Shockingly, the G2C ate every single round it was fed and never failed once. Taurus G2C 9mm Semiautomatic Pistol $ 289 99 289 dollars 99 cents. The compact size makes this a great concealed carry gun. A forum community dedicated to Taurus firearm owners and enthusiasts. Took the grit right out of the trigger. I have some of them on mine and they work well. and I blame this gun not the ammo! I got mine for $114, can't expect everything but was hoping to get a little better. But America has become a "Land of Perfection" where it used to be "Good Enough!". I know how often they've been run well-oiled and how many times they've been run dry. But really the best part is that both have pinky extensions right out of the box! Is that any different than the other Glocks that are nothing but junk? I found that they both make you have good trigger control by using the pad of your finger and not the joint. Add whatever light you want to the rail, but the options get thin after that. I find that the only "long " pull is the 1st one to defeat the trigger safety. I have 9 or 10 other carry guns to choose from but, for light weight, accuracy, reliability, disappears in my IWB holster, etc. Not my best shooter or favorite but I have several hundred rounds through it of LAX low end ammo and had one issue on my first magazine and zero after that. It just went bang every time I pulled the trigger (and P.S., trigger, schmigger, I never had any problems hitting soda bottles at 50', which is more than accurate enough for an SD pistol IMO). Upgrade the trigger from Keeptinkering, and upgrade the striker guide to stainless steel from Lakeline, all the trigger problems go away, increasing th customization score (4 triggers to choose from). What I speak comes from personal experience, as it appears yours does as well. Pre-conceived Taurus quality issues from the past? What did they want to do? Ill go into more detail about these Taurus G2C problems in this post. Now that we are aware of the causes and the immediate fixes, lets examine each G2C troubleshooting step in further depth. Other than the external safety and long first stroke it is more gun than I've ever owned for the spare change it cost! Youre also going to want a way to carry the G2C, which is where Hidden Hybrid comes in! Nuff said folks. Recently bought the g2c in 9 mm I love this gun. Updated. This shouldnt come as a surprise as the majority of CCW striker-fired handguns have trouble pulling the trigger. Noticed you said 12+1 the Taurus g2 I bought has a 7+1 does all Taurus g2 hand guns interchange with different clips. I really love my C2C. Taurus G2c Matte Stainless 9mm Luger Compact 10 Rds. XS Sights RAM Night Sights Fits Taurus G2C Traditi. It seems you are happy with your Walther and as long as you are happy and confident and it fits your needs in what you carry, is reliable, and you can shoot it accurately is what matters the most. Buy local and save the mailing and background fee. After that, the reset is very short and audible so there is no need to release it all the way until you are finished shooting the magazine. Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol | Academy Price: Coming in at around the $278 mark, this is a barebones price for a really good pistol. (Answered With Solutions), 8 Most Common Springfield Saint Edge Problems and Solutions. I picked up the G2C about 4 months ago. I bought both the 9mm and the 40s&w. I know how they compare to many, many other firearms I have owned/built/borrowed in my years and I know that I would trust my life to one. Magazines & Loaders - Page 1 - Popular, cheap to shoot (comparatively), capable of stopping an assailant effectively, and used across platforms so you can have a Taurus, Sig, S&W, Springfield, Kahr, Glock, etc and not have to have different ammo for each firearm. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Is the manual of the Taurus G2C available in English? Taurus Stainless Recoil Assembly Installation Instructions for TX22, G3, G2 pistols (PT111 G2, G2C, G2S) and TH9, TH9C, TH40 Fiber optic sight set installation, G2C, TX22, early G3 Firing Pin Spring and Firing Pin Return Spring Installation Instructions for PT111 G2, PT140 G2, 709 and 740 But is it reliable and accurate? I don't have one, but I am definitely going to take a look at one. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It is also easy to clean. Fed all kinds of ammo and it ran perfectly. I have a brand new out-of-the-box G3 c9mm pistol that came without a tensioner spring in the slide lock release. UPC 7-25327-61612-2. Just got mine and I really enjoy shooting it. All in all given the misfires and misdeeds I really dont trust it as a life depends on it concealed carry. I already have it disassembled all I need is to put it back together including the spring this time. Lifetime warranty on both parts and service. This is a great CCW pistol for the price point. The pistol is based on, Advertisement The Palmetto State Armorys (PSA) alternative to the well-liked GLOCK G19 is the Dagger Compact. You reach for your gun and start to pull it from the holster, the safety comes off as the gun clears the holster. Its incredibly reliable and has very little flaws. I sent it in to Taurus after sitting on hold with them for waaaay longer than is to be reasonably expected, and it's been languishing in their clutches ever since. You get a lot for your money with its reasonable pricing, including a handgun that is accurate and dependable. Wallace Lima. Here is an affordable set available at many