Facility Rental. Instant Access to Millions of Yearbook Pictures, High-Resolution, Full Color Images Available Online, Search, Browse, Read, and Print Yearbook Pages, View College, High School, and Military Yearbooks, Browse our digital annual library spanning centuries, Support the Schools in our Program by Subscribing. Raiders in the news. Business & Community Partners. Checks made payable to SM South Yearbook. Dr. Yost is not accepting new patients at this time. It's easy and free! (913) 993-6440, Grace Liss Yearbooks 14 day free trial Get started Curious about what your relatives who went to Shawnee Mission South High School were like during their school years? Our Story MTIxYWM0MjhlNmU5MGZhYTYwZGVkNzliYTIzNGM5MDY3NWI0NWUxNzdmZGE1 Administrative Yearbook - Shawnee Mission School District. 2 live in Oklahoma. Final deadline Dec. 8. Preview pages of the 1971 yearbook from Shawnee Mission South High School from Overland park, Kansas online. Overall Score 85.75 /100. Assistant Director of Special Education (913) 993-6406, Holly McCarty (913) 993-8801, Doug Von Mosch "They didnt spare anything. Generated by Wordfence at Sat, 1 Jul 2023 6:31:48 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Location Are you invited? Description Yearbook for the 1979 class of Shawnee Mission South High School. (913) 993-6409, Secondary Coordinator eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiY2ZiNGM2MjZmZjdjNDczNjk4OGM2YTkzYWM0YzI2Zjgy YjU2OWFiOGYwNjE5ZjBjZTI2NGE0NWY1ZDNjNjQ3MjUzODM5NjM4ZWYyNjA4 We will reduce photos electronically. MzQ3NTliMTRjNmU3MDViNjAxZjRlOTg0MDVjZDI0NzQ1NTAyYzYwMGUifQ== Do you want to see past girlfriends or boyfriends? Director of Customer Services Assistant Directorof Facilities Copyright 2005-2023 Digital Data Online, Inc. Material on this website is protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. 4 live in Pennsylvania. Revisit your fraternity or sorority and see familiar places. NTI5ZTI5MmNmMjk0MWQ1MWIwODg4NGJiNGI4NDY4MTZhZGQ4YzFlMzZlMzRi YTNjMDgxY2I1Zjk2MDkwMGNiNTU1NzI4ZmU2ZjIzNWRlOWVjNDVmZjEyMWZj | -----BEGIN REPORT----- MTVkMGYwZjM3NGRlMjcwMTc4NWJkNzVkZWU1NWQ4YzQ0MTJkYmYxNWVjYTU5 ZTg4YjJkMDU5YTJiYWQyMDM1ZjVmMjNiMjg1OWZlODBiNzkzNGYwOWUxZGVl Family Medicine at University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Family Medicine: The American Board of Family Medicine. OWNlNzFjOThlZTc3YzMwNzMwNGVmYTUzMmUxNjQzOTViOTJhMTVmNzc1ZDYy | Curious about what your relatives who went to Shawnee Mission South High School were like during their school years? Peter Spears wins Academy Award for Best Picture. | AdventHealth Medical Group Primary Care at Shawnee Mission, 9 items. E-Yearbook.com will also publish the yearbook images online for people to share and enjoy. *If you would like to get your photos back, you can pick them up at the end of the. *Please DO NOT submit predesigned ads. To interact with these items, press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow. Club or Sports team Principal (913) 993-6600. 29 live in Texas. Email me at. Older Class of 1976 Class of 1977 Class of 1978 Class of 1979 Class of 1980 Class of 1981 Class of 1982 Class of 1983 Class of 1984 Class of 1985 Class of 1986 Class of 1987 Math and Science FAQ Tim Anderson. The Who were just starting out and it made total sense that they would be an opening act," he says. Director ofFood Services Directions to AdventHealth Medical Group Primary Care at Shawnee Mission, Call AdventHealth Medical Group Primary Care at Shawnee Mission at, 10 items. do not join if you went to any other shawnee mission school district school or any other school. Buy your senior ad today. They played two other highs schools plus big arenas in Minneapolis, Atlanta and Vancouver. Dont leave your child out of the 2018 Heritage. ZDVkMTViNDE1OGY4ODhlN2VjY2Y1MGIwOGIxNjJkZTFhOTU2Zjc2ZDZjMDU2 Your Name__________________ Students Name_________________ Graduates from a grade school Peggy Arrington. We WILL NOT accept money to hold space, nor accept materials without payment. 3 live in South Carolina. South Bend: James Whitcomb Riley High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion: 77. Next year, it will be 50 years since we graduated! Friday night's gathering will be held at the new Chicken N Pickle on 135th Street between Nall and Lamar (was a horse field when we were in school). | Ratings are collected through our partner Press Ganey and are screened to ensure patient privacy. Announcements are removed one day following the event. / Shawnee Mission South There have been plenty of huge and even historic rock concerts in Kansas City: The Beatles at Municipal Stadium in 1964; the kick off of Michael Jackson's Victory tour. The Who would go on to write the rock opera Tommy, the Quadrophenia album and, of course, open the CBS hit CSI. (913) 993-1900, 8200 W. 71st Street, Shawnee Mission, KS 66204, p: (913) 993-6200 | askthedistrict@smsd.org, Education, Awareness and Student Involvement, Transportation Alternatives | Walk and Bike to School, November 2021 Explore Ancestry and Identity, February 2022 Explore Families and History, November 2022: Promote Healing and Growth, Individual Education Programs and Services, Boundary Process - Briarwood / Tomahawk 2022, Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, Assistant Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Coordinators of Curriculum and Instruction, Shawnee Mission Early Childhood Education Center. Where are you now? High School Class Reunions Informal gathering at Coaches just off of 135th St. Sept.4, the night before the reunion. 177 likes. Stay up to date with Shawnee Mission South Sports schedules, team rosters, photos, updates and more. Due to limited space we will not be accepting any senior ads after Dec. 8. To interact with these items, press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow. DO NOT cut or fold pictures. NTJiZTQxMWEyZTg1MWI3YmQwYTkwZDMxYjgwZjFiNWUwYzkwMjkyNGY4NzIx To interact with these items, press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow, 5 items. MTIwZGIyOGMxNDZlMDAzNDkwN2JmMzBjZWNjMTdhNjk2YjBiMDE2YzA3ODky Shawnee Mission South High School Yearbook, Do not sell or share my personal information. For any questions about ratings please contact us. Date 1979 TGM Subject Schools Public Schools Education Students Teachers Local Subject Shawnee Mission South High School Shawnee Mission School District Object Type Yearbook Source Kansas City Area High School Yearbooks Barcode ShawneeMissionSouthHS-1979 Check back later. Mail: Shawnee Mission South Yearbook Director of Data and Programming Services Lawrence Free State High School. M2JkYmI1NzcwZmYwMGNjNDZlNDg4NGQ3NzViMzY0ZDBkN2M2ZTM3NDRlNWE3 Choose from the 25 yearbooks available for Shawnee Mission South High School below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. NGY5MjRkOTg1OGUyYzk2YjA2Zjc5YjhkMTM5ZGRkMDllNDJkNWM0NDlhNjc0 MjJmODY5MDE0OGI5MGI5MjRiOTliMThmZjY0ZGIzMThkMjZiZDEzN2YxZTMx One of the things he has most enjoyed is getting to know his patients and their families over his years of practice. Register for free to search for Shawnee Mission South High School from Overland park, Kansas yearbooks, or buy a printed copy of Shawnee Mission South High School from Overland park, Kansas yearbooks today. Dr. Yost earned his medical degree from the University of . (913) 993-8877, Judd Remmers | Physical copies of elementary, middle & junior high schools, college & trade school yearbooks can be viewed by visiting the Missouri Valley Room on the 5th floor of the Central Library. Request an appointment. Bradley Yost, MD, is a family medicine physician with decades of service as a primary care provider at AdventHealth Shawnee Mission (formerly Shawnee Mission Health). Activities & Interests. If your photo is digital, it MUST be a jpeg with image resolution of at least 300 dpi. Sorry, online booking is not available at this time. Director of Athletics and Activities Please note: If your school or group has closed, you will not be able to locate it on our website. MWY1MTZhMmRiYzNlODYwYTdmMzUxMTcxZTQxNjhjZDlmMWNjOWU2MzFhMmIx Mail: Shawnee Mission South Yearbook 5800 West 107 St. Overland Park, KS 66207 Email: [email protected] Drop off pictures, a CD, or a flash drive in an envelope marked Yearbook Ad in the front office. Wynne Arndt (Metcalf) Kim Arnold. OTlkZDVkNjQ4NzYxMDE5ZTY5MjRhNmE2MTcwZThiZWY5OTRiN2UyMzM3ZTVj He listens closely to each patient and uses their insight to help shape a treatment plan. View ratings and comments for Bradley Yost, MD, 6 items. ZWEyYTJmMjI4OWFkMGUyZGM3ZGU3MDAwNzZlMTc3NzQ5MDQ4Y2U1ZWVjZGUy | Check back later. ZWM5OWZiOWUwODNmMTUwZDVkMDI0MDY4ZWExMDU2MjgyNTQxNTg2YWM4NDM5 Features Shawnee Mission South High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and Reunion Plans Home / kansas / overland park / Shawnee Mission South High School Not the school you were looking for? Home "Kind of a Drag" went to number one in 1967. But how about The Who at Shawnee Mission South High School Nov. 17, 1967? USA: KY: Olive Hill: West Carter High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion: 80 . Contact Donna Thomas at donnathomas@smsd.org . (913) 993-8507, Kent Glaser College Clinic is Oct. 12, 2022 SM South Hosts Haunted Homecoming Parade Celebrating SMSD's ICT Team! And when you hear my voice in the morning, you know youre getting everything you need to start your day. (913) 993-6414, Pamela Lewis 2 live in Oregon. He got his Masters in history in 1968. Shawnee Mission South High School - Heritage Yearbook (Overland Park, KS) - Class of 1967 Page 248 of 292 Page 248 of 292 Previous Page Next Page Search for Classmates, Friends, and Family in one of the Largest Collections of Online Yearbooks! close. 2016 Grad, Laura Kariuki, cast in "Wonder Years" remake. Checks made payable Log in to see the event location and get directions. A friends farewell Our phone number: 913-993-7664, or e-mail [emailprotected], Please include this form with your ad materials and payment 2023 Boundary Maps. NjJmYWY3YWRlZmE0ZTg3MzY4ZTE1ZTQ2ZTRmYmU5YTZjOWQ2MzkxODRkZjYw NTI0MmFmNzM3NzJkOGZmZDM0MzIwZWVlOWU5NzE0MjQwY2I4ZTExNDc5MGU0 If you don't see your class's yearbook here, scroll down and check out your individual class year. Y2Y0NzM1MzlhYzk0OWNmNzRlMTMxM2FiMjdiNWVmNmViYzljYWE0NmYzOGZi Your membership with E-Yearbook.com provides these benefits: They were kicking over the amplifiers and shoving their guitars through the fronts and smashing their guitars on the floor. ODQyOGE2YTk4Iiwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiN2I1ZGMyNzcyZWZmYjA2NzY5OThj | Which is pretty much the way rock history shook out. 1 lives in Ohio. Curious about what your relatives who went to Shawnee Mission South High School were like during their school years? ZjdkMjY1MjIwNDY2MmM0Mzc2OTUyOGNlZTMxMTM2OTQzMmZiOWRkNThhYzFm YmM2MDUxNTY3ZTg5YzQ2ZjM0YTVmMjBjODRjNzVjNGUxMzc0NWI4Y2U3NDYy Boy Scouts of America Greek Life NWTF Rings Distinguished Young Women World Series of Poker. Sorry, online booking is not available at this time. Need to add a group? YjE4Y2FiNzQyZjk2MzVhMDY0YmFlYTM4NGIyY2M4M2FlNDAwMDEzZWRiZWZk YmFiMDlkMWE5NzYxZWM2ZDUyYTllMmI3MzFiNWJkYTc2MTFlYTE3ZjJjOTgy Choose from the 3 yearbooks available for Shawnee Mission South High School below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. Please check with your health plan to confirm that this doctor is included before scheduling an appointment. Looking for old family members and relatives? Douglas Huntington Class of 1972 John Thompson Class of 1971 Al Baruch Yearbooks from Classmates.com Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at Classmates.com. September 27, 2019 Kansas City , MO Shawnee Mission South High School Reunion September 20, 2019 Overland Park, KS Shawnee Mission South Class of 1979 40th Reunion August 9, 2019 Overland Park, KS Shawnee Mission South Class of 1999 - 20 Year Reunion July 27, 2019 Location TBD Yearbooks 1967 Yearbook Shawnee Mission South High School to SM South Yearbook. Ads can be purchased for a variety of reasons: For your senior Check out our help center. SMSD Honors Newest All Stars Congratulations Shawnee Mission National Merit Semifinalists Thank a Tradesperson on Sept. 16 Some Pre-K Spots Open for 3-Year-Olds Celebrating SMSD Artists During Arts in Education Week ODY1MzVmZGQ2M2Y1NjIxZGZmY2IxZGIyMDlmZmNhYTQzMzAyYjQ5NmY5YmZj Details 1972 Shawnee Mission South Reunion website, celebrating our 50th year class reunion in Kansas City on Friday and Saturday, September 16th and 17th. (913) 993-6423, Director of Elementary Services and Title 1, Dr.Scott Sherman Search for Classmates, Friends, and Family in one. Welcome to the official athletic website for the Shawnee Mission South Raiders. YmE1ZjBiZTI1YjU4NGNjMmJhMzJiZmE2YTZkNWExNzcxOGE1Y2FkNDg3NDU0 Rhona Angrove. ZTM3MzBmNjVhYmMyMzcxZTA1ODJmZDRjMzM4MGI5NWI2OGViZWE1Yzg1N2Zk But here's the real kicker: The Who was the warm up band for the Buckinghams. But they also worked in the famous Monterey Pop Festival in Monterey, Calif. "I think they worked it as hard at that concert doing a good job as they would for several thousand people," says Don Thellman who was at the concert and graduated from Shawnee Mission North. Dr. Yost likes to have patients participate in decision making and he gives them different options to best inform them. He is known among his patients for his attentiveness, understanding and the personal, warm manner with which he delivers care. American School of Isfahan Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, Anthony J Dimond High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, West Anchorage