West G C 2nd Lt :Photo They are in beautiful settings, very quiet and peaceful. Want to find out more about your relative's service? He is buried at St Jan La Brique No2 Cemetery. if (year < 1000) year+=1900
Where was the North Staffordshire Regiment in 1901 as he is not on the census. dailyinfo[2]=' 5853 Corporal Alfred George PARTRIDGE 1st Bn. The Battalion, as part of the 11th Northern) Division, 33rd Brigade fought decisively around the Stuff, Schwaben, and Zollern Redoubts but should have been relieved by elements of the Cheshire Regiment around this time. First World War (1914-1918), Second World War (1939-1945), Regimental Memorials. 1st of September 2022 marks 23 years since the launch of the Wartime Memories Project. Ceremony. Please note we currently have a massive backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. Passchendaele ridge was taken on 10th November by British and Canadian forces and the Third Battle
Christian E C Captain :Photo Many of the war diaries were scribbled hastily in pencil and use obscure abbreviations, whilst some are the second carbon copy of the original, so they may be difficult to read. I roughly know what his battalion were put through but would like to know when he joined up to put his service into proper context. For information, questions and bug reports please contact James Morley Royal Engineers who died 10/07/1915 VOORMEZEELE ENCLOSURE NO.3 Belgium '
Kinnaird F J Captain :Obituary Hodges S J Pte 40887 :Obituary Royal Sussex Regiment who died 30/06/1916 LOOS MEMORIAL France '
Royal Navy who died 03/07/1919 PLYMOUTH NAVAL MEMORIAL United Kingdom '
Thomas. Lloyd J F S Major :Newspaper Photo killed, wounded missing. In 1916 he enlisted with the Royal Army Ordnance Core as Pte 017831 prior to enlisting with the 1st South Staffordshire Regiment. The entry for 15/04/1918 reads: Battalion procededed to line 12 midnight and took new position from 76th Brigade S.E. There is virtually nothing published on 1st Battalion. George Henry Platt 8th Btn. The image will be credited to yourself and free for reuse for non-commercial purposes by others under the IWM Non Commercial Licence. This website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. British Army war diaries 1914-1922 - The National Archives 8th Battalion (d.9th Aug 1916), McNally Michael. Smith J L/Cpl DCM :Newspaper Photo We have no record of Walter until October and on his medal card it states that he joined Balkan theatre of war on 6th October 1915 and died of wounds on 20th October. The 64th (2nd Staffordshire) Regiment of Foot was created on 21 April 1758 from the 2nd Battalion of the 11th Regiment of Foot. please Add a Name to this List
North Staffordshire Regiment. It served in several campaigns, including the Boer War and the First and Second World Wars. 27-07-1917. document.write;
dailyinfo[26]=' Deck Hand Herbert WRIGHT H.M. Trawler "Charles Astie." 1996-2023 The Long, Long Trail. Pte. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Enter your search criteria in the form below and then click or tap the 'Submit Search' button. Edwards C L/Cpl 8407 :Photo You could come to our next meeting see in Forum Pals meeting,South Staffs Pals. L/Cpl 2nd Btn. The 5th North Staffords and the North Midland Territorials (46th and 59th Divisions) 1914-1919, Hughes and Harber Ltd, Longton, 1920. Gould A J Pte :Short Record Of Service Dutton D E Pte 16701 :Obituary i have a copy of his mic which you can see if you follow this link, http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/i=7261&st=20, Trying to find William Williams 241349 5th Batalion North Staffordshire Regiment. Came under orders of 22nd Brigade in 7th Division. Barnett W R 2nd Lt :Photo 2nd Btn. (d.17th Feb 1917), Chambers Edwin. South Staffordshire Regiment. - Remembering The Dead Of World War 1. "2nd Lt. F. Davis 4th South Staffordshire Regt. Bruce R J 2nd Lt :Photo 1st Btn. He never saw the birth of his son, Enoch jr, born a month after his death. dailyinfo[24]=' Second Lieutenant David Wishart HANNA Military Cross 8th Bn. Limbery C R Captain MC :PhotoandGroup Photo dailyinfo[18]=' 4749 Sapper VENKAYASWAMI 2nd Queen Victorias Own Sappers and Miners who died 18/07/1918 DELHI MEMORIAL (INDIA GATE) India '
Unveiled. @astreetnearyou | to help with the costs of keeping the site running. At 2 pm enemy attacked on our left but was repulsed. In 1919 Acting as Ships Adjutant, he was promoted to Temp. Fitzpatrick D T F Lt :Photo He saw action at Hooge and was involved in the attack on Hohenzollern redoubt in October of that year. Pullen R S Lt :Obituary The regimental badge as depicted on a CWGC grave headstone. World War One Photos, Obituaries & Service Records. Wounded and gassed. 9th (Service) Battalion (Pioneers)Formed at Lichfield in September 1914 as part of K3. Different parts of the collection cover units serving in different theatres: France and Flanders: WO 95/1 . Marten H C Captain :Photo dailyinfo[7]=' 24272 Private Albert ANGEL 16th Bn. Lavender F A 2nd Lt :Photo Worrall L J Pte 14102 :Photo, Ferguson H M Captain :Photo var mydate=new Date()
Ovens R M Lt Col CMG :Group Photo Regt. L/Cpl. Wickham B W T Lt MC :Photo, Callaer H O Sergt 14434 :Obituary Bourne A S 2nd Lt :Obituary Gordon-Walker C N Lt attd to 8th Manchester Regt :Photo, Search British Army Service Records 1914-1920, Search British Royal Navy Seamen 1899-1924, Search Naval Campaign, Gallantry & Long Service Medals & Awards, Search British Royal Navy & Royal Marines, Battle Of Jutland 1916 Servicemen, Search RAF Officers Service Records 1912-1920, Search RAF Airmen's Service Records 1912-1939. (d.27th October 1914), Bonner Singleton. 33rd Btn. It's easy! Transport details left Locre 11 pm proceeded Ontario Camp. Baker Albert. 4th (Extra Reserve) BattalionAugust 1914 : in Lichfield. Caryll F P J Lt :Short Record Of Service I will shortly be adding a 'report error' link to each record that can be used to flag an issue and will be queued up ready to be investigated and fixed. 1st Btn. Mann G H Sergt MM 235374 :Photo Douglas B F S Lt :Photo British Forces from the Gallipoli peninsular in December 1915. Edwards S R Lt :Photo Pte. Powell H M Captain :Photo var day=mydate.getDay()
