Super Lawyers and Rising Stars are chosen after an evaluation on twelve indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement including verdicts, 2022 2022 WebLooking for a top attorney in Indiana? Lis Pendens Notices: Is It Time For A Change In Texas Law? Super Lawyers CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE Pursuant to rules and regulations imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, any tax advice contained in this communication, including any attachments, is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (1) avoiding tax penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (2) promoting, marketing or recommending to another person any transaction or matter addressed herein. She has also been recognized on the Rising Stars List by Texas Super Eleven BLG Lawyers Named Super Lawyers and Rising Starts The complete list of Washington, DC. Foley & Lardner LLP is pleased to announce that 17 of its attorneys were selected for inclusion in the 2022 Texas Super Lawyers list. Nomination period: August 25, 2022 - August 17, 2023. Copyright 2000-2023 Brothers Smith LLP |. 2022 Super Lawyers directory is a selected list of top attorneys who exhibit excellence in the practice of law. At 31 December 2022, the net asset value of KR1 plc (the Company) was 39.47 pence per share as compared with 122.68 pence per share a year earlier. She also enjoys distance running, and has run the Chevron Houston Marathon and several half marathons. Recently, 12 of our attorneys have been recognized as 2022 Super Lawyers in Colorado. Rubio Releases Pro-family Framework Following Dobbs Decision Offers to Promote Your Selection to the Super Lawyers List We receive dozens of emails from the Sr. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released the framework for his Providing for Life Act . June 23, 2022KB5014668 (OS Build 22000.778) Preview; June 20, 2022KB5016138 (OS Build 22000.740) Out-of-band; June 14, 2022KB5014697 (OS Build 22000.739) May 24, 2022KB5014019 (OS Build 22000.708) Preview; May 10, 2022KB5013943 (OS Build 22000.675) April 25, 2022KB5012643 (OS Build Despite the Pandemic Gremlin, Crain Caton & James Carves Out Some Fun! CGBB is proud to announce that all five of its Partners have again been selected as Super Lawyers. 2022 Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox PLLC, (May 1, 2022) Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox is pleased to announce that, Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Litigation, Pauline M. Pelletier, Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Litigation, Appellate, and General Litigation, Intellectual Property Litigation and Food & Drugs, selects attorneys using peer nominations and evaluations combined with third party research. magna cum laude, Criminal Justice, University of Houston, United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. You can browse attorney listings covering the spectrum of legal practice, In 2019, she was featured in the inaugural edition of Texas Trailblazers published by Texas Lawyer. WebIn our statement in June 2022, we set out our ambitions to move our annual experimental estimates of Household Costs Indices (HCIs) onto a regular quarterly publication basis in 2023. Enforceability of Online Arbitration Agreements, The Biden Estate Tax Agenda: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb, and Estate Planning for 2022, Keys To Minimizing Disputes Over Common Area Maintenance Charges in A Commercial Lease, Local Agencies Play a Key Role in Houston Area Environmental Enforcement, Kim Stuart to speak at TAHCH.ORG Administrator Program on November 14, 2022, Important Sexual Harassment Updates for Texas Employers, Families First Coronavirus Response Act: A bullet point list for employers, To Arbitrate or Not To ArbitrateThats NOT the Only Question, It Doesnt Feel Like Heaven Right Now for Employers, San Antonio and Dallas Paid Sick Leave Ordinances 2019, Dont Exit The Vehicle Yet-EEO-1 Deadlines for New Data for 2017 and 2018 Set, Kimberly Stuart Selected to Americas Top 100 Civil Defense Litigators, Hop On Board the EEO-1: The Hottest New Rollercoaster Wild Ride Awaits, The Trump Administration Speaks On Independent Contractors, J. Russel Rusty Umble Joins Crain Caton & James, Crain Caton & James Represents Rockstep Capital in Acquisition of The Outlet Collection at Riverwalk, Crain Caton & James Welcomes New Fiduciary Litigation Attorney, Case of Interest where the Texas Supreme Court held that a foreclosure was time barred and an equitable subrogation claim was not allowed, Probate Jury Ruled Decedent Adversely Possessed Real Estate, Supreme Court of Texas Says Investors Not Liable in Plant Explosion Case, Probate Court Sets Aside Deed of Property worth estimated $800,000 $1.1 million, Houston Bar Association (Probate, Trusts and Estate Section), Houston Business and Estate Planning Council, Society of Financial Service Professionals (Past President), Texas Super Lawyers Rising Stars, Thomson Reuters, 2019-2022, J.D., American University Washington College of Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization, Estate Planning and Probate. Visit the firm online at Banker Lopez Gassler is pleased to announce that eleven of our lawyers have been named 2023 Florida Super Lawyers and Florida Rising Stars. Terms of Use: This web site is designed for general information only. Mitigation Project Settlements May Thrive with the Death of SEPs, State and Local Environmental Enforcement on the Rise, James (Jim) Smith Presents at 4C Health, Safety, and Environmental Conference, EPA Statistics Show Continuing Decline in Civil Enforcement, Increased Criminal Enforcement, EPA Responds to Media Criticism of WOTUS Rule, Oil & Gas Producer Agrees to $1 Million Air Pollution Fine, CEQ Announces Major Overhaul of NEPA Regulations, David A. Polsinelli and Joe R. Savoie Promotion, Judge Says New York Failed to Prove ExxonMobil Misled Investors, Crain Caton & James Adopts over 75 HYLF Angels, Environmental Groups Take Aim at Plastics Industry, Massachusetts Judge Predicts Pro-Industry Supreme Court Ruling in Clean Water Act Case, EPA Announcement Provides Reminder of Chemical Accident Prevention Requirements, EPA Responds to NY Times Article on Evidence Used for Health Rules, Illegal Hazardous Waste Storage Results in One Year Prison Term, EPA Investigation Leads to Conviction for Stealing and Selling a Bridge, Environmental Groups Submit Notice relating to Ozone Emissions from Oil and Gas Production, Texas Company Agrees to Pay $50 Million and Eliminate Discharges of Plastics, Rob Wisner Provides Professional Insights, Real Estate Companies Pay Fines for Violating EPAs Residential Lead Regulations, Darlene Payne Smith Recognized as a 2019 Texas Trailblazer, US Supreme Court Will Hear Pipeline Case with Issue of USFS Authority, Inability to Condemn State Property Raises Questions about FERC Orders, DC Circuit Says EPAs 2018 Renewable Fuel Rule Did Not Properly Consider Endangered Species, Third Circuit Says Pipelines Cannot Condemn State Property, 5th Circuit Upholds EPAs Postponement of Compliance Date for Electric Utility Water Discharges, EPA Proposes Reductions in Rules for Oil & Gas Industry, DC Circuit Refuses to Strike Down EPA Clean Air Act Policy Change, Trump Administration Issues Revised Endangered Species Act Regulations, The Best Lawyers in America in their 2020 Edition, Highlights of the 2019 Texas Environmental Superconference, Rhode Island Federal Judge Says States Climate Change Suit Should Be in State Court, 9th Circuit Says Agreement Settled CERCLA Claims of Both Parties, Judge Orders PG&E to Respond to Media Reports, Crain Caton & James Welcomes Two New Attorneys, Appellate Court Reverses Certification of Subclass in Plains Pipeline Case, DOJ Issues Environmental Accomplishments Report, 10th Circuit Dismisses Homeowners Claims of Increased Insurance Premiums, Rob Wisner Speaks on Representing Financial Institutions, FERC Must Ask Pipeline Applicants to Provide More Upstream and Downstream Information, Austin Court of Appeals Upholds TCEQs Issuance of Controversial Injection Well Permit, City of Houston Case Shows Why Settlements with the Government Take so Long, US DOJ Issues Guidance Regarding Corporate Compliance Programs, Fifth Circuit Rejects EPA Effluent Limitation Guidelines for Power Plants, Canadian Governments Urge Supreme Court Review of Cross-Border CERCLA Case, EPA Defends Enforcement Approach Despite Continued Decline in Case Filings and Inspections, Joshua R. Flores Earns Unanimous Jury Verdict, Court Will Not Dismiss CWA Climate Change Related Counts against ExxonMobil, Groundwater Remediation Done under State Sufficient to Preclude Private Partys Injunction Demand, Hop On the EEO-1 The Hottest New Roller Coaster Wild Ride Awaits, United States and City of Houston Say Settlement Is Imminent in CWA Enforcement Case, Tanker Company Hit with $2 Million Fine and Captain Faces 6-Count Indictment, Biodiesel Company Pleads to Felony for Releasing Wastewater into Storm Water Pit, Increased EPA Flexibility Predicted for Oil & Gas Audits by New Owners, Official 2018 EPA Enforcement Statistics Not Yet Announced; Unofficial Analyses Say Enforcement Has, Sixth Circuit Refuses to Rehear Key CWA Case, Ninth Circuit May End Youth Climate Suit, Government Supports Supreme Court Review in CWA Case, Sarah Patel Pacheco Named to Texas Top 50 Womens List by Super Lawyers, Court of Appeals Rejects Forest Services Approval of Atlantic Coast Pipeline, US Supreme Court Seeks Governments View on Key CWA Issue, Crain Caton & James Elves Wrapped over 250 Gifts for Adopt an Angel Program, Environmental Group Allowed to Intervene in CWA Enforcement Case Against City of Houston, 2018 Election Will Dramatically Change the Texas Mid-Level Appellate Courts, Appellate Court Says Developer Cannot Increase Impervious Cover While Matter Is Pending, Roadmap for Fiduciaries and Other Professionals to Avoid Being Sued, The 2018 Election: Results and Consequences, Largest U.S. Natural Gas Processing Plant Accepts Multi-Million Dollar Clean Air Act Settlement, Crain Caton & James Named to U.S. News 2019 Best Law Firms List, EPA and Justice Department Reach Historic RMP Settlement with Chevron, Insurance Must Cover Carbon Monoxide Leak at Hotel, Court Upholds Oregons Clean Fuels Program, Supreme Court Should Clarify Clean Water Act Scope, Appellate Court Affirms $8.3 Million against Teck for Tribes Past UCR Site Costs, Crain Caton & James Names Sarah Patel Pacheco Firm President, California Jury Convicts Plains for Pipeline Leak, US Supreme Court Asked to Consider if CWA Citizen Suits Can Address Migration through Groundwater, Judge Refuses to Dismiss Suit Alleging ExxonMobil Defrauded Investors regarding Estimated Future Cos, Rob Wisner Shares Cherish Our Children International Success, Environmental Group Serves City of Houston with Intent to Sue Over Sewage Discharges. Super Lawyers announcement for 2022 Taylor. WebDarlene has been honored many times over the years for her accomplishments including being selected to the 2006-2011 and 2014-2022 Texas Super Lawyers lists (Thomson Show all states At 31 December 2022, the net asset value of KR1 plc (the Company) was 39.47 pence per share as compared with 122.68 pence per share a year earlier. Congratulations to our Houston Marathon Runners, Walkers, and Volunteers! The legislation combines new and existing Rubio pro-family KR1 plc: Audited results to 31 December 2022 - Bloomberg Each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Publicizing Guidelines WebJuly 7, 2022 Kronick is pleased to announce that its talented and distinguished attorneys have been selected for inclusion in the 2022 Northern California Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists. She has also been recognized on the Rising Stars List by Texas Super Lawyers (Thomson Reuters) since 2019. To qualify, lawyers must be no more than 40 years old or have been practicing for less than 10 years. Best Lawyers has released its 2023 edition of Best Lawyers in America and has named the following seven Anderson, Murphy & Hopkins lawyers as Best Lawyers: Randy P. Murphy, Mariam T. Hopkins, Michael P. Vanderford, Julie M. Hancock, Jason J. Campbell, Mark D. Wankum, and Debbie S. Denton. Thank you! 2022 She is also a mediator of probate, trust, guardianship, and related matters. Announcements, Articles, Awards and Accolades, News, Results. It is not intended to be and should not be considered legal advice nor substitute for obtaining legal advice from competent, independent, legal counsel. WebJun 24 2022 Washington, D.C. U.S. The net The firms practitioners hold over 50 masters and over 60 doctorate degrees in science or engineering and represent Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurs, start-ups, inventors, venture capital firms, and universities in a client service driven environment that is welcoming, inclusive, and intellectually stimulating. As a result, Darlene often appears in courts in Harris, Montgomery, Brazoria, Galveston, Fort Bend, Brazos, San Jacinto, Chambers, Walker, Tarrant, Travis, Dallas and Jefferson Counties, as well as in Hildago and Cameron Counties. Four Arrested for Tractor-Trailer Smuggling Incident that Enforceability of Online Arbitration Agreements, The Biden Estate Tax Agenda: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb, and Estate Planning for 2022, Keys To Minimizing Disputes Over Common Area Maintenance Charges in A Commercial Lease, Local Agencies Play a Key Role in Houston Area Environmental Enforcement, Kim Stuart to speak at TAHCH.ORG Administrator Program on November 14, 2022, Important Sexual Harassment Updates for Texas Employers, Families First Coronavirus Response Act: A bullet point list for employers, To Arbitrate or Not To ArbitrateThats NOT the Only Question, It Doesnt Feel Like Heaven Right Now for Employers, San Antonio and Dallas Paid Sick Leave Ordinances 2019, Dont Exit The Vehicle Yet-EEO-1 Deadlines for New Data for 2017 and 2018 Set, Kimberly Stuart Selected to Americas Top 100 Civil Defense Litigators, Hop On Board the EEO-1: The Hottest New Rollercoaster Wild Ride Awaits, The Trump Administration Speaks On Independent Contractors, J. Russel Rusty Umble Joins Crain Caton & James, Crain Caton & James Represents Rockstep Capital in Acquisition of The Outlet Collection at Riverwalk, Crain Caton & James Welcomes New Fiduciary Litigation Attorney, Case of Interest where the Texas Supreme Court held that a foreclosure was time barred and an equitable subrogation claim was not allowed, Probate Jury Ruled Decedent Adversely Possessed Real Estate, Supreme Court of Texas Says Investors Not Liable in Plant Explosion Case, Probate Court Sets Aside Deed of Property worth estimated $800,000 $1.1 million, Certified under Texas Estates Code to serve as an appointee and represent persons and entities in guardianships, Adjunct Professor South Texas College of Law, 2010 2021, South Texas College of Law, adjunct professor, 2010-2017, State Bar Pattern Jury Charge Committee, member, 2010-2012, Houston Bar Association Elder Law Committee, co-chair, 2010, National Association of Elder Law Advisors (NAELA), member, Women Attorneys in Tax and Probate, past president, Disability and Elder Law Lawyers Association, past vice president, Texas Top Women Attorneys, Texas Super Lawyers, Thomson Reuters, 2020, Texas Super Lawyers, Thomson Reuters, 2006-2011, 2014-2022, Course Director, 12th Annual Fiduciary Litigations Course, State Bar of Texas, San Antonio, 2017, Criminal Justice Symposium and Community Day, speaker, Houston, Advisory Committee: Advanced Elder Law and Guardianship Courses, 2009, Texas Guardianship Association Spring Conference, speaker/author, Waco, Ethics Panel, 2007, National Academy of Elder Law Attorney, Inc., Trust Special Interest Group Steering Committee, advisor, 2006 to present, University of Houston Wills and Probate Advisory Committee, adviser, 1995-present, Fiduciary Litigation 2004, speaker/author, Texas Bar CLE, Houston, 2004, State Bar of Texas Texas Guardianship Manual, manual committee, 2003, Victoria Area Estate Planning Counsel, Court Created Section 867 Trusts, speaker, 2002, State Bar of Texas Advanced Estate Planning and Probate Course, speaker, 2002, Wills & Probate Institute, University of Houston Law Foundation, advisory committee, 2002, University of Houston Law Center, Wills and Probate Institute Course, speaker, 2001, State Bar of Texas Advanced Estate Planning and Probate Course, course director, 2001, Texas Collection Manual Third Edition: Probate and Guardianship Section, author, 2001, South Texas College of Law Estate Planning & Probate Creditor Claims, guest lecturer, 2001, Houston Bar Association Family/Probate Bench Bar Conference, speaker/facilitator, 2000, B.S. Newark, NJ (March 17, 2022) Epstein Becker Green (EBG) is pleased to announce that fourteen attorneys based in the firms Newark and Princeton offices have been named to the 2022 New Jersey Super Lawyers and Rising Stars lists. WebAnnouncements December 21, 2021 [PDF, 203KB] North American Industry Classification SystemRevision for 2022; Update of Statistical Policy Directive No. Attorney advertising; prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Super Lawyers Back to Firm News. In addition to her trusts and estates practice, Anna has advised clients in business matters such as corporate formation and governance, mergers and acquisitions, securities, and real estate. Sup. Kavanaugh, Anna Valkovich - Crain Caton & James North American Industry Classification System - NAICS She is a frequent writer and speaker for the State Bar and other entities of continuing legal education. Your submission has been received! 