The hours that are required of the employee to work may also vary from week to week. The application will be considered in accordance with the requirements of the Immigration Rules as set out in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules. UK Student Visa Application. While travelers typically opt for the UK tourist visa to enter the country, those who have British partners may apply for [] Roger has been employed by his current employer for 2 years, which is a non-specified limited company (Category A). UK Maternity Allowance, Bereavement Allowance, Bereavement Payment and Widowed Parents Allowance. June: 2,300 Your nationality and residence : British (United Kingdom) 2. However, they can be included towards the financial requirement if they are sold within six months before submitting the online application in limited circumstances this is also discussed in the video. Evidence of any children you have together, such as a birth certificate. Do I need a housing report for my UK spouse visa? If you want to combine Category A with Category F, then the relevant period for the calculation of Category A changes. To combine their income, Rogercan only count the employment income received in Sandysmothers UK limited companys most recent full financial year, which is June 9 June 8 (this will vary from company to company). The following are the permitted benefits: The adequate maintenance test applies if you receive one of the above benefits. Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, New Zealand, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucis, St Vincent and the Grenadines,Trinidad and Tobago or USA. Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved | Legal Services are provided by Saleh Begh an SRA approved Lawyer, - Severe Disablement Allowance, Severe Disablement Allowance. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. If your employment income is not from a specified limited company, the relevant categories are Category A and Category B. Andrews gross annual income at the date of application is therefore 24,000 (gross). We will now discuss different sources of income that can be used to satisfy the financial requirement. Combining salaried or non-salaried employment from 6 months employment under Category A. Steven wants to combine employment income from two different employers. This will usually allow you enough time to make a new application under a new route to stay in the UK or leave the country. Appeal Against Refusal of Schengen Visa Application, Spouse Visa UK - Application & Requirements, Schengen Visa for Netherlands from Pakistan, Proof that the applicant and the sponsor both meet the age For more information about this, feel free to read our 16,000 62,500 spouse visa cash savings requirement in 2023article. The husband/wife will have to complete 5 years of In addition to your marriage certificate (or civil partnership certificate), you must prove that your relationship is genuine and subsisting. Whilst he satisfies part 1 of the test, he does not pass part 2. We apply our extensive knowledge and expertise to our clients needs. We elaborate on this and provide an example in part 2 of our 3-part video series in relation to combining specified limited company income with other sources of income. Jodie wants to submit her application on 1 July 2023. Receive your assessment via: You have rejected additional cookies. Month 1 2,000 (gross) You do not need to apply for a separate work visa or permission to work. together for those who do not meet the required spouse visa income What is the difference between Category F and G for self-employed persons?. It's important to note that the requirements for a Spouse visa can be complex and can vary depending on your individual circumstances. On avaerage how long does the process usually take to bring a partner to the UK on a marriage Visa. You can only apply from inside the UK if your present visa has been granted for more than 6 months, for example, if you are switching from a student visa to a spouse visa. Fianc Visa Application or Settlement Visa UK Application to their A maintenance grant or stipend (not a loan) associated with undergraduate study or postgraduate study or research. Failure to demonstrate that you meet the Spouse Visa application criteria may result in the application being delayed or even refused. #2 You multiply the lowest salary payment received in the 6 months before the application by 12 (if the salary is received monthly) or by 52 (if the salary is received weekly). We at starsClr: "#15d274",
You can also use a combination of savings and earnings to help you meet the minimum income threshold. Category A (Employment income from a non-specified limited company). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you share ownership of the property with another party, only the share you or your partner owned (individually or jointly) counts toward your cash savings. However, in the past 12 months before the application is submitted, he has not received more than the amount required (18,600) in employment income. employment in the UK. Wendy Foy and Matthew French, who also worked in the Home Office, work with Ed to process applications as efficiently as possible for our clients. You can change your cookie settings at any time. You must provide a passport or travel document. Like a UK Spouse Visa, a person present and settled in the UK can make Email or You must have an income of at least 18,600 a year. I want to bring my wife from Pakistan to the UK. You should submit the receipt that confirms you