2701) Extends authority to use CCC funding for specified conservation programs through FY2012, including the grassland reserve program. 7302) Amends the Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998 to repeal: (1) the partnerships for high-value agricultural product quality research program; (2) the precision agriculture program; and (3) the Thomas Jefferson initiative for crop diversification. Subtitle E: Miscellaneous Provisions - (Sec. 6110)Amends the Rural Electrification Act to revise rural broadband access provisions. Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. farm legislation that continued and extended previous agricultural subsides of three basic kinds: direct payments, countercyclical payments, and marketing loans . Subjects to reporting requirements certain: (1) sugar, molasses, and syrup importers; (2) sugarcane and sugar beet processors; and (3) cane sugar refiners. Sets forth contract provisions respecting: (1) additional large investments; (2) choice of state law and federal district court venue; and (3) arbitration. Limits individual producer disaster assist ance to $100,000 annually. 4105) Authorizes states to require periodic reporting of changes in household circumstances by households that are: (1) elderly or disabled; (2) migrant or seasonal farmworkers; or (3) homeless. Provides a civil penalty for knowing violations of such prohibition. 12010) Eliminates the authority of an approved insurance provider to reduce premiums (premium reduction plans). (Sec. Sets forth program and funding provisions. Young Americans have historically been the least involved in politics, despite the huge consequences policies can have on them. (Sec. 4405) Establishes: (1) the hunger-free communities collaborative grant program; and (2) the hunger-free communities infrastructure grant program. Provides that beginning with FY2010 the standard minimum deduction shall be the previous fiscal year's amount adjusted to the nearest lower dollar increment to reflect changes for the 12-month period ending on the preceding June 30 in the Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for items other than food. 9003) Requires the Secretary to study and report to specified congressional committees on the current state of knowledge regarding the potential for the production of fertilizer from renewable energy sources in rural areas, including: (1) identification of the critical challenges to commercialization of rural production of nitrogen and phosphorus-based fertilizer from renewables; (2) processes and technologies for renewable fertilizer production; (3) the potential cost-competitiveness of renewable fertilizer; and (4) the potential impacts of renewable fertilizer on fossil fuel use and the environment. (Sec. (Sec. Terminates the moratorium on the earlier of the date the Secretary resolves the discrimination claim or the court renders a final decision on the claim. 14001) Requires that FSA and the Natural Resources Conservation Service establish consolidated suboffices at tribal headquarters on Indian reservations where there is a demonstrated need. Limits crop year direct payments to a person or legal entity for peanuts as follows: (1) for a non-ACRE participant, $40,000; and (2) for an ACRE participant, $40,000 plus the direct payment reduction. (All Actions) Roll Call Votes: There have been 40 roll call votes: Notes: The House and Senate passed H.R. Establishes: (1) the Southeast Crescent Regional Commission; (2) the Southwest Border Regional Commission; and (3) the Northern Border Regional Commission. Authorizes FY2008-FY2012 appropriations. (Under current law such statements are due annually.). States that such loans shall mature at the earlier of nine months or the end of the fiscal year. States that the payment quantity shall be: (1) 2,400,000 pounds for the period October 1, 2007-September 30, 2008; (2) 2,985,000 pounds for the period October 1, 2008-August 31, 2012; and (3) 2,400,000 pounds beginning on September 1, 2012. IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme (Sec. 15351) Limits the deductibility of farming losses for taxpayers receiving agriculture program payments or loans from the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) to the greater of $300,000 or the taxpayers' total net farm income for the prior five taxable years. 923, enacted May22, 2008, also known as the 2008 U.S. Farm Bill) was a $288 billion, five-year agricultural policy bill that was passed into law by the United States Congress on June 18, 2008. 2602) Amends the wildlife habitat incentive program to: (1) increase cost-share payments limits for long-term projects to 25%; (2) include pivot corners and irregular areas; (3) provide priority to projects that address issues raised by state, regional, and national conservation initiatives; and (4) establish a $50,000 annual payment cap. (Sec. 6019) Authorizes FY2008-FY2012 appropriations for the national rural development partnership program. Directs the Secretary to review and update conservation funding allocation formulas. Sets forth contract provisions, including renewable five-year contract terms. 2008 - The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act 2009 - American Recovery & Reinvestment Act 2010 - Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act 2013 - Participation Milestone 2014 - Agricultural Act 1939 - The First Food Stamp Program Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Eligibility (Current law refers to the protection of topsoil by limiting nonagricultural land use. 2110) Directs the Secretary to provide new CRP enrollment priority to local residents if the offer provides equivalent conservation benefits when compared to other offers. 14219) Eliminates the statute of limitations within which a government agency can initiate the collection of an outstanding claim by administrative offset. Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. Please sign up for our advisory group to be a part of making GovTrack a better tool for what you do. Prescribes: (1) criminal penalties for fraudulent claims of preference; and (2) short supply rules. (Sec. 4403) Provides for joint nutrition research and related research activities by the Secretary and the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). 12073) Directs SBA to create a new position dedicated to disaster planning and readiness. Facilitated by trained moderators, the two-hour Conservation Action Cafs will each be dedicated to a single Congress theme. 2003) Provides for second level review of good faith wetlands compliance violations by the FSA state executive director or district director. Authorizes temporary repayment rate adjustments. Directs the Secretary to study the insurance-related efficacy and accuracy of the application of pack factors regarding the measurement of farm-stored production. (Sec. June 8, 2008 3 o During the final year of the CRP contract; o Conservation and land improvements may be made; o Certification under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 may begin; o After expiration of the CRP contract: The retired or retiring owner or operator must sell of lease (under a long-term lease or lease with an option to purchase) to the beginning or socially Provides that economic and community development grants may be used for renewable energy transmission infrastructure development. Sets forth effective price provisions for: (1) rice; and (2) other commodities. FNS Document # PL 110-234. Amends the Emergency Food Assistance Act of 1983 to make the authorization of appropriations permanent for state costs related to the processing, storing, transporting, and distributing of emergency food assistance commodities. Authorizes FY2008-FY2012 appropriations. 12076) Directs SBA to: (1) develop long-term plans to secure sufficient office space to accommodate an expanded disaster workforce; and (2) include such information in its annual congressional report. (Sec. 6022) Directs the Secretary to establish a rural microentrepreneur assistance loan (20-year maximum) and grant program to support rural microenterprise development. 2904) Directs the Secretary to promulgate implementing regulations for this title within 90 days of enactment of this Act. 12086) Authorizes SBA to carry out a program to refinance Gulf Coast disaster loans (certain small business loans made in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, or Wilma of 2005). Expresses the sense of Congress that the Secretary should be a member of the Chesapeake Bay Executive Council, and is authorized to do so under the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. Includes forest management as a program goal. (Sec. (Sec. (Sec. 1189 (110th). Authorizes appropriations. (Sec. Sets forth eligible fund uses. Directs the Secretary to protect the interests of tenants and sharecroppers. 12029) Amends the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act of 2007 to prohibit the Farm Service Agency (FSA) from utilizing yield data collected from a sweet potato crop insurance pilot program to determine losses for the crop disaster assistance program. Requires the Secretary to: (1) enter into multi-year agreements (five-year maximum) with eligible entities; (2) reserve 6% of specified conservation program funds and acres for the Initiative for FY2009-FY2012; and (3) allocate 90% of funds and acres to projects based on the direction of state conservationists and 10% to projects based on a national competitive process. Gives rural business investment companies two years to meet capital requirements. 1106) Requires producer compliance with specified conservation-related requirements in order to qualify for direct, counter-cyclical, or ACRE payments. Subtitle D: Trade Provisions - Part I: Extension of Certain Trade Benefits - Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 2008, or the HOPE II Act - (Sec. Agreed To, Source Bill Part II: Miscellaneous Trade Provisions - (Sec. (Sec. States that: (1) Congress disapproves a specified rule submitted by the Secretary relating to cost-sharing for animal and plant health emergency programs; and (2) such rule shall have no force or effect. Requires that FCIC offer to enter into three or more contracts for research and development regarding a policy to insure the production of aquacultural species in aquaculture operations, including at least one contract for each of bivalve species, freshwater species, and saltwater species. (Sec. (Sec. 10107) Directs the Secretary to carry out specialty crop market news activities. Title V: Credit - Subtitle A: Farm Ownership Loans - (Sec. June 8, 2008 2 On approval of a BCAP project area, BCAP contracts may be entered into with producers the terms of which may include: o Compliance with highly erodible and wetland conservation requirements of Title II; o Conservation or forest stewardship plans; o Commitment to provide information to promote the production of eligible crops and Study 11 Terms | Ch. 19 economics Flashcards | Quizlet (Sec. Practice Exam Which of the following statements best describes the demand for agricultural commodities? |date=May 22, 2007 Authorizes FY2008-FY2012 appropriations. Directs the Secretary to establish procedures whereby participating food concerns may be immediately suspended for "flagrant violations" pending administrative action to disqualify. Limits an entity that provides telecommunications or broadband service to at least 20% of U.S. households to not more than 15% of fiscal year appropriations. 6008) Authorizes FY2008-FY2012 appropriations for the emergency and imminent community water assistance grant program. Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, Pub. (Sec. (compare text), S. 163: 12083) Directs SBA to carry out the Private Disaster Assistance program under which the SBA may guarantee payment of principal and interest on any loan (maximum loan amount of $2 million) made to an eligible small business concern located in a disaster area and to an eligible individual. 110-234, The Food and Energy Security Act of 2007, Mixup negates House override of farm bill veto, http://www.ers.usda.gov/FarmBill/2008/Overview.htm, https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/programs/financial/csp, "Public Law 110 - 246 - Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008", http://www.stoel.com/showalert.aspx?Show=5465, http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view, http://www.schoolnutrition.org/Content.aspx?id=664, Farm bill negotiators say they have agreement, "Oklahoma farmers get details of Food, Conservation and Energy Act", "The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 Summary and Possible Consequences", "USDA Bets the Farm on Animal ID Program", Link to house page for more information on research in 2007 Farm Bill, Expiration and Extension of the 2008 Farm Bill, Consultative Group to Eliminate the Use of Child Labor and Forced Labor in Imported Agricultural Products, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Food,_Conservation,_and_Energy_Act_of_2008&oldid=1158350732. (Sec. 12015) Directs FCIC, beginning with the 2012 reinsurance year, to reimburse insurance providers and agents for administrative and operating costs as soon as practicable after October 1 (but not later than October 31) after the reinsurance year for which reimbursements are earned. [17], Section 9003 allowed the USDA Rural Development office to approve this $80 million loan to Range Fuels Inc.[17] Range Fuels produces low carbon bio fuels from any and all biomass. The USDA announced on 2008-08-27 that 639 farms and rural businesses in 43 states and the Virgin Islands had been selected to receive $35 million in grants and loan guarantees for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements. Provides for civil rights compliance use of such report. (Sec. 6006) Increases appropriations for the rural water and wastewater circuit rider program. Requires the Secretary to make competitive grants to eligible entities to provide assistance to such producers and businesses to become more energy efficient and use renewable energy technologies and resources. 2012. Requires that such initiatives be carried out with amounts appropriated in advance specifically for such purpose. 15322) Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to: (1) enter into an agreement with the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study of current biofuel production and the domestic effects of increased biofuel production; and (2) submit reports on such study to Congress. Authorizes: (1) on-farm research and demonstration projects; and (2) pilot testing of new technologies. Please login to add this session to your favourites, Welcome to Marseille - Congress opening ceremony, Update to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Deadline to submit new and urgent motions. Inhofe statement on the stalled farm bill Part 2: Disaster Lending - (Sec. (Sec. Directs the Secretary to establish within the Department the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Part 3: Commodity Supplemental Food Program - (Sec. Provides with respect to a conservation easement that: (1) an eligible entity provide at least 25% of cost-sharing expenses; and (2) the easement contains a contingent right of enforcement for the Secretary. [30], One of the limits that was imposed under the Farm Bill's laws was that farms are not eligible if non-farm income exceeds $500,000 or if gross farm income is over $750,000 over a three-year period. (Sec. (Sec. (Sec. Establishes 2010-2012 target prices as follows: (1) wheat, $4.17 per bushel; (2) corn, $2.63 per bushel; (3) grain sorghum, $2.63 per bushel; (4) barley, $2.63 per bushel; (5) oats, $1.79 per bushel; (6) upland cotton, $0.7125 per pound; (7) long grain rice, $10.50 per hundredweight; (8) medium grain rice, $10.50 per hundredweight; (9) soybeans, $6.00 per bushel; (10) other oilseeds, $12.68 per hundredweight; (11) dry peas, $8.32 per hundredweight; (12) lentils, $12.81 per hundredweight; (13) small chickpeas, $10.36 per hundredweight; and (14) large chickpeas, $12.81 per hundredweight. Directs the Secretary to establish the Chesapeake Bay watershed conservation program to assist producers implement conservation activities on agricultural lands in the Chesapeake Bay watershed to: (1) improve water quality and quantity; and (2) restore and preserve soil, air, and related resources. Food and Energy Security Act of 2007, Ordered Reported on Nov 2, 2007. 7139) Directs the Secretary to establish the Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship program to provide fellowships for scientific training in the United States to individuals from developing countries who specialize in agricultural education, research, and extension. (Sec. 15333) Amends the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to extend the tariff duty on ethanol until January 1, 2011. Elimination of statute of limitations applicable to collection of debt by administrative offset.) 2806) Amends the the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act to direct the Secretary of the Interior, through the Bureau of Reclamation, to carry out salinity control activities in the Colorado River Basin. The bill was a continuation of the 2002 Farm Bill. 4102) Increases the FY2009 minimum standard deduction to: (1) $144 for the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia; (2) $246 for Alaska; (3) $203 for Hawaii; (4) $127 for the Virgin Islands; and (5) $289 for Guam. 12022) Revises provisions regarding FCIC reimbursement of research and development costs for an applicant who submits an insurance plan that is approved by FCIC for producer sale. (Sec. Requires fee remittance by September 25, 2017, for: (1) passenger and conveyance fees for the period on or after July 1, 2017, and before September 20, 2017; and (2) estimated prepayment of merchandise processing fees for merchandise entered on or after October 1, 2017, and before November 15, 2017 (in an amount equivalent to the amount of such fees paid with respect to merchandise entered on or after October 1, 2016, and before November 15, 2016). (Sec. (Sec. Conservation Action Caf: Overcoming assessment bottlenecks for Collection by Offset From Indebted Government Employees (Sec. 74-320 as amended, that earmarks the equivalent of 30% of annual customs receipts to support various agricultural programs.) Requires the Architect of the Capitol, the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, and the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives to consider the biobased product designations made under such program in making procurement decisions for the Capitol Complex. (Sec. Establishes a risk-based capital standard for rural utility loans. 1308) Authorizes the Secretary to adjust peanut loan rates for differences in grade, type, quality, location, and other factors. 4114) Requires that state agencies: (1) establish a procedure for recovering electronic benefits from the account of a household due to inactivity; (2) expunge benefits that have not been accessed by a household for 12 months; and (3) notify households of stored benefits and make them available not later than 48 hours after a household's request. Provides for program outreach to specialty crop and organic producers. (Sec. 1210) Authorizes the Secretary to make loan rate adjustments for: (1) any loan commodity (other than cotton) for differences in grade, type, quality, and location; (2) cotton for differences in quality; (3) corn and grain sorghum for grade, type, and quality; and (4) long grain rice and medium grain rice, except for differences in grade and quality. 4306) States that the Department should undertake training, guidance, and enforcement of the various current Buy American statutory requirements and regulations, including those of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act. (Sec. (Sec. Some specific initiatives in the bill include increases in Food Stamp benefits, increased support for the production of cellulosic ethanol, and money for the research of pests, diseases and other agricultural problems. 1307) Directs the Secretary to make nine-month nonrecourse marketing loans available to peanut producers at $355 per ton for crop years 2008-2012. Excludes for such requirements a dog: (1) imported for research purposes or veterinary treatment; or (2) lawfully imported into Hawaii from the British Isles, Australia, Guam, or New Zealand that is not transported out of Hawaii for resale at less than six months old. (Sec. Section 9009 of the bill creates a new "Rural Energy Self-Sufficiency Initiative", which will support efforts to develop community-wide renewable energy systems. (Sec. 11009) Amends the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act with respect to the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center to: (1) eliminate the requirement that the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center privatize its revolving fund; (2) provide for mandatory CCC funding for FY2008; and (3) authorize FY2008-2012 appropriations. Defines "eligible entity" as an individual, entity, Indian tribe, or a state or local government, including a corporation, a farm cooperative, a farmer cooperative organization, an association of agricultural producers, the National Laboratory, an institution of higher education, a rural electric cooperative, a public power entity, or a consortium of those entities. Defines: (1) "eligible participant" (low-income, low-asset beginning farmers or ranchers)";(2) "qualified entity"; and (3) "individual development account.". President Bush again vetoed the measure, but this veto was overridden in both Houses on June 18, so the Farm Bill in its entirety became law. We are also still on Instagram at @govtrack.us posting 60-second video summaries of legislation in Congress. (Sec. The bill became law. Provides for the disposition, transfer, and storage of commodities. In 2010 the plant is expected to achieve an output level of 20 million gallons of ethanol per year. 6124, 122Stat. [18] The $80 million loan is dedicated to building a facility that will produce cellulosic ethanol from wood chips. (Sec. States that such agreements may not displace Department employees. (Sec. 1611) Directs the Secretary to: (1) issue regulations for the settlement of estates and to preclude payments on behalf of deceased individuals who were not eligible for payment; and (2) reconcile social security numbers of program participants with the Social Security Administration (SSA) at least twice annually. Subtitle F: Environmental Quality Incentives Program - (Sec. (Sec. (Sec. Requires the Secretary to make at least one such award per fiscal year in each of the areas of teaching, extension, and research. 6304) Prohibits funds under this subtitle from being used to: (1) provide housing assistance to persons not lawfully present in the United States; and (2) lobby or retain a lobbyist for the purpose of influencing a federal, state, or local governmental entity or officer. 1101) Directs the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) to adjust base acres for covered commodities for a farm whenever: (1) a conservation reserve contract expires or is voluntarily terminated; (2) cropland is released from coverage under a conservation reserve contract; or (3) the producer has eligible pulse crop or oilseed acreage. June 8, 2008 1 Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 Title VIII, Subtitle CAmendments to Other Forestry-Related Laws Emergency Forest Restoration Program Amends the Emergency Conservation Program to authorize a new program to an owner of non-industrial private forest land who carries out emergency measures to restore the land 7102) Reduces the membership of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board from 31 to 25. The House passed the Farm Bill again on May 22, and the Senate shortly thereafter. 2709) Directs the Secretary to establish technical guidelines to measure the environmental services benefits from conservation and land management activities in order to facilitate the participation of farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners in emerging environmental services markets. States that such person shall: (1) not be an SBA Office of Disaster Assistance employee; and (2) have proven management ability and disaster planning experience.