1095 Evergreen Circle, Suite 200 The Washington issue of Super Lawyers magazine for 2022 features alumna Kay Frank 84 on its cover as one of six attorneys whose names have been on the list every year since it was first published 25 years ago. DuPont and Former Employee Indicted for 2014 Fatal Incident, Impact of Georgia Election on Environmental Issues, TCEQ Seeks Stakeholder Input Regarding Industrial Stormwater Permits, California Facility Agrees to $390K Penalty for Discharges into City Sewer, State and Local Environmental Enforcement and a Biden EPA, Five Attorneys Named to 2021 Texas Rising Stars List, Anna V. Kavanaugh recognized on Super Lawyers Texas Rising Star List, Joshua R. Flores recognized on Super Lawyers Texas Rising Star List, David A. Polsinelli recognized on Super Lawyers Texas Rising Star List, Chesapeake Pays $1.9 Million to Settle Wetlands Enforcement, EPA Highlights Spill Prevention Requirements in Announcing CWA Settlement, EPA Issues Environmental Justice Announcement, Texas Supreme Court Allows Harvey Claims to Proceed, DOJ and EPA Announce Environmental Crime Victim Assistance Program, An Invitation: The Impact of the Election on the Law and Clients, Texas Law May Be Inconsistent in Determining Employee Status, Need MCLE credits? PENSACOLA (June 30, 2022): June 30, 2022 Clark Partington is pleased to congratulate eight of its attorneys for their recent recognition and inclusion in the 2022 Florida Super Lawyers list. Super Lawyers Announcement 2022 - Brothers Smith Law Selected attorneys notified after: April 12, 2024. June 13, 2023KB5027231 (OS Build 22621.1848) 2024 Super Lawyers key dates. Her practice is focused on individuals who have experienced a loss or are facing the issue of a loved one who is becoming incapacitated or suffered a traumatic injury that rendered them incapacitated and individuals and trust companies who serve as fiduciaries. You can browse attorney listings covering the spectrum of legal practice, including personal injury, family law, business litigation, and much more. Estate Plan 101: What is it and why do you need one? 2022, Super Lawyers List Announcement - Super Lawyers 2022 Announcement | Rogers, Ehrhardt, The patented selection process includes independent research, peer nominations and peer evaluations. Could It Happen in Texas? Selected attorneys notified after: January 12, 2024. WebAnna is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Best Lawyersin Dallas - Awards & Events - D Magazine Fabian Zazueta, Esq. Three members of the Taylor Day Law leadership team were selected as 2022 Super Lawyers. Education Law Firm | Education Attorneys and Lawyers WebKing Hall Attorneys Selected to the 2022 Maryland Super Lawyers Lists Barrett R. King, David A. Carlton Fields is pleased to announce that four of the firms California attorneys were selected for inclusion in the 2022 issue of Southern California Super Lawyers. We use cookies and other similar technology to deliver our online services, measure our website audience and improve your browsing experience. Banker Lopez Gassler is pleased to announce that eleven of our lawyers have been named 2023 Florida Super Lawyers Super Lawyers Lock In Your Consultation By Contacting Us Today! Texas Rising Stars are Consumer price inflation June 30, 2023. The Woodlands, Texas 77380 2024 Super Lawyers key dates. June 23, 2022KB5014668 (OS Build 22000.778) Preview; June 20, 2022KB5016138 (OS Build 22000.740) Out-of-band; June 14, 2022KB5014697 (OS Build 22000.739) May 24, 2022KB5014019 (OS Build 22000.708) Preview; May 10, 2022KB5013943 (OS Build 22000.675) April 25, 2022KB5012643 (OS Build The selection process for the Rising Stars list is the same as the Super Lawyers selection process, however, Rising Stars must be either 40 years of age or younger, or in practice for 10 years or less. Conn Kavanaugh is pleased to announce that 17 attorneys have been named Massachusetts Super Lawyers and six attorneys have been named Rising Stars for 2022. Super Lawyers June 13, 2023KB5027231 (OS Build 22621.1848) Ct. wherein the Court ruled a wire transfer request form did not create a new contract, Partnership, LLC and Corporate Tax Shareholder/Partner, Crain Caton & James Environmental Attorney Named to Chambers and Partners Directory, Crain Caton & James Welcomes Litigation Attorney Alex Cohn, Recent cases of interest regarding overdraft fees class actions and two additional dismissals/judgments in favor of banks, Case of interest related to the E-Sign Act and clicking an acknowledgement button to possibly agree to a contract, Crain Caton & James Named Houston Chronicles Best of the Best in Three Legal Categories, Recent case of interest related to N.Y. Court affirming Happy the elephant, a nonhuman animal, is not a person subjected to unlawful detention, Recent case of interest related to mass-produced ADA Braille gift card complaints, Eleven Crain Caton & James Attorneys Recognized on The Best Lawyers List (2023 edition), Three Crain Caton & James Attorneys Recognized on The Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch List (2023 edition), Robert R. (Rob) Wisner Named Lawyer of the Year for Banking and Finance Law in Houston, Flare Issues Lead to Multi-Million Dollar Settlement, Criminal Charges from Oilfield Deaths and Alleged Obstruction of OSHAs Investigation, New Memorandum regarding Settlements of Environmental Claims Against EPA, Wind Energy Company Pleads Guilty for Eagle Deaths, Court Finds Status of Decision on Dam Removal Was Adequate to Allow Suit, Federal Appeals Court Allows CWA Citizen Suit to Proceed Despite State Agency Order, DOJ Releases FY 2021 Accomplishments Report, DOJ Announces Comprehensive Environmental Justice Strategy, Court Rules US Forest Service Exceeded Authority in Mining Permit, Potential Ramifications of 5th Circuit SEC Decision, Company Pleads Guilty in Power Plant Deaths, Texas Supreme Court Clarifies Pipeline Condemnation Issues, Supreme Court of Texas Upholds TCEQs Issuance of Controversial Injection Well Permit, DOJ Announces Settlement of Alleged Flare Violations, Texas Supreme Court to Hear Toxic Tort Case, Supreme Court Decision Consistent with a Structure that Resists Rapid Change, Multi-Million Dollar Permitting Mistake in Furnace Rebuild Project, RCRA Settlement Requires $84 Million in Financial Assurance, Groups Petition EPA to Review TCEQs Air Permitting Program, DOJ Announces Environmental Justice Investigation of the City of Houston, Highlights from the 2022 Texas Environmental SuperConference, Court Refuses to Allow Downgradient Landowners to Challenge CERCLA Settlement, Divided Texas Appellate Court Upholds Issuance of Air Permit for Facility Near a School, EPAs Approval of Changes to Texas SIP Does Not Have National Applicability, Crain Caton & James Adds Shareholder to Fiduciary Litigation Practice, Eleven Crain Caton & James Attorneys Recognized in Super Lawyers List (2022 edition), Bankruptcy/Restructuring Shareholder/Partner, Crain Caton & James Welcomes Corporate, Business Transactions and Tax Attorney, Crain Caton & James Continues to Expand its Fiduciary Litigation and Probate, Trust and Guardianship Practice, Recent Case of Interest on $500MM Mistaken Wire Transfer Decision Reversal, Our Client, Bechtel, Honored by the Houston Intellectual Property Law Association (HIPLA), Crain Caton & James Welcomes Real Estate and Business Transactions Attorney, Crain Caton & James Named to the 2023 U.S. News-Best Lawyers Best Law Firms Rankings, Crain Caton & James Represents Port Freeport in Agreement with Volkswagen Group of America to Create New Major Gulf Coast Hub for Vehicle Logistics, Case of interest where a Texas Court of Appeals ruled the customer waited too long to sue a bank regarding missing proceeds from a CD account, Crain Caton & James Welcomes Real Estate Attorney, Crain Caton & James Elves Fill Santas Bag, 5th Circuit Upholds $14.25 Million Penalty against ExxonMobil, Court Affirms EPA Determination of CZMA Compliance, Emissions of Hazardous Air Pollutants Lead to Million Dollar Penalty, Explosion and Fatalities Lead to $2.5 Million CAA Penalty, Chemical Company Reaches Natural Resource Damages Settlement, Texas Appellate Court Dismisses Homeowners Flood Claims against River Authority, UPS Agrees to $5 Million Penalty to Resolve Hazardous Waste Allegations, 5th Circuit Says LDEQ Joinder Defeats Federal Jurisdiction, Emissions from Storage Vessels Lead to Multi-Million Dollar Settlement, EPA Issues Supplemental Proposal to Control Methane from Oil and Gas Operations, Violations of Stormwater Permits at Four Construction Sites Lead to over $1.3 Million in Civil Penalties, Texas Appellate Court Says City Not Responsible for Remediation of Waste Carried in Sewer System, Supreme Court of Texas Says Defense Doctor Must Be Allowed to Examine Toxic Tort Plaintiffs, Supreme Court of Texas Limits Cell Phone Discovery in Toxic Tort Case, EPA and Corps Issue New WOTUS Rule-Issue Currently before US Supreme Court, Failure to Meet Industry Standards Leads to Significant Enforcement, Case of interest where the 11th Circuit ruled that a bank agreement cannot reduce the 1-year reporting requirement for unauthorized wire transfers, Case of interest where marketing influencer may be liable for direct trademark infringement and unfair business practices claims.