0302 Wpns/Rfl Co C 1/23 4th MARDIV Harlingen TX
Gunnery Sergeants and below in Zones A, B, or C within the 61xx, 62xx, 63xx, 6531 Primary Military Occupational Specialties (PMOS) are eligible and will rate a $25,000 kicker in addition to the PMOS bonus amount listed in paragraph(s) 6.a, 6.b, and 6.c. c. Executes a subsequent lateral move without RA approval. Per the references, this MARADMIN announces the FY23 Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) Retention Bonus (SRB-R). select marine corps reserve (smcr) maradmin 695/21 - reserve affiliation junior enlisted performance evaluation system score points incentive maradmin 431/22 - fiscal year 2023 (fy23) selected marine corps reserve officer appointment incentive RA will be notified and the D302 MCTFS remarks updated in the case of a Marine who is later assigned to a different BIC. Reservists are called upon during times of national emergency, a need for humanitarian relief, or to support major combat operations. In accordance with (IAW) reference (a), this MARADMIN announces the eligibility, application procedures, and reporting procedures for the FY21 SMCR RORB and FAC/Air Officer Retention Bonus. 0241LM 21,060 33,813 33,813
a. Commissioned company grade officers and CWOs, including officers currently serving in an SMCR unit, who meet the MOS requirements in paragraph 2. 2141, 2147, 2171, 2311, 2336, LM 2621, LM 2631, 2651, 2831, 2841,
Requests for IUT must be adjudicated by RA. 4.c. FISCAL YEAR 2024 SELECTIVE RETENTION BONUS (SRB) PROGRAM AND FY24 BROKEN SERVICE SRB PROGRAM > United States Marine Corps Flagship > Messages Display. Marines that fail to meet the LATMOV program requirements may be placed in an excess BIC or involuntarily transferred to the IRR. 2871 12,000 15,000 15,750
6423 9,250 10,500 11,750
12. 3.a. 6316 9,250 10,500 11,750
A Reserve Officer must meet the same qualification process required of a regular, active-duty officer. 0372 55,000
Officers must be filling a valid Billet Identification Code (BIC) in their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Select Reserve Marine, RAM, RAM-1, Link to References. For example, a staff sergeant with one year remaining on a current SRIP bonus must reenlist for a total of four years to be eligible for the SRB-R. REF/B/MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20170323//
(3) Like 6288 PMOS(s): 6282 and 6287
m. Marines in units scheduled to deactivate or redesignate must have an Inter-Unit Transfer (IUT) to a SMCR command approved in conjunction with this request. 2887 12,000 15,000 15,750
0302 H&S Co 3/23 4th MARDIV Bridgeton MO
(2) Incentive Administrative Reporting Guidance document. (11) Resigns his or her commission. REF/C/MSGID: DOC/MCTFSPRIUM/YMD: 20120807//
0621 12,000 15,000 15,750
(11) Lieutenants, captains, or CWOs who have failed selection to the next higher grade while in a Reserve competitive category are not eligible for this incentive. Marines who receive an SRB payment will be required to serve in a billet requiring the PMOS or skill for which they received the bonus payment, unless they serve in an authorized out-of-skill assignment, or a waiver is granted by the Secretary of the Navy. Training completed out of the FY will be considered on a case by case basis. RA (RAP) will approve/disapprove waiver requests in the adjudication process of the TFRS request. Requests for assignment to the SMCR lateral move program must be submitted to and approved by Dir RA prior to the Marine joining or agreeing to remain with the SMCR unit. e. The MOS training requirements will not be waived. 0871 10,000 12,000
6326 28,000 31,000
6.f. In no case will an individual be authorized to reenlist for a period less than three years or with less than a three-year drilling obligation, in addition to their current contractual drilling obligation. (10) In addition to the recoupment triggers outlined in paragraph 7 below, recoupment will be initiated if the officer is assigned to a BIC other than a FAC or Air Officer. Upon completion of OCS, TBS, and MOS school, the Reserve Officer will be assigned to a reserve unit. 5979 32,000 33,000 34,000
0302 Wpns Co 1/24 4th MARDIV Perrysburg OH
6258LM 34,000 35,700 37,000
REF/G/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1040R.31/YMD: 20200626//
(7) Transfers to the Individual Mobilization Augmentee Program. 0211LM 48,600 51,300
0431 12,150 -
REF/D/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1001R.1L W/CH-1/YMD: 20180315//
5951 11,000 12,500
11. 5979 32,400 35,000
(9) Officer must serve in a valid BIC as a grade and MOS match. NARR/REFERENCE (A) IS U.S.C. a. Years of Service Calculation. 2847 12,000 15,000 15,750
Recoupment will occur at a prorated amount if the Marine:
(c) E-mail the RA endorsed SOU to Manpower Management Records and Performance (MMRP) Branch for inclusion into the members Official Military Personnel File to smb.manpower.mmsb@usmc.mil. Eligibility. 1721 51,000 53,000
7316LM 32,000 33,000 34,000
2 officer, Gen. Eric Smith, joked to the crowd at a naval conference that "your bonus is that you get to call yourself a Marine" when asked about the . Remaining current will require up to five days of active duty or up to 10 additional paid drills every six months. k. Marines must not have failed selection to the next higher grade in the SMCR, or have been reduced in rank to their current grade. c. If a Marine is accepted for the SMCR lateral move program, payment of the applicable incentive will not be made until MOS training is complete. Marines with an approaching ECC, who are awaiting the results of a board leading to an officer program or Marines who intend to submit for an officer program should request an extension of their current contract vice reenlistment. 6257 28,000 31,000
Bonus payment will be based upon the FY SRB authorized at the time of reenlistment. 6323, 6324, 6326, 6337, 6423, 6432, 6492, 6499, 6531, 6672, 6694,
11. Marines serving in a NMOS BIC that does not rate an incentive, but holding a PMOS that rates an incentive are eligible for this incentive. FY25 Early Reenlistment Authority (ERA) Program first-term Marines with an ECC from 1 October 24 to 30 September 25 who reenlist upon commencement of the program. REF/D/DOC/CMC (RA)/YMD: 20160128//
Administrative Guidance
0303 LAR CO C 4th LAR BN 4th MARDIV CP Williams UT
(6) Augments to the AC. The 36-Month FMF Infantry Kicker. Purpose. Zone E applies to those active component Marines with 18 to 20 years of active military service. (4) Lieutenants or captains who have failed selection to the next higher grade while in the unrestricted Reserve competitive category are not eligible for this incentive. j. The SRB-R is a monetary incentive for sergeants, staff sergeants (to include staff sergeant selects), and gunnery sergeants (to include gunnery sergeant selects) serving in a SMCR unit who reenlist for 48 months in the Ready Reserve and incur a three-year drilling obligation. Marines with exactly 28 years of active service on the date of reenlistment may be paid a Zone G PMOS bonus if they have not previously received a Zone G PMOS bonus. R 212030Z AUG 20
REF (C) IS DODI 1304.31, ENLISTED BONUS PROGRAM. A member, who enters into a written agreement with specified service conditions for receipt of a bonus, special pay, educational benefits or stipend, is entitled to the full amount of the pay or benefit if the member fulfills the conditions for that pay or benefit. 1799 50,000
0111, 0231, 0321, 0369, 0411, 0451, 0491, 0639, 0679, 0681, 0811,
Bonus payment for CP PMOSs will not be made at the time of reenlistment but upon successful completion of PMOS training and subsequent award of the PMOS. (a) Enter the acceptance date in TFRS. 0627, 0631, 0671, 0811, 0842, 0844, 0847, 1141, 1142, LM 1161, 1171,
Discretionary pay -- currently, Army, Navy and Air Force pay JACP; Marine Corps pays a Law School Education Debt Subsidy (LSEDS) under the JACP statutory authority. 3152 9,250 10,500 11,750
b. FAC/Air Officer Retention Bonus
Incentives will be issued until funds are exhausted, or existing unit shortfalls are overcome. d. RA (RAM) will adjudicate and return the RELM request via TFRS to the originator (PSR/Career Planners) with the following items: RA (RAM) endorsed SOU with bonus approval/disapproval and incentive administrative reporting guidance document. REFERENCE (E) IS THE MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTIES MANUAL. REFERENCE (D) IS THE MARINE CORPS RESERVE ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT MANUAL (MCRAMM).//
POC/B. LM PMOSs are listed under paragraphs 6.a, 6.b, and 6.c with the LM designation. d. Officers selected must accept geographic assignment location based on the needs of the Marine Corps. L. MARKS/GYSGT/UNIT: RA (RAM)/TEL: 703-432-9077/EMAIL: RAM-1@USMC.MIL//
(2) SMCR officers conducting an inter-unit transfer (IUT) may request the RORB in conjunction with the IUT. 8.f. REF/D/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1001R.1L/YMD: 20151223//
REF (D) IS DOD 7000-14-R, FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REGULATION VOLUME 7A, CHAPTER 9. (1) RA (RAM) must approve the completed statement of understanding (SOU). b. E pay scale is Enlisted, W scale is Warrant Officer, O scale is Commissioned Officer. Release authorized by Major General H. G. Pratt, Director, Reserve Affairs Division.//, FISCAL YEAR 2021 SELECTED MARINE CORPS RESERVE OFFICER AFFILIATION INCENTIVE, Date Signed: 8/24/2020 | MARADMINS Number: 487/20, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. 6338LM 28,000 31,000
Chapter 17: Special Pay - Hardship Duty . (1) The originator must:
