Nature - Is the coexistence of Catalan and Spanish possible in Catalonia? Other theories suggest, on the basis of what is used to make cheese, a derivation from Latin, Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, History of Spanish (Modern development of the Old Spanish sibilants), most spoken language by number of native speakers, local business process outsourcing industry, 18 countries and one territory in the Americas, Learn how and when to remove this template message, other indigenous languages of the Americas, List of countries where Spanish is an official language International organizations, List of EnglishSpanish interlingual homographs, Countries where Spanish is an official language, List of Spanish words of Philippine origin, "Spanish native speakers worldwide in 2023: an estimate", El espaol: una lengua viva Informe 2021, "Hacia una historia de la puesta en escena de La vida es sueo", El espaol: una lengua viva - Informe 2022, "El espaol se atasca como lengua cientfica", "What Are The Most-Used Languages On The Internet? subir corriendo or salir volando; the respective English equivalents of these examples'to run up' and 'to fly out'show that English is, by contrast, "satellite-framed", with mode of locomotion expressed in the verb and direction in an adverbial modifier). Popular in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation - SpanishDict It is the world's second-most spoken native language after Mandarin Chinese;[5][6] the world's fourth-most spoken language overall after English, Mandarin Chinese, and Hindustani (Hindi-Urdu); and the world's most widely spoken Romance language. The letters k and w are used only in words and names coming from foreign languages (kilo, folklore, whisky, kiwi, etc.). During Spanish colonization, it was the language of government, trade, and education, and was spoken as a first language by Spaniards and educated Filipinos (Ilustrados). Spanish language, Spanish Espaol, Romance language (Indo-European family) spoken as a first language by some 360 million people worldwide. Spanish was an official language of the Philippines from the beginning of Spanish administration in 1565 to a constitutional change in 1973. WebThe most popular 'Spanish' destinations are Spain and Mexico. In the Middle Ages, the language spoken in Castile was generically referred to as Romance and later also as Lengua vulgar. Retrieved from The Royal Spanish Academy (Real Academia Espaola), on the other hand, currently uses the term espaol in its publications. [1] An additional 75 million speak Spanish as a second or foreign language, making it the fourth most spoken language in the world overall after English, Mandarin Chinese, and Hindi with a total number of 538 million speakers. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. [75][76], In addition, in Australia and New Zealand, there are native Spanish communities, resulting from emigration from Spanish-speaking countries (mainly from the Southern Cone).[77]. 10 Facts About the Spanish Language. The development of the Spanish sound system from that of Vulgar Latin exhibits most of the changes that are typical of Western Romance languages, including lenition of intervocalic consonants (thus Latin .mw-parser-output span.smallcaps{font-variant:small-caps}.mw-parser-output span.smallcaps-smaller{font-size:85%}vta > Spanish vida). Spanish is a popular language | Spanish Translator The oldest Latin texts with traces of Spanish come from mid-northern Iberia in the 9th century,[8] and the first systematic written use of the language happened in Toledo, a prominent city of the Kingdom of Castile, in the 13th century. Cast. If the adjective ends in a vowel, which accounts for TOLEDO, Spain Warner Bros. Spanish syntax is considered right-branching, meaning that subordinate or modifying constituents tend to be placed after head words. June 12, Think of the American bucks or British quid.. Erichsen, Gerald. [237] Judaeo-Spanish lacks the Native American vocabulary which was acquired by standard Spanish during the Spanish colonial period, and it retains many archaic features which have since been lost in standard Spanish. The variety with the most speakers is Mexican Spanish. The verb forms of general voseo are the same as those used with t except in the present tense (indicative and imperative) verbs. Other Indo-European languages include English, French, German, the Scandinavian languages, the Slavic languages and many of the languages of India. Erichsen, Gerald. Spanish Ranks as World's Number 2 Language, Spanish Is in the Same Language Family as English, Spanish Language Dates to at Least 13th Century, Royal Academy Promotes Consistency in Spanish, Most Spanish Speakers