For the avoidance of doubt, this prohibited activity includes: embedding or incorporating code into any Application which utilizes the resources (including CPU resources) of another computer, including for the purposes of cryptocurrency mining; using code that is intended to misrepresent website content to falsify SEO metrics; and injecting obfuscated code into into, or otherwise through, an App, Theme, any Partner Program resource or activity, or the Service; Develop or distribute the Application or Theme in any way in furtherance of criminal, fraudulent, or other unlawful activity, or otherwise violate the Shopify Acceptable Use Policy; or. Start your free trial, then enjoy 3 months of Shopify for $1/month when you sign up for a monthly Basic or Starter plan. Try Shopify for free, no credit card required. This Agreement, including any completed application form and all guidelines and other documents linked or otherwise incorporated or referenced in this Agreement, sets forth the entire agreement and supersedes any and all prior agreements, written or oral, of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof (including, but not limited to, any prior version of this Agreement). If such audit reveals non-compliance by Expert with the terms and conditions of this Agreement the independent auditor appointed by Shopify will provide Shopify and Expert with a report (along with supporting documentation) indicating the amount by which Expert has overstated or understated the payments due by Expert to Shopify and any other failures by Expert to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement. The granting of a Plus Partner designation is entirely within Shopifys discretion. Associated Theme Developer Account means (i) all Partner Accounts that a Theme Developer has registered for via the Shopify Developer program page; and (ii) any Partner Account that an Associated Theme Developer of a Theme Developer has registered for via the Shopify Developer program page. Subject to: (i) Partners compliance with this Agreement, and (ii) the revenue sharing and fee plan associated with a Partners activities pursuant to the Partner Program, Partner will be entitled to receive certain fees from Shopify and Shopify will be entitled to receive certain fees from Partner (the Fees). Partner will not buy search engine advertising, trademarks or domain names that use Shopify or other Shopify Trademarks. To the extent that the Shipping Information includes information of UPS Market Driver, Inc., and no further, then UPS Market Driver, Inc. will be a third-party beneficiary with all rights and privileges of Shopify under this Section C.3.1.8 and is entitled to enforce this Section C.3.1.8 directly against Channel Developer. If a Developer does not use the Shopify Billing API, they must submit payments to Shopify directly. Relationship. It is the Payments Developers responsibility to install any updated version of the API as set forth in the Shopify API Versioning Guidelines. Other capitalized terms are defined elsewhere in the Agreement. Shopify makes no representations or warranties that the Beta Services will function. An Application developed by a Channel Developer is a Channel Application; and. Marketplace. A Developer is a Partner who has registered for a Partner Account via the Shopify Developer program page and develops Applications or Themes to integrate with the Service or places Ads in the Shopify App Store. This is If Shopify removes the applicable designation, Partner must immediately stop referring to itself as a Shopify Expert, or Shopify Plus Partner. This page was printed on Jul 01, 2023. Channel Developers must follow all UI patterns and Shopify guidelines as provided to Channel Developer by Shopify with respect to their Channel Application (Integration Requirements). Shopify Billing API means the application programming interface that allows Developers to create and issue charges to Merchants as well as remit payment to Shopify. A Partner will be deemed to have introduced only those Referred Merchants that: (a) access Shopify from that Partners Affiliate Link assigned by Shopify; or (b) are added through a Development Store within the Partners Shopify Partner Dashboard. The sections listed here and any other sections that by their nature are meant to survive will survive the termination of this agreement. The revenue sharing plans applicable to the different types of Referral Partners are set out in Part B. When you receive an order, SFN picks and packs your products You can use Shopify In the event that Partner has a list of emails where the individuals on the list have expressly elected to receive emails from Partner (Opt-in List), Partner may make a written request to Shopify to send emails regarding the offering of Shopify and Shopify Related Entities to the individuals on the Opt-in List (and Shopify may, in its sole discretion, allow Partner to send such emails). Get design inspiration, development tips, and practical takeaways delivered straight to your inbox. This page was printed on Jul 01, 2023. WebSteps: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Locations . If Developer owes Shopify any amounts for Ads pursuant to Part E, Section 1 below, then Shopify may reduce the Fees paid to Developer by offsetting amounts due from Developer to Shopify for Ads against Fees due from Shopify to Developer under this Agreement. Developer may not set-off any of its payments for Ads against any other amounts due to Developer under this Agreement. The Shopify Fulfillment Network (SFN) offers a hands-off storage and shipping solution for ecommerce retailers. Confidential Information will not include any information that the receiving Party can prove: (A) was already in the public domain, or was already known by or in the possession of the receiving Party, at