Lets talk about the perfect farewell message. Your hard work and attention to detail were an inspiration to us all. Nonetheless, a good subject line should be short, straightforward, and reflects the message of your email. 150+ Farewell Email Subject Lines to Bid a Memorable Adieu, Funny Subject Line for Farewell Email to Colleagues, Subject Lines For Farewell Email To Clients. Aim for a subject line of less than 30 characters to make sure it shows in full in all email clients. Use a professional salutation, like Dear or Hello, and include your colleagues names in each email you send. This is a good idea for several reasons. 1. You don't want your manager to find out through the grapevine that you're leaving. Is it important to personalize the email subject line? Goodbye email to your team manager (s) with whom you've worked closely 3. These arent just case studies - they are real stories, from real founders who share their most intimate details with you - down to the exact amount of money they are making. But not all farewell emails are right for everyone, and to hit the right note, there are a few things to consider. 7 mins How to Write a Goodbye Email to Coworkers with Examples Sending a goodbye email to coworkers is friendly, polite, and may even lead to opportunities down the line. Time to move on to new adventures! Time to say goodbye, but not to the office jokes. Be Sure Management Knows First Before you let your colleagues know that you're moving on, tell your boss and check to make sure that everyone who needs to know is aware that you have resigned. Time to say goodbye, but not to the office joy and laughter. You should say positive things about your time with the company rather than enthusing about what you are going to do next. A well-crafted farewell email is a good way to leave a positive, professional impression. Before I go, I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your hard work and dedication during our time working together. A good subject line informs the recipient of what the email is about. As my time at [Company Name] comes to an end, I wanted to take a moment to say goodbye and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Ask questions, get advice, uncover deeper insights on case studies, and get exclusive access to our private founder directory. Here's a great example of a personalized email + offer I received from BarkBox with my dog's name in the subject line: Your subject line makes a commitment to your reader, so it's important you don't stretch the truth just to simply get more opens and clicks. Review for clarity and ensure that the message is easy to understand. Starter Story helps me learn about the (not so secret) formula for success. Then click on "Create" and the neuroflash AI will provide you with some suggestions for a good subject line: Now for the content of the mail. In this article, we'll explore some creative and impactful examples of goodbye email subject lines that will help you make a memorable exit. Here are five different ways you can use to say farewell to your colleague: 1. 1 Goodbye Email to Coworkers 2 When is the time to Send a Farewell Email? Hasta la vista, baby! Auf wiedersehen, adieu, toodle-oo! Different emails are appropriate for different colleagues. (Youll probably lose access to work emails and phone numbers, so personal contact information is best.) I wish you and the team continued success in all of your endeavors. This is a great template for a farewell email to your close colleagues. You might express gratitude for individuals who helped to train you, reflect on some of your teams greatest achievements, and make everyone laugh with an amusing anecdote. Home Subject Lines 155+ Best Goodbye Email Subject Lines (Examples). How did you come up with the idea? Please try again later. Write a clear, short subject line Compose a subject line that reflects your email's contents and grabs your recipients' attention. Along with saying thank you and including your contact information, you might want to mention your plans for the future. I am grateful for having had the chance to work alongside you. Goodbye email to close colleagues & friends 4. I will always remember the lessons I have learned here and will carry them throughout my career. [Your LinkedIn profile]. No brainer! Moving on to the next stage of my career. Nothing can compare to the memories you have shared with your colleagues during your tenure in the company. Remember, you won't have access to your work email system once you've moved on. Here are a few examples of subject lines you could use in a goodbye email to colleagues: Moving on. Goodbye to the daily grind, hello to the daily grind of the waves. How do you gracefully say your goodbyes. Choose the right email subject. Its an incredible place to learn how to build a successful business - fast. With that in mind, I will be sure to connect with you on LinkedIn. Here's a great example of this from Marketing Examples. After all, your working area says a lot about you and your feelings for the company. Building a business is not a game of luck. It's been confirmed, it's been fun, and it's been enjoyable! Close with a few words of fun advice, such as a quote from a respected expert in your field. Your readers want to feel like your email is coming from a human and not a corporation or automated system. Time to say goodbye, but not to the office joy and merriment. Again, the goal of the letter is to stay connected with your former co-workers; you do not want to leave a bad impression. Its really magical to have an accountability group when youre like me and have been working solo for a