Are in Latin America, Arabic Had a Huge Influence on Spanish Language, Spanish and English Share Large Vocabulary. [55] Many northern Moroccans have rudimentary knowledge of Spanish. ", "De nuevo sobre los nombres medievales de la lengua de Castilla", "Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language", "Harold Bloom on Don Quixote, the first modern novel | Books | The Guardian", "BBC Education Languages Across Europe Spanish", Constitucin de la Repblica del Paraguay, "Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the United States: 2010 Census and 2020 Census", "American Community Survey Explore Census Data", Belize Population and Housing Census 2010: Country Report, "Spanish in Brazil: Language Policy, Business, and Cultural Propaganda", "Novo ensino mdio ter currculo flexvel e mais horas de aula", "Too close for comfort? It is also an official language of the United Nations. The Association of Spanish Language Academies (Asociacin de Academias de la Lengua Espaola, or ASALE) is the entity which regulates the Spanish language. 2 language in terms of how many people speak it as their first language, according toEthnologue. Warner Bros. Discovery Shoots First Spanish Max Original TOLEDO, Spain Warner Bros. It is spoken by more than twenty percent of the world's Spanish speakers (more than 112million of the total of more than 500million, according to the table above). [18] Later in the period, it gained geographical specification as Romance castellano ("romanz castellano", "romanz de Castiella"), "lenguaje de Castiella", and ultimately simply as castellano (noun).[18]. In a few dialects, all three pronouns are used, with usted, t, and vos denoting respectively formality, familiarity, and intimacy.[218]. The expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492 affected mainly the humbler classes, with the rich preferring conversion, but the latter often later chose voluntary exile to settle in England and the Netherlands, where their Sephardic tongue precariously survives as a religious language in a few communities. Article XIV, Sec 7: "For purposes of communication and instruction, the official languages of the Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English. Revelation, G.E.M.s seventh studio album, is named after the New Testamentss Book of Revelation. This too tended to assimilate with modern Spanish, during the Spanish occupation of the region. Do you want to know more about the Spanish language? In Chilean voseo on the other hand, almost all verb forms are distinct from their standard t-forms. There are other hypotheses apart from the one suggested by the Royal Spanish Academy. By the time Columbus came to the Western Hemisphere in 1492, Spanish had reached the point where the language as spoken and written would be easily understandable today. The diphthongization of Latin stressed short e and owhich occurred in open syllables in French and Italian, but not at all in Catalan or Portugueseis found in both open and closed syllables in Spanish, as shown in the following table: Spanish is marked by palatalization of the Latin double consonants (geminates) nn and ll (thus Latin Popular | Spanish to English Translation - These languages included Proto-Basque, Iberian, Lusitanian, Celtiberian and Gallaecian. There are minor differences in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation between the Spanish of Spain and the Spanish of Latin America, not so great as to prevent easy communication. [215], The four main phonological divisions are based respectively on (1) the phoneme // ("theta"), (2) the debuccalization of syllable-final /s/, (3) the sound of the spelled s, (4) and the phoneme // ("turned y"),[216]. In the European Union, Spanish is the mother tongue of 8% of the population, with an additional 7% speaking it as a second language. Conversely, the use of the verb forms of vos with the pronoun t (t penss or t pensi) is called "verbal voseo". Chinas G.E.M. Releasing Spanish-Language Version Of According to the 2020 census, over 60 million people of the U.S. population were of Hispanic or Hispanic American by origin. The other languages spoken in Spain include Aragonese, Asturian, Basque, Cal, Catalan-Valencian-Balear, Extremaduran, Fala, and Galician. [1] Spanish is the official language of 20 countries. [205][206] There are no syntactic markers to distinguish between questions and statements and thus, the recognition of declarative or interrogative depends entirely on intonation. Judaeo-Spanish, also known as Ladino,[237] is a variety of Spanish which preserves many features of medieval Spanish and Portuguese and is spoken by descendants of the Sephardi Jews who were expelled from Spain in the 15th