6.c. h. Elects to transfer to the IMA program, not due to Force Structure Review Group (FSRG) or Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) IAW paragraph 6b. 72 Month Lateral Move (LM) Kicker $40,000 E5 & Below 4.c
7236 15,000 17,000
Administrative guidance
These currency requirements are in addition to the units 48-drill inactive duty training and annual training schedules. NARR/REFERENCE (A) IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INSTRUCTION 1304.34 GENERAL BONUS AUTHORITY FOR OFFICERS. Zone PMOS bonus payments for Marines who reenlist for at least 48 months obligated service are authorized as listed below in dollars (bonuses for Marines who reenlist for 36 to 47 months obligated service will be calculated as per para 8.d). 6.b. (1) SMCR officers must be within 90 days of completing their current drilling obligation, or have completed any required service, and be serving in a Reserve Affairs (RA) validated BIC commensurate with the officer's grade and MOS prior to application submission. b. 2. d. Gunnery sergeants (to include gunnery sergeant selects) with the following MOS are eligible for the SRB-R:
(2) 15,000 dollars lump sum for sergeants, staff sergeants (to include staff sergeant selects), gunnery sergeants (to include gunnery sergeant selects), and master sergeants (to include master sergeant selects) who meet the basic eligibility requirements of this message and have proof of:
6. 6218 16,740 18,360
Administrative Elements. 0311 17,000 18,000 18,630
2. 6173 5,500 6,000
(5) Performs active duty operational support (ADOS) or voluntary mobilization with a unit other than their own for a period greater than 90 cumulative days per fiscal year without prior written approval from MARFORRES. 6842, 7011, 7236, 7257, and 7291.
Fails to fulfill the three-year service obligation. Prior service regular component Marines who reenlist back into the active component with less than a 4-year break in service between regular component contracts are eligible to receive a BSSRB, per reference (C), in the amounts outlined in section 6. E-4: $2,432 per month. Captains with more than two years TIG are not eligible to receive this incentive while filling a lieutenant BIC. (1) 10,000 dollars for sergeants, staff sergeants (to include staff sergeant selects), gunnery sergeants (to include gunnery sergeant selects), and master sergeants (to include master sergeant selects) who meet the basic eligibility requirements of this message. MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA RA//
6216 17,500 19,000 19,500
Remaining current will require up to five days of active duty or up to 10 additional paid drills every six months. SUBJ/FISCAL YEAR 2021 (FY21) SELECTED MARINE CORPS RESERVE (SMCR) RETENTION BONUS (SRB-R)//
6132 15,000 17,000
Availability of funds will be updated periodically via TFRS message as required. . 4.e. 7316LM 15,000 17,000
Requests must be received by RA no later than 20 August 2021. R 011752Z Aug 22
(5) Reserve officers must not have more than a four year break in service from the AC or last Selected Reserve assignment at the time the RORB is accepted. 2641 28,000 31,000 31,750
The TFRS request must include training documentation verifying the officers graduation date from Amphibious Tactical Air Control Party Course or most recent 18 month evaluation if applicable. (2) Example: An 0431 Staff Sergeant in Zone B who reenlisted for 48 months of obligated service during FY22 and received a $12,150 PMOS bonus payment is entitled to keep their entire PMOS bonus payment if they apply for and are selected to the MECEP during FY24. 6276 15,000 17,000
0681LM - 45,000
Air Traffic Controller Kicker $30,000 E7 & Below 4.b
Rank and MOS Eligibility
c. Once the officer incentive request is accepted in TFRS, the following actions are required:
The new list of USMC bonuses includes several opportunities for incentives in the Marine Corps for 2023. 0631 12,000 15,000 15,750
b. CWOs may fill a BIC with an acceptable BIC mismatch IAW the SMCR BIC Assignment and Management Policy. REFERENCE (D) IS MCO 7220R.39 SELECTED RESERVE INCENTIVE PROGRAM (SRIP). Reserve Officers have the option to choose the location where they will serve, often near their hometown. Bonus amounts are:
(3) Acceptance of the incentive via Total Force Retention System (TFRS) authority. 72-Month Lateral Move (LM) Kicker. Contractual time previously served will not be applied towards the new contractual obligation. Acceptance of ADOS orders to attend Expeditionary Warfare School (or other career-level PME) and/or Marine Corps Command and Staff (or other intermediate-level PME) will not count towards this 90 days but will require the extension of the MDPSD by the same number of days covered by the school ADOS orders. School seats are limited and may not be available for all units. 2. The term "apply" is defined as the date on a Marine's cover letter requesting consideration for one of these type programs.