Officer. Copyright 2023 Victoria ISD. Hugs flgje med p Visma InSchool sine kanalar for oppdateringar og nyheiter. Koch is also a registered Texas School Business Administrator through the Texas Association of School Business Officials. Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability Tammy Garza Executive Director Elementary Student Learning & Talent Development Jake Salcines Executive Director Secondary Student Learning & Talent Development Anita Taylor Executive Director Strategic Planning & School Improvement Staff Carol Dippel Curriculum Coordinator, After a combined 95 years working as administrators for Victoria school district, Susanne Carroll, assistant superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction & Accountability; Frances Koch, assistant superintendent of Budget & Finance; and Selina Reyna, DeLeon Elementary School principal, will retire at the end of the school year. Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention named for Victoria ISD. Dr. Stanton Lawrence is the assistant superintendent of Administration for Victoria ISD. We are VISD Proud of Susanne, Frances, and Selina and I thank them on behalf of our students and our community.. We honor and appreciate all of the great work they have done and lives they have impacted over the course of their respective careers, said Superintendent Quintin Shepherd. All rights reserved. BOARD NAMES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT, Board of Trustees Regular & Special Called Meeting Agenda. A word from Superintendent Quintin Shepherd of the Victoria ISD A word from Superintendent Quintin Shepherd of the Victoria ISD - Crossroads Today A word from superintendent Quintin Shepherd of the Victoria I.S.D. The Victoria Independent School District does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other basis prohibited by law for admission, treatment, or . If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. It is the policy of Victoria ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and VISD's board policies DIA, FFH, and FFI. Tammy SestakAssistant Superintendent ofCurriculum, Instruction, and Accountability, Tammy GarzaExecutive DirectorElementary Student Learning & Talent Development, Jake SalcinesExecutive DirectorSecondary Student Learning & Talent Development, Anita TaylorExecutive DirectorStrategic Planning & School Improvement, Carol DippelCurriculum Coordinator,Early Childhood, Kristy ChappellCurriculum Coordinator, Elementary Math, Karey BlandCurriculum Coordinator, Elementary ELAR, Denise AndrussCurriculum Coordinator, Science & Social Studies, Teresa BelyeuCurriculum Coordinator, Secondary Math, Esther GutierrezCurriculum Coordinator, Secondary ELAR, Patti RowlandExtended Learning Program Specialist & Reading Academy Cohort Leader, Heather KirkSecretary to the Assistant Superintendent Curriculum, Instruction & AccountabilityPhone:361-788-2896 Ext.41102Fax:361-788-9687, April ZarateSecretary to the Executive Director ofElementary Student Learning &Talent DevelopmentPhone:361-788-2890 Ext. We are absolutely thrilled to have Anita join the VISD curriculum team, Sestak said. The board will workshop the 2020-2021 budget and also reorganize the executive seats, including that of school board president. We look forward to continuing to Design the Future of VISD through continuous improvement efforts as we return to full, on-campus instruction and work to address unfinished learning resulting from COVID-19.. The Victoria school board has approved Tammy Sestak's selection as assistant superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, & Accountability, during Thursday's monthly board meeting. Ben Muir Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Ben Muir, the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, began his teaching career in San Antonio ISD in 1995. CHARLES CARROLL CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER SAMMY MONGE CHIEF OF POLICY AND PLANNING CYNTHIA RINCN CHIEF OF HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT ARTURO CAVAZOS CHIEF OF OPERATIONS ELSIE SCHIRO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER BARBARA GRIFFITH SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER BOARD OF EDUCATION KENT P. SCRIBNER SUPERINTENDENT VICKI BURRIS CHIEF OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM She will play an integral role in implementing the initiatives outlined in the VISD Strategic Plan which was recently developed by a dedicated group of VISD students, parents, community members, and staff. Du vil ikkje f pushvarsel eller meldingar s lenge du ikkje er logga p eller kopla til nett. All rights reserved. He remained on payroll with a board-approved leave of absence, using a mix of leave, vacation and non-duty days until his official resignation date of June 30. GoalThe Victoria Independent School District's goal is to ensure that every student has access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Fresette for elevar under 18 r vil ha tilgang til: Det er aktive menypunkt om lreplanar og eksamensparti som ikkje gir noko informasjon, som vi ikkje fr fjerna fr menyen. Dersom du ikkje aktivt loggar ut fr appen vil du vere innlogga i 3 mnader. Vestland fylkeskommune bruker Visma InSchool (VIS) som sitt skuleadministrative system. VICTORIA, Texas (KAUZ) - Former Wichita Falls ISD superintendent Michael Kuhrt resigned Friday as the deputy superintendent of Victoria ISD, a school district in south Texas. Mr. Cormier was in a league of his own. Dersom du opplev at pushvarsel ikkje fungerar sjlv om du er logga inn m du sjekke at du ikkje har sltt av funksjonen under innstillingar p eigen mobil/nettbrett. During her time at the district Koch obtained a Certified Public Accountant license and a Master of Business Administration with a focus in accounting. 