Notify CATRAC. Thats the real discussion. "The Texas Attorney General has advised that the States receipt and use of these so-called 'ARPA Funds' does not legally lead to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate in Texas. The TEA will offer webinars for LEAs seeking to learn more on the following dates: TEA will continue to determine remote learning support needs for LEAs and provide resources and supports to LEAs over time. The potential continuation of remote learning may be determined by the legislature in future legislative sessions, including consideration of input from the Texas Commission on Virtual Education that will be studying remote learning in Texas and providing recommendations to the legislature over the course of school years 2021-22 and 2022-23. Gov. LEAs must also periodically assess students in the remote learning program to assess progress. 2158 passed the House on, May25,2021, by the following vote:Yeas113, Nays32, two. The 53-page bill also includes a provision, similar to one adopted a year ago in Florida, that would prohibit public schools from providing instruction or activities regarding sexual orientation or gender identity at all grade levels. (c)Unless otherwise provided by law, a board of trustees, the establishment of ongoing operations of at least one, parent-teacher organization at each school in the district to, promote parental involvement in school activities, SECTION1.006. Yes, both are eligible to participate if they are a current Texas-licensed EMS provider. Its a program to give a break to affluent parents who want to send their children to private Christian schools. "We have the. Texas Legislature: House, Senate higher education bills to watch Our state government has a responsibility to serve our students, and instead of focusing on the rampant gun violence in our schools or the ongoing teacher shortage, our leaders are choosing to attack their own constituents. The best stories from KERA sent to your inbox. by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: SECTION2.005. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Texas 2.$3,200.00 per student for an AEMT course. In some cases, EMS Sponsoring Agency may allow for transfer of volunteer/employment commitment to another program in Texas. Section 29.372, Education Code, as added by this article. Texas Public Radio | Add to Bill List. Hardin, the retired teacher, who was still waiting for her turn to testify eight hours after the hearing started, doesnt believe that. creating and implementing educational programs for their children. The committee will. List of vetoed Texas bills | Texas legislative news | SB 8 bill author Sen. Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe said he was not fazed by the House vote, calling it all part of the negotiation process. Yes, this includes one skills exam session. Congressional Republicans Distort a New Report on the Global Minimum Tax. Texas House makes changes to student voucher bill, leaves bill on Callie Butcher of the Dallas LGBT Bar Association was one of several people who waited long hours in March to testify against that provision in the bill. Parents, educators and activists sounded off about a package of bills that would provide public funding for private and religious schooling while prohibiting public school educators from providing instruction about gender identity and sexual orientation at all grade levels. If signed into law, Senate Bill 8 would give families up to $8,000 in taxpayer money, per student, to pay for private schooling through an educational savings account, cementing Lt. Gov. 1697), 915 (H.B. Banning Healthcare for Transgender Youth Risks Their Lives and Futures, SCOTUS Betrays Millions of Borrowers by Gutting Student Loan Forgiveness Program, Texas Freedom Network Responds, Slaying Gender Episode 1 Brigette Bandit, SCOTUS Reopens Nations Dark History of Discrimination in Higher Education by Ending Affirmative Action, Texas Freedom Network Denounces. Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is. / The Texas Senate Sen. Royce West (D-Dallas) debates against SB 8 on the Texas Senate floor Thursday, April 6, 2023. In addition, each LEA that offers a local remote program will receive an A-F evaluation rating for the local remote program. Sec. Additionally, please note that LEAs may continue to offer remote learning outside of SB 15 via any of the partially or fully funded methods shared inthis guidance document. Sec. SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION: $2,000.00 per student for an EMT course. 1120 Toro Grande Blvd. Texas Legislature: Revised Senate Bill 8 creates buzz at Capitol The amendment passed 86 to 52 with the support of nearly two dozen Republicans. B ill: History Text Actions Companions Amendments Authors Sponsors Captions Bill Stages House Pre-filed Amendments. I really believe the future of our schools is at stake, Hardin said. ", P.O. classes imposed under Section 25.112, which do not apply; (I)extracurricular activities under Section, (J)discipline management practices or behavior. Subchapter D, Chapter 31, Education Code, is. Abbott, Lt. Gov. Signed in Senate-Art III Sec 49a Tx. TX SB8 | 2023-2024 | 88th Legislature | LegiScan After two years of political attacks on local schools, Smith said shes worried that those controversies are being used as a pretext to siphon public school funding away. SB 8 would steal public funds from our neighborhood schools, diverting our tax dollars to unregulated private schools that can legally discriminate against children and families. What does Senate Bill 8 say about abortions? - Texas Being denied information or support about these subjects does not make those kids less gay or less trans, but it will make it more difficult for those children to get support, Butcher said. The Texas House public education committee is hearing invited testimony today about a House version of Senate Bill 8, which would let families enroll their children in a state-funded "educational . The original bill text limited eligibility to students entering their first year of formal education or transferring from a public school, with no limits on income eligibility. No. AN ACT. We break down the details of this new law on our Legal FAQ on the topic, "Are abortions banned in Texas?" 