the time of disclosure of such information; (B) is independently developed by the receiving Party without use of or reference to the other Partys/ies Confidential Information, and without breaching any provisions of this Agreement; or (C) is thereafter rightly obtained by the receiving Party from a source other than the disclosing Party without breaching any provision of this Agreement. The Theme Plan applies to Theme Developers in accordance with the requirements set out at: if a Theme Developer has more than one Associated Theme Developer Account, the USD $1 million threshold will be calculated based on the total revenues from the sale of all Select Themes of the Theme Developer and all Associated Theme Developer Accounts; the calendar year resets annually at 00:00 ET on January 1, regardless of a Theme Developers time zone; and. You agree not to sue us for patent infringement. For the current version, visit Experts must follow all Shopify guidelines set out here, as well as Experts Marketplace Guidelines to continue to access the Experts Marketplace. Such notice will be provided by email, posting a notice on the Shopify blog or in the Partner Dashboard. Each Partner is responsible for: (a) ensuring that its employees, agents and subcontractors comply with this Agreement and (b) any breach of this Agreement by Partners employees, agents or subcontractors. If a Payments Application meets the criteria set out in the Payments Platform Developer Guidelines for public listing by Shopify, the Payments Developer may apply to Shopify for a public listing. Unless Partner has secured the applicable Merchants consent first, Partner will not email any Merchant whose email address they have received via Shopify. Compliance with Shopify API Terms. If Partner is acting as an agent on behalf of a Merchant, then Partner will disclose to the Merchant any Fees that Partner is entitled to receive from Shopify in accordance with this Agreement that are associated with such Merchant. If withholding taxes must be withheld from any payment to Shopify, Payment Developer shall increase the payment to Shopify such that the amount received by Shopify is the same as it would have been if no withholding taxes were withheld. Under no circumstances will Shopify be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, extraordinary, exemplary or other damages whatsoever, that result from or relate to the transfer of ownership of the Development Store or Merchant Store to the Merchant by Shopify, or the VAPs relationship with any Merchant. Any Bounty payable to a Partner will be paid in two parts. You can review the current version of the Agreement at any time at Automated Fulfillment Center Will Help You Manage Your Shopify Inventory 5. Select Themes (as defined in Section 2 below) developed for Shopify Merchants, may be made accessible to Shopify Merchants only through the Shopify Theme Store. You save time and costs on managing returns. Unless otherwise indicated in this Agreement, in any Additional Terms, agreed to by Shopify in writing or required by Shopify from time to time, the Theme Plan will apply as follows: For the purposes of this Section C.1.2.1: A Theme Developer pays 0% of the total revenues on the first USD $1 million for their Select Themes and pays 15% of the total revenues exceeding the USD $1 million threshold. The Developer will provide a payment method to Shopify and hereby authorizes Shopify to automatically charge such payment method for Ads purchased in compliance with this Agreement. Content. Without limiting the restrictions outlined elsewhere in this Agreement or in the Shopify API Terms, Developers will not: Solicit or permit reviews that are fake, inaccurate, irrelevant, misleading, being used improperly for commercial gain, posted in exchange for a financial or other gain, posted multiple times (whether from the same or more than one account), misleading as to the reviewer's identity or their connection to the Application or Theme being reviewed, or reviews that contain or link to prohibited or illegal content. It is the Developers responsibility to: (i) obtain Merchant consent to create and issue such charges and (ii) bill the Merchant in compliance with the Merchant Agreement, applicable legal requirements and card network payment rules. In the event of any disputes over Fees, Shopifys determination will be final and binding. Shopify can remove a Select Theme at any time for any reason. Partners may promote Shopify using the creative materials provided by Shopify. You agree to share certain information about you and your Payments Application with Shopify. All Applications must comply with all laws applicable to it, are subject to approval and acceptance by Shopify, and Shopify retains the right to remove any Application from the Shopify App Store at any time for any reason. If Channel Developer has access to Merchant shipping information via the Service, including rates or time in transit information (Shipping Information), Channel Developer: (i) will only store, access, use or process Shipping Information as necessary to provide Merchants with shipping services as directed by Merchant and under no circumstance will Channel Developer aggregate Shipping Information for multiple Merchants, or for any particular Merchant, for any purpose; and (ii) will use at least industry standard measures for the protection of proprietary and confidential information to protect against unauthorized access to, disclosure of or use of Shipping Information. Shopify API is defined in the Shopify API Terms. WebShopify Fulfillment Network (SFN) fulfillment centers operate Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in their local time. Both Shopify and Partner agree to use Confidential Information only to perform the obligations of the Agreement. The Bounty Plan is not applicable in respect of the Shopify Plus plan. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this Agreement and the Additional Terms, the Additional Terms will govern, to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency. Except as otherwise agreed in writing by Shopify, Developers payment method may be charged by Shopify (1) each time the Developer reaches $100 in Ad fees, including if necessary, multiple times per day, or (2) every thirty (30) days, whichever comes first. Payment Period has the meaning as set out in Section 3.2. Partner Program means the resources made available by Shopify to Partners. In all of Partners marketing activities, Partner must comply with all applicable laws. If such audit reveals non-compliance by App Developer with the terms and conditions of this Agreement the independent auditor appointed by Shopify will provide Shopify and App Developer with a report (along with supporting documentation) indicating the amount by which App Developer has overstated or understated the payments due by App Developer and any other failures by App Developer to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement. The first half of the Bounty will be paid within 30 days after the Referred Merchant pays Shopify their first monthly subscription fee. Shopify partners with a variety of shipping carriers and has integrations with many of the major carriers. Upon notice of the revocation of such designation by Shopify, Shopify will remove Partner from the Experts Marketplace or Plus Partner Program resources, and Partner will immediately cease referring to itself as a Shopify Expert or Plus Partner (as applicable) on any Website or otherwise. If you sign up for a Partner Account on behalf of your employer, your employer will be deemed to be the Partner for the purpose of this Agreement, and you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind your employer to this Agreement. It is the Experts responsibility to ensure that there is a Merchant Agreement in place between the Expert and Merchant for the services to be provided by the Expert to the Merchant, and that the Merchant Agreement includes appropriate remedies in the event of non-payment by Merchant for services rendered by the Expert, provided that any such remedy that includes the withholding of the transfer of ownership of the Development Store or Merchant Store to the Merchant will be enforced by Shopify at its sole discretion. c. For the avoidance of doubt, individuals or entities who participate in the Shopify Affiliate Program [] are not Referral Partners in respect of any activities conducted pursuant to the Shopify Affiliate Program. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Parties, Channel Developers who use the Checkout API to integrate the Channel Application into the Service will retain 100% of the revenues from Merchant charges billed through the Shopify Billing API as described in Section C.3.1(d) above. It was Shopify's second mass layoff in 10 months, a significant fall from grace for a company that saw extreme growth in the years prior, thanks to the pandemic. Partners are responsible for all applicable Taxes that arise from or as a result of any activities under this Agreement or with respect to Partners dealings with a Merchant. Instead, there are temporary holds until the gateway successfully captures payment. Shopify makes no warranties about the Shopify Partner Program, the Experts Program, the Plus Partner Program, the Service, the Shopify API, the Shopify Trademarks, Ads, or the Shopify Creative. ). If at any time, in Shopifys sole discretion, the Channel Application fails to meet the Integration Requirements, Shopify will have the right to: (i) delay acceptance of the Channel Application until all Integration Requirements are met, or (ii) terminate Channel Developers access to the Sales Channel SDK. Read our complete migration guide for best practices when migrating to Fulfillment Orders. The Bounty Plan is a bonus plan that pays Partner a fixed, one-time payment (Bounty) when the Partner introduces Shopify to a Referred Merchant using the Partner Affiliate Link. Referral Partners cannot buy search engine advertising, trademarks or domain names that mention or use Shopify or other Shopify logos and cannot engage in any fraudulent, spam or low quality marketing activities. Any Fees payable by one Party to another Party that arise as the result of any activity under this Agreement shall be exclusive of Taxes. Partner will comply with all applicable laws and highest industry standards. Redistribute, share, sell or generate revenue from sharing access with other developers to Payments Platform, without Shopifys approval. USA fulfillment is particularly useful for ecommerce retailers headquartered overseas that sell to customers in the United States and want to provide fast and reliable shipping, without investing starting their own fulfillment practice in the US. The Shopify Affiliate Program is subject to separate terms and conditions. From time to time Shopify may designate certain of its Partners as Experts, to be enrolled in the Experts Program and provided access to Experts Marketplace. Revenue Sharing Plan. Using a fulfillment service is a great option if you don't want to fulfill and ship orders Email address. This App Plan applies to App Developers that have registered in accordance with the requirements set out by Shopify. Theme Developers must follow all Shopify guidelines set out at with respect to their Theme. New Payments Application Feature Approval. Some carriers provide reduced rates that are available to all Shopify merchants, and others let you connect your own account so that you can use reduced rates that you've negotiated. Instead, Shopify will create successful fulfillments in place of pending fulfillments for the fulfillment service when a fulfilled order is imported. Customer Data means information (including personal information) relating to a Customer, including, but not limited to, order information, payment information, and account information. Partner may not alter, amend, adapt or translate the Shopify Creative without Shopifys prior written consent. Ship-to App Developers that Shopify has exempted from using the Shopify Billing API will, within 30 days following the end of the Developers fiscal quarter, submit to Shopify via email at a report indicating total revenues for the previous quarter. All data in such reporting, and all usage and conversion data generated as a result of the Ads, is owned by Shopify. Start your online business today. Either Shopify or Partner can end this agreement at any time by providing notice to another Party. Any reference to the Agreement includes any and all terms and documents incorporated by reference. Shopify may at its sole discretion remove your Payments Application from Shopifys public list of payment gateways, suspend or terminate your access to the Payments Platform and your participation in Shopifys payments ecosystem, or take any other action that we deem necessary for the violation of any clause in this Section Additional Terms Applicable to Payments Developers. For the avoidance of doubt, this Section does not preclude the termination rights set forth in Section 4 Termination of this Agreement. You must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, including Shopifys Privacy Policy and Shopifys Acceptable Use Policy, before you may become a Partner. Such Taxes are in addition to any Fees. Most Use of vaulted or store credit cards. In addition to, and without limiting the provisions of this Agreement, Partner will perform its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the highest applicable industry standards and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including obtaining any licenses required in order for Partner to operate and to offer the products or services associated with Partners participation in the Partner Program. Part D applies to Shopify Experts and the Shopify Plus Partner Program. For the avoidance of doubt, as between Shopify and Partner, Merchant Data and Customer Data is the Confidential Information of Shopify. These rules are aimed at increasing transparency between endorsers and consumers. Create fake or fraudulent Merchants, orders or sales in order to portray a higher volume of traffic. Shopify Asia is a corporation formed under the laws of Singapore, with its offices located at 77 Robinson Road, #13-00 Robinson 77, Singapore 068896. The foregoing limitations will apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. Grow your Shopify expertise and unlock new ways to earn revenue for your own business with the Shopify Partner Program. From time to time Shopify may allow payment providers to become a Payments Developer and permit them to develop a Payments Application. In 2022, were committed to providing the best fulfillment experience, period. In the event that Developer disputes any reporting, Developer must notify Shopify in writing within seven (7) days of the date the report is first made available to Developer by Shopify, otherwise the Developer acknowledges the accuracy of such reporting and waives any claims based upon such reporting thereafter. In the event of any breach or threatened breach by Partner of any provision of Sections 2, 3.2.5, 5 or 6 above, in addition to all other rights and remedies available to Shopify under this Agreement and under applicable law, Shopify will have the right to (a) immediately enjoin all such activity, without the necessity of showing damages or posting bond or other security, (b) immediately terminate this Agreement and Partners access to the Partner Program, (c) receive a prompt refund of all amounts paid to Partner under this Agreement, and (d) be indemnified for any losses, damages or liability incurred by Shopify in connection with such violation, in accordance with the provisions of this Section 8. The access provided to the Payments Apps APIs is to be used only by the Payments Developer to which access was granted. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the Party prevented from performing under this Agreement by a force majeure event will nevertheless use its best efforts to recommence its performance under this Agreement as soon as reasonably practicable and to mitigate any damages resulting from its non-performance under this Agreement. Shopify Fulfillment Network Shopify Fulfillment Network helps you grow your business with verified 2-day delivery to convert Notice is considered to be sent on the day it is emailed or hand delivered, 2 days after it is given to a courier, or 5 days after it is placed in the mail. Service means the Shopify hosted commerce platform available via and any associated websites, products or services offered by Shopify. Most shipping carriers let you drop off packages to them, and others let you schedule pickups from your own location. In addition to the foregoing audit rights, Shopify will also have the right to use the capabilities of the Service to confirm the revenue associated with Job Requests performed by the Expert. If Partner provides any feedback (including identifying potential errors and improvements) to Shopify concerning the Partner Program, the Shopify API, the Shopify Creative or any aspects of the Service (Feedback), Partner hereby assigns to Shopify all right, title, and interest in and to the Feedback, and Shopify is free to use, reproduce, disclose, and otherwise exploit the Feedback without attribution, payment or restriction, including to improve the Partner Program, Shopify API, the Shopify Creative or the Service and to create other products and services.