have paid the visa fee as required. Those applicants who cannot meet all the requirements for switching into a Spouse visa under a 5-year route, they can apply for switching into a Spouse visa under a 10-year route. Registered in England and Wales under company no. The minimum income requirement for a spouse visa (income threshold for spouse visa) is 18,600, plus any additional amount if you have children (as explained above). matter and accordingly decide if we can assist you. If you would like to prepare and submit the application yourselves, you may be interested in our DIY Application Pack service. Your email address will not be published. Sophiashusband, Pete, inherited 40,500 six months ago in his bank account. Because your gross annual income from self-employment will be the gross taxable profits from your share of the business during the last full financial year. The amount of employment income that you can includefrom a specified limited company will be thegross total of the employment incomethat was received in the specified limited companys most recent full financial year that passed. Click here to find out the difference between salaried and non-salaried employment income, lowest salary payment received in the 6 months before the application by 12, Category F (specified limited company income). Jasmine has been self-employed as a sole trader in the UK also for 3 years (Category F). We advise our clients on the required documentation for their UK Visa Youmust ask your accountant what your mean average gross taxable profits from your share of the business during the most recent two full financial yearsare. Privacy Policy Only the following will be considered to be self-employed in the Immigration Rules: In many cases, company owners will be considered an employee/director of a specified limited company. Obviously, the spouse visa application is incredibly important for you and your partner and it would be incredibly risky if you did not take the time to read Appendix FM-SE and Appendix FM 1.7 in detail. Spouse visa UK 2023 processing times. You should get a decision within 3 weeks of your appointment. OISC Registration Number F201800071. This article is reviewed regularly by Wego's editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date & accurate. Since fewer than five other persons hold shares, the company is a specified limited company. Maintenance payments from a former partner of the applicant in relation to the applicant or any children of the applicant and their former partner. Category Gs gross annual income is based on the average of the last two full financial years (as stated in the two most recent 6 April 5 April personal tax years for those who are self-employed in the UK). You have accepted additional cookies. textClr: "#ffffff",
switching from a student visa to a spouse visa. The UK Spouse Visa falls under the Family Visa category for those who are married to either British Citizens or individuals who are permanent residents of the UK. you must have met each other in person and be legally married (unless you are applying as an unmarried partner of course [alternatively] apply for a UK Marriage Visa or a UK Fiance visa both have different requirements. However, he can combine 44,300 in cash savings with his state pension income to meet the financial requirement. The financial requirements for a UK spouse visa are as follows: Income requirement: If your partner is employed in the UK, they must have a gross annual income of at least 18,600. #2 If the employed partner will have been employed by the current employer for fewer than 6 months when the application is submitted, you will only have the option of applying under Category B. Furthermore, your documentary evidence must be in the exact format required by the Home Office. Our UK Immigration Consultants in Lahore if Category C is combined with Category F). Company Number 11295724. This is because the documents listed on the online application website are not exhaustive (meaning that they do not always list the documents that must be submitted. January 17th, 2023. Do cash savings need to be in a bank account for at least six months? For a successful application, the evidence associated with the spouse visa application. Our UK Spouse Visa lawyers can provide a no-obligation assessment of your prospects of qualifying for a Spouse Visa or professional advice or assistance with preparing a Spouse Visa application. When combining Category A with Category F. for the barristers so that they can represent our clients in best Photographs that show you have spent time together frequently. [UK Partner Visa Financial Requirements Guide], Maternity Pay, Paternity, Adoption & Sick Pay [2023 UK Visa Guidance], Specified Limited Company Guidance [Sole Directors, Owners and Employees], What is an Accountants Certificate of Confirmation? If you are a Spouse Visa holder in the UK, you may wonder how long you can spend outside the country without jeopardizing your visa status. What are the cash savings requirements in 2023? UK Visa Consultancy in Lahore Equity in a property or investments is not the same as cash savings. In order to qualify for a UK Spouse Visa, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that you meet the following requirements: Your partner is British or Irish, is s ettled in the UK, has been granted pre-settled status, holds a Turkish Businessperson or Turkish Worker visa or has refugee status or humanitarian protection; Ongoing payments from a structured legal settlement. The FREE advice does not cover the advice in relation