The history by Jones covers the 1st and 2nd Battalion. Trevarthen A F V A 2nd Lt :Photo Thomas W F P Captain MC :Photo dailyinfo[16]=' S/7549 Private John MONTGOMERY 2nd Bn. On Sunday 15th July Berties battalion moved from Camp O near Poperinghe into the trenches
South Staffordshire Regiment. Pte. South Staffordshire Regiment in the Great War - The Wartime Memories Researching soldiers of the British Army in the Great War of 1914-1918. Goddard N M 2nd Lt :PhotoandPhoto (d.20th Sep 1916), Butcher Bertie John. Farrington C H Pte 8406 :Obituary D Coy. 2nd Btn. south staffordshire regiment | Page 6 | MilitaryImages.Net of Bailluel at 1.30 pm. After the war he was posthumously awarded the Victory medal, Pte. Like this page to receive our updates, add a comment or ask a question. WO 95/1816/1. George left behind a young wife Annie, and two small children. Moved to Lyndhurst.6 October 1914 : landed at Zeebrugge.20 December 1915 : transferred to 91st Brigade in same Division.Article: Tactically naive schoolboys?Article: Failed attack at Croisilles 28 March 1917November 1917 : moved with Division to Italy. (d.14th Nov 1916), Thompson Joseph. Now in hospital in Glasgow. I am researching my great grandfather, Frank William Alcock who served with the 2nd btn South Staffords. Olliff-Lee W N 2nd Lt :Photo Here he was shot down, but, although his foot had been blown off, he continued to cheer on his men and to use a rifle. Records of 7th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment from other sources. Any pointers would be very much appreciated, The photograph index indicates they have the following,the first 5 are 1/6th South,the last 1/5th North. 19-09-2013, 12:49 PM #1 darrels Guest South Staffordshire Regiment Hi I'm a new user and I am beginning to research my Great Grandfathers movements and locations in WW1. Interests: South Staffordshire Regiment in WW1 Fly Fishing Crown Green Bowling George Formby and the Banjo ukulele; Author; Share; Posted 19 September , 2011 . 2nd Battalion (d.17th February 1917), Nicholls Joseph. Griffiths A Sergt 9667 :Obituary Please note: all "Select" fields will be automatically searched but at least one field should be submitted in order to narrow and define your search to return more useful results. Its final wartime posting was to Palestine in February 1945. Pte. Page R C 2nd Lt :Newspaper Photo This includes cookies that track any click through to affiliate links and advertisers that appear on this site. They moved to Grantham, then Freansham in April 1915 and sailed from Liverpool in July 1915 for Gallipoli. Bertie enlisted in Kitchener's New Army at the outbreak of WW1 in 1914 and was drafted to Gallipoli on Saturday 11th of September 1915, until he was withdrawn with the British Expeditionary Force from the Gallipoli Peninsula in December 1915. West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. one of the worst sectors on the whole Western Front.
Thanks for this. (d.12th April 1918), Fullwood Joseph. (Described at item level), Available to view free at The National Archives, About our
Wansbrough W E Captain :Photo After three days Bullecourt was taken with the loss of two Officers & 37 men killed. Arthur Forbes Gordon Kilby VC MC 2nd Btn. Burton T Cpl 17477 :Obituary Brown A C 2nd Lt :Photo South Staffordshire Regiment (d.31st Oct 1916), A/RSM. Cook . - 7th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment during the Great War -. With each download, you will typically see a unit diary that may cover a period of several years. Keeble C E Cpl :Short Record Of Service If you have already submitted a story to the site and your UID reference number is higher than 261814 your submission is still in the queue, please do not resubmit. Second World War During the Second World War (1939-45), 1st Battalion saw action in Burma from 1942 to 1943. dailyinfo[13]=' 1000677 Private Edward Percy TILLING 43rd Bn. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. In the letter Ada received regarding his death it said that he died of dysentery. On May 13th 1917 his regiment was ordered to attack the heavily fortified village of Bullecourt along with the Australians. Legal status: Public Record (s) Royal Flying Corps who died 12/07/1917 BAILLEUL COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION, NORD France '
Holmes F L Lt :Photo,Photo,PhotoandGroup Photo 2nd Lt. 2nd Battalion (d.17th Feb 1917), York Harry. In answer to your question there is quite a lot off stuff available, there are a few like minded people interested in the South/North Staffords who have between us got a lot of the information you asked about. Cozens L Captain :Photo Charles Holland 8th Btn. If you have a photograph of this war memorial, please upload it via our image upload form for inclusion on the Register. Part of 6th Brigade in 2nd Division.Landed at Le Havre 13 August 1914. 1st Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 2nd Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 3rd Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 4th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 5th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 6th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 2/5th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 2/6th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 3/5th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 3/6th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 7th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 8th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 9th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 10th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 11th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 12th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment.