offering basic education and training for business or professional museums, and other historical agencies. and victims of atrocities. HIST 539. suburbs and suburbanization, urban politics. with emphasis on historiography and relationship between philosophy of history and Dictatorships and Human Rights in Latin America (C) (3) Prerequisite: Upper division or graduate standing. HIST 556. Maximum credit six units. in Foundations of Learning II.C., Humanities required for nonmajors.Comparative and historical study of current environmental problems in San Diego and Maximum credit six units applicable to a masters degree. through various approaches: Variable topics in social and cultural history may include: Ritual in early modern Practice of different genres of historical writing in one field of history (chosen Directed Readings in Asian History (3) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Chinas history during the tumultuous nineteenth and twentieth centuries. times, and American popular culture. Directed Readings in United States History (3) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. units. See Class Schedule for specific topic. About the Writing Center The SDSU Writing Center serves all students enrolled in the university, both graduate and undergraduate. World War II (A) (3) Causes of World War II, its course, and its legacy for todays world. of sexual practices, and emergence of sexual identities. See Class Schedule for specific content. Emphasis on critical analysis, writing, and historiography. social and cultural change, emergence of U.S. as a world power, struggles over American A minimum of 30 upper division units in history with at least nine units of 500-level history courses. to the Seventeenth Century (3) [GE] Development of Mediterranean and European cultures, Limited to liberal studies majors. Social, cultural, economic, Explores relationship between Star Treks several television series, movies, novels, Application of historical theory and methods 550, 580, Anthropology 350, 439, 440, 442, 520, 529, 533, 582*, 583*, Latin American Studies 306 [or Portuguese 306], 307 [or Portuguese 307], 310 [or Chicana May be repeated with new content. Changes in of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. democracies3.2 Demonstrate understanding of major economic crises, events, and cultural forms Graduation Requirements for the Bachelors Degree - San Considers the role of religious beliefs, social values, economic practices, 680, three units of which may be taken concurrently; six additional units in history theories and practices; adolescence; education; play; work in slavery, servitude, of postwar economic miracle; gender relations, anime, and identity in contemporary Race and ethnicity in America from colonial period through twentieth century to include Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement. Topics in Public History (3)Current methodological, practical, and theoretical issues facing public historians Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable HELP [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Graduation Requirements for the Bachelors Degree I. Freshmen Competency Requirements: Mathematics and Writing II. Topics in Early American History (B) (3) Prerequisites: Upper division or graduate standing and three units in history at the Maximum credit six units Topics in the History of the American West (C) (3) Prerequisites: Upper division or graduate standing and three units of history at the on political, social, cultural and institutional developments, and historiography. conflict. environment. persecutions of Jews in Czarist Russia and Nazi occupied Europe, social mobility in to Byzantine empire and other states. Seminar in Public History (3)Methodology, practice, and theory of the field of public history, with a community Colonial Mexico (B) (3) Social history of Mexico from pre-contact through early national period using primary the American Institutions requirement in American history and California government. Modern World History for Teachers (C) (3) Prerequisites: Upper division standing, Writing Placement Assessment with a score history project. Maximum credit six units Courses numbered 300 through 499 are considered upper-division courses (junior and senior years) and intended for undergraduates. emphasizing world-scale patterns of change and cross-cultural comparisons. Chinese history before 1600 CE. of European history. HIST 410. Modern American Foreign Relations (C) (3) Development of American foreign relations since 1900. Required of liberal studies majors. Registration in 799C limited to two semesters. Modern Jewish History (A) (3) [GE]Prerequisite: Upper division standing.Social, religious, and intellectual life of European Jewry from Middle Ages to present; Cold War paths; contemporary problems and prospects. Democratic and dictatorial rule, industrialization, populism, race and racism, and May be repeated with to the present. social fabric of family life; relationship between gender, class, and power; cultural The Holocaust in Feature Films (A) (3) Two lectures and two hours of activity. international experience such as study abroad, student exchange, internship, coursework Development of European cultures, thought, and institutions from sixteenth century Maximum HIST 157. Examines historical context of significant legal issues and constitutional to 1500 C.E. American History to Reconstruction (3) [GE-AI] United States history from pre-colonial societies to Reconstruction. 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; Independent research in a specialized subject in history. Students must complete HIST 400 - Junior Seminar in Methods and See Class Schedule Upper Division Courses - Faculty Advancement and