The following Revengeance Mode changes now always apply to all worlds: The Nurse's heal-price will now scale with progression. The Decryption Computer now requires 100 Wires to be crafted instead of 300. (During the fourth bullet hell), "An upstart who recklessly stole and killed their way to power. Decreased Revengeance Mode phase 3 and 4 defense from 6 to 0. Decreased Dynamo Stem Cells movement speed bonus from 15% to 10%. Show em to me if you ever get the time." The mod adds new weapons mobs to the game as well. Cryon now inflicts Frostburn for 2 seconds and Chilled for 1.5 seconds. Then move to where your Remote Storage Access is situated, and with the Locator Drive still in hand, right-click on the Remote Storage Access to install these coordinates and . Reworked Boss Effects, the debuff now lists all effects that are currently in effect during the boss encounter. Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash if the player loaded in an Arsenal Lab Turret without a dedicated graphics card installed on their PC. Decreased level 14 Rogue Proficiency rogue damage bonus from 10% to 5%, rogue projectile velocity bonus from 10% to 6%, and rogue critical strike chance bonus from 5% to 3%. Increased Brimflame Robes defense from 10 to 15. The Aquatic Scourge head will inflict Irradiated for 6 seconds. Buffed Shroomite Digging Claw use time from 11 to 3. 1. Buffed Chlorophyte Chainsaw use time from 15 to 3 and increased its axe power from 115% to 120%. Brimstone Monsters will now target a new player if their current target dies in multiplayer. Buffed Astreal Defeat's base damage from 140 to 153. Sulphurous Sharkrons will now inflict Irradiated for 4 seconds and can no longer inflict Bleeding, Feral Bite, and Poisoned. You should take care. Borealis Bomber mana cost decreased from 15 to 10. Black Hawk Remote, Cold Divinity, Haunted Scroll, Igneous Exaltation, Mounted Scanner, Orthocera Shell, and Pulse Turret Remote now have a use time of 24 instead of 25. Cryo Slime now inflicts Frostburn for 2 seconds and Chilled for 1.5 seconds. Can now walk on platforms in its idle phase. The Moon Lord no longer drops 50 additional Luminite. Valheim . While enraged, it will no longer recharge. Eyezor, Nailhead, Snow Balla, and Snowman Gangsta no longer deal contact damage. Looks like something I'd carry around if I was 5 years old.". Increased its minion slot requirement from 4 to 5. Buffed Vortex Pickaxe use time from 11 to 5. Fixed despawn issues for worm-based segmented enemies and bosses. No longer accelerates defense when a Dank Creeper is alive in Expert Mode. Storm Weaver Armored Tail will now inflict Electrified for 1 second. You might just unveil a greater threat than what was there before. ", "Why are you talking to me right now? I'd offer her a drink, but I don't think she'd enjoy it.". Fixed sprite rotation issues with the following: Aetherflux Cannon's holdout projectile, Contagion's holdout projectile, Crystal Piercer's thrown projectile, Frosty Flare's thrown projectile, Hiveling (enemy), Lionfish's thrown projectile, and Nano Purge's holdout projectile. All laboratory structures contain Aged Security, Security Chests, along with other functional furniture that allow the creation and charge of several weapons. The "Abyss Weapons" item grouping no longer drops unless either The Slime God or the Wall of Flesh have been defeated. The Codebreaker is a Post-Plantera yoyo that has a chance to be dropped from Parascyte. Aquatic Heart, Brimrose, Frost Flare, Princess Spirit in a Bottle, Purified Jam, and Suspicious Looking Jelly Bean no longer exclusively drop in Revengeance Mode. Buffed Sawtooth Shark use time from 15 to 4 and decreased its axe power from 70% to 45%. Nerfed Executioner's Blade's base damage from 420 to 200. Attempting to do so may have dire consequences, You don't have sufficient knowledge to create this yet, A specific schematic must be deciphered first. Rogue stealth no longer boosts the player's movement speed or critical strike chance. 2 5 comments Best Add a Comment starstriker43122 1 yr. ago Schematics say that you need a "basic decryption computer" right? Depth Cells, Lumenyl, Planty Mush, and Tenebris all now drop at a 20% chance instead of a 50% chance and decreased the amount yielded from 5-10 to 2-5. Decreased Brimling post-Providence HP from 40,000 to 26,000. ", "When I'm drunk I'm way happier at least until the talking worms start to appear. Buffed Rich Mahogany Hammer use time from 32 to 9 and decreased its hammer power from 35% to 25%. If the player does less than 1 damage to a boss, the damage is no longer rounded up to 1 (2 on a critical hit) and is instead rounded down to 0. Endo Hydra Staff mana cost decreased from 25 to 10. Calamity Mod Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Genesis Pickaxe now requires 2 Meld Constructs instead of 9 to be crafted, and no longer requires 1 Galactica Singularity. Decreased level 9 Rogue Proficiency rogue damage bonus from 5% to 3%, rogue projectile velocity bonus from 5% to 4%, and rogue critical strike chance bonus from 3% to 2%. None of us know of its true purpose, however, the ancient Eidolist cultists used it for worship before Lord Yharim took it over. Frequency Manipulator, Gauss Pistol, Hydraulic Volt Crasher, Matter Modulator, and Mounted Scanner now require 10 of Any Mythril Bar instead of 10 Hallowed Bars to be crafted. The Stardust Pillar will spawn Twinkle Poppers and Flow Invaders. Aetherflux Cannon now requires 5 Auric Bars, 8 Divine Geodes, 12 Uelibloom Bars, and a Purge Guzzler instead of 1 Ascendant Spirit Essence and 5 Cosmilite Bars. Decreased Ranged Proficiency movement speed bonuses by 50%. Buffed Drax use time from 15 to 4 and gave it +1 tile range. All sound effect volumes have been capped. ", "When exploring the jungle temple be careful. Buffed Subduction Slicer, its stealth strikes now have a 150% damage modifier. The availability of post-Devourer of Gods items has been restructured: The following recipes now require a Cosmic Anvil to be crafted instead of Draedon's Forge: Ace's High, Aetherflux Cannon, Alluvion, Alpha Ray, The Amalgam, Anti-materiel Rifle, Ark of the Cosmos, Ataraxia, Auric Bar, all Auric Tesla armor pieces, Auric Toilet, Celestial Tracers, Cleansing Blaze, Core of the Blood God, Corvid Harbinger Staff, Cosmic Shiv, Cosmic Viper Engine, Cosmilite Brick, Cosmilite furniture set, Dark Sun Ring, Devil's Devastation, The Devourer of Cods, Draedon's Heart, Dragon Pow, Dragonfruit, Drataliornus, Eclipse Mirror, Eclipse's Fall, Elemental Gauntlet, Elemental Quiver, Elysian Tracers, Empyrean Knives, Endo Hydra Staff, The Enforcer, Essence Flayer, Ethereal Talisman, Executioner's Blade, Eye of Extinction, Face Melter, all Fearmonger armor pieces, Galaxia, Galaxy Smasher, Gaze of Crysthamyr, God's Paranoia, all God Slayer armor pieces, Greatsword of Blah, Hypothermia, Karasawa, Light God's Brilliance, Midnight Sun Beacon, Minigun, Nadir, Nanotech, Nucleogenesis, Omega Healing Potion, Onyxia, The Oracle, The Pack, Penumbra, Phangasm, Phaseslayer, Plasma Grenade, Pole Warper, Prismatic Breaker, Pulse Rifle, Rampart of Deities, Rubico Prime, Saros Possession, Scourge of the Cosmos, SDFMG, all Silva armor pieces, Silva Crystals, Silva Wings, The Sponge, Starmada, Statis' Void Sash, Stream Gouge, Soul Piercer, Tesla Cannon, Tyranny's End, Ultima, Vanquisher Arrow, Voltaic Climax, and The Wand. ", "The plague was just one of the many experiments authorized by Yharim to raze towns to the ground. Buffed Palladium Chainsaw use time from 15 to 4 and decreased its axe power from 75% to 70%. License: CC Attribution Learn more Buffed War Axe of the Night use time from 29 to 12 and increased its axe power from 75% to 100%. 