3708 was passed by the House on May, 12, 2023, by the following vote:Yeas 117, Nays 21, 2 present, not, I certify that H.B. The EMS education program will receive the incentive through the EMS provider. Use our new PolitiCorps to join with friends and collegaues to monitor & discuss bills through the process.Monitor Legislation or view this same bill number from multiple sessions or take advantage of our national legislative search. This, subsection does not affect a claim brought by a parent under the, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY: PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS. Join others and make your gift to Houston Public Media today. There are no restrictions on how an EMS Education program uses the awarded incentives. Section 22.092(d), Education Code, is, (d)The agency shall provide equivalent access to the. Legislation Overview Senate Bill 15 (SB 15) was sent to the governor to be signed into law on September 1, 2021. Some have surfaced the possibility of funding remote instruction in ways that pay based on the progress students make in their learning, to allow for a break from daily attendance requirements. L. No. Subchapter J, Chapter 29, Education Code, as, added by this article, applies beginning with the 2024-2025 school, SECTION2.006. No. AUSTIN, Texas Glennda Hardin awoke before sunrise and drove an hour from Temple to the state Capitol, her prepared speech folded neatly in her handbag. (b)The comptroller of public accounts may identify rules, required by the passage of Subchapter J, Chapter 29, Education, Code, as added by this article, that must be adopted on an emergency, basis for purposes of the 2024-2025 school year and may use the. Section 7.057(a), Education Code, is amended, (a)Except as provided by Subsection (e), a person may. Legislative Session: 85 (R) Author: Schwertner. Texas House's version of the Senate's voucher bill would change If they would bring the Proverbs every day into the school like I did with my kids at home, they would be fine.. implement Section 33.0531, Education Code, as added by this Act, only if the legislature appropriates money specifically for that, purpose. Achieved satisfactory achievement or higher on each STAAR assessment administered. thing is that the Senate version would give students who qualify $8,000 to cover private school tuition fees and other education-related expenses. Bill. "We all know we wouldn't tell a mom or dad what . Additionally, any student that receives remote instruction under an alternative to local remote instruction for a majority of their instructional time during the year would count toward this cap, which could include students who are: How do we take attendance for remote instruction? prevails over another Act of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in, ARTICLE 2. Include at least one STAAR-assessed grade level among the grade levels for which local remote learning is offered or include a complete high school program, including each course for which an end-of-course assessment is required to be administered. 208, Cedar Park 78613, Office: (512)926-6184 The Texas Education Agency is required to implement Section 33.0531, Education Code, as added by this Act, only if the legislature appropriates money specifically for that . Upon signing SB 8 into law, the Governor also provided a filing statement clarifying that the bill does not legally lead to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate in the State of Texas. Johnson, Amended 4-Parker, Krause, Allison, Shine, and Minjarez, Amended 3-Parker, Buckley, Allison, Minjarez, E. Morales, Shine, and Smith, Amendment adopted as amended 1-Middleton and Holland, Amendment amended 2-Holland and Middleton, Amendment(s) offered 1-Middleton and Holland, Comte report filed with Committee Coordinator, Testimony taken/registration(s) recorded in committee, Committee substitute considered in committee, Rules suspended-Regular order of business. History Text Actions Companions Amendments Authors Sponsors Captions Bill Stages. Section 12.104(b), Education Code, as. higher education, as those . Texas Legislature: Abbott signals special sessions for school choice Earned a grade of C or higher in the foundation curriculum courses taken virtually or remotely in the preceding school year. At this point, she said, parents are desperate for options to have our inalienable rights honored.. Intent Recorded in Journal, Amendment fails of adoption 22-J.D. Please note that all guidance below is pending the governors final signature on SB 15, and if the bill is not signed into law, this guidance is no longer applicable. 