to complex legal issues or advice about documents to be submitted in support of the application. Spouse Visa UK Requirements - UK Visa Consultants UK Spouse Visa Document Checklist 2023 For A Successful Visa - SlideServe In order to calculate the annualised average for non-salaried employment, the following steps must be followed: The figure that you reach after following these three steps will be the annualised average. IELTS UK Visa Application Nevertheless, if your partner is working in the UK, their earnings can count towards the total amount. For example, to join your spouse with two children from outside the UK will . Please note that provision for the BRP letter is free of charge. To meet the Spouse Visa criteria, you must meet the following requirements: You and your spouse are at least 18 years of age or older. Under Category A, youcan combine employment income with cash savings to meet the financial requirement. You can get help from our immigration lawyer in person, over the phone, via WhatsApp, email or live chat. That is correct. In such a case, you will need to combine other permitted sources of income to satisfy the financial requirement. Charlotte, therefore, does not satisfy the financial requirement. Your child is living an independent life if, for example, theyve left home, got married and had children. You can use this visa to visit the UK for up to 6 months. Employment income from a specified limited company in the UK. This is also discussed in more detail in our article Category A or B, F or G? If you meet all the requirements as set out in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules, you will be granted 30 months (2.5 years) leave to remain under the 5 years route to settlement. Whilst she has 44,500 in cash savings, unfortunately, she cannot combine this with her self-employment income. Our expert UK Spouse Visa Consultants in Lahore have the necessary Dependants under 18 do not need to take the English language test. all the requirements of Spouse visa. The Home Offices current fee is 1,523 for any application submitted abroad. The cash savings will not need to have been held in a personal bank account for six months as long as: To summarise, if at the date that the application is submitted, the cash savings held are proceeds of a property sale then the period the property was owned (before it was sold) in the six months before the application can be counted toward the six months. There are exceptions if the UK partner receives a permitted benefit the required amount of cash savings will be lower. You must apply for British citizenship instead. The UK spouse visa document checklist includes: UK Spouse visa requirements are to be met in order to obtain the You and your partner must intend to live in the UK together permanently after you apply, and your partner must also either: To meet the Spouse Visa criteria, you must meet the following requirements: The specific requirements will vary depending on your and your partners circumstances. We This is also used when you are applying for a spouse visa. I need UK spouse visa for my wife who is in Pakistan-INSHA ALLAH. to sponsor fianc for settlement in the UK. possible way. number of immigration appeals for our clients in Pakistan. There are also several sources of income that fall under the category of Other non-employment income. to estate agents). Category F (Self-employed income as a sole trader, in a partnership or franchise). UK Spouse Visa 2023: Requirements, Fees, Processing Time & More This threshold increases for children who are not British or settled in the UK. Financial Requirements. Immigration Consultants Please contact us for an initial assessment to determine your eligibility, and find out the required list of documents in support of your application. Therefore, the lowest figure seen in the bank account in the six months is 40,500. This accommodation must meet UK living standards under the Housing Act 1985. If Steven wants to include income from both employers, both must be calculated in accordance with Category B. This guide is for those who want to apply for one of the following UK visas: As we discuss in part 3 of our free video series, the first thing to note is that the Immigration Rules state that cash savings must be held in cash. you will need 62,500 in cash savings to meet the financial requirement using only cash savings. First of all, children who are eitherBritish citizensor have settled status orIndefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UKwillnotaffect the 18,600 financial requirement. How exactly do you calculate your income? Category F (Employment and dividend income from a specified limited company). Our clients can benefit from valet service Three key sources will tell you what financial documents are required Appendix FM-SE, Appendix FM 1.7 and Appendix FM 1.7a. #1 You must first determine whether the employment income is salaried or non-salaried. The UK Home Office's list of Secure English Language Tests (often referred to as SELT tests) lists the English language qualification/s required for each category of visa applications to the UK. Total: 10,200. The remaining shares are held (directly or indirectly) by fewer than five other persons. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), Rex Law Chambers (UK Immigration Law Firm), Dependent Visa UK (Join Your Family in the UK), Immigration Lawyer Near Chorlton-cum-Hardy, English Language Requirement (Study Visa UK), Register the Child as a British Citizen After 10 Years, Register the child as a British citizen born outside the UK. What income can you count on to meet the financial requirement? (3) A franchise agreement signed by both parties. UK spouse visa requirements 2023 To make a successful application for a partner and spouse visa, you will need to meet a set of strict eligibility requirements, including providing evidence of: You are in a genuine and eligible relationship You have the ability to financially support yourselves: a minimum gross annual income of 18,600 You can read detailed guidance about what you can and cannot do with a Marriage Visitor visa. Therefore, Natalie does not meet the financial requirement under Category A from employment income alone. Our expert consultants have many years of experience in their fields. At Whytecroft Ford, we know that accurate and timely advice could make all the difference in the world. She has a signed employment contract that says she gets paid a basic amount of 35,600 a year. After a visa number becomes available, apply to adjust status to permanent residency using Form I-485. 40,500 minus 16,000 is 24,500. Category G (Employment and dividend income from a specified limited company). have settled in the UK for example, they have indefinite leave to remain, settled status or proof of permanent residence, be from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein and have the pre-settled status. This has been successfully used in thousands of applications, and the feedback from our customers has been so good that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. Payments under the War Pensions Scheme, the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme and the Armed Forces Attributable Benefits Scheme. After you have been in the UK for an initial period of 30 months, you can apply for a spouse extension to extend your stay for another 2.5 years. At your appointment youll have your fingerprints and photograph (biometric information) taken. Disability Living Allowance or Carers allowance). residence in the UK under the spouse visa category before he or she can How is the gross annual incomecalculatedunder each of the Categories? How to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)? There is a minimum earnings threshold requirement of 18,600 in order We analyze (My wife has never been to the UK before).
You can also use a combination of savings and earnings to help you meet the minimum income threshold. Category A (Employment income from a non-specified limited company). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you share ownership of the property with another party, only the share you or your partner owned (individually or jointly) counts toward your cash savings. However, in the past 12 months before the application is submitted, he has not received more than the amount required (18,600) in employment income. employment in the UK. Wendy Foy and Matthew French, who also worked in the Home Office, work with Ed to process applications as efficiently as possible for our clients. You can change your cookie settings at any time. You must provide a passport or travel document. Like a UK Spouse Visa, a person present and settled in the UK can make Email or You must have an income of at least 18,600 a year. I want to bring my wife from Pakistan to the UK. You should submit the receipt that confirms you have paid the visa fee as required. Those applicants who cannot meet all the requirements for switching into a Spouse visa under a 5-year route, they can apply for switching into a Spouse visa under a 10-year route. Registered in England and Wales under company no. The minimum income requirement for a spouse visa (income threshold for spouse visa) is 18,600, plus any additional amount if you have children (as explained above). matter and accordingly decide if we can assist you. If you would like to prepare and submit the application yourselves, you may be interested in our DIY Application Pack service. Your email address will not be published. Sophiashusband, Pete, inherited 40,500 six months ago in his bank account. Because your gross annual income from self-employment will be the gross taxable profits from your share of the business during the last full financial year. The amount of employment income that you can includefrom a specified limited company will be thegross total of the employment incomethat was received in the specified limited companys most recent full financial year that passed. Click here to find out the difference between salaried and non-salaried employment income, lowest salary payment received in the 6 months before the application by 12, Category F (specified limited company income). Jasmine has been self-employed as a sole trader in the UK also for 3 years (Category F). We advise our clients on the required documentation for their UK Visa Youmust ask your accountant what your mean average gross taxable profits from your share of the business during the most recent two full financial yearsare. Privacy Policy Only the following will be considered to be self-employed in the Immigration Rules: In many cases, company owners will be considered an employee/director of a specified limited company. Obviously, the spouse visa application is incredibly important for you and your partner and it would be incredibly risky if you did not take the time to read Appendix FM-SE and Appendix FM 1.7 in detail. Spouse visa UK 2023 processing times. You should get a decision within 3 weeks of your appointment. OISC Registration Number F201800071. This article is reviewed regularly by Wego's editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date & accurate. Since fewer than five other persons hold shares, the company is a specified limited company. Maintenance payments from a former partner of the applicant in relation to the applicant or any children of the applicant and their former partner. Category Gs gross annual income is based on the average of the last two full financial years (as stated in the two most recent 6 April 5 April personal tax years for those who are self-employed in the UK). You have accepted additional cookies. textClr: "#ffffff",
switching from a student visa to a spouse visa. The UK Spouse Visa falls under the Family Visa category for those who are married to either British Citizens or individuals who are permanent residents of the UK. you must have met each other in person and be legally married (unless you are applying as an unmarried partner of course [alternatively] apply for a UK Marriage Visa or a UK Fiance visa both have different requirements. However, he can combine 44,300 in cash savings with his state pension income to meet the financial requirement. The financial requirements for a UK spouse visa are as follows: Income requirement: If your partner is employed in the UK, they must have a gross annual income of at least 18,600. #2 If the employed partner will have been employed by the current employer for fewer than 6 months when the application is submitted, you will only have the option of applying under Category B. Furthermore, your documentary evidence must be in the exact format required by the Home Office. Our UK Immigration Consultants in Lahore if Category C is combined with Category F). Company Number 11295724. This is because the documents listed on the online application website are not exhaustive (meaning that they do not always list the documents that must be submitted. January 17th, 2023. Do cash savings need to be in a bank account for at least six months? For a successful application, the evidence associated with the spouse visa application. Our UK Spouse Visa lawyers can provide a no-obligation assessment of your prospects of qualifying for a Spouse Visa or professional advice or assistance with preparing a Spouse Visa application. When combining Category A with Category F. for the barristers so that they can represent our clients in best Photographs that show you have spent time together frequently. [UK Partner Visa Financial Requirements Guide], Maternity Pay, Paternity, Adoption & Sick Pay [2023 UK Visa Guidance], Specified Limited Company Guidance [Sole Directors, Owners and Employees], What is an Accountants Certificate of Confirmation? If you are a Spouse Visa holder in the UK, you may wonder how long you can spend outside the country without jeopardizing your visa status. What are the cash savings requirements in 2023? UK Visa Consultancy in Lahore Equity in a property or investments is not the same as cash savings. In order to qualify for a UK Spouse Visa, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that you meet the following requirements: Your partner is British or Irish, is s ettled in the UK, has been granted pre-settled status, holds a Turkish Businessperson or Turkish Worker visa or has refugee status or humanitarian protection; Ongoing payments from a structured legal settlement. The FREE advice does not cover the advice in relation to complex legal issues or advice about documents to be submitted in support of the application. Spouse Visa UK Requirements - UK Visa Consultants UK Spouse Visa Document Checklist 2023 For A Successful Visa - SlideServe In order to calculate the annualised average for non-salaried employment, the following steps must be followed: The figure that you reach after following these three steps will be the annualised average. IELTS UK Visa Application Nevertheless, if your partner is working in the UK, their earnings can count towards the total amount. For example, to join your spouse with two children from outside the UK will . Please note that provision for the BRP letter is free of charge. To meet the Spouse Visa criteria, you must meet the following requirements: You and your spouse are at least 18 years of age or older. Under Category A, youcan combine employment income with cash savings to meet the financial requirement. You can get help from our immigration lawyer in person, over the phone, via WhatsApp, email or live chat. That is correct. In such a case, you will need to combine other permitted sources of income to satisfy the financial requirement. Charlotte, therefore, does not satisfy the financial requirement. Your child is living an independent life if, for example, theyve left home, got married and had children. You can use this visa to visit the UK for up to 6 months. Employment income from a specified limited company in the UK. This is also discussed in more detail in our article Category A or B, F or G? If you meet all the requirements as set out in Appendix FM of the Immigration Rules, you will be granted 30 months (2.5 years) leave to remain under the 5 years route to settlement. Whilst she has 44,500 in cash savings, unfortunately, she cannot combine this with her self-employment income. Our expert UK Spouse Visa Consultants in Lahore have the necessary Dependants under 18 do not need to take the English language test. all the requirements of Spouse visa. The Home Offices current fee is 1,523 for any application submitted abroad. The cash savings will not need to have been held in a personal bank account for six months as long as: To summarise, if at the date that the application is submitted, the cash savings held are proceeds of a property sale then the period the property was owned (before it was sold) in the six months before the application can be counted toward the six months. There are exceptions if the UK partner receives a permitted benefit the required amount of cash savings will be lower. You must apply for British citizenship instead. The UK spouse visa document checklist includes: UK Spouse visa requirements are to be met in order to obtain the You and your partner must intend to live in the UK together permanently after you apply, and your partner must also either: To meet the Spouse Visa criteria, you must meet the following requirements: The specific requirements will vary depending on your and your partners circumstances. We This is also used when you are applying for a spouse visa. I need UK spouse visa for my wife who is in Pakistan-INSHA ALLAH. to sponsor fianc for settlement in the UK. possible way. number of immigration appeals for our clients in Pakistan. There are also several sources of income that fall under the category of Other non-employment income. to estate agents). Category F (Self-employed income as a sole trader, in a partnership or franchise). UK Spouse Visa 2023: Requirements, Fees, Processing Time & More This threshold increases for children who are not British or settled in the UK. Financial Requirements. Immigration Consultants Please contact us for an initial assessment to determine your eligibility, and find out the required list of documents in support of your application. Therefore, the lowest figure seen in the bank account in the six months is 40,500. This accommodation must meet UK living standards under the Housing Act 1985. If Steven wants to include income from both employers, both must be calculated in accordance with Category B. This guide is for those who want to apply for one of the following UK visas: As we discuss in part 3 of our free video series, the first thing to note is that the Immigration Rules state that cash savings must be held in cash. you will need 62,500 in cash savings to meet the financial requirement using only cash savings. First of all, children who are eitherBritish citizensor have settled status orIndefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UKwillnotaffect the 18,600 financial requirement. How exactly do you calculate your income? Category F (Employment and dividend income from a specified limited company). Our clients can benefit from valet service Three key sources will tell you what financial documents are required Appendix FM-SE, Appendix FM 1.7 and Appendix FM 1.7a. #1 You must first determine whether the employment income is salaried or non-salaried. The UK Home Office's list of Secure English Language Tests (often referred to as SELT tests) lists the English language qualification/s required for each category of visa applications to the UK. Total: 10,200. The remaining shares are held (directly or indirectly) by fewer than five other persons. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), Rex Law Chambers (UK Immigration Law Firm), Dependent Visa UK (Join Your Family in the UK), Immigration Lawyer Near Chorlton-cum-Hardy, English Language Requirement (Study Visa UK), Register the Child as a British Citizen After 10 Years, Register the child as a British citizen born outside the UK. What income can you count on to meet the financial requirement? (3) A franchise agreement signed by both parties. UK spouse visa requirements 2023 To make a successful application for a partner and spouse visa, you will need to meet a set of strict eligibility requirements, including providing evidence of: You are in a genuine and eligible relationship You have the ability to financially support yourselves: a minimum gross annual income of 18,600 You can read detailed guidance about what you can and cannot do with a Marriage Visitor visa. Therefore, Natalie does not meet the financial requirement under Category A from employment income alone. Our expert consultants have many years of experience in their fields. At Whytecroft Ford, we know that accurate and timely advice could make all the difference in the world. She has a signed employment contract that says she gets paid a basic amount of 35,600 a year. After a visa number becomes available, apply to adjust status to permanent residency using Form I-485. 40,500 minus 16,000 is 24,500. Category G (Employment and dividend income from a specified limited company). have settled in the UK for example, they have indefinite leave to remain, settled status or proof of permanent residence, be from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein and have the pre-settled status. This has been successfully used in thousands of applications, and the feedback from our customers has been so good that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. Payments under the War Pensions Scheme, the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme and the Armed Forces Attributable Benefits Scheme. After you have been in the UK for an initial period of 30 months, you can apply for a spouse extension to extend your stay for another 2.5 years. At your appointment youll have your fingerprints and photograph (biometric information) taken. Disability Living Allowance or Carers allowance). residence in the UK under the spouse visa category before he or she can How is the gross annual incomecalculatedunder each of the Categories? How to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)? There is a minimum earnings threshold requirement of 18,600 in order We analyze (My wife has never been to the UK before).