High School Reunion - 2013 Class Reunion, Lathrop High School Reunion - 1970 Class Reunion, S R Butler High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Springdale High School Reunion - 1962 Class Reunion, Agua Fria High School Reunion - 1986 Class Reunion, Bisbee High School Reunion - 1964 Class Reunion, Bisbee High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Coconino High School Reunion - 1989 Class Reunion, Tempe High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Yuma High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Yuma High School Reunion - 1974 Class Reunion, Fortuna Union High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Fortuna Union High School Reunion - 1984 Class Reunion, Roosevelt High School Reunion - 1966 Class Reunion, La Habra High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Bishop Amat Memorial High School Reunion - 1964 Class Reunion, Lakewood High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, John C. Fremont High School Reunion - 1974 Class Reunion, Tamalpais High School Reunion - 1967 Class Reunion, Montebello High School Reunion - 1965 Class Reunion, Pinole Valley High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Miraleste High School Reunion - 1987 Class Reunion, Reseda High School Reunion - 1962 Class Reunion, RUHS / Richmond High School Reunion - 1001 Class Reunion, Hiram W. Johnson High School Reunion - 1981 Class Reunion, San Leandro High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Ponderosa High School Reunion - 1972 Class Reunion, Vallejo High School Reunion - 1957 Class Reunion, Vallejo High School Reunion - 1961 Class Reunion, Lowell High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Adams City High School Reunion - 1961 Class Reunion, Adams City High School Reunion - 1964 Class Reunion, Adams City High School Reunion - 1966 Class Reunion, East High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, South High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, South High School Reunion - 1972 Class Reunion, South High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Eaton High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Alameda High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Ledyard High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Southington High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Brandywine High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Concord High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Fort Myers High School Reunion - 1964 Class Reunion, Fort Myers High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Fort Myers High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Fort Myers High School Reunion - 2012 Class Reunion, Pensacola High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Kaimuki High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, President William McKinley High School Reunion - 1985 Class Reunion, Kailua High School Reunion - 1984 Class Reunion, Cedar Falls High School Reunion - 1972 Class Reunion, Marshalltown High School Reunion - 1969 Class Reunion, Ottumwa High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, St Ansgar High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Blackfoot High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Meridian High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Twin Falls High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Twin Falls High School Reunion - 1974 Class Reunion, Alton High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, D. D. Eisenhower High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Eisenhower High School Reunion - 1966 Class Reunion, Evanston Township High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, Evergreen Park Community High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Freeport High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Proviso West High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Lyons Township High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Bremen High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Hammond High School Reunion - 1967 Class Reunion, Logansport High School Reunion - 1965 Class Reunion, Logansport High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Mishawaka High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Peru High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, James Whitcomb Riley High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Shawnee Mission East High School Reunion - 1961 Class Reunion, Shawnee Mission East High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, West Carter High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Acadiana High School Reunion - 1987 Class Reunion, Lafayette High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Acton-Boxborough Regional High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Chicopee High School Reunion - 1988 Class Reunion, Lawrence High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Westford Academy Reunion - 1993 Class Reunion, Dundalk High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Overlea High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, Walt Whitman High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Northwestern High School Reunion - 1969 Class Reunion, Northwestern High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Rising Sun High School Reunion - 1988 Class Reunion, Severna Park High School Reunion - 1967 Class Reunion, Severna Park High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Cass Technical High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Fenton High School Reunion - 1979 Class Reunion, Union High School Reunion - 1967 Class Reunion, Hamtramck High School Reunion - 1972 Class Reunion, West Ottawa High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Graveraet High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Graveraet High School Reunion - 1964 Class Reunion, Marshall High School Reunion - 1960 Class Reunion, H. H. Dow High School Reunion - 1975 Class Reunion, Midland High School Reunion - 1975 Class Reunion, Petoskey High School Reunion - 1965 Class Reunion, Bemidji High School Reunion - 1957 Class Reunion, Lincoln High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, Park Center High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Eden Prairie High School Reunion - 1971 Class Reunion, Forest Lake High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Fosston High School Reunion - 1958 Class Reunion, Melrose High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, North High School Reunion - 1958 Class Reunion, North High School Reunion - 1960 Class Reunion, Roosevelt High School Reunion - 1953 Class Reunion, Roosevelt High School Reunion - 1955 Class Reunion, Minnetonka High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, Mound High School Reunion - 1971 Class Reunion, Bold High School Reunion - 1969 Class Reunion, Richfield Senior High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Robbinsdale High School Reunion - 1960 Class Reunion, John Marshall High School Reunion - 1964 Class Reunion, John Marshall High School Reunion - 1965 Class Reunion, Winona Senior High School Reunion - 1974 Class Reunion, Berkeley High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, Blue Springs High School Reunion - 1975 Class Reunion, Blue Springs South High School Reunion - 2003 Class Reunion, Truman High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Truman High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, William Chrisman High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, William Chrisman High School Reunion - 1979 Class Reunion, Center High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Paseo High School Reunion - 1961 Class Reunion, Kennett High School Reunion - 1972 Class Reunion, Moberly High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, North Kansas City High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Raytown High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Raytown South High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Bozeman High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, East Mecklenburg High School Reunion - 1967 Class Reunion, Bellevue Senior High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Fremont High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Fremont High School Reunion - 1999 Class Reunion, Benson High School Reunion - 1958 Class Reunion, Arthur L Johnson Regional High School Reunion - 1972 Class Reunion, Wallkill Valley Regional High School Reunion - 1988 Class Reunion, St Josephon3qu0tes High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Artesia High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Aztec High School Reunion - 1969 Class Reunion, Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School Reunion - 1974 Class Reunion, Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School Reunion - 1977 Class Reunion, Fairport High School Reunion - 1975 Class Reunion, John Marshall High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, South Glens Falls High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, Dayton Retired Firefighters Reunion - 2001 Class Reunion, Northridge High School Reunion - 1975 Class Reunion, Wayne High School Reunion - 1977 Class Reunion, Stow-Munroe Falls High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Stow-Munroe Falls High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Westlake High School Reunion - 1974 Class Reunion, Ponca City High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Ashland High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Bend High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Grants Pass High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Hillsboro High School Reunion - 1971 Class Reunion, Roseburg High School Reunion - 1969 Class Reunion, Chambersburg Area Senior High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Chambersburg Area Senior High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, Chambersburg Area Senior High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Dallastown Area Senior High School Reunion - 1960 Class Reunion, Elizabethtown Area High School Reunion - 1967 Class Reunion, Dauphin County Technical School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Pocono Mountain High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Cranston High School East Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Columbia High School Reunion - 1966 Class Reunion, Columbia High School Reunion - 1967 Class Reunion, Custer High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Hillsboro High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, William B. Travis High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, El Paso High School Reunion - 1958 Class Reunion, Harlingen High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Memorial High School Reunion - 1964 Class Reunion, Reagan High School Reunion - 1962 Class Reunion, L. D. Bell High School Reunion - 1998 Class Reunion, Midland High School Reunion - 1962 Class Reunion, Pampa High School Reunion - 1981 Class Reunion, PSJA High School Reunion - 1979 Class Reunion, Central High School Reunion - 1967 Class Reunion, Thomas Jefferson High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, South Houston High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, South Houston High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Rider High School Reunion - 1971 Class Reunion, Kearns High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Ogden High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Provo High School Reunion - 1975 Class Reunion, Roy High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Uintah High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, D J O'Connell High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Narrows High School Reunion - 1964 Class Reunion, Bellevue High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Bremerton High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, East High School Reunion - 1964 Class Reunion, East High School Reunion - 1969 Class Reunion, East High School Reunion - 1974 Class Reunion, West High School Reunion - 1969 Class Reunion, Eastmont High School Reunion - 1960 Class Reunion, Olympia High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion, Central Kitsap High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Central Kitsap High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, Joel E Ferris High School Reunion - 1983 Class Reunion, North Central High School Reunion - 1978 Class Reunion, Lincoln High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Wenatchee High School Reunion - 1953 Class Reunion, Wenatchee High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Beloit Catholic High School Reunion - 1966 Class Reunion, Campbellsport High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Madison East High School Reunion - 1970 Class Reunion, Madison East High School Reunion - 1981 Class Reunion, Lincoln High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Lincoln High School Reunion - 1971 Class Reunion, Marinette Catholic Central High School Reunion - 1973 Class Reunion, Menomonee Falls High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Sauk Prairie High School Reunion - 1966 Class Reunion, Sun Prairie High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Big Foot Union High School Reunion - 1970 Class Reunion, Whitewater High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion, Natrona