The King Cup is the number one recreational soccer tournament in the United States. Womens Soccer Tournaments. See a list of all upcoming sporting events in Las Vegas 2023/2024. Entry Fees: Boys U11-U12 $995 Boys U13-U19 $1395 Girls U11-U12 $750 Girls U13-U14 $850 Girls U15-U19 $1395 The entry deadline for all teams will be December 31, 2022 Coaches and players committing breaches of the law may be ejected from the tournament at the discretion of the tournament committee. All players must have a laminated approved player card to participate. Coed Soccer Tournaments. We are striving to bring you the best sports games happening in Vegas during your stay here! Once teams have been accepted, team specific booking links will be provided to book rooms for the tournament. JANUARY 13-16, 2023 . CA. Exit from NV-613/Summerlin Pkwy W Brief Description: Soccer in Sun invites you to compete in the King Cup 2023 soccer tournament. 07/1,4,8,22,29 - Las Vegas Lights FC Home Games Grand Canyon Helicopter Tours by Maverick Awesomest Things to do in Las Vegas Every Day! King Cup January 14, 2023 - January 16, 2023 Las Vegas, NV Soccer in Sun website Player Registration Instructions and Liability Waiver Find your team using one of the search boxes below. If you actively play on your college team and you join a D division team then you are not playing fair to those that are actually D division players. VEGAS CUP HOTEL POLICY AND PROCEDURE Adult Soccer Tournaments. All teams are guaranteed four 60 minute games. Call (702) 878-3644 or Email: Request to withdrawal must be made by email to. 12/23 - Las Vegas Bowl, 01/7 - Las Vegas Raiders vs. Denver Broncos (Date: TBD). There are thousands of players participating in our Las Vegas soccer tournament from all over the world! As a condition of acceptance, all teams, other than those in the local area, are required to stay in Tournament designated hotels. All-Gender 7 v 7 Women's 7 v 7. january 2024 - Dates to be announced in August james regional sports park Over 21 - Over 30 - Over 35 - Over 40 - Over 45 - Over 50 - Over 55 - Over 60 Saturday games will start at 7am, end by 6pm Sunday games will start at 7am, end by 6pm 2023 King Cup Fields. Any team found to be using the same player on two or more teams during the event, will be disqualified. Join teams from across the world on the pitch in Vegas! 08/5,12,26 - Las Vegas Lights FC Home Games be KING CUP is January 14th - 16th, 2023. Las Vegas, NV 89101, Follow I-15 N to Las Vegas. Peter Johann Soccer Field. Disputes relating to the interpretation of these rules will be resolved with the administrator/coach that is registered with the involved team(s). About. Please click on the button below to "View Only" all available hotel options for thetournament! Vegas Cup-MLK is a Stay & Play eventOnce accepted, teams will be provided a private hotel booking link to book theiraccommodations Hotel options can be viewed via the link below. USYSA teams from outside Region 4, must also provide approved Travel Papers which must include a roster listing all players authorized to travel. saved if you do not agree. Registration for Sin City Soccer 2024 is now open across 2 different divisions of play! Fields 3, 4, & 5: Grass UnderNOcircumstances can a player be rostered on two different teams for the event. Soccer in Sun invites you to compete in the 2023 King Cup soccer tournament. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Recreational & Competitive Soccer Tournaments. It is also important to make sure the coachs name is spelled the same on all teams. Over 60 Soccer. Las Vegas, NV 89108, 3101 E Washington Ave, Your submission has been received! Find your favorite sports tickets, schedules, and seating charts in Las Vegas, NV. Teams requesting "NO SUNDAY PLAY" will be required to play a game on Friday night, if the request is granted. Must be division age by December 31, 2024to play in that age division. Awards will NOT be mailed to teams failing to stay for presentations. Escondido FC Heat. Soccer in Sun invites you to compete in the 2023 King Cup soccer tournament. Teams caught cheating will automatically forfeit the remainder of the tournament. personal information such as driver Players and coaches in the Championship matches in each age group, first (1st) and second (2nd) place teams, will receive individual awards. Take exit 42B to I-515 S/US-93 S/US-95 StoN Eastern AveinLas Vegas. A Boston College commit for the 2023-24 season, Smith was named as the 2023 Under-18 World Championship MVP after leading the tournament in goals (9) and points (20) and helping Team USA to . January 12, 2023 254 Day : 03 Hrs : 29 Min : 02 Sec Click Here To Book Your Hotel Rooms If those games are advancement semi-finals or quarter-finals, those games will be move to alternative sites. Over 30 Soccer. DID THE RAIN GET IN THE WAY OF YOU GETTING TO ONE OF OUR FAN GEAR TENTS? Las Vegas, NV 89119. Awards will be presented at the field of the championship match after the completion of the match. Coed Soccer Tournaments. Events. One of Southern California most . The Tournament Director assumes no duty or responsibility to find a replacement entry for a Late Withdrawal. We are striving to bring you the best sports games happening in Vegas during your stay here! Check-in your team with the Field Marshals 30 minutes before each game. The 2022/23 Concacaf Nations League Finals presented by Qatar Airways (CNL Finals) has been awarded to Las Vegas and Allegiant Stadium, the destination's newest state-of-the-art sports venue. With the use of online check-in, we no longer have a team check-in before the tournament. 20 Years Experience in Tournament Production Highly Engaging Tournaments. Over 70 Soccer. If you do NOT have a Medical Release form OR Guest Player form from your State Association or Sanctioning organization, you can use theseClick Here. JANUARY 13 - 15, 2024 MARCH 9-10, 2024 MAY 26 - 29, 2023 SEPTEMBER 2 - 4, 2023 Experience tOP RATED YOUTH TOURNAMENts OFFICIAL PARTNER OF TIGER TOURNAMENTS | ALL CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES FILMED view recorded championship games here Stay Connected EXPLORE RulesScoringVEORefund Policy VISIT Labor Day CupElite CupPremier CupAlbion Memorial Cup CONTACT Tiger Tournaments1100 Grier 07/30 - USA Tour: Manchester United FC vs. Borussia Dortmund, 08/1 - Soccer Champions Tour: FC Barcelona vs. AC Milan Be sure to read our COVID-19 policy changes prior to registering, 8275 Spring Mountain Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89147, March 1st-May 31st, 2023$800/team, free agent registration: $80/person, June 1st-September 15th$900/team, free agent registration: $90/person, September 16th-October 15th$1000/team, free agent registration: $100/person, October 15th-November 15th$1100/team, free agent registration: $110/person, Open to and inclusive of all gendered players. Awesomest Things to do in Las Vegas Every Day! The CPL Awareness Cup is a great tournament to prepare your teams for State & National Cup Events. Over 50 Soccer. Coed Soccer Tournaments. Huskers Bring Home the Bronze in Vegas. If you have any questions regarding hotel recommendations or travel information, please contact the Vegas Cup office at (702) 878-3644 or by email at . KING CUP is January 15th - 17th, 2022 . It will combine top-level competition with professional tournament organization - competitive bracketing, premium fields and top referees. Tournament date will be announced fall 2023. Take US-95 N to N Buffalo Dr in Las Vegas. Something went wrong while submitting the form. All rights reserved. Over 50 Soccer. 08/8-31 - Las Vegas Aviators Home Games, 09/1 - Las Vegas Aces Home Games January 14- 16 2023. Rules. Over 70 Soccer. 2023 Greater Grand Forks Soccer Tournament. Plan C: Plan B plus shorten all second round matches the same. Great weather, great level of play with balanced brackets. We hope the Flavor De Futbol Woodburn, OR 7/7/2023-7/9/2023 OPEN Website Schedule Register July 7, 2023 Mens Soccer Tournaments. Many top PGA Tour players will stop to take a breath this week, but some big names will still be on hand for the 2023 Rocket Mortgage Classic. As stated in the application process you must use Vegas Cup approved hotels for any team room reservations. Las Vegas teams and Out of State teams requesting Friday play should be ready to begin play for MLKon Friday, January 13, 2023 at 5:00pmForSpring Classic Friday April 24, 2023 at 5:00pm. #175 Las Vegas, NV 89107. This is purely honor system here and up to your best judgement. The H Featured Event Promotion Reno, NV 8/26/2023-8/27/2023 OPEN Website Schedule Register September 2, 2023 Las Vegas Labor Day Classic 2023 GotSoccer Scheduled Welcome to The Las Vegas Labor Day Classic 2023! 