New Hampshire Employment Security (NHES)
town administrator The first part of the traditional Town Meeting is held annually on the second Tuesday of March to vote for the town officers that are elected, and to also vote on the warrant articles that are on the official town ballot. Phone: 843-883-3198 O= + His work has also included developing partnerships with social service and arts and culture organizations aimed at improving or expanding facilities or services in fulfillment of their missions. Join us for our 2023 Independence Day festivities! Roger said his experiences and accreditations in wastewater werent the sole factors for his appointment in Epping. The Board of Selectmen in Stratham has announced David Moore has been selected to become the next Town Administrator. Town of Stratham 10 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-4741Town Employee Information Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus , Discretionary Easements & Conservation Easements, Notice of Land Use Board Fees under RSA 673:16, III, Request for Qualifications / Custom In-Cast Concrete Skatepark, Drinking Water Info for Private Well Owners, New Hampshire School Administrative Unit 16 (SAU 16), Park Areas, Facilities and Building Naming and Dedication Policy,, Motor Vehicle Fees for the purpose of Filing your Federal Taxes, Online Payments: Taxes, Motor Vehicles, Dogs, Animal Control Ordinance for Stratham Public Cemeteries, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79-E, 2014 Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive RSA 79E, NH RSA 53-E Aggregation of Electric Customers by Municipalities and Counties, Presentation on Community Power Part I 5/25/23, Presentation on Community Power Part I 6/22/23, Presentation on Community Power Part II 5/25/23, Presentation on Community Power Part II 6/22/23, Public Utilities Chapter Puc 2200 Municipal and County Aggregation Rules, Stratham Community Power Electric Aggregation Plan Draft 1.1 June 13 2023, Stratham Takes Steps Toward Community Power, Elizabeth Durfee Hengen Award by the NH Preservation Alliance, Properties listed on State and National Registers, Town of Stratham receives 2017 Preservation Achievement Award, Townwide Inventory of Historical Resources, History of Buildings, Institutions, and Places, Introduction to an Open Space Plan - YouTube Video, Pedestrian and Cyclist Advocacy Committee, Safe Routes to School Community Input Forum, Stratham Safe Routes to School Action Plan, Recreation Commission By-Laws, Adopted Dec. 2020, Recreation Commission Revolving Fund Policy, Route 33 Heritage District Advisory Committee, Information & Updates from the Town of Stratham about Covid-19, Public Hearing Notices & Special Meetings, Stratham Fire Department / Stratham Fair Trust Fund Information, Voting, Elections, Town Meeting Questions, New Hampshire Homeowner Assistance Fund (NH HAF), Resource Page for Residents Seeking Information about Town Center DES Notification. Select Board | Town of Stratham NH The selection follows a four-month process initiated following the retirement announcement of current Town Administrator, Paul Deschaine after 30 years of service. New Town Administrator Announced | Town of Stratham NH Y
The Town of Stratham, NH is seeking proposals for the complete statistical reappraisal of all taxable, non-taxable and exempt properties situated within the Town of More: Exeter Country Club pitches major building expansion and steakhouse. %PDF-1.6
u! The selection process included the development of a candidate profile by Town employees as well as an interview process which included resident representatives along with the three Selectmen. 1:04. He will begin his service on January 1, 2019. I feel great, he said. endobj
Roger accepted the conditional contract by the board with a starting salary of $90,000 yearly. WebThe Town of Stratham, NH is accepting applications for a full time position in the Planning and Community Development Department to provide administrative support to the %PDF-1.5
So, I was like, Whats next?. endobj
Should you see a coyote experts say hazing is the best means to keep coyotes at bay and afraid of humans. hb```7@(1sV,H2*oq*TQV(l @" B1C( e~01`t&Os'T3A430@wji7 z{p+xX! '7
Lance Michael Makabali, of Stratham, will attend Purdue University in the fall. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TOWN OF STRATHAM Proposals may be submitted in hard copy to the Finance Administrator, Town of Stratham, 10 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham, NH <>
Contact Us | Town of Stratham NH He became a Machinist Mate and was responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repairs of equipment. Town of Stratham ContactsHave a question for a particular department?Please contact the following staff members via email or by phone (603) 772-4741, specific extensions noted below: Town Clerk/Tax Collector: Deborah Bakie, (603) 772-4741 x140. Please click here for available seats and the application packet.
If "n" appears, data does not meet disclosure standards. 0:04. He has worked with many boards and committees on a variety of City policy priorities and special projects during his tenure. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. The scholarships are made possible by the generosity of the late Mr. Winfield L. Foote, a long-time resident of Stratham and a strong supporter of the Stratham Historical Society. EPPING The former chief operator for the Kittery Wastewater Treatment Plant has been named the new town administrator of Epping. 8xk%TUPPjutHM~!7av0i H WGz88 SJ^uUD! Click here for more details! They were also concerned about recent issues like the wastewater but also wanted someone who was a little bit tech savvy.. Town Administrator Town of Sullivan's Island Post Office Box 427 Sullivan's Island, SC 29482 Direct Telephone: 843-883-5726 Facsimile: 843-883-3009 Emergency: 9-1-1 Police and Fire Dispatcher: 843-743-7200 Email address: Web address: 2021 NH Licensed Child Care Facilities (Bureau of Child Care Licensing): Nearest Public Use Airport, General Aviation, Number of Passenger Airlines Serving Airport. <>
After his four years ended, the veteran started working for the City of Portsmouth as a plant operator in 2016. A long-term corrective plan is due by June 30, 2024. The family, he said, plans to move to Epping in the future, calling it a "great place to live." WebAnthony King - Police Chief Kate Drago - Police Admin. I went on a nine-month overseas deployment on the USS Baton and did a lot of mechanical work onboard basically, I was an engineer.. In order to apply for assistance with the Town of Stratham, you must first fill out the "Application for Assistance." Luckily, I understand the culture and I grew up around here, he said. Its not like Im coming in and being a hero, he said. Charles Nutbrown, of Exeter, will attend Carnegie Mellon University in the fall. <>
WebTown Administrator (603) 772-7391 x181: Perkins, Chuck: Public Works Department (603) 772-5550: Pierce, David. <>
Town Administrator If you have not done so, now is the time to prepare your personal hurricane plan. 179 0 obj
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WebTown of Stratham David Moore, Town Administrator 10 Bunker Hill Avenue Stratham, NH 03885: Telephone (603) 772-7391 x181: Fax (603) 775-0517: E-mail: Another goal would just be building a good sense of community in town. While the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean are conducive for spawning storms, meteorologists are noticing the Sahara dust moving west which tends to choke storm development. He said other criteria included community involvement and cultural awareness. endobj
/34`qBr]?6%reuG-DI+PC4DQ Stratham maintains a traditional Town Meeting form of government wherein the voters assembled at the annual Town Meeting act as the legislative body for the town. If you are looking to apply for food stamps, cash assistance, Medicaid, child care, etc., from The Dept. a/WS2NyY-*WsuB.i:__?|l5s :>n7GGG!s'^s(NK)8~u}4,P*w^E2DA@@>:0~b@:{nZA8Bx?lo.Lq
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? Yard debris collection normally on Wednesday moves to Thursday 7-6-23. He already has the town's "Center of the Universe" bumper sticker on his car and has his eye on preschools for his daughter. He is also a veteran of the U.S. Navy and a volunteer firefighter for Barrington. Town officials have said the root cause of the problem at the plant was newly installed wastewater treatment equipment that didnt work as anticipated and started to cause operational issues. 6 0 obj
Each year, two or more $1,000 awards are offered to qualified applicants who meet the criteria set forth by the society. He currently serves as a volunteer firefighter for Barrington and is pursuing his masters in public administration and is expected to graduate in 2024. {w@0eeM 7O|XozZ)CG^_py
:X.9yKov!dBLb>Ay(V! Off duty calls (603) 583-3149. Roger, who assumed his role on June 19, said hes excited for the opportunity. The town's The town has been working with Underwood Engineers Inc. of Concord to correct all deficiencies at the plant. Select Board, Town Administration, & Public Assistance. +Y9qLGikv]/6$hMHHWXlKCdf
Q;ZM DlE%rX"j%&FbFn{;yof;WO}{eSmmu5z77_3;7Tll8z{ol6g Administrative Policy and Procedure - Town of 0:00. 10 Bunker Hill Avenue . In his free time, Roger enjoys being outdoors, hiking in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. TOWN OF STRATHAM TOWN-WIDE Salute From the Shore The Independence Day flyover by vintage and current military aircraft will begin at 11am. PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Town of Sullivan's Island Historic Resources Survey (PDF)- Presented by New South Associates, Inc. With a very long holiday approaching, I wanted to pass along some information you might find helpful. The flight will be from Murrells Inlet to Beaufort and is expected to pass over Sullivans Island between 11:40am and 1:30PM. endobj
Direct Telephone: 843-883-5726 Community Response Received 7/8/22. Plan your trips on and off of the Island around peak periods of traffic. We have stopped bypassing treatment locally, said Roger. It had a lot of similarities with what I did in the Navy, he said, referring to his decision to work in the wastewater industry. JOB TITLE: FINANCE ADMINISTRATOR