County High School Reunion - 1968 Class Reunion. Funding Sunflower League. Are you trying to find old school friends, old classmates, fellow servicemen or shipmates? (913) 993-8604, Coordinator of Special Education, Secondary, Anna Jensen N2RmOGIwZmU0NGUzOGQ2YTY3NDEzODdlZGE2ZTFlNDIzOTY3ZDY2NTcyODk0 Principal. Best Classes MDVlMDlkMzI3MTBhM2M1ZWNlODkyZjBiMTJlMDY3ZWFmZjkzMWJhYzcxYzg4 For international schools, please select your country. YmY5Nzc3NDYzMjY4M2RjMDFjOTAwNzkzZTk2ZjE5YTM1NjExMmFjMzUzN2Jm The date is official. Y2MzYWNjMGE4MWI4MTNkNjdjNjQzNDUxZWYyOGFhZTM3ZmJhMzcxYjVkNWQ0 Do you want to find pictures of parents or grandparents when they were in school? Shawnee Mission South High School. Shawnee Mission South High School is a high school located in Overland Park, Kansas, United States, serving students in grades 9-12.The school is one of several public high schools located within Shawnee Mission and operated by Shawnee Mission USD 512 school district. The list below is for reference purposes only and is subject to change. Setup Your Class ZjUyMzc2ZDI5NzM2OTkxZTNhNTc0MzhmMWIzZTEzYjA5YThjZjE5ZTYyOTc2 Collaboration is at the heart of Dr. Yost's care philosophy. "I dont remember much about the Buckinghams but I do remember The Who," she says. (913) 993-6407, Elementary Coordinator | YTllMDQyNjJhYzgyZmQxMmU1MTYzNzIzYTE5NjMzOTNiODA2OWJiZjA5YTEw N2Q1YmJjZWFlZjllMTI4ZWQ3MTI2YjhhNzVlMjJkYWQ5MTg0ODBmNTdkNTM1 Choose from the 25 yearbooks available for Shawnee Mission South High School below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. To find a family member, enter information such as their First Name, Last Name, and where they lived into the U.S. School Yearbooks database even a guess can help. SM South Graduation is Tuesday, May 17th 2022, 8:00pm . . JostensPIX Overview Order Photos Contact Jostens About Photography. ZmQ0OWQyNTgzM2E1NjcyY2IwODFjNjJjM2E4MWU1ZDM2N2JkMzQ5MGFhMDY0 (913) 993-8604, Linda Phillips Check out our wide selection today! *If you would like to get your photos back, you can pick them up at the end of the. There have been plenty of huge and even historic rock concerts in Kansas City:The Beatles at Municipal Stadium in 1964; the kick off of Michael Jacksons Victory tour in 1984. Y2ZiNTE0M2Q4OWY2MmU3Zjg2NDJiZGNmOGVhYjNkNWU2NDIzYjFjYjY1YmYw YTMyYzAwMmViNzI5NWIzNDJkYjdmMTliN2E0OTNkN2I3NzRhMDIwMjAyYmY1 Use "Jefferson" instead of "Jefferson High School" or "Thomas" instead of "St. OWQ2MWFhMzhjNzBjMzBkNTYwMjQ5YmNjNjRkNTUyNWYzYzM2NGI4MmExMDY0 (913) 993-6418, DirectorofElementary Services It's reunion planning time! Drop off pictures, a CD, or a flash drive in an envelope marked Yearbook Ad in the front office. Secondary Coordinator The trumpet playing pop band from Chicago had two other top ten hits that year, "Hey Baby" and "Dont You Care.". AdventHealth does not manipulate scores, pay for ratings or compensate patients in any way. Photography. Have an account question? High School Senior Apparel High School Senior Accessories High School Caps & Gowns Jostens Letter Jackets. Choose from the 3 yearbooks available for Shawnee Mission South High School below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. Browsing our website means you accept these terms. "They just crossed the whole country doing whatever gig they could find.". Shawnee Mission South High School Yearbook - Heritage. Log in to see the event location and get directions. Press Enter to open the calendar to select a week. MDczNmQxNmU2MjM2YTU3ZThlMjhhNTUzNjA2NWUyMTUyZDNkMjk0ZmFhOGUw Please review our privacy policy to find out more about the cookies we use. At this time, only high school yearbooks have been made digitally available to site users. ELA and Social Studies If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Support. MDMwZDhmM2IzOWE2MTg4MmYzMjFjNjA5ZmY1YjczMWYxNGU4MGU3OGNmYTZi ELA and Social Studies USA: KS: Shawnee Mission: Shawnee Mission East High School Reunion - 1963 Class Reunion: 79. PublishedDecember 17, 2014 at 5:36 AM CST, You deserve to know what your taxpayer dollars are paying for and what public officials are doing on your behalf Ill work to report on irresponsible government spending in the Kansas City area and shed light on controversies that slow government down. ZjQ5Zjg5MDc2MjY3ZWMwM2U3YzYzMWJiNjc3MTc3MTU3OWNjYzkwYWI5ZjJk (913) 993-6437, Dr. Jennifer Dancer The concert at South came about in the middle of a grueling year-long North American tour by The Who. Reunions Try using fewer words. 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