century. However, it is not mutually intelligible with Spanish. WebGENERAL B2 [ before noun ] for or involving ordinary people rather than experts or very educated people popular popular music / entertainment / culture msica popular, entretenimiento popular, cultura popular The issue was virtually ignored by the popular press. The use of the pronoun vos with the verb forms of t (vos piensas) is called "pronominal voseo". Accent marks used to be omitted on capital letters (a widespread practice in the days of typewriters and the early days of computers when only lowercase vowels were available with accents), although the Real Academia Espaola advises against this and the orthographic conventions taught at schools enforce the use of the accent. Formerly the digraphs ch (che, representing the phoneme /t/) and ll (elle, representing the phoneme // or //), were also considered single letters. Apart from the online translation tools, you can also install its browser extension. 20. [14] Spanish is also the third most used language on internet websites after English and Chinese. [52], Spanish is also spoken in the integral territories of Spain in Africa, namely the cities of Ceuta and Melilla and the Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean some 100km (62mi) off the northwest of the African mainland. Spanish It comprises the academies of 23 countries, ordered by date of academy foundation: Spain (1713),[244] Colombia (1871),[245] Ecuador (1874),[246] Mexico (1875),[247] El Salvador (1876),[248] Venezuela (1883),[249] Chile (1885),[250] Peru (1887),[251] Guatemala (1887),[252] Costa Rica (1923),[253] Philippines (1924),[254] Panama (1926),[255] Cuba (1926),[256] 02. (vosotros) > pens! [50] This figure highlights Equatorial Guinea as having a higher proportion of proficient speakers of a colonial language relative to the respective metropolitan languages in other West and Central African nations. Because of influence and for other sociohistorical reasons, a standardized form of the language (Standard Spanish) is widely acknowledged for use in literature, academic contexts and the media. Spanish was briefly removed from official status in 1973 but reimplemented under the administration of Ferdinand Marcos two months later. Spanish is closely related to the other West Iberian Romance languages, including Asturian, Aragonese, Galician, Ladino, Leonese, Mirandese and Portuguese. The use of ustedes with the second person plural is sometimes heard in Andalusia, but it is non-standard. The first documents to show traces of what is today regarded as the precursor of modern Spanish are from the 9th century. [11][12] Alongside English and French, it is also one of the most taught foreign languages throughout the world. The main morphological variations between dialects of Spanish involve differing uses of pronouns, especially those of the second person and, to a lesser extent, the object pronouns of the third person. "Germany and their Spanish speakers", El espaol en el contexto Sociolingstico marroqu: Evolucin y perspectivas (page 39), "An increasingly diverse linguistic profile: Corrected data from the 2016 Census", Spanish in Belize. With a population of over 410 million, Hispanophone America accounts for the vast majority of Spanish speakers, of which Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country. Today, it is a global language with about 486 million native speakers, mainly in the Americas and Spain. In Spanish the case system of Latin has been completely lost except for subject and object forms for pronouns. Spanish Language In general, thanks to the common features of the writing systems of the Romance languages, interlingual comprehension of the written word is greater than that of oral communication. In the European Union, Spanish is the mother tongue of 8% of the population, with an additional 7% speaking it as a second language. Llibre dels fets). [9], As a Romance language, Spanish is a descendant of Latin, and has one of the smaller degrees of difference from it (about 20%) alongside Sardinian and Italian. The consonant written u or v in Latin and pronounced [w] in Classical Latin had probably "fortified" to a bilabial fricative // in Vulgar Latin. [38] While English is the de facto national language of the country, Spanish is often used in public services and notices at the federal and state levels. Lend me 100 pesos, dont be stingy. ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, 20 countries speak Spanish officially, along with two others where it is a non-official language: Belize and the United States of America. 5. noialtri in many Southern Italian dialects and languages. As a Gay Man, Ill Never Be Normal - The New York Times