0:59. Texas Freedom Network Vice President of Programs Marti Bier (they/them) issued the following response: Our children are not political pawns to serve an extremist agenda. LEAs that do not have a prior performance rating, for example, LEAs established in school years 2019-20 or 2020-21, are eligible to launch local remote learning under SB 15 but will be subject to the performance rating constraint once a rating is assigned in a future school year. Senators amended that language during debate Thursday, extending the funding boost to five years. If this, Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this. And I go through my noes to get my yeses., SB 8 also includes language similar to Floridas so-called Dont Say Gay law. Rules 25.1(d)(6), 28.1, 32.1(g), 37.3(a)(1), 38.6(a) and (b), (g)This section does not authorize an award of attorney's, fees against this state, and Section 37.009, Civil Practice and. Sen. Robert Nichols, R-Jacksonville, was the only Republican to vote against it. Texas Senate approves bill to create state's first school voucher-like Johnson, Amendment adopted as amended 13-Patterson, Amendment as amended withdrawn 10-Martinez, Point of order withdrawn (amendment) Rule 6, Section 16(f), Amendment adopted as amended 8-J.E. #txlege Students participating in local remote programs will count in the accountability system just as any other student, based on the campuses they are associated with. Education advocates spent Wednesday buzzing about a drastically revised version in the Texas House of Senate Bill 8, a proposal by Sen. Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe, which would create an . Finally, SB 15 will be in effect through September 1, 2023. Dan Patrick. 117-2," reads the statement. "It's horrible for rural Texas. Vera Billingsley, wearing a red blazer over a Parents Matter T-shirt, said she came to tell legislators she supports their plans and hopes they go further: Not only should parents be given money for private Christian academies, but the same biblical values that guide curricula in those schools should also be mandated in public school classrooms. I hereby certify that S.B. In a stunning move Wednesday night, Texas House members prevented the chamber's Committee on Public Education from gathering in what many had expected would be an attempt to advance Senate. required to make the finding described by Section 2001.034(a). Provide students enrolled in remote learning the ability to participate in any extracurricular activity sponsored or sanctioned by the LEA or by the University Interscholastic League in the same manner as other students. To the extent of any conflict, this Act. I certify that H.B. The Texas House's education committee is soon expected to discuss the new version of Senate Bill 8, which was heavily modified to sway votes in the lower chamber. (G)bilingual education under Subchapter B, (H)prekindergarten programs under Subchapter E, or E-1, Chapter 29, except class size limits for prekindergarten. A Queer Priest Created the First Suicide Hotline How Can We Honor His Legacy? School Choice: Texas lawmakers proposing bringing taxpayer funding to Texas Legislature Online - 85(R) Text for SB 8 Yes. Constitution, House adopts resolution to go outside bounds HR 297, Senate adopts conf. Have an overall district-wide performance rating of. Sergio Martnez-Beltrn, who covers the Capitol for the Texas Newsroom, said Senate Bill 8 is among them. Text: Latest bill text (Enrolled) [HTML] Heres everything you need to know about school vouchers in Texas. this subchapter as determined by the commissioner; (B)criminal history records under Subchapter C, (C)reading instruments and accelerated reading. If a STAAR assessment was not administered but the student was in a grade/subject for which STAAR should have been administered, a different assessment can be administered that shows grade level proficiency in TEKS (e.g., the STAAR Beginning of Year (BOY) assessment). This rating will be in addition to and separate from all other A-F accountability ratings. (2)the provisions in Chapter 554, Government Code; (3)a prohibition, restriction, or requirement, as, applicable, imposed by this title or a rule adopted under this, (A)the Public Education Information Management, System (PEIMS) to the extent necessary to monitor compliance with. Hardin was among hundreds of educators, parents, school officials and activists who came to sound off about a slate of bills that would fundamentally reshape the states education system in response to conservative grievances over the ways public schools address racism, history and LGBTQ inclusion. Fax: 512-926-2777 Record travel expected here in Houston and nationwide over the next week. If any application of any provision in this article to any, person, group of persons, or circumstances is found by a court to be, invalid for any reason, the remaining applications of that, provision to all other persons and circumstances shall be severed, SECTION3.001. Texas lawmakers have attempted to create school voucher-like programs in the past, but this session marks the first time private school choice has the full-throttled support of both Gov. Local remote learning may not be the sole option offered to families, in general or for any given day that remote instruction is offered. If an extenuating circumstance were to occur, contact CATRAC for assistance. Upon the governor's signature of the bill, local educational agencies (LEAs) may receive full ADA funding for students who attend local remote learning programs at any point during the 2021-22 school year if that remote instruction meets the requirements set by SB 15. Ensure teachers are not delivering instruction concurrently; concurrent instruction is instruction delivered to both on-campus and remote learners during the same class period, at the same time. The. The Texas House Public Education Committee met May 10 to discuss Senate Bill 8, which concerns private school vouchers, in a special meeting. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. The minimum requirement to receive the student scholarship must include tuition, books, and the fee to take the NREMT exam the first time. SECTION2.002. Section 11.161, Education Code, is amended, against an independent school district or an officer of an, independent school district acting under color of office, the court, the suit is frivolous, unreasonable, and without foundation; and, SECTION1.004. Section 25.035, Education Code, is amended. Ste. Contact EMS Sponsoring Agency or CATRAC. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Legislative Session: 87 (3) Author: Nelson. AUSTIN, Texas The Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs today will hear Senate Bill 8, an omnibus bill that seeks to divert public funds to private schools, censor educational content and programming across all grade levels, and allow school districts to impose fees and costs on parents who bring administrative complaints. After three hours of debate on the Senate floor, SB 8 passed in a 18 to 13 vote. 87(R) SB 2158 - Enrolled version - Bill Text On Monday, her husband, Attorney General Ken Paxton, issued an opinion arguing that government funding for private religious schools is legal under the Texas Constitution. Chapter 1, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 1.009 to read as follows: . Copyright 2023 Texas Public Radio. Feature. If you'd like to sign up now, fill out the form below and we will add you as soon as we finish the transition. An essential part of providing equity in our nation is that we are not imposing beliefs on people, Bandel said. The bill was authored by Sen ., Duty Officer Phone:(512)926-6184, Option 9. Completed Legislative Action. 1365), Acts of the 87th, Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, is reenacted and amended to. Thats not what we need to move forward with how to do the best education with stratified marketing and stratified markets throughout Texas," Bettencourt said. Senate Bill 8 (sometimes called the Texas Heartbeat Bill) is a new state law that bars physicians from performing abortions after the detection of a "fetal heartbeat." The law went into effect on September 1st, 2021. So of course theyre going to be a no until theyre a yes, Creighton said. amended by adding Section 31.0236 to read as follows: SECTION1.016. report-reported, Senate adopts resolution to go outside bounds SR 94, House grants request for conf comm-reported, Senate requests conference committee-reported, House grants request for conference committee, House amendment(s) laid before the Senate, Statement of Leg. Version. Texas Senate passes education savings accounts bill - The Texas Tribune Let the Houston Public Media newsroom help you start your day. Section 33.057, Education Code, is amended to. I dont care how many special sessions it takes, Patrick said during a Texas Public Policy Foundation event in early March. Tracking Information. Subchapter C, Chapter 33, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 33.0531 to read as follows: . Yes, so long as you are working or volunteering for a current Texas-licensed EMS provider. Sec. PARENTAL RIGHTS, SCHOOL LIBRARIES, AND CURRICULUM, SECTION1.001. 88(R) SB 8 - Introduced version - Bill Text With respect to teachers delivering instruction, LEAs must: Provide professional development on virtual instruction to all teachers delivering instruction in a local remote learning program. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: ARTICLE 1. The law makes exceptions for medical emergencies. November 8, 2021 | Austin, Texas Were forgetting our moral moorings, said Billingsley, whos running for a seat on the Northside Independent School District board of trustees in San Antonio. Opponents worry the accounts could peel students, and the money that comes with. To be eligible for funding for local remote learning, LEAs must: Critically, LEAs may only count a student toward ADA if that student meets eligibility requirements in the following areas: If a student didnotreceive a majority of the students instructional time in the preceding school year via remote instruction, then the criteria noted above do not apply to determine student eligibility for remote learning. (b)An attempt by any school district employee to encourage, or coerce a child to withhold information from the child's parent is, grounds for discipline under Section 21.104, 21.156, or 21.211, as, SECTION1.010. The vote took place along party lines, with Republican lawmakers favoring the. Cruel policies like SB 8 create an unsafe, hostile learning environment for LGBTQIA+ students, families, and educators while violating the rights of all families and parents who support inclusivity. Legislation to create a school voucher-like program has made it out of the Texas Senate. It allows private citizens to sue anyone who performs or induces an abortion in violation of the law. House Bill 8 Sponsor: New Boston Republican Rep. Gary VanDeaver Status: Approved by Higher Education Committee Companion Bill: Senate Bill 2539 Courses can be in-person, online, or hybrid. PARENTAL RIGHTS, SCHOOL LIBRARIES, AND CURRICULUM SECTION 1.001. The Senate passed a property tax cut plan Wednesday that included $3.2 billion for public school teachers. Government Code, to adopt emergency rules under this subsection. (c)The direct appeal is an accelerated appeal. Will Texas Senate Bill 8 pass? Congressional Republicans Distort a New Report on the Global Minimum appeals under this section over other matters. June 9, 2023, Austin, TX Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 8 (HB 8) into law today, codifying an innovative new model to fund community colleges in Texas. Resources like these are made possible by the generosity of our community of donors, foundations, and corporate partners. Materials or curriculum, SECTION1.019. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023. by adding Subsection (c-4) to read as follows: SECTION1.014. Dan Patrick speaks at the Texas Public Policy Foundation on Tuesday May 30, 2023. (512) 463-2000, Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott, Message From Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott, Outstanding Women in Texas Government Overview, Women-Owned Small Business Pitch Competition, Women-Owned Small Business Pitch Competition Overview, Women-Owned Small Business Pitch Competition Rules, Committee on People with Disabilities Overview, Texas Key Laws & Disability Resources Overview, Accessible Microsoft Office Documents Overview, Creating Accessible Microsoft Office 2013-2016 Documents, Creating Accessible Microsoft Office 2010 Documents, Creating Accessible Microsoft Office 2007 Documents, Accessibility and Disability Policy Webinars, Accessibility and Disability Policy Webinars Overview, Disability Employment Awareness Month Poster, Disability Employment Awareness Month Poster Overview, Reasonable Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities - Notice and FAQs, Sexual Assault Survivors Task Force Overview, Application for Municipal Police Department Budget Reduction, Fiscal Accountability and Federal Liaison, Texas Military Preparedness Commission Overview, Texas Office of State-Federal Relations Overview, Texas Workforce Investment Council Overview, Governor Abbott Signs Senate Bill 8, Allocating Federal American Rescue Plan Act Funding, $7.2 billion to the Unemployment Compensation Fund to pay back outstanding advances and to bring the balance of the fund to the statutory floor, $500.475 million for broadband infrastructure, $150 million for the deployment and reliable operations of next generation 911 service including equipment and administration costs, $180 million for tourism, travel, and the hospitality industry recovery (for those who have not received federal aid), $160 million to address the federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) shortfall affecting Crime Victims Assistance grants, $2 billionfor state and local hospital surge staffing, antibody therapeutic drugs, and the operation of regional antibody infusion centers, $378.3 million for critical staffing needs of frontline workers including recruitment and retention bonuses for nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, home health facilities, community attendants, and emergency medical services providers, $75 million to support rural hospitals that have been affected by COVID-19, $113 million to support the operations and expansion of mental health services for Texas children and families, $35 million to upgrade all nine Texas State Veteran Homes, along with negative pressure COVID-19 wards, and mobile high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration units for the Homes, $95 million for supplemental funding to food banks in response to COVID-19. Speaker of the House Dade Phelan chose not to include vouchers or ESAs in his list of priority legislation. Dan Patrick has made ESAs one of his top priorities this session. registry maintained under this section to: (3)nonprofit teacher organizations approved by the, commissioner for the purpose of participating in the tutoring, SECTION2.004. An EMS education program is not prohibited from providing additional resources to the students. Under SB 15, LEAs may receive full funding for local remote learning delivered viasynchronous instruction, asynchronous instruction, or a combination, for grades K-12. What they're about are reducing acceptance of the LGBTQ community, and they're about undercutting the dignity and equality of our community and stigmatizing and silencing LGBTQ teachers, students and families.. Please note that for criteria from thecurrentschool year, in the event that a student does not meet one of the criteria partway through the school year, LEAs will still receive funding for the first portion of the school year during which all current year criteria were met for that student. Section 411.109, Government Code, is amended. The information will be posted publicly but is not associated with any form of improvement, intervention, or sanction requirements in statute otherwise associated with campus and district accountability ratings. Relating to abortion, including abortions after detection of an unborn child's heartbeat; authorizing a private civil right of action. My child. Sen. Jos Menendez was one of several Democrats who opposed SB 8. Chapter 1, Education Code, is amended by, SECTION1.002. Lt. Gov. Like Gov. 2158 passed the Senate on. TX SB8 | 2021-2022 | 87th Legislature | LegiScan A Texas House committee is considering another school vouchers bill