12/10,14 - Las Vegas Raiders Home Games Analysis: Bedard is a potential franchise-changing No. 07/1-30 - Las Vegas Aviators Home Games Skill based divisions can be described as follows: Adult Soccer Tournaments. There are thousands of players participating in our Las Vegas soccer tournament from all over the world! If you agree Soccer. Jan 7, 2024 3:30 AM Jermall Charlo Upcoming Events: 1 You will need to upload a picture of yourself and a valid government As a condition of acceptance, all teams, other than those in the local area, are required to stay in Tournament designated hotels. 33rdannual womens friendship tournament i. Play will occur on the same fields as the all-gender tournament. U8-U19 Boys and Girls. Dave Shelton Memorial Cup. Home; Registration; Tournament. The Tournament Committee has the authority to alter the schedule, move matches to the next day or move match sites for the good of the tournament. For example, Premier Boxing Champions: Martin vs. Harutyunyan. The tournament committee has the responsibility to uphold any previous suspension imposed by any affiliates of USSF; the Vegas Cup and/or Las Vegas Sports Academy are not responsible for the behavior of players, coaches, and spectators off the field, or damages resulting from such behavior. TOURNAMENT INFORMATION This is an adult men's 11 v11 tournament fields are located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over 50 Soccer. The 2020 event had 75 foreign teams and teams from 32 different State Associations. Once you have entered your information you will be able to review the waiver form. There are thousands of players participating in our Las Vegas soccer tournament from all over the world! Our lists of approved hotels are the only properties which may be used for all team players, parents, and coaches. Select the state you want to receive notifications about from the following drop-down before submitting the form: Make sure to check your spam folder for the automated confirmation email you will receive after submitting this form if it doesn't just appear in your Inbox - you will need to click on a link in that email to complete this subscription. All divisions you must be division age to play. Vegas Cup Spring Classic. with Only enter one search field. Adult Soccer Tournaments. Over 30 Soccer, over 40 soccer, over 50 soccer, over 60 soccer, over 70 soccer, adult soccer, adult soccertournaments, womens soccer tournaments. tournament rules 2023 MEN'S DIVISIONS ARE NOW ALSO OFFERED IN OUR OCTOBER "ALL IN" TOURNAMENT. Alex Trettin, Tournament Director | 1142 Broadway Plaza, Suite 100 Tacoma, WA 98402 | 1(800) 935-0123 | (253) 383-8000 . Oops! 10/9 - NBA Preseason: Los Angeles Lakers vs. Brooklyn Nets If you have any questions regarding hotel recommendations or travel information, please contact the Vegas Cup office at (702) 878-3644 or by email at, Rosters must be updated at for, Teams requesting "NO SUNDAY PLAY" will be required to play a game on Friday night, if the request is granted. have a manager starting with those letters. Take exit73fromI-515 S/US-93 S/US-95 S, HeadwestonLas Vegas Blvd StowardLas Vegas Blvd S. FollowE Tropicana Ave toE Russell RdinHenderson. The Nebraska Bowling team finished third at the 2023 Stormin' Blue & Gold Vegas Classic with a total pinfall of 14,634 and a record of 8-5. . January 24- 29 2024. mayan riviera, mexico . Plan E: In the event the fields become totally unplayable or the weather becomes a hazardous condition, it may be necessary to decide matches with FIFA penalty kicks. VEGAS CUP '23 CHECK-IN IS OPEN, CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS! Get on I-15 N The Vegas Cup, the Tournament Committee, United States Youth Soccer Association Nevada and/or the host affiliate will not be responsible for any expense incurred by any team due to the cancellation in part or whole of this tournament. Any female athlete who participates in the Women's Division is eligible to play in the all-gender tournament on a rostered team. 900 South Valley View Blvd. Over 30 Soccer. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. AWARDS MENU . . 'Show Registration for Sin City Soccer 2024 is now open across 2 different divisions of play! Teams are not confirmed a spot in this event until payment has been received. To view the list and complete the process please click on the Hotel Tab on the Home page. Over 50 Soccer. Las Vegas / Henderson, NV 9/2/2023-9/4/2023 OPEN Website Schedule Hosted by Nevada Youth Soccer Association. . Select your team by clicking (Girls U11-U14 3 games) Individual awards are offered for 1st and 2nd Place. Teams can expect Great competition! Over 70 Soccer. There are no skill divisions within the age divisions. If you do not agree, 1400 N Decatur Complete roster due 14 days prior to event, Registration for 2024 will be open in the fall (TBD), Games will be played at: James Regional Sports Park (pending permits), Must have valid Drivers License or Passport for proof of age, Winners receive individual awards & discounted (50% off) team entry in 2025, No refunds or compensation will be given for cancelations due to weather. All finals will be scheduled to start/kick-off forMLK-Monday, January 16, 2023 by 3:30pmSpring Classic-Sunday, March 26, 2023 by 3:30pm. June 16, 2023. 20-21 NB Team Travel Hoodie available in many sizes. Games are 2- 25 minute halves, 5 minute break. The tournament has been run by Alex Trettin and his awesome crew since 2003. Our lists of approved hotels are the only properties which may be used for all team players, parents, and coaches. Soccer in Sun invites you to compete in the 2023 King Cup soccer tournament. Mens Soccer Tournaments. 09/1-24 - Las Vegas Aviators Home Games Teams that win their division will get discountedentry the following year and be moved up to the next division. who issued photo I.D. 08/7 - USA Basketball Showcase: USA vs. Puerto Rico Womens Soccer Tournament, Over 30 Soccer, Over 40 Soccer, Over 50Soccer, Over 60 Soccer, Over 70 Soccer. Womens Soccer Tournaments. - Age based tournament. Individuals may not represent a team if not registered as an administrator/coach with the involved team(s). Grand Canyon Helicopter Tours by Papilloin Welcome to the Collins Perley Invitational! All times are Eastern. Click on the link below for a school absence letter Once teams have been accepted, team specific booking links will be provided to book rooms for the tournament. Includes youth soccer tournaments sanctioned by US Youth Soccer, US Club Soccer, and more . r Tournaments, womens soccer tournaments, mens soccer tournament, Recreational and Competitive Soccer Tournamentsin Las Vegas. CA. Las Vegas Sports Events Calendar 2023 & tickets to Boxing Fights, UFC fights, Professional Bull Riders, Monster Energy Cup, NASCAR, Basketball and many other spectator sports & tournaments by local sports teams scheduled on the Sin City's sporting arenas. Skill based divisions can be described as follows:Premier Division: highly skilled players, usually active college teams, active competitive teamsB Division: One step down from PremierC Division: recreational teams, active playersD Division: recreational teams that hardly play, new players, teams that are there for a fun tournament but are not highly skilled.The skill based divisions in the Women's II tournament are up to your interpretationof your skill. 702-258-0279. Teams and Players Online Credentials Check-In MANDATORY The Las Vegas Mayor's Cup International Tournament and Showcase now utilize online credentials checks for all teams participating in the tournament. 