8961 Tesoro Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78217. 788-2896 Mrs. Michelle Yates, Chief . Bergen: Lars Hilles gate 22Leikanger: Askedalen 2 og 4Frde: Storehagen 1b, Vestland fylkeskommunePostboks 79005020 Bergen, Sj videoen fr Visma som gir ei rask innfring for fresette i Visma InSchool, fornye, forenkle og forbetre arbeidsdagen til elevar, lrarar og skuleadministrasjonen, legge til rette for kommunikasjon mellom skulen og heimen, digitalisere framtida sin skuleadministrasjon og gi meir elektronisk, automatisert og effektiv arbeidsflyt, redusere tid som blir brukt til administrativt arbeid og frigjere tid til pedagogiske aktivitetar, gi oversikt over at elevane har ftt den opplringa dei har krav p, ske om fritak i fag (sideml og kroppsving), Timeplan (melde framtidig frvr, men vil ikkje sj sknaden sjlv etterp), Klasser og grupper (finne namn p faglrarar og aktive lenkjer til lreplan), Historikk (halvrs-, standpunkt-, og eksamenskarakter og samla frvr for tidlegare r). Superintendent of Schools. . Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention -, and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services . I have been in public education for 29 years and have always been a fierce advocate for students. Det er viktig at denne informasjonen er rett slik at dei kan motta ndvendig informasjon fr skulen, blant anna i samband med beredskap. Copyright 2023 Victoria ISD. Superinte ndent. Kurs og opplring. Sj videoen fr Visma som gir ei rask innfring for fresette i Visma InSchool. He dedicated the last 21 years of his career to Fort Bend ISD where he began as an English teacher and coach. Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability, Curriculum Coordinator, Science & Social Studies, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent Curriculum, Instruction & Accountability, Secretary to the Executive Director ofElementary Student Learning &Talent Development, Secretary to the Executive Director ofSecondary Student Learning &Talent Development, It is the policy of Victoria ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and VISD's board policies DIA, FFH, and FFI. Historic Mitchell School to transform into artisan market, opens Aug. 1, New business looking to call Victoria home, Victoria students, administrators react to Supreme Court rulings, Police arrest two on numerous vehicle burglary charges, Victoria County receives $40 million for regional inpatient mental health facility, Marking History: Victoria's history summed up in three short sentences, Theft of 100 Hot Wheels reported in Victoria, Success in slo-pitch leads to Hall of Fame induction. I'm excited to join the amazing team at Victoria ISD and continue the great work and innovation by leading with transparency and purpose to increase student outcomes, Taylor said. Reyna joined the district in 1987 as a teacher at Dudley Elementary School. said: Your browser is out of date and potentially vulnerable to security risks.We recommend switching to one of the following browsers: Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Kuhrts resignation does not include additional severance pay, according to a statement from school officials. She was a teacher for six years before holding positions such as executive director of the VISD Public Education Foundation, grant writer, coordinator of School Improvement, and director of School Improvement for a combined eight years. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the email address listed on your account. Contact Information. I was looking forward to working for you and helping you accomplish the mission of VISD. Sunny. Kuhrt was set to be paid his full salary and benefits pursuant to his contract through his official resignation date of June 30, 2022. V I C T O R I A. I N D E P E N D E N T. SCHOOL DISTRICT. She was a lovely person and will be missed by all who knew her. Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services - (361) 788-9250 or Gary and Lindy Honish. Parent Gradebook Academic Calendar Give Us Your Feedback Contact Us . Dr. Susan Kincannon joined the Waco Independent School District as superintendent in September 2019. . Visma InSchool: "Fjes og Fakta" - Supportavdelingen i Riga, del 2: Stig. Another factor that can affect school accountability scores is the diversity of the school, Victoria Independent School District Assistant Superintendent Greg Bonewald said. The Victoria ISD Board of Trustees has approved the hiring of Anita Taylor as the new Executive Director of Strategic Planning and School Improvement for the district. The district will begin the search process to fill these positions prior to the start of the 2021-22 school year. Tammy Sestak, Assistant Superintendent of . Assistant Superintendent of Administration Christy Christensen Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent of Administration Phone: 361-788-9330 ext. Taylor has over a decade of educational experience, most recently as an elementary principal at Beeville ISD where she led a newly assigned Comprehensive Campus. However, based on the overwhelming negative and defamatory social media unrest, however false that it may be, I feel that it is in the best interest of the VISD that I resign my position effective July 11, 2022.. Victoria Independent School District . I earned my Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning from Nova Southeastern University and my School Administrator certificate through The Foundation for Educational Administration. While director of school improvement, she earned a Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and a superintendent certification. I am a graduate of Rutgers University where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management/Wildlife Biology with a minor in general biology. Victoria Independent School District HR Department. Mrs. Nobles is married and has two children and two grandchildren. Nov 2009 - Mar 20122 years 5 months. It is the policy of Victoria ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and VISDs board policies DIA, FFH, and FFI. VIS skal brukast av elevar, tilsette og fresette. Vestland fylkeskommune bruker Visma InSchool (VIS) som sitt skuleadministrative system. Choose wisely! Prior to his resignation, Kuhrt faced heavy public scrutiny amid WFISDs $9 million deficit and potential program cuts. While teaching mathematics, Carroll earned her Master of Science in mathematics and educational administration and continued to earn a principal certification. Number of employees at Victoria Isd in year 2018 was 2,441. Visma har rundt 15000 ansatte p konsernniv. Fresette har moglegheit til kommunisere med skulen via Visma InSchool sitt meldingssystem. Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services (361) 788-9250 or. Looking for a particular Victoria Independent School District employee's phone or email? The Director of Multilingual Education, formerly titled Director of Bilingual/ESL, was renamed to include all spoken and written languages within VISD. VISD's notion of finding your occupassion posed a moment of deep reflection of my own work as an educator; being centered around the work of school improvement and creating systems to support the work of great teachers, staff, parents, and community to provide the best education for our most valuable resource, our students., Victoria ISD102 Profit StVictoria, Texas TX 77901(361) 576-3131(361) 788-9643. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph.. Larry Ramirez VICTORIA, Texas- A press release from the Victoria Independent School District announces Tammy Nobles has been named the Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support, and Retention for Victoria ISD. We won't share it with anyone else. The total number of positions within the CIA department has decreased, allowing for efficient departmental workflow. 41110Fax:361-788-2889, Monica CanoSecretary to the Executive Director ofSecondary Student Learning &Talent DevelopmentPhone:361-788-9289 Ext.41112Fax:361-788-2888, Victoria ISD102 Profit StVictoria, Texas TX 77901(361) 576-3131(361) 788-9643. {{ userNotificationState.getAlertCount('bell') }}. I haven't seen Ralph in a while but, I know that if I ran into him he would hug me and welcome me as if w, VISD announces retirement for assistant superintendents and principal, 101 W. Goodwin Ave., Suite 1200,Victoria,TX. Superintendent Robert Jaklich, Ed.D. Tammy Sestak Assistant Superintendent of Curriclum, Instruction and Accountability at VICTORIA ISD Victoria County, Texas, United States 3 followers 2 connections Join to view profile. She earned a Bachelor of Music in Music from Texas Tech University and a Master of Science in Counseling from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. I am eager to become a part of what makes Verona such an outstanding school district. Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services (361) 788-9250 Sign up for a free account. Beverly Walker I wish you and the district nothing but the best in the years to come. Show more profiles . Cancel anytime. Join to connect VICTORIA ISD. Kuhrt started VISD on July 5, and was reportedly overseeing business services, talent, acquisition, support and retention (TASR), maintenance, technology, transportation and athletics prior to his resignation. Koch held this position for 15 years. Get Contact Info for All Departments Victoria Independent School District Org Chart by Seniority HR (6) has announced he will retire as the leader of Victoria public schools, effective Aug. 31, 2018, in order to spend more time with his family. Superintendent Dr. Quintin Shepherd announced the appointment, which was vacated when Clark Motley announced his resignation earlier this . Home Texas Employers Victoria Isd Victoria Isd Salaries Highest salary at Victoria Isd in year 2018 was $295,640. Experience Assistant Superintendent . I am honored to join the Verona Public School District as Superintendent. upd ate d 07/21/2021. Superintendent Dr. Quintin Shepherd announced the appointment, which was vacated when Clark Motley announced his resignation earlier this year. In partnership with a supportive community, we inspire our students to be creative, critical thinkers and compassionate global citizens through dynamic teaching, meaningful curricula, and enriching experiences. Mlet med Visma InSchool (VIS) er mte dei vidaregande skulane sine framtidige behov ved : Er du elev vil du i VIS blant anna f tilgang til: Som elev i Vestland loggar du deg inn p VIS med Feide-kontoen din (brukarnamn og passord). Elevar over 18 r kan sjlve bestemme kva fresette/kontaktpersonar skal f tilgang til, av dei tilgangane fylket har gjort tilgjengeleg. Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services - (361) 788-9250 or It is the policy of Victoria ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and VISD's board policies DIA, FFH, and FFI. Visma har aktivert pushvarsel og internmeldingar i Visma InSchool-appen. Rundt 150 av disse jobber i Visma Inschool, som har ansatte i Irland, Romania, Spania, Litauen, Slovakia, Latvia og Norge. She attended school in Victoria at William Offer Elementary and Patti Welder Middle School before her family relocated. VICTORIA, Texas (KAUZ) - Former Wichita Falls ISD superintendent Michael Kuhrt resigned Friday as the deputy superintendent of Victoria ISD, a school district in south Texas. (business & personal). In the past, Victoria ISD has taken excess collections and paid towards outstanding debt through a process called defeasance. You have permission to edit this article. Sincere Sympathy to all of you. Recently, a very dear friend and pastor here in Victoria shared a book with me. UPDATE: Man collapses and dies in the 2300 block of N. Cameron St. Airport worker dies after being ingested into plane engine in Texas, Nearly 1.4 million Texans could be impacted by U.S. Supreme Court decision blocking student loan forgiveness, The Supreme Court rejects Biden's plan to wipe away $400 billion in student loan debt, Western heat wave ahead of July 4th fireworks raises wildfire concerns and prompts changes in Utah, Astronauts history-making mission is the latest step for a nation with grand space ambitions. She was also the Federal Programs Accountant for one year before becoming the assistant superintendent of Budget and Finance for the last 14 years. Hot. Du kan i tillegg sj timeplanen din og oversikt over frvret ditt. Assistant Director for Career and Technical Education. million verified professionals across 35 million companies. Det er ikkje opna for sj personalia p elev eller opplysningar om kontaktpersonar, av omsyn til personvern. Copyright 2022 KAUZ. She will be missed. Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Schools . Kuhrts appointment at VISD came after the WFISD school board voted 7-0 in April of 2022 to approve his resignation. All rights reserved. Victoria ISD 102 Profit St Victoria, Texas TX 77901 (361) 576-3131 (361) 788-9643. It is the policy of Victoria ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and VISD's board policies DIA, FFH, and FFI. Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services (361) 788-9250 Victoria ISD102 Profit StVictoria, Texas TX 77901(361) 576-3131(361) 788-9643. Aubrey Bleier Victoria, TX. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. Dette er oppe til vurdering. Bloomington Superintendent Mark Anglin said he moved Misty. Victoria East High School4103 East Mockingbird LnVictoria, TX 77904P: (361) 788-2820F: (361) 788-2826. . Do you plan to light fireworks on the Fourth of July? Low 77F. Copyright 2023 Victoria ISD. C hie f Financi al. I have been in public education for 29 years and have always been a fierce advocate for students. Koch joined the district in 1991 as the district accountant in the Business office. I am honored to join the Verona Public School District as Superintendent. The Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability (CIA) department underwent a restructuring that consolidated positions resulting in creating the Executive Director of Strategic Planning and School Improvement. Assistant Superintendent. BOARD NAMES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT VISD Communications AUG 19, 2021 The Victoria ISD Board of Trustees has approved the hiring of Anita Taylor as the new Executive Director of Strategic Planning and School Improvement for the district. HOUSTON, Texas -- Mike Miles, the new state-appointed superintendent of the Houston Independent School District, started his tenure in a manner eerily similar to how he ended his embattled time in . It is with mixed emotions we celebrate our three retirees. All rights reserved. Fresette som er registrert med foreldreansvar i DSF, overfrast med namn og folkeregistrert adresse. Search . Translate . Tammy Sestak, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability, is delighted to bring Taylor on board at VISD. Adm inistration. Les meir om kva informasjon du finn der og korleis du loggar deg inn. Victoria ISD Jul 2000 - Jun . Dr. Quintin Shepherd, superintendent of Victoria ISD; Dr. Jennifer Kent, president of Victoria College; and Dr. Jose Cantu, vice president for enrollment management at UHV, each spoke briefly at the event to commend professional school counselors for the vital and complex work they do with students. Integrasjoner Samlested for artikler og dokumentasjon rundt integrasjoner til og fra Visma InSchool FINT versjon = 3.10.0. VISD. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. Your gift purchase was successful! Menu . The transition into her new role will begin immediately. For the last 16 years Reyna has been the principal at DeLeon Elementary School. Victoria ISD102 Profit StVictoria, Texas TX 77901(361) 576-3131(361) 788-9643. Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services (361) 788-9250 or. The Kerrville ISD Board of Trustees has named Dr. Mark Foust Kerrville ISD Superintendent of Schools. Av omsyn til personvernet kan vi ikkje hente informasjon om fresette til elevar over 18 fr DSF. Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying Information, Referendum 2019 - Building A Better Verona, McCloskey Voluntary Student Accident Insurance, COVID 19 Mental Health Resources (Parent/Students/Staff), Take a Mental Health Test | MHA Screening, Mental Health Professionals in your community, Verona Public Schools Referendum Information, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). I slike tilfeller m fresette registrerast manuelt. At the same time we are feeling a great loss of kind, caring and compassionate people who we have come to love and respect. The Victoria Independent School District's goal is to ensure that every student has access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Executive Secretary to the Superintendent (361) 788-9202 Find Us . Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services (361) 788-9250 Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services - (361) 788-9250 or Visma har rundt 15000 ansatte p konsernniv. Refugio sheriff's deputies recover two Amber Alert missing children. Additionally, I have studied at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Princeton University, Montclair State University, Rutgers Graduate School of Education, and Caldwell College for various certificate programs. D vil appen bruke wifi/mobildata i bakgrunnen for hente pushvarsel og internmeldingar. Michael Kuhrt resigns as Victoria ISD deputy superintendent, 10-month-old infant from injured baby case dies, Dentist confesses to killing wife during argument with girlfriend, federal prosecutor says, Crime of Week: Armed Robbery on Dollar Saver. It is the policy of Victoria ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability in its vocational programs, services or activities as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and VISD's board policies DIA, FFH, and FFI. VISD officials said they will accept the resignation at a special board meeting on Tuesday, July 12 at noon. VIS skal brukast av elevar, tilsette og fresette. Assistant Superintendent of Cur., Instr., & Acct. LOCAL Ex-WFISD superintendent Mike Kuhrt hired by Victoria ISD Lynn Walker Wichita Falls Times Record News 0:04 1:07 The former superintendent of the Wichita Falls Independent School. Board of Trustees Regular & Special Called Meeting Agenda. said: My deepest sympathy in the loss of your sweet mother. Talent Acquisition, Support & Retention (formerly HR), Assistant Superintendent of Administration, Coordinator of District Safety Emergency Operations, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent of Administration, Board of Trustees Regular & Special Called Meeting Agenda. . Assistant Superintendent Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability at Victoria Independent School District Victoria, TX. Assistant Superintendent at VICTORIA ISD Victoria, Texas, United States. The Victoria Independent School District management team includes Angie Sherman (Director of Transportation Victoria ISD), Tomas Rodriguez (Assistant Principal), and Jonathan Sixtos (English 1 Pre Ap and Ap Language and Composition Teacher) . Depu ty. Fr skulestart vil du motta ein SMS der du fr informasjon om aktivere Feide-kontoen din. Tammy Sestak Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, & Accountability Dana Bigham Director of Child Nutrition Programs Sherri Hathaway Risk Manager . LaVerne Hajek Q's News 2023 State of the District SOTD Presentation SOTD Press Release State of the District - April 2023 Watch on Superintendent's Office Sheila Garcia Executive Secretary to the Superintendent Phone: 361-788-9202 Email Sheila Adonna Maturey Support Specialist Phone: 361-788-9202 41401 Fax: 361-788-9290 Click the links below to learn more information about each Administrative department: Central Supply & Purchasing Child Nutrition Health Services Maintenance Student Services Fresette loggar inn med ID-porten p same lenkje som elevane bruker (sj skulen si heimeside for skule din si lenke). Get contact details including emails and phone numbers When he saw you he exuded compassion and care. Har du ftt faktura fr Vestland fylkeskommune? The Victoria Independent School District does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability or age for admission, treatment, or participation in its educational programs, services and activities, or .