That exponential growth, along with guidance from healthcare and government officials, has left powerlifters and coaches with a bleak outlook. Witt took home a state championship in Class 2A's 105-pound division at the Texas High . State Meet Dates: March 15-6A and 1A/2A, March 16-3A, March 17-4A, March 18-5A . Mount Pleasant gym making preparations for 'Lift the Stigma' powerlifting meet to raise money for suicide prevention and awareness. Witt set the tone with a 325-pound squat, 40 pounds better than any other lifter in her division. Meet History. "At first, I was like, 'OK, it's just more time to work on things,'" Renteria said of the initial postponement. Witt took home a state championship in Class 2As 105-pound division at the Texas High School Womens Powerlifting Association State Championships. *qualifiers based on region meet results. The girls deserve it, they've worked hard.". Keeleris a junior, so shell be back looking for gold next year. Like O'Shields, Renteria's current concerns go beyond athletics. The Hawley senior, who took gold in the 165-pound weight class last season, qualified for Texas' top meet three times, including this year. Natali Garza got a medal for 4th place. Alternates at State, Parking Information (3/3/2023) & 3A (3/4/2023) Meet Info : Dublin ISD W-9: Dublin Athletic Booster Club W-9: Regional Records: Region 3 - East . High School Notebook: Centex powerlifting girls flock to state August 5, 2023. Academic State Meet University Interscholastic League (UIL) PDF 2021-22 Tentative sports season dates - University Interscholastic League "She is just a flat-out championThe ascension was really good through the year, through the regular season and then at the regional meet. The 2023 State Meet will consist of two days as follows: Friday, March 24th - Divisions 2 and 3 Saturday, March 25th - Divisions 1 and 4 State Meet Itinerary (updated 3/20/23) If you have any questions please contact your regional director. "But she's a champion, whether she has to go prove it at Corpus Christi at a state meet or not.". "It's kind of hit me really hard," Renteria said. Austin, TX. Gatesville Main Gym. Coahoma got a 3rd place finish from Christian Everett. As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases grows, students are getting more fearful of what may be missed. I just try to stay toned.". A week before, the meet was moved toApril 15-16 in Corpus Christi. School facilities have been closed since March 16, when the UIL banned team practices. THSPA Boys. Powerlifting Meet January 14, 2023 - Rockdale H.S. Powerlifting Meet January 28, 2023 - Waco ISD H.S. Mar 13, 2014. Courtesy photo The Marble Falls High School powerlifting teams competed at the Llano Invitational Jan. 26 with the Mustangs winning the boys division and the Lady Mustangs finishing third in the girls division. The most recentpublic update, given March 16, cancelled plans for Corpus Christi. Powerlifting Meet January 26, 2023 - Llano H.S. WEST TEXAS (KOSA) - The Texas High School Womens Powerlifting State Meet finished up over the weekend. August 26, 2023. "The guys that can lift, or have the ability to get in somewhere to lift, they've all been told to go after it. Please continue to check back for more information as it is finalized. Kyle Risley founded Lift Vault in 2016 to make finding great powerlifting programs easier. The Worlds Biggest Soccer Clubs Are Coming To The US, Shot Putter Runs 100m Hurdles To Save Country At European Championship. Sophomore Abby Smith returned to the Texas High School Powerlifting Association state meet March 18 where she finished 14th in the 114-pound weight division by lifting a total weight of 265 pounds, which set personal records for each lift: 250 pounds in the squat, 145 pounds on the bench press, and 265 pounds in the deadlift. A medical report recently conducted on the sport reports that pickleball injuries are surging at a high rate . We're losing a lot of the last things for seniors, like prom and my last state meet, for right now. Region 2 Division 2 Meet 2023. UIL Texas athletics: Rule proposals and changes | In addition, the Lady Mustangs won the district title in basketball and the soccer team finished, CAPTION: The Marble Falls High School boys powerlifting team guided by strength-and-conditioning coach Richard Scales (back row, left) with the numerous awards the Mustangs won at the World Association of Benchers and Deadlifters. Date Meet Name Location Region Level Lifters; 3/18/2023: 5A DI State Championships (Final) Comerica Center : State: 209: 3/18/2023: 5A DII State Championships (Final) August 12, 2023. We went in with a plan, Draper said. A large contingent of Central Texas athletes will look to flex their muscles at the Texas High School Women's Powerlifting Association state meet this weekend in Corpus Christi . She squatted 320 lbs., bench pressed 225 lbs., and deadlifted 340 lbs. 2023 Texas High School Powerlifting Meets January 12, 2023 - Burnet H.S. Date(s) of State Championship Baseball . Stillwater, OK USA Powerlifting Absolute Recomp Rookie Meet. Courtesy photo The Burnet and Marble Falls high school girls powerlifters ended the 2023 season by committing to performing at a high level when it counted most at the Class 4A Division I state meet March 17. Texas State Power-lifting Competition. 2023 Copyright PDF Date MEET Location City - Burnet junior Abby Smith, who was at her third state meet, was seventh in her weight class with a 295-pound squat to, CAPTION: The Marble Falls Mustangs show their strength and might at a powerlifting regional meet where they finish third in the team standings. They followed the plan; they knew they had to lift a lot of, The Burnet High School powerlifting season concluded during Spring Break. "Getting our diploma and doing the last senior things that we might not get to doThey love sports and all, they know it could've been their last, but the biggest thing is (after) 12 years, you want to walk that stage. Crane had a trio of lifters put forward strong performances. She also took home best deadlift. TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - Pickleball has evolved into a nationwide sensation, quickly becoming a popular sport especially amongst the elderly. Lady Eaglessenior Zenaida Renteria ran away with the region title, lifting 1,045 pounds total. A proposal to establish a 10-year compensation plan for sports officials. 0. 2022-2023 Spirit PowerPoint Update. Department Email:. With the coronavirus pandemic shaking up normalcy around the globe, O'Shields is unsure she'll get to defend her title. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). 200 PHOTOS. Spirit University Interscholastic League (UIL) Two of them are coming home with medals. Sports. (1,017), Cookie Preferences / Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The top two lifters in each region automatically qualify. Location: Texas Strength Systems, 2418 Boardwalk St., San Antonio, TX. PDF SCHEDULE, PRACTICE & MUSIC - University Interscholastic League Courtesy photo The Marble Falls High School boys powerlifting team won the state championship of the World Association of Benchers and Deadlifters April 22. FloSports, Inc. MileSplit Texas Editor: Gatesvilles Emmaleah Zacha totaled 1,055 pounds of total weight on her way to third place in the 259-plus division, while Hillsboros Jaedyn Campos went for 920 pounds for third in the 181-pound class. Please subscribe to keep reading. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. State Meet Advertising (updated 3/7/2022) Regional Counties: State Records: Team Champions: Multi-year Champions: . "Even though it's not a part of UIL, powerlifting follows whatever UIL is (doing)," Hawley coach Cort Arthur said. I hope that we get a chance to finish. Copyright 2022 KOSA. THSWPA Home Add yourself to our communication [] For Kennadi Witt, heavy on the gold. "I'm always trying to be ready," she said, "because it's going to scare me real bad if I'm not ready and they're like, 'OK, we're having the meet.' University of Texas. CORPUS CHRISTI Crawford's school colors are black and gold. Calendar - USA Powerlifting And he was right. The Mustangs took district titles in cross country, basketball, soccer and baseball and the golf team advanced to the Class 4A state tournament. She set new personal bests in the deadlift, the bench press and in the overall total. It's so amazing. 9-Mar-23 Boys Regional Tyler Legacy High School Tyler, Tx March 15-18, 2023 Girls State Meet Frisco, Tx March 24-25, 2023 Boys State Meet Taylor County Expo Center . Powerlifting Meet Go hammer it out. THSWPA Live Meets Fellow Lady Badgers Alexis Renteria and Nyia Allen both medaled with 3rd place finishes. All rights reserved. Maler hoisted 955 pounds in her three disciplines, including the top bench press of 220. Location(s): Coliseum, WHC Ranch House, and Round Building . Privacy Policy THSPA Live Meets Powerlifting Meet January 21, 2023 - Cameron H.S. 2022 Spirit State hampionships OVERVIEW GAME DAY FORMATQUALIFYING ROUND Each team will showcase its best crowd-leading material in and hant, rowd Leading, and Fight Song routines that will be performed individually during a SINGLE trip to the competition floor. Wests strong state-qualifying contingent ensured an even stronger finish. Express interest in a Board member role! San Antonio, TX USA Powerlifting Montana State Championships. "Everyone's biggest thing right now is walking the stage," O'Shields said. Burnet junior Abby Smith, who was at her third state meet, was seventh in her weight class with a 295-pound squat to Read More 2023 USA Powerlifting Texas Strength Classic 2023: Bench: Mia Zuniga: Tyler Legacy: 215: 2023: Deadlift: Katie San Miguel: Weslaco . West Texas Fair & Rodeo September 7-16, 2023 Tickets & Deals; Directions; My Account. . Each week we have a plan we come up with, head coach Robert Draper said. Academic State Meet Online Registration sports. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Courtesy photo Three Marble Falls High School boys powerlifters are headed to the state meet after finishing in the top two of their weight classes at the Class 4A Region 2 Division 2 meet March 11. Learn more. CAPTION: Kate Dykes and several of her Lady Mustang teammates use the last two months to improve their volleyball skills all CAPTION: The Marble Falls summer league team includes Julian Campos (left),Seth Parker, Diego Mata,Drake Taylor,Miley Bolanos,Cali Brydon,Briseah Rivera,Giselle Hernandez,Esteban DominguezRigo Lopez,Presley Scales helps athletes prepare for seasons thanks to specifically designed programs, Marble Falls powerlifting wins WABDL federation state title, advances to world meet, Burnet, Marble Falls powerlifters perform well at girls state meet, Three Marble Falls Mustangs qualify for state powerlifting meet, Burnet sets new personal bests, Marble Falls powerlifting adds more trophies to cabinet, MFalls powerlifters post top 10 finishes at state powerlifting meet, Burnet finishes powerlifting season at the state meet, Three Mustangs qualify for the powerlifting state meet, Lady Dawg returns to Class 4A powerlifting state meet, Marble Falls summer volleyball league accomplishes its goals, Marble Falls ends the June soccer league as the runner-up, Faith Academy names Rob Ellis new baseball head coach, Burnet soccer wins summer league championship, Marble Falls boys cross country preparing to defend district title, Marble Falls baseballs Carter, Cochran named all-state. Abilene, Big Country powerlifters awaiting status of state meet Learn why this is so important to the gym owners. Renteria, who overcame a back injury that threatened her powerlifting career last year, is waiting to see if she'll get a chance at the gold she's been chasing ever since. K'Lynn O'Shields has made a habit of reaching the powerlifting state meet. To get the full depth of our meet coverage, become PRO! She set a new state record for her weight class by squatting 460 pounds. Abilene High had eight girls qualify for the state meet. MLB History: How Many Perfect Games Have There Been? Izabela Amaro and Zenia Florez both took third place in their respective weight classes. Athletes from across Texas will take their shot at winning. Raw Nationals and Equipped Nationals will return to stand-alone competitions for all ages. Bench Press Nationals and Youth Nationals will be combined. Thank you for your team's participation in the 2022 UIL Spirit State Championships! That was five more than her 2019 performance at state, where she placed second. And the 2022-23 Super Centex Male and Female Athletes of the Year, Fairfield's McKinna Brackens and Connall. The UIL and have teamed up to make results, records, team information and stats from UIL sports available using MaxPrep's sports information system. She added a 135-pound bench press and a 240-pound deadlift for a winning total of 700 pounds. 2022-2023 Spirit Update. PDF 2022 Spirit State hampionships OVERVIEW - University Interscholastic League The Kermit Yellow Jackets had five lifters at State. Hopefully we do get to finish at least the end of the (school) year.". please do not send to the UIL office. Not all regions have completed meets, and lifters can qualify for state by reaching a qualifying total in a prior meet. MFHS strength-and-conditioning coach Richard Scales said the Mustangs broke 15 state and world records at a meet that was unlike any other in which the Mustangs competed beginning with the fact that athletes, CAPTION: The Burnet Lady Dawgs Abby Smith (second from left) and Maddie Moise set new personal records when it matted most at the Class 4A Division I state meet. TRAFFIC ALERT: Westbound lanes of Highway 191 at FM 1788 closed due to fatality crash, Midland Rockhounds featured in Amazon Best Seller. This is the main information packet you will receive before your arrival for the Championship. 21-Jan-23 FCA Liftoff Texas High Multi Purpose Texarkana, Tx 26-Jan-23 Leopard Liftoff Liberty Eylau H.S. See photos from 2023 Texas UIL State Track and Field Meet She set new personal bests in the deadlift, the bench press and in the overall total. Help; The senior will lift for Angelo State after graduation. Title: Microsoft Word - 2021-22 Tentative sports season dates.docx Created Date: 2023 One-Act PlayState Meet Schedule and Ticket Information. 8 meets All conferences Year round 10/16/21** 11/6/21 Football 10 games 1A-4A & 5A, 6A w/no spring training . Blank certificates will be handed out at State for you to take back to your schools for printing using the template below. , Contact Us Elsewhere in the 2A division, Rosebud-Lotts Sydney Parcus grabbed a bronze in the 259-pound class, totaling 850 pounds. File photo In sports, a banner year isnt by accident, even one the Marble Falls High School athletic department made look easy. Mount Pleasant gym making preparations for 'Lift the Stigma Bozeman, MT USA . (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)/*Meet Calendar | USAPL Powerlifting Meets by Texas Strength Systems Burnet High School sophomore Abby Smith qualified for the Class 4A Division I powerlifting state meet after finishing third overall in the 114-pound division at regionals on March 4. Jeremiah Arnett knew his last pitch in a Midway uniform was coming eventually, and he was going to make the most of it. "Powerlifting is such a different sport to train for," Arthur said. Texas State Power-lifting Competition - Taylor County Expo Center "The more I think about it, the more sad I get. Junior Bethany Todd almost made the podium as well, finishing 6th. The THSWPA state meet was originally scheduled for March 20-21 in Waco. Texas UIL State Track and Field Meet: Day one. A total of 16 lifters competed in the weight class. "But we'll come out of this thing. "Or maybe they finally got to be able to go to the state meet because they qualified and worked really hard in it. It really set up to go do something special, and she still may get a chance. September 23 & 24, 2023. THSWPA president Christian Navarro said in that statement, "We are continuing our efforts to find a new location and dates to host the state meet. Learn how coaches and fans can participate. The UIL announced Friday it has no projected date to resume activities. View Cart: Search Website. The Texas High School Women's Powerlifting Association is the governing body on the girls' side. The boys have had three consecutive (overall) team, Following a send-off from the Marble Falls High School campus featuring the cheerleaders, drum line and students, three Mustangs finished in the top 10 of their weight divisions at the Texas High School Powerlifting Association state meet March 26. "Knowing that you can't go and be better than your last meet because you don't have another meet is hard. Texas UIL State Track and Field Meet 2023: See photos from day one. Please read all the information carefully and . Learn how coaches and fans can participate. 2023 . ", Abilene High:Rayan Castillo, Hannah Smith, Chloe Melchor, Amethyst Trinidad, Jullisa Ramos, Paizlie Garcia, Jamiya Redwine, Zenaida Renteria, Snyder:Raelynn Suarez, Jaci Valadez, Tegan Dickson, Bonnie Jasper, Coahoma:Christian Everett, Cailey Glover, Kirah Kimball, Comanche:Emily Guerrero, Carly Rodriguez, Dublin:Jimena Vazquez, Morgan Kent, Celeste Alvarez, Early:Katelyn Espinosa, Allie Blasingame, Veronica Villarreal, Hawley:Evelyn Burton, Mikah Grisham, Kylee Carey, K'Lynn O'Shields, Angelica Hernandez, Lingleville:Ana Maldonado, Leslie Juarez, Hawley:Colton Strickland, Bo Thompson, Kolter Willeford. For Kennadi Witt, heavy on the gold. The 2023 event will run from Thursday through Saturday at Mike A. Myers Stadium on the campus of the University of Texas in Austin. 2023 Texas High School Powerlifting Meets I hope they still have the meet. The Academic Coordinator or designated coach for each competing high school campus MUST fill out the Academic State Meet Online Registration Form for 2023. The use of crowd-leading tools is encouraged. Diana Keeler is bringing a silver medal back to Midland Classical Academy. sports. UIL State Track & Field Meet 2023. Texas softball team rallies past Texas Tech, reaches Big 12 semifinals. Crawford's Witt takes powerlifting gold; West girls third as team (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), Handbooks & Manuals for Academic Contests, 2023 Academic and Speech State Meet Schedule. State Meet Advertising (updated 3/7/2022) Regional Counties: State Records: . Region 4 Division 4 Championships. El Paso, TX USA Powerlifting Stillwater Showdown. Smith lifted a total of 635 pounds thanks to squatting 254 pounds, bench-pressing 145 pounds, and dead-lifting 250 pounds. Meet Day: February 25th & 26th, 2023. We are excited to announce the 2023 USA Powerlifting schedule & structure. Sideline 3/15/2023: 6A State Championships (Final) Comerica Center: THSWPA Girls: State: 3/15/2023 6:59:02 PM: View Standings: 3/4/2023: Gym Maud, Tx . I'm hanging in there for now. All rights reserved. Some region meets, including those involving Abilene High, Cooper and Wylie, weren't completed. UIL State Track & Field Meet 2023 - Meet Results - Texas MileSplit 3/11/2023. She was runner-upin the 148-pound class with a total of 860 pounds, 30 behind first place. K'Lynn O'Shields has made a habit of reaching the powerlifting state meet. THSWPA State Records At the UIL Spirit State Championships, schools will compete in three categories: crowd leading, fight song, and band dance. "I was excited because I could go and do better at state," O'Shields said. The sport plays out in the weight room, something most families can't provide. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of everyone involved ", "The hard part about this deal is you can't really set anything in stone," Abilene High girls powerlifting coach Jeff Rhoads said. Crawford's Witt takes powerlifting gold; West girls third as team. Texas earns spot in Big 12 softball title game . They're made. 2. POWERLIFTING: Girls from across West Texas return home with state medals. Both Enrique Reyes and Joe Maldonado were fourth in their weight classes, and Maldonados twin, Jacob, was 10th in the 220-pound weight class. Naturally, Rodriguez earned an award for best squat at the meet. Isela Perez pocketed a silver medal in the 181-pound division, amassing 975 pounds, only 25 shy of Slatons Amaya Ramos for the title. Knowing that you can't go back because it's your senior year, that's very rough.". 2023 USA Powerlifting Schedule But she's still coming to terms with the thought of not being around her teammates and coaches.