I could not believe my ears as she yelled at her and told her to be quiet. If she was white she would have been fired for her ignorance and the fact that she causes problems where ever she goes. Aside from that, I wish that she'd just go away. I cannot stand the show now I cannot stand to watch her I cannot stand her views she is always angry she is always a Debbie downer it makes me sick to watch the show now with her on it sorry guys but I cannot watch it now. McCaul called Friday for the full report to be released, saying the redacted pages were not classified. The 11 Marines, one sailor and one soldier [killed] that day have not been answered for, he told lawmakers. The elder Kushner was prosecuted by future New Jersey Gov. They have things totally backwards. With her voice shaking and eyes wet with tears, Sunny spoke out. As the moderator, Goldberg started todays The View with a bit of an unusual disclaimer as she introduced Tafoya. There was a black young man just acquitted of self defense the same time as Kyle but no mention of him. The analysis takes aim at failings on multiple levels. I LOVE THE SHOW, WITH EXCEPTION OF MEGAN. Ana is supposed to be a Republican I have never heard one thing come out of her mouth that could be considered conservative. THE VIEW is a daytime talk show hosted by women who each offer different takes on the day's biggest headlines. Wishing American audiences to become more mature audiences. THE View host Whoopi Goldberg has told fans to stop calling her a "racist" after discussing the tragic death of Tyre Nichols. W the exception of Barbra none of them have ever done anything that qualifies them to express their views. Short and sweet, I enjoyed the show so much when Meghan McCain was on maternity leave , the minute she came back my opinion has changed completely back to what it was before . "It really is a celebration of the law," co-host Joy Behar said. I can't stand Whoppie, Joy is so obnoxious, Sunny is such an ass, AND she is so prejudice it is ridiculous. Tyler Vargas-Andrews, a Marine who lost an arm and a leg in the explosion, told McCauls committee in March that the operation was a catastrophe, defined by an inexcusable lack of accountability and negligence.. It was tough in the first few hours, Kirby said then, after the White House had provided Congress with its assessment indicating the evacuation should have been ordered sooner. Diversity on campus need not be. And Ms Goldberg is the worst. I can't believe anyone watches this show?? Meagan, I was never a fan, yet I respect your right to your opinion. A GREAT MOVE! Get in-depth commentary on hot news topics from The View cast. Can't you just get rid of her? You all think ONE WAYso terribly wrong when we are trying to Unite this country. She was very negative and seemed not happy to be there. I am of course referring to the Oscars slap reenactment. It gets so stressful, listening to them sounding like cackling hens in a chorus, I have to put them on mute, at times, just to get stress relief! The world needs to hear good news, not arrogant negativity against Republicans. Accidentally had the show on that channel and again listening to the one sided comments. Please do something bring back the old View~~~, Whoopie Goldberg is in favor for up until birth abortion and now she wants to get violent with those that want to protect their families. Stuck in there because I love to hear all of the womens take on life.except Meghan. Her comments deserve more than a two week banning from the show.. Shame on The Views managing staff for not giving her the reprimand she totally deserves. I've always loved The View, since it's first episode. The truth of not being able to see from anothers point-of-view is telling in the passing of judgment not having learned anything new. The report also notes differences in style and decision making between the Trump and Biden administrations, most notably the relative lack of an interagency process in the Trump administration and the intense interagency process that characterized the initial period of the Biden Administration, which included an early focus on identifying Afghans who had worked with the U.S. government and were eligible for visas to get them out of the country. Too bad you all couldn't see, despite his personality foibles, Trump has truly put USA first in all he did - spearheading SO. No one should have to be subjected to listening to her. Vaselys comments, and other similar remarks, were previously downplayed by State Department officials. He is doing a horrible job running the country into the ground. I appreciate also Sunny's and Sarah's comments. Will never ever watch this show again. Google it. The USA has gone down the tubes, when you consider the money these people get paid for garbage. I can not believe these woman are still on the air! On July 26, 2022, the ladies on the panel reacted to issues including new information about the January 6 riots and a lawmaker with a gay son rejecting the right to gay marriage. Such as scholarships specifically for Black students. You sit on your sorry fat asses **** about problems that you and your own party have created while blaming it on others. Whether you agree or disagree listening and respecting each others side and. "Here's the problem, a lot of couples on The Bachelor don't stay together, it's people in their young 20s, a lot of 23-year-old girls who, you got a lot of life ahead of you and a lot to figure out about yourself. Meanwhile, the rest of the show went off without another NSFW hitch. Wish she would educate herself or at a minimum use logic to understand science, instead of bashing Dr. Fauci and/or any other scientist or Official who cannot give (her) emphatic answers. You people need to come to terms with what it is to have a TALK Show. Your show makes me hate people like you. 2023 METACRITIC, A FANDOM COMPANY. This is the most offensive show on television, those women are nasty and self righteous. The View, ABC and Haines have yet to release any comment about the bleep. The View Such hatred and please don't debate whoopie she cuts you off if it's not what she wants to hear. On Friday morning, the Supreme Court rejected President Bidens plan to wipe away $400 billion of debt with his student loan forgiveness program. The View Joy Behar Under Fire for Comments About Coming Out on The View By Fletcher Peters @ fIetcherpeters Nov 29, 2021 at 10:42am 776 Shares Photo: ABC Joy Disgusted with Meghan's short-sided views. Topics include a familiar face returning to the Bruins, a giant move for the Celtics, and the Red Sox hovering around .500. Whoopi then turned to the camera and said sternly: "Before you all start writing us about what a racist I am "This is done in humor. Cancel the view. Sucks how good shows like Last man standing get cancelled but these old sea hags constantly get to spread propaganda all morning long. W the. PLEASE replace her with someone decent. It should be cancelled. It is the most hate filled show i couldn't watch it for more than 2 minutes. Sara was not much better, and suprisingly, Whoppi added an unfortunate slip too. I can't believe anyone watches this show?? You would expect it to be; there was nobody at the airport and certainly no Americans. The fact she has remained a member of the view is baffling to me. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Also they have been calling these protests peaceful! Unless it suits her, it's not acceptable and everyone agrees with her or face her wrath. Try using some facts once in awhile then maybe you can be heard. MSNBC ANALYSTS REJOICE OVER TRUMP INDICTMENT: ALL OF US SHOULD BE HAPPY THE SYSTEM IS WORKING. Not everything is about race. Meghan McCain is nothing less than ANNOYING! Channel turned, DVR recording cancelled. The hosts should move to Iran or North Korea if they hate Republicans and America so much. she needs a new hairdresser and makeup artist. Biden, which was typical misconstruction of the right. "As the mother of a black son who's six foot two and 20 years old, my worst nightmare is probably what is on that video," Sunny said whilst holding back tears. Prigozhin went free. There is so much anger and hate in this country right now and ABC and Disney are contributing to the hate and anger by having Megan McCain on the show. Started watching from. If guest do. Whoopi Goldberg has been suspended by ABC s The View. Joy is very hard on Alyssa. I will never watch it again! View So, Ms. Meghan McCain, if you want a vaccine go WAIT-IN-LINE and/or WAIT-YOUR-TURN! The 'View' hosts mocked former President Donald Trump over his indictment by a Manhattan grand jury and even mocked Ivanka Trump's children for having multiple grandfathers with 'mugshots.' I have listened to them a few times could'nt take much more than that.Whoopi and Joy are the worst!This show is nothing but a bully show of people they do not agree with.Very bias and evel. They are filthy Natzi. "Do you know how young 60 is? All Rights Reserved. Whoopi Cushion just hates him because she's not talented or intelligent enough to have her own show. I value learning what a Conservative believes, but definitely prefer someone who is less contentious. I found this morning's episode that discussed the Queen to be abhorrent. Joy Behar Under Fire for Comments About Coming Out on 'The Megan Mc Cain looks like a cartoon character, who in the heck does her hair and makeup. IE 11 is not supported. What a horrible show. I enjoy and love the rest of the cast. The 'View' hosts mocked former President Donald Trump over his indictment by a Manhattan grand jury and even mocked Ivanka Trump's children for having multiple grandfathers with 'mugshots. Having her comments is not accomplishing whatever your goal was. She at least tried to discuss her intelligent points only to be outnumbered and bashed by coworkers. Barbara Corcoran apologizes If you don't have anything positive to say get off TV. I have watched this show since it started. How is it still on air. The 67-year-old said: "You'll notice that many of the people in haunted houses, when they're told to get out, happen to be white folks. The level of ignorance is unreal. Almost done with, I am a long time viewer but have never felt the need to review until Megan McCain resorted to name calling Chris Cuomo. Sunny showed her own tendency toward discrimination, calling Pres. Watch: Gary Washburn and Conor Ryan chat about big So she is in favor of no rights for babies and does not want any rights for law abiding citizens to. Biden "Uncle Joe" and. What happened to this show you should call it the Sunny Hostin Show she would love it but I don't!! The View Now these women are shrill, cruel and rude. You have lost me as a viewer and I dont know how you continue! I am a loyal viewer for many years but the addition of Meghan McCain has without a doubt been the worst decision ever made by the producers of the View. This is the most offensive show on television. Then the Lindsay praised Harry and Megan, the pretend play royals , for their stance on racism. California rural areas we do not have any resources for help. "The View" co-host Sunny Hostin was delighted Friday over the indictment of former President Donald Trump. It gets so