09/29 - NHL Preseason: Vegas Golden Knights vs. Arizona Coyotes, 10/7,14 - Las Vegas Lights FC Home Games ND. Welcome to the US Youth Soccer Tournament Database. Here are the most fun sports things to do in Las Vegas: Copyright Las Vegas Shows - Entertainment Guide 2012-2023 By Svetlana Rubejov. TOURNAMENT DATES JANUARY 12-15, 2024 ENTRY FEES U13-U19-$1195 (11v11) U11-U12-$1045 (9v9) U9-U10-$945 (7v7) ENTRY DEADLINE NOVEMBER 30, 2023 QUESTIONS??? His skill and shot are legit game-breaking . . the terms of the waiver you will be entered on your team's roster. Select Arrival & Departure Dates. Take exit 42A US-95 NtoN Durango DrinLas Vegas, Take exit37fromCo Rd 215 W/Clark County 215 W, Continue onN Durango Drto your destination, Contact us//FAQ //soccer in sun tournaments //updated: July 2023, Alex Trettin, Tournament Director | 1142 Broadway Plaza, Suite 100Tacoma, WA 98402 | 1(800) 935-0123 | (253) 383-8000, Get on I-15 N from Las Vegas Blvd S and W Tropicana Ave. Games will begin January 14th with the finals on Monday January 16th. Go straight and the soccer office/fields will be on your left side. the link 'I am on with your team name. LATE WITHDRAWAL (Please make sure the Head Coach is listed as the Head Coach on Gotsoccer. 06/1-30 - Las Vegas Aviators Home Games There are no exceptions. Join teams from across the world on the pitch in Vegas! Grand Canyon Helicopter Tours by Papilloin, Grand Canyon Helicopter Tours by Maverick. PLAY FULL GAME TIMES, TURF FIELDS / NO RAIN OUT DATES, OUTSTANDING VENUES, & MOST IMPORTANTLY,portion of the proceeds are donated to the Cancer Action Network, in memory of Coach Ron Downer, and anybody else that has been effected by this disease. 07/1-11,30 - Las Vegas Aces Home Games Must be division age by December 31, 2024 to play in that age division. Located in the desert oasis of Las Vegas, Nevada, Your team can expect great competition, comfortable accommodations, and plenty of other recreational activities. U9-U19 Boys and Girls. Lake Elsinore Summer Classic. We are the premier Adult Soccer tournament organizer. Continue on I-15 N. Take Exit 42A and US-95 N to N Buffalo Dr in Las Vegas. 09/23-24 - Las Vegas Raiders Home Games U.S. teams registered through AYSO, Super Y League, USSF or US Club Soccer must provide the appropriate travel documentation (for US Club, Approved roster from the US Club website) for the organization to which they are affiliated. Mens Soccer Tournaments. June 17-18, 2023. Fields are behind the baseball stadium. The King Cup is the number one recreational soccer tournament in the United States. ID Camp; Accepted Teams List; One of Southern California most exciting summer tournaments, with some of the best turf and grass venues in South OC. Allegiant Stadium, 89118, 3333 Al Davis Way, Las Vegas, . Join us to compete across 11 sports complexes for the coveted title of Soccer Champion and bragging rights for the rest of the year. Las Vegas, NV transgender inclusion policy. ON-LINE CHECK-IN IS MANDATORY FOR ALL TEAMS! If you have tournament questions please call Alex Trettin at 1-800-935-0123 or 253-383-8000, Contact us//FAQ //soccer in sun tournaments //updated: July 2023, Alex Trettin, Tournament Director | 1142 Broadway Plaza, Suite 100Tacoma, WA 98402 | 1(800) 935-0123 | (253) 383-8000. Your picture (not your ID) will appear on the roster page. Make it easy on yourself and bring along Field directions. on If the applied and accepted team falls into a. For more information visit: 20-21 Capo FC Beanie available in several colors. Recreational & Competitive Soccer Tournaments, MEN'S DIVISIONS ARE NOW ALSO OFFERED IN OUR, january 2024 - Dates to be announced in August, Saturday games will start at 7am, end by 6pm, Sunday games will start at 7am, end by 6pm. Girls Event 2022 Vegas Cup MLK Weekend Find Hotels The 2022 Vegas Cup (January 14-17, 2022) gives teams the opportunity to play against top level competition, all while enjoying a 3-day, holiday weekend (MLK Weekend) in one of the most exciting cities in the world, Las Vegas! June 24-25. June 24-25. In the event that the tournament is cancelled, a refund of the entry fee (if any) or a portion of the entry fee (if any) will be determined by the Board of Directors after all expenses have been calculated.