stores that sell guns. I smear them with grease from time to time, lube the slide and "patch" the lint out of the barrel. That is what practice is for. Mine are in 9mm. He asked if i would mind him looking at the weapon and i said sure and loaded up a new mag for him. What Are the Ruger Precision Rifle Problems? The Taurus G3 Series continues the proven polymer-frame profile now in a hybrid configuration with a full size grip and generous stippling patches across the grip for maximum control and retention in any shooting condition, but a compact size slide to allow better comfort and concealment. Thanks. Not every gun is going to be a fave. I have run about 1200 rounds through it with NO malfunctions of any kind! Do you have a question about the Taurus G2C or do you need help? The tremendous pressure and ensuing explosion might hurt the user and bystanders if the shooter shoots another round without getting rid of the impediment. It works for my purposes and my wants and needs. It goes bang, grouping is tight, spits out whatever you feed it and it looks damn good! Select what level shooter you are! In regards to your stupid "P.S. If a gun can run Wolf Steel, it can run anything. If anyone wants pics let me know! I know how many rounds I have put down range with my PT-111 Pro/G2C/G3C's in addition to my other tools. Like everything I own, I live to have an electronic copy of the manual. The mechanism now partially protrudes above the surface of the backstrap of the grip. Now all law abiding citizens can afford to conceal carry for personal protection. I finally took it to the range again this year and it works like a charm, after almost 20 years. View the manual for the Taurus G2C here, for free. Called taurus and was told to send it back but a 12+ week turn around time on a gun i couldn't get 20 rounds through brand new. Taurus G2C Review: $200 for a Reliable CCW? Keep the gun out of reach and wait a while before reloading. Elweys kiip tmi fuzzli phbjtin bj e sedi nbri`tbhj ejn d, Elweys kiip tmi fuzzli phbjtin bj e sedi nbri`tbhj ejn dbjgir h t, ^mi sedity werjbjgs bj tmbs chhklit eri bfphrtejt. Trigger Issue: The trigger of the handgun is the first issue on the list of the most noticeable Taurus G2C problems. New company lousy old name. Can the 455 Tracker (45ACP) shoot 45 Auto Rim? Title: Taurus_Manual_G2c.pdf This results in the duplicate feeding of a fresh round from the magazine. Glock 43X and Sig Sauer P365 are two. I have lots of "tools" I am also a retired Marine, 30years, all infantry, and you are simply pandering to nut jobs that believe everything that comes from your mouth. Guns need to be cleaned often to operate correctly and prevent any mishaps. 1. But for folks on a budget, the option to get a reliable gun with 12+1 capacity at this price is simply too good to ignore. Two safeties? The fact that YOU do not care for 9mm just puts you in the minority. I've noticed the problem several times on multiple guns (yes even Beretta, CZ, Sig, etc). It was very dirty. Best of all was the price! You really can't find anything in the same price point that compares to the G2C - period. I love my G2C. Follow. Good review , Happy Shooting . America has become a land of perfection???? Rented one and went away unsure if I liked it. Buy a real gun folks. The Point EndDangerEd is saying Is that if you USE your carry gun, Might as well Kiss it goodby. Functions great. Thanks Taurus! In this instance, you must press the trigger rather than pull it. There are a lot of fancy ammo brands and loadings on the market and if youre looking to concealed carry you should always use good defensive ammo but when were doing a test on a new gun, its Wolf Steel Cased all day long! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I love mine, its my EDC. Trying to reach their customer service is a nightmare - had to wait 30+ minutes several times before they picked up. I know how they have been used: as truck guns, submerged, run through the dirt/sand/mud, etc. The mag release spring failed with a single day of normal handling, before I ever had a chance to fire this gun. The G2C is MORE than "Good Enough!" The trigger needed worked a bit. Had compact gun they want to replace with sub compact sub par gun. The information contained in this manual is useful, both for beginners and experienced shooters. I hope we are still friends. "Steel is REAL." Common SIG Mosquito Problems and Solutions, 5 Most Common PSA Dagger Problems You Must Know, Loaded Chamber Indicator, Manual Safety, Striker Block, Trigger Safety, Modify it or try pushing it instead of pulling it. Cant & Retention | Inside Waistband | Taurus G2C Accessories |Compatible with Taurus PT111,Taurus PT140, Taurus G3C Holster, Taurus G2C Holster IWB Kydex Holster for Taurus G3C 9mm / G2C 9mm G2S / Millennium PT111 G2 / PT140 9mm Case, Inside Waistband Concealed Holster Taurus G3C 9mm, Black, Right Hand, Taurus G2C Holster, OWB Holster Fits Taurus G2C/G3C, Taurus Millennium G2 PT111/PT140. Quick view Add to Cart. Here is what Dale Ross, the retired Marine below---wrote me after what I said about his review of the pistol: "I have something for you, you nothing. I love it! Taurus G2C 9mm Pistol, 3.2" Barrel, Blade Front/Adjustable Rear Sights, MOSS Green - 1G2C93B12T. Do not sell or share my personal information. It fits my hands and is pleasant to shoot. How do you loose a Spring? ^mi fhst bfphrtejt ruli hd sedi rierf mejnlbjg bs elweys kiip tmi fuzzli phbjtin bj e sedi nbri`tbhj! (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms.