And, we must be prepared for the increased demand for services.. Obituaries from The Oklahoman iii-2 murfee cemetery located 2 miles south of franklin, va., on route #158. Dates and titles assigned by the archivist appear in brackets.Processing included rehousing materials in appropriate containers, establishment of series and subseries hierarchy, photocopying of news clippings and fragile documents, and the creation of this finding aid. RAWLS, WALTER CECIL LIBRARY & MUSEUM - COURTLAND, VA - Company Page ___Class lectures in Moral Philosophy, Group I, 1971-1991 and undated, ___Class lectures in Moral Philosophy, Group II, 1950-1994 and undated, ___Lectures, chiefly outside of Harvard, 1959-1989, ___Dewey Lectures and Political Liberalism, 1975-1998, ___Class lectures, Group I, 1958-1996 and undated, ___Class lectures, Group II, 1978-1996 and undated, ___Undergraduate thesis and early papers, 1942-1962 and undated, ___Early articles and drafts of portions of A Theory of Justice, 1964-1965, ___Reviews of A Theory of Justice, 1972-1973, ___The Law of Peoples with The Idea of Public Reason Revisited, 1975-1978, ___Justice as Fairness, A Restatement, 1987-1994, ___Articles, essays and publications in journals, 1950-1977, ___Books written by John Rawls, 1971-1993, ___Reviews and commentaries on Rawls's work, 1973-1997, ___Letter box file 1. Yearbooks, Biographies, Family Histories, Lineage Groups, and Other Organizations You can use this area for legal statements . They are awesome!!! In 2012, the Friends of the Smithfield Library donated a significant amount of money for the branch to be renovated. C. F. SMITHWICK, VICE PRESIDENT, RETAIL DIVISION, FRANKLIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: I am certain I speak for the majority of the retail merchants in congratulating our No. MjM4MTAxOGIyMGUxNWFmNmNjMmRlMmNjZmNiN2I2MmJmZDAzNTA3MjdmYjA3 Rawls Museum Arts22376 Linden StreetCourtland, Virginia 23837(757) 653-0754. Blackwater Library. The Walter Cecil Rawls Library & Museum : the first thirty years, 1958-1988 by Katherine K Futrell ( Book ) Most widely held works by Va.) Walter Cecil Rawls Library & Museum (Courtland Dick Cossitt : memorial exhibition by F. D Cossitt ( Book . Rawls implemented a bookmobile service in 1959 on the second week in April during National Library Week. Certificates (various) Similar Companies. HeritageQuest also includes US Census as well as Revolutionary War pension and bounty-land warrant applications, The collections document the intellectual, cultural, administrative and social life of Harvard and the influence of the University as it emerged across the globe. Rawls postulated that a just and fair society was one in which each person had equal opportunities and freedom and that government had a responsibility to address economic and social disparities in order to assist and uplift the disadvantaged. NTk5YzA5YWJkMjZjYWY0Yjk0ZDY5MWIxMjNhOWUxOTRhZWJmMDQxOTAxNWM2 The Walter Cecil Rawls Library, located in Courtland, VA, offers books, periodicals, and other information sources to patrons. Moreover, Rawls's reaction to the critical analysis and evaluations by other scholars assessing the strengths and weaknesses of his theories demonstrate how these authors helped inform his own studies. Fourteen years later, Southampton County entrepreneur Walter Cecil Rawls founded the Rawls Library in honor of his mother, a move that would have far-reaching ramifications for the library movement in Isle of Wight and Surry, as well as Southampton. She was a graduate of Madison College (now JMU) and a former director of the Walter Cecil Rawls Library and Museum. In 1971, he published his seminal work, A Theory of Justice, which proposed an alternative to utilitarianism, which in Rawls's view led to injustice. The second of five sons, Rawls's interest in philosophy began at the Episcopalian Kent School in Connecticut and matured as an undergraduate at Princeton University. BibTeX @MISC{Dillon96librarieseditorial, author = {Cy Dillon and William A. He then moved to Wisconsin, and he died of cancer at Marshfield on December 16, 1984. The collection of the library contains 25,391 volumes. Accessed June 30, 2023. Retrieved June 25, 2017, from,, "2015 Virginia Public Library Statistics",, Education in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, Education in Southampton County, Virginia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0, Courtland Branch/ Walter Cecil Rawls Library (, Franklin Branch/ Ruth Camp Campbell Memorial Library (, Wakefield Branch/ Troxler Memorial Library (, Waverly Branch/ Agnes Taylor Gray Library (, This page was last edited on 5 October 2020, at 19:04. Additions to these transcribed notes by the archivist appear in brackets.In a few cases, series titles were changed and new ones assigned by the archivist in this finding aid. lists of correspondents, lectures titles, or subjects considered within the folders) were transcribed by the archivist and incorporated into the folder lists below. Founder of the Courtland, Va public library. Cherokee Freedmen Applications, Additional American Indian Resources Blackwater Regional Library - Wikipedia It provides a concise account of Rawls' central ideas, situates them within contemporary debates, and submits them to critical scrutiny. The year was 1908. Terms of Service apply. CiteSeerX Libraries Editorial Board In 1980 the museum /art division became a separate non-profit entity known as Rawls Museum Arts, Inc. Its objective was to expand cultural outreach by offering more programs, art classes for young and old, exhibits, trips to the Virginia Museum and opportunity to acquaint regional residents with the many facets of art. APRIL 2001. They had four children: Anne Warefield (b. Lovely library and the librarians were extremely helpful and kind. Some Oklahoma birth and death information is available online through Ok2Explore, a free searchable index from the Oklahoma State Vital Records Division. Walter Cecil Rawls Library is located at 22511 Main St in Courtland, Virginia 23837. He began researching and collecting notes on justice and fairness as a graduate student at Princeton University. ZWZkNjkzYTczZTViZWM3OGUwYzU4ODczNmZhY2QxNjg3OWQzODQ4MDU4Mjky NjE0ZWUxNGZhYjQ2NDdjNDI2MDk5MzAwMTk0NTAzNTAyZDZiMDk0ZDZiNDE0 Select from over 115 networks below to view available data about this business. Walter Cecil Rawls Library - Chamber of Commerce These papers document Rawls's interaction with some of the most prominent individuals in the field of philosophy such as Thomas M. Scanlon, Ronald Dworkin, Philippa Foot, Robert Nozick, Thomas Pogge, and Amartaya Sen and highlight the influence Rawls had over the intellectual and professional development of a generation of philosophers. Genealogy | Oklahoma Historical Society Love this Library and the very helpful, friendly employees! Mrs. E. F. Reese, III chaired the Arts Committee of the library board which was headed by J.M. Dawes Final Rolls Rawls's theory of justice was received favorably by philosophers, lawyers, economists, political scientists, sociologists, students, and other academicians, and led to an outpouring of journal literature and papers. Education Bug - Walter Cecil Rawls Library - Courtland, Virginia Divorce Records, Oklahoma County Rawls wanted to use a part of his wealth to help educate others who came up in the same modest circumstances in which he was reared. Global Libraries. Walter Cecil Rawls Library's revenue is $0 - 1M. Wilson Rawls resided in Idaho Falls, Idaho, from 1958 to 1975. the Freedman's Bank (18561874), and more. Walter Cecil Rawls, founder and benefactor off the library and museum in Courtland bearing his name, died on Saturday at his home, Blueberry Hill, near Smithfield. Committed amount. It is managed by the The Library of Virginia Rawls spent much of his spare time visiting schools to encourage students to read and write. County: Wagoner. The Walter Cecil Rawls Library & Museum Users agree not to download, copy, modify, sell, lease, rent, reprint, or otherwise distribute these materials, or to link to these materials on another web site, without authorization of the Oklahoma Historical Society. He belonged to the English Speaking Union, the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Sons of the American Revolution. Rawls, Walter Cecil Library & Museum was founded in 1958. Removal of Restriction 74429-2527. Phone - 757-653-2821. Now, he is best known as a philanthropist. The Basic Structure as Subject and The Basic Liberties and Their Priority,1980-1985 and undated, ___Letter box file 4. 1950s-1990s, Lelyveld, David. Among them is Franklin High School's 2020 Valedictorian, Myroen Barrett Jr., the school's first African-American male valedictorian. Slow internet connection?clickhereto search the catalog, Blackwater Regional Library serves the communities of:Isle of Wight, Southampton, Surryand Sussex Countiesand the City of Franklin. In 1921, he went to St. Louis and started an investment banking career. Born in Franklin to the late Paul Blake Davis and Gladys Howell Davis, she is predeceased by her husband Stanley Dale Williams, two sisters Josephine D. Barrett and Marjorie D. Whitehead, and a brother Paul Beamon Davis, Sr. Gladys was a graduate of Courtland High School, a librarian at Walter Cecil Rawls Library and . . The Walter Cecil Rawls Library and Museum was first envisioned in 1952 by Walter Cecil Rawls, a St. Louis businessman and native of Southampton County. Blackwater Regional Library serves the communities of: Isle of Wight, Southampton, Surry and Sussex Counties and the City of Franklin. From 1912 through 1916 he worked in the real estate business after which he obtained employment as credit investigator for Bankers Trust Company in New York. During the Great Depression of the 1930s he hoboed around the country, collecting stories along the way. ZWQ2ODdmNTQ3ZmNiZDk1YTNkNzViY2ZkYjhiOTZhZmJkZTZiYmFkYzRiYWQ0 If you plan to visit the Research Center, it is helpful to bring a pedigree chart along with you. GetDirections. The novel won the William Allen White Children's Book Award and the Oklahoma Library Association's Sequoyah Children's Book Award in 1979. . Papers of John Rawls, HUM 48. Rawls's childhood experiences in the eastern Oklahoma hills provided the material for his fictional characters and settings. A Walter Cecil Rawls Library has a 4.7 Star Rating from 14 reviewers. Parker then appointed John D. Abbitt Jr., a Franklin banker, to serve as acting secretary. Rawls first job was that of a motion picture projectionist. Ross. In The Law of Peoples (1999), Rawls extended his conception of justice to foreign affairs, describing what a peaceful and tolerant international order would look like. SWMisc / Southampton Technical Career Center United Daughters of the Confederacy Applications, Land Resources Changes are noted in the folder list below. Biographical materials, 1995, 2002-2003. 1 industry for its growth. This library is affiliated with Coweta Public Library (view map) . Certificates (various) A pilot model off his television set is now in the Rawls Museum. [4] The Walter Cecil Rawls Library and Museum opened for public use on June 13, 1958. Much of the material in accession 14990 was arranged by John Rawls and by his wife, Margaret, subsequent to his death. Centenarians of Oklahoma Walter Cecil Rawls Library And Museum - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The notices are currently done manually once a month by a library employee. LIBRARY TO REPLACE CARD FILES - Daily Press Walter Cecil Rawls, founder and benefactor off the library and museum in Courtland bearing his name, died on Saturday at his home, "Blueberry Hill," near Smithfield. In 1962, Rawls left MIT to join the Harvard Philosophy Department, where he stayed until his retirement in 1991. MTBkMGE1MTFiZmFmZjViZjdhMjdhOGFlNDk1ZmZhYWQ2ZWE1OTFhZGVjYmQx Column - Volunteers worked hard to bring libraries to IW The library card you previously added can't be used to complete this action. Rawls, Walter Cecil Library & Museum has 30 employees and estimated revenues of $1,991,129.00. The novel won the William Allen White Children's Book Award and the Oklahoma Library Association's Sequoyah Children's Book Award in 1979. NWZlNjlmODBmYWI0NTU3NTA5Njk4NmI4NDMxYmNmOTZmNTIzNjRjODA3YWY0 United States. Indian Agency employees, Official Register of the US Left to cherish her memory is her daughter, Linda W. Pittman and her husband, Wilmer; her son, Leonard G. Whitehead and his wife Leslie; five grandchildren, Dudley, Ryan (Amanda), and Peyton Pittman and Kelsey and Kristen Whitehead . After receiving his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1943, Rawls enlisted in the United States Army during World War II, trained as a radio operator, and served as an infantry platoon sergeant in the Pacific, in New Guinea, the Philippines, and Japan. 757-653-2692. Indian Agency employees, Official Register of the US WINDSOR LIBRARY MAY BE A REALITY - Daily Press 2 reviews of Walter Cecil Rawls Library & Museum "Wow! Obituary | Rebecca DeJarnette Beale | Wright Funeral Home and Crematory Contemporary Moral Philosophy, 1983, 1985, Correspondence files, 1973-2003 and undated, ___Personal name correspondence, 1973-2001 and undated, ___Notes and letters regarding the Overlapping Consensus, 1988-1992, ___Alphabetically arranged correspondence, 1973-1998, Offprints and manuscripts by others, 1960-1998, 2000 and undated, ___Offprints and manuscripts by others, Group I, 1971-1998 and undated, ___Offprints and manuscripts by others, Group II, 1960-1977, 2000, ___Subject files, Group I, 1970-1998 and undated, ___Subjects files, Group II, 1991 and undated, Research notes on index cards, ca. 1901 Land Lottery tickets [1] According to FY 2015 Statistical Data for Virginia Public Libraries, the Blackwater Regional Library serves a population of 82,763. See a problem? Notes from Philosophy 171, 1979, 1984-1989 and undated, ___Letter box file 2. September 5, 1964. Oklahoma Commission for the Adult Blind Applications Rawls, John, Biographical File (HUG 300). Find Related Places. Lectures on the Law of Nations, 1967-1969 and undated, ___Letter box file 5. John Bordley Rawls was born on February 21, 1921 in Baltimore, Maryland, to William Lee Rawls (1883-1946) and Anna Abel (Stump) Rawls (1892-1954). In 1949 John Rawls married Margaret (Warfield Fox) Rawls. Camp, Jr. At the time the museum was organized as an affiliate of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Teacher's Reports, Dawes Commission Records He then moved to Wisconsin, and he died of . Browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from the Coweta Public Library System digital collection. He was great with the kids! The Research Center has created PDF guides to help you plan your research. Widely cited by scholars, Rawls's theories on justice and fairness in a modern society greatly influenced the fields of political science, economics, sociology, theology, and the law. Region served. 22511 Main St Courtland VA 23837 (757) 653-2821. Finally, Rawls summarized his conceptions of justice in Justice as Fairness: A Restatement (2001), providing revisions to his original ideas on justice and fairness, reworked over a period of almost thirty years. This includes individual articles (copyright to OHS by author assignment) and corporately (as a complete body of work), including web design, graphics, searching functions, and listing/browsing methods. Add it now to start borrowing from the collection. Use the charts below to keep track of your information. Marriage Records Blackwater Regional Library Courtland VA, 23837 - Library details: Coweta Public Library is a Public library. Southampton citizens Walter Cecil Rawls and his friend Junious W. Pulley planned what would become the Walter Cecil Rawls Library and Museum, which is the first of what would become the currently nine branch Blackwater Regional Library. Probate Records, Oklahoma County, Census, Directories, and Incorporation Records All U.S. Library Outlets | Virginia Library Outlets. Dawes Rolls and Related Records A native of Southampton County, he was born on a farm near Ivor. Photos. A Walter Cecil Rawls Library is located at 22511 Main St, Courtland, VA 23837, A Walter Cecil Rawls Library is open:Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sunday: Closed Monday: Closed Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Thursday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM. Website Take me there. Walter Cecil Rawls Library - Oklahoma City Deaths Walter Cecil Rawls (1895-1964) - Find a Grave Memorial Moore's Seminole Roll and Land Guide It was in Suffolk. He was a member off Oakland Christian Church, Chuckatuck, and a former trustee of Elon College. Manager Iola Lamison, a seven-year veteran at Courtland, said the celebration was June 13 because it not only commemorated the opening of the library, but was the birthday of founder Walter Cecil . At the Southampton Renaissance Faire, guests are invited to travel far into the past and experience a long forgotten . Union Soldiers Home Collection Index. In searching for a suitable site, Mr. Rawls enlisted the aid of his boyhood friend, Junius W. Pulley who suggested the Courtland location. Privacy Policy and 1/2 mile southwest on route Y2VhYzk1YjNkMDEzZjY0Y2RjODUxOTk5MzNlMTAxZDk5NTIzMjI2OWFkNDFh And, Rawls was deeply interested in the plight of those who, like him, were handicapped by polio. Idaho Falls (Idaho) Post-Register, 18 December 1984. Fold3 also offers online access to and various American Indian records. NmJlZmI4YTU3M2U3ZmQ2OTg3YzZiNTE3MjY4YWQ3ODJhNGYzMGNjZjllYjgz The bookmobile routes eventually led to the opening of the branches in the other counties. What is Walter Cecil Rawls Library's revenue? YzNjYWUxOGJlMjMxOGRjNzk2Y2I1M2U5MDEwMTYxOGQxZmI2MDI4ZWRlMWIy MTY5ZTcwZmZjNjhkMTU5NjQ2OWE4NjMwOWU5M2NiY2NlYzRkNGQzYTEwMjIy MmEwYzJmZmRmMTQwYzc5YzA2Zjk2NmFkNDljYmJkYTJhYzViYThjODhkM2Uz More Info Email Email Business Extra Phones. ZWMzNWY0N2NiNGEyYmU4Y2JjZmVmNTM2NTU4ZjkxODZiOGM0YTNiY2M5ZTUz The following (as per The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition) is the preferred citation for articles:Dianna Everett, Rawls, Woodrow Wilson, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, Do you have something to say about Walter Cecil Rawls Library? MjYyZDFhMGQ0MWY5YWJlNzQ3ZDI1ZTg1NGEzMWRhYTdhMmZiNmU0OWU3Mzgz Have a card? Founder of the Courtland, Va public library. Part of the Harvard University Archives Repository. Blackwater Regional Library All rights reserved. Harvard University Archives. Funeral Home Records, Grant County Search results - Coweta Public Library System - OverDrive Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy. 22511 Main Street Courtland, VA 23837-1029 Courtland, Virginia Public Libraries (1) Welcome to the Rawls Museum Arts Website! Contemporary Moral Philosophy, 1983-1992, ___Letter box file 12. EDITORS NOTE: Looking Back features past articles from The Tidewater News with commentary by local historian Clyde Parker. 20 cubic feet (60 document boxes, 2 card boxes). If this data is unavailable or inaccurate and you own or represent this business. Please sign in again so you can continue to borrow titles and access your Loans, Wish list, and Holds pages. The exhibit featured art work by local artists and a display of Civil War memorabilia. His email address is, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), COLUMN: Enjoy, but use caution, when enjoying summer fun, COLUMN: Youngkin must be wary of global engagement. These sites allow patrons visiting the Research Center to search, view, and print various items pertaining to genealogy and history. YThlYWNlMzJjZTk5ODFkY2JlNGE1ZTBhNGNjMmM4OWJiYjQ4ZjJlNTZjNDNm MjE2MDkyY2VhNjY0NTk0YzE3ZTU4MDkxNDYxNmM3ZDI0NGRiMDI4M2Y1NGMy 1896 applications for enrollment, Five Tribes More. The Walter Cecil Rawls Library and Museum opened for public use on June 13, 1958. ZGMwM2NmZTFlNmRiYzBhYjVhMDA3MTI2ZTI3ZDIyNWU5Mjc2MzcyZWQ5Zjgy 1890 Oklahoma Territorial Census Rated 5 / 5 . in memory of seth d. williams 1813 08-22-1859 in the 46th year of his age. 22 (Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Company, 1981). Blackwater Regional Library Company Profile | Courtland, VA ODZlYTcxNTkyYTE1ZDE0NTRjNWQzZTllNmM1OTE0ZjFjNGNmMzcyNWM0MGNk If you're still having trouble, follow these steps to sign in. 2002], Box 42, Folder 12, HUM 48. The acquisitions are as follows: This document last updated 2019 October 18. And, during the construction period, many and various materials will be purchased from local businesses. Widely cited by scholars, Rawls's theories on justice and fairness in a modern society greatly influenced the fields of political science, economics, sociology, theology, and the law. Phone: 918-486-6532. this is a large family burial ground, many graves, but only this one grave marked. MzIxOTBhNjUwYjU1YjQzOGYzOGZhNTFmNzZkYjlhOTRjZmY5OTIyOWEzMTZi Division. The 1992 summer reading program, which is themed, ''Library Reading Team,'' will run for eight weeks for ages 3 and older. Certificates (various) Once you have compiled a list of material you would like to consult in the reading room, please contact the Harvard University Archives at He usually made his living as a laborer, once working on the Alcan Highway in Alaska. Hastain's Township Plats of the Creek Nation Stevens Woods II & III Community Room. But then, why would anyone be opposed? ODcwMWYzZDNhNzhmOThmZjAwNmZiZjcwZjc1NGQxNjY2MTk0ZGVjNzI4YmJl YjA5MzJlNmU1YTlhZmVhNmFiNjc0ZGMxZTk1NTM1NWZkMTk3YWEyODhhODM5 Oklahoma Birth and Death Records. MjU4ODYwMTJjMzg0YjgyMmYxODEzMTc0Mzc4ZWZjOTQ5NGNhZmY2ZTQ0YThl Blackwater Regional Library - Library History Rawls's research and teaching focused on justice in society, a topic which he studied for over fifty years. MTE5ZmRkMDg3ZDJhYzZlMDZlZWRlMTFjMTg0Nzg5N2VjNzQyZDQ0NGNhNmY2 Both Mr. Rawls, an inventor and amateur artist, and Mr . We engaged Pace Collaborative (Mechanical Engineers) in 2019 to Walter Cecil Rawls Library can be contacted via phone at (757) 653-2821 for pricing, hours and directions. Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. 2023. Blackwater Regional Library - Courtland, VA 23837 - The Real Yellow Pages This site is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services. Rawls implemented a bookmobile service in 1959 on the second week in April during National Library Week. Ancestry Library Edition offers US Census, ship logs and passenger indexes, WWI draft registration cards, vital records, American Indian records, and the The library collection also includes electronic databases, films, and other cultural materials. Present in these papers are Rawls's analyses of works by some of the major figures of economics, philosophy, and social theory such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Henry Sidgwick, Gottfried Leibniz, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, and Karl Marx, as well as many other eighteenth-century philosophers. In 1971, he published his seminal work, A Theory of Justice, which proposed an alternative to utilitarianism, which in Rawls's view led to injustice. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. YTFmN2FkMzQwMjNmOTY1YjcwZDgwYWU5ZWM1YjcwNmVkMWRkNGY1YmQxZjA4 During his childhood, he was stricken with infantile paralysis. Territorial Incorporation Records The papers encompass lecture and teaching materials, writings, correspondence, offprints and manuscripts by other scholars, subject files, research notes, and a small amount of biographical material. Walter Cecil Rawls Library YjMxNDhkYWU3MDc5NTRmYjQwOGQyNjU1ZGQwNTU1YTA3ZWYyYjI2MmMzNDM5 If you receive an error message, please contact your library for help. Courtland - Gladys Davis Williams, 95, passed away on November 15, 2018. Libraries. Holding nearly four centuries of materials, the Harvard University Archives is the principal repository for the institutional records of Harvard University and the personal archives of Harvard faculty, as well as collections related to students, alumni, Harvard-affiliates and other associated topics. The Idea of Public Reason: Further Considerations. NGM3NGFkYWUzOTM4Y2E1ZjZlZTJkNmY2MTdjYWZmYjRhNDYwNGYyZDZmNDU4 Copyright to all articles and other content in the online and print versions of The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History is held by the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS). Walter Cecil Rawls Library maintains 10600 square feet of publicly usable space and operates as the district's central library. The Walter Cecil Rawls Library & Museum the first thirty years, 1958-1988 by Katherine K. Futrell. Reviews. From 1952 to 1953, Rawls studied at Christ Church College at Oxford University. MTUwMTdlZmUyMGNiMTg4NTk4YzljOTA1NDI5MWViY2VlY2IwYTI5OGQyMGYy Walter Cecil Rawls Library in Courtland, Virginia - County Office 1889 Oklahoma County Final Certificates Some Oklahoma birth and death information is available online through Ok2Explore, a free searchable index from the Oklahoma State Vital Records Division. Certificates (various) Our resources include cemetery books; birth, death, and marriage indexes; and family and county histories. Bing. Courtland library celebrates 50 years with building tour