7- . Signus, Envoy of the Devourer is now immune to Whispering Death. Nerfed Silva Horned Hood crystal projectile base damage from 1500 to 600. Flight time boosts are also now additive instead of multiplicative on top of receiving bonuses from movement speed. Fixed a bug where the raining projectiles spawned from the Venerated Locket were counted as stealth strike projectiles for the Duke's Decapitator, Luminous Striker, and Scarlet Devil. Decreased Crystyl Crusher pickaxe power from 5000% to 500%. Decreased ray phase defense from 45 to 30. has been replaced with "Crypts, tombs, dungeons, those're all just treasure troves to me. (When summoning the Supreme Soul Seekers during a rematch), "Isn't this exciting?" Dragon Scales now additionally boost running acceleration by 10%. Plague Hive no longer requires the Toxic Heart or. Standardized Vanilla summon weapon use times by tier. Aureus Cells now have a 20% chance to drop instead of a 50% chance and decreased the amount yielded from 5-10 to 2-5. All projectiles spawned by Supreme Calamitas will now have a 2x velocity multiplier if any player leaves the arena. Decreased level 11 Melee Proficiency melee damage bonus from 7% to 5%, melee swing speed bonus from 7% to 2%, and melee critical strike chance bonus from 4% to 2%. Decreased Plague Reaper Striders movement speed bonus from 20% to 15%. All stat boosts have been removed. Boss Effects now disables all teleportation effects and decreases the Portal Gun falling speed modifier from 3.5x to 2x in addition to all of the previous effects of Boss Zen. Uh on second thought, I won't answer that. Additionally, decreased Grand Gelatin jump speed bonus from 40% to 24%. Buffed Chain Knife's base damage from 12 to 14. ", "I never realized how well-endowed [Name of Archmage] was. Decreased Fireball Detonating Flame defense from 150 to 20. Dashes no longer predict the player's movement. Chaotic Puffer now inflicts Brimstone Flames for 3 seconds instead of 5. They are used to unlock various items crafted with Dubious Plating and Mysterious Circuitry. Steam Community :: Guide :: How to summon exo mechs Increased Healer Guardian DR from 15% to 20%. Increased its movement speed bonus from 4% to 5%. Everclear buff now decreases defense by 30% instead of by 40 defense. ", "Do you like my vodka? Sirius mana cost decreased from 60 to 10. ", "Ironic, is it not, that Statis was defeated by the very Sentinel his people fashioned their art of stealth from. Fixed a rendering error with debuff icons that appear on top of The Hive Mind's second phase. Signus, Envoy of the Devourer will drop the Guidelight of Oblivion. Removed Auric Tesla Hooded Facemask top run speed and acceleration bonuses. What is a vuvuzela? 3-Boss. Buffed The Absorber, Grand Gelatin, Life Jelly, and The Sponge life regeneration boost while standing still from 2 to 4. ", "Be careful when defeating Plantera and the Golem. While performing their laser barrage, UFO minions will now circle above their target. Decreased level 7 Ranged Proficiency ranged damage bonus from 4% to 2%. Decreased level 12 Rogue Proficiency rogue damage bonus from 8% to 4%, rogue projectile velocity bonus from 8% to 5%, and rogue critical strike chance bonus from 4% to 3%. Multicolored cocktail flasks now inflict the Nightwither debuff instead of God Slayer Inferno. Fixed a bug where the Cobalt Kunai, Dune Hopper, and Stellar Knife stealth strike projectiles could not proc the effects of certain rogue accessories. Supreme Calamitas' sprite will now change once she has been defeated once. Plaguebringer Goliath Plague Missiles will now inflict Plague for 3 seconds instead of 5. Ascendant Spirit Essence now requires an additional 2. Anahita will no longer inflict any debuffs. This guide was last updated for version . Calamity Mod. Buffed Adamantite Waraxe use time from 34 to 9, increased its axe power from 100% to 160%, and gave it +1 tile range. Buffed Spectre Pickaxe use time from 23 to 7 and increased its tile range from +3 to +4. It's been rough, but I think I'm on the right track now. ", "How much more has the world fallen to ruin? Colossal Squid Ink Bombs now inflict Darkness for 5 seconds instead of 10 and no longer inflicts Venom. 2-. The third mechanical boss defeated will now cause Hallowed Ore to be spawned in the underground Hallow Biome. That you're bad and should feel bad? Moved 10% of its total summon damage bonus to the headpiece itself. Additionally split homing projectiles now no longer deal damage for the first 6 frames, in exchange, their velocities are multiplied even further when homing in onto an enemy. Nerfed Sulphurous Leggings defense from 6 to 5. Added new dialogue while the Brimstone Witch is present: "Hey, hey, has Calamitas seriously moved in here with us? The Perforator Worm AI now uses custom AI instead of Worm AI. It also added Malice Mode along with several other game mechanics, and numerous items ranging from weapons to vanity items. Well, the point is to forget them, isn't it? Fixed an issue with the Relic of Deliverance that allowed players to clip into tiles. Nerfed Red Riding Dress minion and ranged damage bonuses from 25% to 15%. Decreased Cosmic Mine HP from 6000 to 3900. Decreased level 5 Melee Proficiency melee swing speed bonus from 2% to 1%. Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented Signus, Envoy of the Devourer from spawning during the Sentinels phase of The Devourer of Gods fight. I started building my base! Decreased level 13 Melee Proficiency melee damage bonus from 9% to 6%, melee swing speed bonus from 9% to 4%, and melee critical strike chance bonus from 5% to 3%. The Plaguebringer Goliath is now immune to Plague, Poisoned, and Venom. Buffed Chlorophyte Drill use time from 15 to 4 and gave it +2 tile range. #1 Hey guys, I made this medieval themed starter town/base for me and some friends to run through calamity mod with, but I put so much effort into it that I figured I'd throw it up here in case anyone else would like to use it :3 The Plaguebringer Goliath will now inflict Plague for 4 seconds instead of 5. Bloom Stone no longer increases damage and damages nearby enemies. If a dodge or reflect is performed, no other dodge or reflect can be performed until the global cooldown has ended. Resprited The Slime God's ball and mine, Spiked Crimson Slime Spawn's spike, Supreme Calamitas' skulls, Supreme Cataclysm's projectile, and Supreme Catastrophe's projectile. They now have a 10% chance to drop instead of a 20% chance and decreased the amount yielded from 5-10 to 1-5. I am in the process of weaving a spell, which requires great focus. With this mod comes a slew of new bosses, unique and challenging difficulty modes, over a thousand new items, new NPCs, and entire new biomes to explore! Decreased reactive DR timer from 5 minutes to 4 minutes and 15 seconds. Radiant arrows now remove enemy immunity frames on hit instead of granting enemies 1 local immunity frame. All modifiers are grouped into categories that consist of 7 tiers (0-6), categories are determined by weapon damage type and ability to receive certain modifiers over others. Aquatic Aberrations will now inflict Bleeding for 2 seconds instead of Wet. Storm Weaver is immune to all debuffs in phase 1. ", "Yes, everyone knows the mechworm is buggy. Buffed Shadewood Hammer use time from 29 to 8 and decreased its hammer power from 40% to 25%. Herring Staff mana cost decreased from 5 to 10. Decreased Supreme Calamitas, Catastrophe, and Cataclysm Boss Rush DR from 60% to 25%. When used, it now fires four magnetic orbs in a diamond pattern that travel for a short distance, firing 12 shadowbolts per second at nearby enemies. Life regeneration now scales from 50% effectiveness at full HP to 100% effectiveness at 1 HP. Borealis Bomber and Infected Remote now have a use time of 19 instead of 20. ", "SometimesI feel like all I'm good for during these events is making ice cubes and slushies. Why??? glad to help! Buffed Astral Pickaxe use time from 8 to 5. Will now fire 24 feathers in phase 1 and 20 feathers in phase 2 instead of 6 in phase 1 and 5 in phase 2. Buffed Bone Sword's base damage from 16 to 20. ", "Rumor has it [Name of Drunk Princess] drinks to forget her troubled past. Increased its movement speed bonus from 3% to 4%. His attacks may just kill you in one hit, so be careful. If Providence, the Profaned Goddess has been defeated: "The Rune of Kos holds a significant portion of Providence's brand of magic, easily distinguishable from all others. Hydrothermic armor base set bonus contact explosion now has a 100% chance to occur when hit instead of a 20% chance. Buffed Adamantite Chainsaw use time from 15 to 4 and decreased its axe power from 100% to 90%. Schematics - Calamity Mod Wiki Damage boost is decreased from 100 /, Nerfed Phantom Spirit (Happy) HP from 9000 /. The Codebreaker - Calamity Mod Wiki 5-3692. Buffed Mythril Sword's base damage from 43 to 100, decreased use time from 25 to 24, and it now decreases enemy contact damage by 10% for 1 second on hit. Buffed base damage from 40 to 125. Son of Yharon minions now bounce off of their targets and fire homing fireballs, instead of ramming back and forth through targets. Holy Bomb and Flare projectiles now use a circular hitbox. Rogue Stealth damage calculations have been overhauled and are now determined based on how long the player's stealth takes to charge, the weapon's use-time, and the weapon's damage. Decreased level 12 Magic Proficiency magic damage bonus from 8% to 4%, mana cost reduction bonus from 8% to 5%, and magic critical strike chance bonus from 4% to 3%. How do you use the codebreaker base? : r/CalamityMod - Reddit Buffed Boreal Wood Hammer use time from 32 to 10 and decreased its hammer power from 35% to 25%. All Vanilla bosses now utilize a standard 25% /. If one Mechanical Boss has been defeated: The Mechanical Boss' base HP is decreased by 10%, The Mechanical Boss' base damage is decreased by 10%. Brimstone Hearts are now attached to the top of the arena by veins. Meteorite now has a 20% chance to drop instead of a 50% chance. Cosmic Immaterializer mana cost decreased from 100 to 10. Decreased Victide Leggings movement speed bonus in liquid from 50% to 30%. Toxic Minnow now inflicts Poisoned for 2 seconds instead of Crush Depth. Comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . Increased level 10 Summoner Proficiency summon damage bonus from 6% to 7%. Increased Cinnamon Roll buff duration from 5 minutes to 8. Buffed Stardust Drill use time from 15 to 3 and gave it +4 tile range. Plague Charger now inflicts Plague for 2 seconds instead of 3. Removed Supreme Catastrophe and Cataclysm damage resistances. HOW THE FUCK DO I USE THE CODEBREAKER BASE THEN?! Now drops its own Treasure Bag in Expert Mode or higher. Fixed Golem (free head) hitbox being significantly lower than its sprite. Phantom Debris now inflicts War Cleave for 2 seconds instead of 1. Sulphuric Scales and Corroded Fossils now drop at a 10% chance instead of a 50% chance and decreased the amount yielded from 5-10 to 1-3. Asgard's Valor, Asgardian Aegis, and Elysian Aegis now grant the player 6 immunity frames instead of 4 when a shield bash is performed. You will find a powerful enemy to fight, which will unleash the full fervor of the jungle once defeated. It is the largest of the planetoids, and the size of the planetoid scales with the map size. The Arms Dealer can also sell Battle Potions for, The Demolitionist can also sell Obsidian Skin Potions for, The Demolitionist can also sell Spelunker Potions for, The Drunk Princess can also sell Lifeforce Potions for, The Dryad can also sell Regeneration Potions for, The Merchant can also sell Healing, Mana, and Titan Potions for, The Merchant can also sell Wormhole Potions for, The Witch Doctor can now sell Calming Potions for, The Witch Doctor can also sell Rage and Wrath Potions for, The Wizard can also sell Gravitation Potions for. ", "The abuse [Name of Brimstone Witch] went through is something I can hardly comprehend. Auric Quantum Cooling Cell now requires 8 Mysterious Circuitry, 8 Dubious Plating, 40 Endothermic Energy, and 6 Cores of Eleum to be crafted instead of 40 Wires, 80 Endothermic Energy, and 12 Cores of Eleum. Energy Staff mana cost decreased from 25 to 10. Buffed Nebula Pickaxe use time from 11 to 5. After eight lunges are performed, it will rapidly dash into the player and spawn in five. Fixed an issue with Nanotech incorrectly displaying crit levels. #1 Fluxxation Nov 19, 2021 @ 4:08am It won't let me edit for some reason, I meant the code breaker. Darksun Fragments now drop at increased rates: Increased Elemental in a Bottle drop rate from 14.29% /, Increased The First Shadowflame drop rate from 14.29% /, Increased Fungal Carapace drop rate from from 14.29% /, Increased Giant Shell drop rate from 14.29% /. Put a stop to this inclement weather this instant before it ruins my hair! The drawings on the schematics each depict their . Saros Possession mana cost decreased from 100 to 10. Reworked Yharon's Kindle Staff, removed bonus defense, life regeneration, and movement speed while a Son of Yharon minion is summoned. ", "Ever wondered why the Moon Lord needed so many tentacles? The Hive Mind now drops 8-12 Demonite Bars instead of 7-10 in Normal Mode. Decreased level 10 Magic Proficiency magic damage bonus from 6% to 4%, mana cost reduction bonus from 6% to 4%, and magic critical strike chance bonus from 3% to 2%. All enemies that naturally spawn during the Tier 3 Acid Rain have had their Tier 3 HP values decreased by 45%. If you were looking for something other than the boss, see Draedon (disambiguation). Now only fires 6 crystals instead of 10 while it has 75% HP or more. The following were additionally adjusted: Cleansing Blaze, Cosmic Viper Engine, Essence Flayer, Executioner's Blade, Galaxy Smasher, Soul Piercer, Stream Gouge, The Devourer of Cods, The Enforcer, and Vanquisher Arrows no longer use Nightmare Fuel or Endothermic Energy in their recipes. Buffed Stardust Pickaxe use time from 11 to 5. The Corrupt and Crimson slime spawns are also now immune to Poisoned. Astrum Deus will drop the Hide of Astrum Deus, Quasar, and Conference Call. UFO minions now lock onto targets 250% faster. Tell me, what do you think of ice magic? The. Explosive Shotgun Shells, Grenade Shells, and Magnum Rounds can no longer drop from any boss. Hope you enjoy it, I know I will. Decreased Calamitas post-Providence HP from 112,500 /, Decreased Cataclysm post-Providence HP from 27,000 /, Decreased Catastrophe post-Providence HP from 22,500 /. Nerfed Ark of the Elements' base damage from 126 to 115. ", "Wouldn't be the first time I used my friends' remains as weapons." The Codebreaker is a piece of constructible furniture that consists of six different components scattered throughout progression: Codebreaker Base, Decryption Computer, Long Ranged Sensor Array, Advanced Display, Voltage Regulation System, and Auric Quantum Cooling Cell. Red Abyss Mines inflict Darkness for 4 seconds. Fixed a bug that caused Phaseslayer to skip one of the frames of the player's swing animation when facing left. Nerfed Squire's Great Helm and Valhalla Knight's Breastplate life regeneration bonuses from 8 to 1 and 16 to 2 respectively. Nerfed Cragmaw Mire DR from 60% to 50%, 40% to 30% when the player is submerged. ", "The Devourer of Gods is extremely powerful. ", "With all of this new stuff cropping up, looks like we got some easy loot and new items to craft up, eh? ", "How odd it is, that your people leave the care of those yet to be born to the females. Buffed Ebonwood Hammer use time from 29 to 8 and decreased its hammer power from 40% to 25%. Decreased cocoon defense from 99,999 to 60. Increased Rock Pillar defense from 0 to 50. Reworked Midnight Sun Beacon, removed beacon laser beam barrage. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Toxic Minnow gas cloud projectiles now use a circular hitbox. Bullet hell projectile spawn delay is now based on the world difficulty. The following enemies will spawn at their corresponding pillar when the Pillar Shield is between 50% and 26% HP (Between 50 and 74 enemies defeated): The Nebula Pillar will spawn Brain Sucklers, Predictors, and, The Stardust Pillar will spawn Stargazers, Twinkle Poppers, and. (When transitioning into her second phase), "It's absurd to even think of trying to get away. Now causes all rogue projectiles to explode into 5-12 lost souls and grants +10 rogue stealth. Abyss, Ancient, Ashen, Botanic, Cosmilite, Monolith, Otherworldly, Plagued, Profaned, Silva, Stratus, and Void. Buffed Axe of Purity use time from 18 to 14. Fixed Frostcrush Valari not firing as many icicles as intended on stealth strikes. While in a lab, the player's Stamina will decrease by 1 point . Rotten Chunk from The Hive Mind and Purified Gel from The Slime God are in stacks of 3. Nerfed Armored Digger tail DR from 45% to 35%. The Endo Hydra, Mechworm, and Stardust Dragon minions are not respawned and need to be resummoned. Terraria Calamity how to get CODEBREAKER (2023) - YouTube Increased Craw Carapace drop rate from 14.29% /. Removed Auric Tesla Body armor movement speed bonus (was previously 50%). Fixed an exploit that allowed players to gain two dodges from swapping the Abyssal Mirror and Eclipse Mirror when one or the other's dodge was on cooldown. Increased Crimulan and Ebonian Slime God's reactive DR duration from 60 seconds to 90 seconds. ", "The sun beats down harshly upon my creations here. Buffed Palladium Sword's base damage from 41 to 100 and it now increases the player's life regeneration by 2 for 1 second on hit. This attack can not be performed if any Perforator worms are alive. Doing so may have dire consequences" The coadbreaker from Terraria Calamity mod. ", "I don't think Mom and Dad are proud of the job I have right now. Supreme Catastrophe and Supreme Cataclysm now fire custom projectiles. Will now always jump towards the player instead of away from them. Buffed Vortex Drill use time from 15 to 3 and gave it +4 tile range. ", "What a great day! Decreased level 4 Rogue Proficiency rogue damage bonus from 3% to 2%. Boss Effects will now be removed from the player if they travel more than 400 blocks away from the boss. Jungle Dragon, Yharon's and Wrathwing's fireball projectiles no longer have a rainbow overlay. Mostly cause they're all dead. All Challenge items and Legendary Challenge items will now exclusively drop from the following bosses in Malice Mode: Desert Scourge will drop the Dune Hopper. However, the recent wars and pollution have tipped the balance out of favor. Thank you very much! Pestilent Slime now inflicts Plague for 3 seconds instead of 5. Now only uses its projectile vomit attack when it has 75% HP or less. The Adrenaline and Rage Meters now have UI indicators for their corresponding upgrades. Stealth strike bonus projectiles now have a cooldown of 1 second. ", "Ah yes, the Abyss. All projectiles spawned by weapons now ignore water physics.