stressful, listening to them sounding like cackling hens in a chorus, I have to put. and whoever the heck is a guest host today, April 20, hello big mouth, Where's the tylenol!! THE WAY SHE DISRESPECTS JOY IS HARD TO WATCH. I guess I am more invested in the show than I realized as Ms. McCain, although Im sure a lovely woman when she can control a situation, sickens me with her behavior. The comments coming out of the mouths of the cohosts are so stupid. The poison that the liberals on this show spew is disgusting. All in all these women an this show has done more to divide us as a nation than anything Biden or Trump have ever done. Schumer is on and he has no solutions other than bad mouth our president. Trump has lashed out at the judge on his social media site Truth Social, saying he "HATES ME. How could Megan say she likes a congress person that says he likes to find the tallest tree for lynching. I guess that's there are only 3 million in US watching. She wants to take up the whole show. Has anyone else noticed that any guest they have on that is in disagreement with Whoopi or Joy, are interrupted and are unable to explain their view? On July 26, 2022, the ladies on the panel reacted Megans nasty attitude has changed the complete dynamic of the show. I had the tv tuned to this show in error. Terrible about fairness and equal time regarding issues. WebWatch the latest videos from The View. How low of an IQ do you need to be a host on the view? President Trump pardoned him in 2020. It used to be at least tolerable,now it's just a bunch of mouth pieces talking over each other. Donald Trump is the first former president to be indicted on criminal charges. Timed the advertisements, 5 minutes for advertising and about 4 for discussion. Don't you have a way to shut her up after a few minutes. Have they no graciousness but to rip apart the monarchy at such a time? Disgusted with Meghan's short-sided views. I am a huge fan of your program, but I feel its time to branch out, and actually cover the struggles that we face on a day to day basis. He might be willing to open businesses instead of saying stay home. The View WebThe latter half of Hostin's comment referred to Smith's own justification of his actions. All the hate going on in this country and her and the media are keeping it going. Have they no graciousness but to rip apart the monarchy at such a time? "Shark Tank" judge Barbara Corcoran has apologized to Whoopi Goldberg after making a joke about her body during an appearance on "The View." The Kremlin had said an investigation into Yevgeny V. Prigozhins role in the brief uprising against Russias military command was dropped, but Russian news media Joy Behar need not worry about apologizing, as the Cancel / Woke movement will probably cancel her over the next year!! Any show favoring terrorism over freedom is just a sell out, case and point, the view. Loved the information and views that all of us can enjoy without all the racists comments. Sunny is particularly offensive. "I was reading this article where Ivanka and Jared apparently want to start their new life in Miami, and I was thinking, You know, they now can give their children the distinction of having matching mugshots for both of their grandfathers," Navarro said. At the top, officials gave insufficient senior-level consideration of worst-case scenarios and how quickly those might follow after Biden affirmed Trumps decision to pull the U.S. military from Afghanistan. Late term abortion is real. How could a network feel good about this show these women are nasty! She needs a circus of fellow freaks and a hate-filled script to support her circus. 5 This comes as fans have vowed to boycott the seriesCredit: ABC The Sun can exclusively reveal ratings for the week of June 6 to June 10 have declined compared I am not a viewer of The View, nor should any intelligible human. Get them some hormones or get their asses off the TV. Meanwhile, The 3 months she was gone was a breath of fresh air. What a horrible show. Let him stay home for 3 months with no pay. Read the report: U.S. State Department After Action Review on Afghanistan. If she is an under cover RACIST she should not be a part of this program. Prigozhin Claims He Wasnt Trying to Overthrow Putin - The New Now you re play the past as a charade. Meanwhile, the rest of the show went off without another NSFW hitch. The Queen has only just died, and was loved by many. Don't you have a way to shut her up after a few minutes. Don't they realize that we can't understand anything that they are saying when they do this? By the way, loved your hair at shoulder length Best of everything in the future with your family! Bare facts- each parent contributes 50% of the conceptus' DNA. More incredulous is the backwards thinking of these people; how they side with the left and say all the problems they created in society today is the GOP's fault. Sara and Whoopi, Once again you have misinformed the viewers. I have listened to them a few times could'nt take much more than that.Whoopi and Joy are the worst!This show is nothing but a bully show of people they do not agree with.Very bias and evel. All the show is is 4 or 5 women who moan and about issues that people can't do or WON'T DO anything about, anyway! Show talking about Britney Griner and her trial. Jalina Porter, a State Department spokeswoman, said last year that cherry-picked comments do not reflect the months of work that were well underway and the totality of what U.S. diplomats undertook to facilitate the evacuation effort. I know 60 year olds, they run marathons.". I am not a racist and I am not biased.