long time. If you dont have your next position lined up already, ask some key players if you can use them as references. This will make your message more personal, engaging, and memorable. You can use a sample farewell letter or email message to help you write your own goodbye note to co-workers. A well-crafted farewell email subject line can help you make a lasting impression and leave a positive memory of your time at the company. That's why it's critical to craft a catchy email subject line that will get you the traffic and conversions you deserve. Try something like: [Your Name] Adieu. Try our product, Introducing the revolutionary solution for your business needs, Our product: the secret to success youve been missing, Why play it safe when you can take a chance with our product, Unlock the full potential of your industry with our product., Ready to take your business to the next level? Make your subject line ominous, yet playful The subject line of your goodbye email should convey the ominous nature of your message without being too alarming, keeping in mind your boss has probably already told everyone anyway. Work the subject line. However, beyond this, keep it short and to the point. We just need your email: If there's a Starter Story account associated with that email you'll get an email with a link to automatically log in. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Something went wrong. Share some of your fond memories of working there, and if you can, highlight some ways that the recipient helped or a success you shared. 2. May 04, 2022 HBR Staff/Getty Images/Poh Kim Yeoh/EyeEm Summary. Goodbye to the 9-5, hello to the 9-whenever-I-please. Whenever possible, its best to give at least two weeks notice. Goodbye to the daily grind, hello to the daily grind of the waves. Please keep in touch: I can be reached at my personal email address (samantha83@gmail2.com), on LinkedIn (linkedin.com/samanthasterling), or my cell phone (555-555-2222). However, double-check with your superiors before publicly announcing it. Here's how to write one. Home Subject Lines 150+ Farewell Email Subject Lines to Bid a Memorable Adieu. Thank you for being a valued member of my team. It would be great to keep in touch, share insights and industry news, or collaborate on future projects. Subject: Leaving the Company. In the grand scheme of things, making false promises will end up hurting your open rate as your readers will lose trust in you. As you know, I will be leaving [Company Name] on [date of departure]. Moving On to New Adventures - A Farewell Message from [Your Name]. A goodbye email is a thoughtful and considerate way to bid farewell to the colleagues youve worked and shared time with over the past months or years. It's important not to go overboard here, but adding even the simplest touch such as their name can build trust and rapport. Be Positive and Appreciative. Real people making real money. Take Career Match Quiz Pass Quiz for Free Why Write a Farewell Email? Email Subject Lines When Asking For A Raise, Employee Performance Review Email Subject Lines, Last Day Of Internship Email Subject Lines. Only send letters to people you have worked with. Leaving the office, but not the laughter. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. Share tips on how to write one that hits all the right notes, And provide you with 4 handy templates for different colleagues, Saying Farewell and Best Wishes, [Your Name], Goodbye and Thank You - [Your Name]'s Farewell Email, Time to Say Goodbye - [Your Name]'s Departure Message, Farewell to My Amazing Colleagues - [Your Name]'s Farewell Email, Leaving with Gratitude - A Farewell Message from [Your Name]. Avoid the "no-reply" sender name at all costs. Leaving the office, but not the friendships Ive made. This isnt the time to open with To whom it may concern. Its such a beautiful day!, Im pretty sure I left my brain at home this morning., Why yes, I do have a solution to that problem. Goodbye to the office, hello to my couch. In this article, weve compiled a list of effective farewell email subject lines that you can use to bid a memorable adieu to your colleagues. Consider tailoring each letter to the individual person rather than sending out a group email to everyone. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Something went wrong. Here are some examples of how to welcome customers to your mailing list. This letter is your chance to express gratitude for any help or mentorship provided. How I Started A $144M Brand At 23 Years Old, How My Product Hunt Launch Generated $5.8K, How I Built A $420K/Year Productized Service. I am confident that the team will continue to thrive and succeed under [Name of Colleague]'s leadership. Each time I watch the highlights of that game, especially when Baxter hit that epic home run, I will remember you all with fondness. First, you can use neuroflash to find a suitable subject line for your farewell email. By this point, there should t be no confusion about who does what, so theres no need to include their title. I'm Pat Walls, the founder of Starter Story. Every industry, trend, and how much money you can make. Ill be gone in 60 seconds (well, maybe more like a week). How do you gracefully notify colleagues of your departure? One of my fondest memories of working with you was during the [specific project or task]. 1. Some are proven examples from other successful campaigns, and some are creative ideas to inspire you. A goodbye email subject line to your CEO or founder. You can see business ideas that actually make money, exactly how they're built, and connect with founders that are one step ahead of you. Let's dive in and make your goodbye one for the books! Whether you send individual or group goodbyes, you can follow the same basic template. I don't think I ever would have taken the first step without Starter Story. A farewell email like this would fit colleagues you dont know well. Keep your professional network strong by sharing your decision to leave, demonstrating interest in future opportunities, and leaving the door open for future collaborations. During my time here, I have worked on exciting and challenging projects, and I am grateful for the experiences I have gained. Do you groan when an extremely long work email shows up in your inbox? A goodbye card is a simple way to show support for your coworker moving on to the next step in their career path. Send a card. Youre no longer building alone, because you have thousands of founders who are telling you to keep going. Join our free newsletter to get access now. I have learned so much from you, and your contributions to the team will not be forgotten. The link will expire in 15 minutes. Finish all your tasks first. Some are proven examples from other successful campaigns, and some are creative ideas to inspire you. Hello from your new friend in the kitchen - Equal Parts. Goodbye Email to Your Team or Department: You could email your department something like this: Hi team, As you probably know, my last day at (COMPANY NAME) is (DATE). Leaving a favorable impression when you leave a job is an important loose end to tie. Tap into our library of resources, including courses, live events, trainings and more. Our 4,418 case studies show you how ordinary people built businesses to millions in revenue - all starting from a simple idea or side project. Check with your manager. The answer is a catchy and effective subject line. I hope to stay in touch with you as I move on to new opportunities. If appropriate for the company culture and your relationship with colleagues, using humor can leave a positive and memorable impression on colleagues. Photo: Atsushi Yamada / Taxi Japan / Getty Images, How To Say Goodbye When You're Leaving Your Job, Resignation Announcement to Colleagues Examples, Goodbye Email to Co-Workers Examples and Writing Tips, Sample Resignation Letter for Quitting Your Job, Thank-You Email Message for a Phone Interview Examples, No Notice Resignation Letter Examples and Writing Tips, How To Write a Congratulations Email for a Promotion, Job Application Email Examples and Writing Tips, Part-Time Job Cover Letter Examples and Writing Tips, Internship Cover Letter Examples and Writing Tips, New Job Announcement Email Message and Letter Examples, Resignation Email Message Example and Writing Tips, Sample Resignation Letter Due to a Scheduling Conflict. Get Access To All Startup Data Right Now (it's free). After coworkers have said their goodbyes, they may feel awkward when they see you lurking about for another week. Robust, real-time communication assistance, Write, rewrite, get ideas, and quickly reply with GrammarlyGO, Features to polish, grammar, tone, clarity, team consistency, and more, Writing assistance on 500,000+ apps and sites across your devices, For desktop apps and websites like Word and Gmail, For sites like Google Docs, Gmail, and LinkedIn, Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes, Format citations in APA, MLA, and Chicago, How to Write a Rsum Summary, With Examples, A Guide to SEO Writing: 5 Ways to Improve Your Content Writing, How to Write a Professional Email, With Tips and Examples, How to Write a Great Cold Email with GrammarlyGO. Immediately after joining the Starter Story community, a founder with 175K followers offered to help ME. Include Your Personal Contact Information. Off to new horizons, but I'll always cherish the memories we made here. [Your telephone #] 3 Things to Remember in Writing a Subject for Last Working Day Email. Thank you for being an excellent leader and providing me with the tools and resources to succeed. 2.1 Who Should Get the Farewell Email from You? Here are examples of what you might write: If you know the person well, it's fine to include just your first name. What should you say in a farewell message? When you register or purchase through links on this page, we may earn a commission. Date: 30 December 2030. Use personalization to generate interest in your message. The subject line for the goodbye email doesn't have to be complicated. People will inevitably stop by your office to wish you well face-to-face, and that could interfere with finishing up your last work tasks. You can reach me at my email address (tgarrett@email.com) or at 555-555-5555. Once again, thank you for being a part of my time at this company. Understanding how to craft a heartfelt email can help you leave a positive impression on your co-workers. It's a way to keep in touch with your soon-to-be former co-workers, and a way to move on from a job gracefully and professionally. Business, marketing, and Branding these three words describe me the best. Key takeaways: Goodbye email to coworkers. Some are proven examples from other successful campaigns, and some are creative ideas to inspire you. If your subject line isn't engaging or appealing enough, there's a chance it could get buried in your reader's inbox. Although we haven't had the opportunity to work together closely, I have always admired your work and professionalism from afar. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.. Think about your time at the company. In your farewell emails to coworkers, example subject lines include: Saying goodbye; Thank you for everything; Moving . Off to new adventures, but Ill never forget you guys. Before my departure on [final work day], I'm writing this email to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work alongside you. Just before the last paragraph, take the opportunity to clarify details about the transition process. Funny Subject Line for Farewell Email to Colleagues "Farewell, but not farewell-well: I'll be back." "Saying goodbye is hard, but at least I'm getting a raise." "Off to greener pastures, but I'll still be checking my work email." "Leaving you all behind for a less stressful job just kidding, there's no such thing." In other words, See ya! isnt thoughtful enough to create the positive vibes youre aiming for. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving my position at ABC Corporation. 6 tips to crafting and sending the perfect goodbye email. name, location, etc), you can use this to benefit your subject line and catch your readers attention. And its easy to feel stuck. Email personalization is a simple technique for improving open rates, and a welcome email is your first chance to make a good impression. A strong subject line lets the recipient know at a glance what the email is about. Write a direct subject line. Timing is everything when it comes to quitting the right way. Now I'm running a profitable SaaS business! So if you decide to use an emoji, keep it to a maximum of two and relevant to your brand. Farewell, but not farewell-well: Ill be back., Saying goodbye is hard, but at least Im getting a raise., Off to greener pastures, but Ill still be checking my work email., Leaving you all behind for a less stressful job just kidding, theres no such thing., Farewell, but lets be real, Ill be back for the office Christmas party., So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: See you all in the unemployment line., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; Ill be back to collect my stapler., Leaving you all behind for a life of leisure just kidding, Im going to work somewhere else, Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to borrow your printer., So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for lunch recommendations via email, Farewell, but dont get too excited, Ill still be on slack., Its not goodbye, it sees you later unless youre the boss, then its definitely goodbye., Leaving you all behind for a better commute and more money just kidding, its the same job, different location., Farewell, but Ill be back to steal office supplies., So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office drama, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; Ill be back to crash the company picnic., Leaving you all behind for a life of adventure just kidding, Im going to a different cubicle, Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to borrow your stapler, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for gossip via email, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on LinkedIn, Its not goodbye, it sees you later unless youre the boss, then its definitely goodbye, just kidding, Ill miss you all., Leaving you all behind for a better view just kidding, its the same view, different window, Farewell, but dont get too excited; Ill still be on email, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free cookies and office politics, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; Ill be back to borrow your office chair, Leaving you all behind for a life of excitement just kidding, its the same job, different floor, Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to steal office snacks, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for water cooler talk via email, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys instant messaging., Its not goodbye, its see you later, but Im definitely taking the office plant with me, Leaving you all behind for a better team just kidding, its the same team, the different name, Farewell, but dont get too excited; Ill still be on the companys shared drive, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office drama, but not the commute., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; Ill be back to borrow your office snacks., Leaving you all behind for a life of luxury just kidding, its the same salary, different benefits, Farewell, my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to borrow your office swag, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office gossip via email, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys intranet, Farewell, but dont get too excited, Ill still be on your LinkedIn feed, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free snacks and office pranks, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office memes, Leaving you all behind for a life of adventure just kidding, its the same commute, different building, Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to steal office jokes, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for witty banter via email, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys social media, Its not goodbye, its see you later, unless youre the boss, then its definitely goodbye, just kidding, Ill miss the office dog, Leaving you all behind for a better team just kidding, its the same team, different office, Farewell, but dont get too excited, Ill still be on the companys instant messaging, just not as much, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office drama, but not the meetings, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office plants, Leaving you all behind for a life of luxury just kidding, its the same salary, different office hours, Farewell, but dont get too excited; Ill still be on the companys email distribution list, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free lunches and office banter, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; Ill be back to borrow your office headphones, Leaving you all behind for a life of excitement just kidding, its the same job, different office, Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to borrow your office memes, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office trivia via email, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys slack channel, Its not goodbye, it sees you later, but Im definitely taking the office plant with me, just kidding, Leaving you all behind for a better team just kidding, its the same team, different location, Farewell, but dont get too excited; Ill still be on the companys shared drive, just not as much, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office drama, but not the long hours, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; Ill be back to borrow your office snacks, Leaving you all behind for a life of luxury just kidding, its the same salary, different office views., Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to borrow your office swag, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office gossip via email, just not as much, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys intranet, just not as much, Farewell my colleagues, but lets be honest, Ill be back for the office holiday party, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office shenanigans, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office jokes, Leaving you all behind for a life of adventure just kidding, its the same job, different office, but with more money, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office trivia via email, just not as much, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys slack channel, just not as much, Its not goodbye, its see you later, but Im definitely taking the office plant with me, just kidding, Ill miss you all, Leaving you all behind for a better team just kidding, its the same team, different office, but with more free time, Farewell, but dont get too excited, Ill still be on the companys shared drive, just not as much, but with more vacation time, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office drama, but not the long hours, but with more holidays, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office snacks, but with more benefits, Leaving you all behind for a life of luxury just kidding, its the same salary, different office views, but with more perks, Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to borrow your office swag, but with more perks, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office gossip via email, just not as much, but with more perks, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys intranet, just not as much, but with more perks, Farewell, but dont get too excited; Ill still be on your LinkedIn feed, just not as much., So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free snacks and office pranks, but not the long hours., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office memes, but with more vacation time, Leaving you all behind for a life of adventure just kidding, its the same commute, different building, but with more money., Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to steal office jokes but with more benefits, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for witty banter via email, just not as much., Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys social media, just not as much, but with more perks, Its not goodbye, its see you later, but Im definitely taking the office plant with me, just kidding, Ill miss the office dog, Farewell, but dont get too excited, Ill still be on the companys instant messaging, just not as much, but with more perks., So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office drama, but not the meetings, but with more holidays, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office plants, but with more perks, Leaving you all behind for a life of luxury just kidding, its the same salary, different office hours, but with more perks., Farewell, but dont get too excited, Im just taking a sabbatical., So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office pranks, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office jokes., Leaving you all behind for a life of adventure just kidding, Ill be back in a month., Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to steal office memes., So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office trivia via email, just not as much as before, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys slack channel, just not as active., Its not goodbye, its see you later, but Im definitely taking the office plant with me, just kidding, Ill bring it back, Leaving you all behind for a better team just kidding, Im going to the same team, just on a different project., Farewell, but dont get too excited, Ill still be on the companys shared drive, just not as much, but Ill be back soon., So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office drama, but not the long hours, Ill be back soon, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office snacks, Ill bring them back, Leaving you all behind for a life of luxury just kidding, its the same salary, different office views, Ill be back soon, Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to borrow your office swag; Ill bring them back., So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office gossip via email, just not as much, but Ill be back soon, Farewell, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys intranet, just not as active, but Ill be back soon, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free snacks and office antics, Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office headphones, Ill bring them back, Leaving you all behind for a life of adventure just kidding, Ill be back soon, Farewell my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to steal office jokes, Ill bring them back, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office banter via email, just not as much as before, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free snacks and office shenanigans., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office memes, Ill bring them back, Leaving you all behind for a life of adventure just kidding, Ill be back soon., Goodbye my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to steal office jokes, Ill bring them back, Goodbye, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys slack channel, just not as active, Leaving you all behind for a better team just kidding, Ill be back soon, Goodbye, but dont get too excited, Ill still be on the companys shared drive, just not as much, but Ill be back soon, Leaving you all behind for a life of luxury just kidding, Ill be back soon, Goodbye my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to borrow your office swag, Ill bring them back, Goodbye, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys intranet, just not as active, but Ill be back soon, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free lunches and office pranks., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye, Ill be back to borrow your office headphones; Ill bring them back, Goodbye, my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to steal office memes; Ill bring them back, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office banter via email, just not as much as before, Goodbye, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys social media, just not as active, but Ill be back soon, Its not goodbye, it sees you later, but Im definitely taking the office plant with me, just kidding, Ill bring it back., Goodbye, but dont get too excited, Ill still be on the companys instant messaging, just not as active, but Ill be back soon, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free coffee and office drama, but not the meetings, Ill be back soon., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; Ill be back to borrow your office plants; Ill bring them back, Goodbye, my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to borrow your office swag; Ill bring them back, So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office gossip via email, just not as much, but Ill be back soon., Goodbye for now, but Ill be back before you know it, So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu: Ill miss the free snacks and office antics., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; Ill be back to borrow your office memes; Ill bring them back., Leaving you all behind for a life of adventure just kidding, Ill be back before you know it, Goodbye, my friends, but lets be honest, Ill be back to steal office jokes and bring them back., So long, but dont worry, Ill still be available for office banter via email, just not as much as before., Goodbye, but dont worry, Ill still be on the companys social media, just not as active, but Ill be back before you know it, Its not goodbye, it sees you later, but Im definitely taking the office plant with me; just kidding, Ill bring it back., Leaving you all behind for a better team just kidding, Ill be back before you know it, Goodbye, but dont get too excited, Ill still be on the companys instant messaging, just not as active, but Ill be back before you know it, So long, farewell, but our partnership continues., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; our work together continues., Farewell, my client, but lets stay in touch., So long, but dont worry, our collaboration continues., Farewell, but dont worry, our relationship is ongoing., Its not goodbye, it sees you later; lets continue working together., Leaving, but not leaving our partnership behind., Farewell, but dont get too excited; our work together continues., So long, farewell, but our connection remains., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; lets continue our successful collaboration, Leaving, but not leaving our successful partnership behind., Farewell, my client, but lets stay connected for future opportunities, So long, but dont worry, our professional relationship continues, Saying farewell, but our business relationship continues., Goodbye for now, but our partnership endures, Farewell, but our professional relationship remains intact, Leaving, but not ending our business relationship, Farewell my client, but lets keep in touch for future projects, So long, but our connection remains strong, Goodbye, but our working relationship continues, Its not goodbye, its see you later, lets continue to grow together., Leaving, but not ending our successful business partnership., Farewell, but our collaboration endures., So long, farewell, but our connection remains strong., Goodbye, but not goodbye-bye; lets continue to work together for mutual success., Leaving, but not leaving our business relationship behind., Farewell, my client, but lets stay in touch for future opportunities., So long, but dont worry, our business relationship endures., I think I broke the office coffee machine., Can we have a team meeting in the park?