13 Weeks of access to all Premium Content and our E-Edition. POLICE BLOTTER. Have a question for the Waterbury Police Department? The service are led in[], PIGMENTS OF OUR IMAGINATION Newest Members Show at Gallery 25: June 30-August 6 Opening Reception Saturday, July 1, 2-4pm, light refreshments and wine! 1 week of full access. _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_callback_uri', (window.location.href + ((window.location.href.split('? The Waterbury Police Department sponsors and hosts a variety of community events. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE PART TIME The Republican American is looking for positive & professional Cust. Also, all candidates must be U.S. citizens, have a driver's license, and must not have been convicted of a felony criminal charge. + "oa_social_login_source=shortcode"))]); 1 week of full access. '&': '?') CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE PART TIME The Republican American is looking for positive & professional Cust. SEGUNDO LOJA-AREVALO, 58, of 49 W. Liberty St., disorderly conduct, third-degree assault. '&': '?') Worship will be at 5:30 p.m. at Christ Church,[], Theres nothing quite like the aroma of freshly baked challah, and at Kent Farmers Market, weve got the best in town! Records; Police; Waterbury Police Blotter. 26 Weeks of access to all Premium Content and our E-Edition, Monthly access to all Premium Content and the E-Edition. Gallery 25 and Creative Arts Studio New Milford Commission[], St. Pauls Church in Bantam and Christ Episcopal Church will offer a Pizza Church format the first and third Saturdays of the month beginning July 1. Republican-American 389 Meadow St. P.O. Every one talks to Gd on their level and in their language and pace. JERALE BLIZZARD, 36, of 39 Idylwood Ave., second-degree breach of peace. REGISTER to access your 5 FREE ARTICLES a week. Every one talks to Gd on their level and in their language and pace. Does not automatically renew. Does not automatically renew. var _oneall = _oneall || []; Today, the Waterbury Police Department employs some 350 men and women in an effort to provide citizens with the highest quality police services. Service Representatives to join our team. ADLIN TORRES, 39, of 107 Alpine Ave, two counts second-degree failure to appear. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE PART TIME The Republican American is looking for positive & professional Cust. '&': '?') _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_custom_css_uri', 'https://secure.oneallcdn.com/css/api/socialize/themes/wordpress/small.css']); Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: RICHARD PRICE, 34, of 15 Arch St., violation of probation. CHRISTOPHER BROWN, 21, of 66 Washington St., first-degree failure to appear. 48. ELIBERTO ROBLERO, 30, of 49 W. Liberty St., disorderly conduct. Renews Monthly, Full access to all digital content for 1 year. 288. The mission of the Waterbury Police Department is to protect with vigilance and serve with impartiality while engaging in a strong partnership with the community. Every one talks to Gd on their level and in their language and pace. A tiny Maine town. Every one talks to Gd on their level and in their language and pace. Service Representatives to join our. CHRISTOPHER ESTEVES, 35, 827 Oronoke Road, Waterbury, evading responisibltiy injury/property damage, operate/parks unregistered motor vehicle, illegal operation Naugatuck police recently filed the following charges:
WATERBURY. var _oneall = _oneall || []; '&': '?') Westrongly encourage you to sign up forCTALERT to receive emergency text message alerts directly from the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. Republican-American 389 Meadow St. P.O. Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: SANTO JONES, 41, of 11 Martin St., two counts second-degree failure to appear, two counts first-degree failure to appear.. HECTOR BENITEZ, 34, of 174 Pearl St., violation of protective order.. JASMINE DUBLIN, 32, of 96 Read St., Bridgeport, issuing a bad check from $1,000 to $2,000, issuing a bad check from $500 to $1,000. REGISTER to access your 5 FREE ARTICLES a week. ANDREW IOVENE, 36, 116 Addison St., Waterbury, violation Naugatuck Police reported the following arrests:
Renews Monthly, Full access to all digital content for 1 year. The Waterbury Police Department Baseball Team was formed, competing against other Connecticut police departments. _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_custom_css_uri', 'https://secure.oneallcdn.com/css/api/socialize/themes/wordpress/small.css']); I am tired of hearing about it A changed man, living She survived Thirteen stab wounds, a broken neck, Sophomores lead Kennedy track and field into future, Longtime athletic directors Rossi, Trifone retire, Canady to play basketball at Anna Maria College, Girls get a chance to shine at CIAC hoop showcase, Watch: Local girls get chance to play high school basketball in June. Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: DONTE JENKINS, 25, of 460 Emmett St., Bristol, sale of a hallucinogen or narcotic, dispensing a controlled substance within 1,500 feet of a school, public housing project or daycare center. The service are led in[], PIGMENTS OF OUR IMAGINATION Newest Members Show at Gallery 25: June 30-August 6 Opening Reception Saturday, July 1, 2-4pm, light refreshments and wine! Naugatuck police reported the following arrests:
26 Weeks of access to all Premium Content and our E-Edition, Monthly access to all Premium Content and the E-Edition. Site designed and hosted by WORX. A tiny Maine town. Contact the Waterbury Police Department with any inquiries, requests for service, information on a crime or to report suspicious activity. Home Records Police Waterbury Police Blotter. In this role, you will be our customers first LOG DOGS Tree removal firewood, stump grinding, fr est fully ins 203-271-3355 5% of jobs donated to local dog rescue, Looking for an intimate meaningful Prayer experience At Chabad we dont pray with labels or levels. DAMIAN RIVERA-OSORIO, 23, 81 Weber Ave., Bridgeport, breach of peace second-degree, assault third-degree, criminal mischief third-degree, May 28. Click here to learn more. + "oa_social_login_source=shortcode"))]); Box 2090 Waterbury CT 06722-2090 Phone: (203) 574-3636 I am tired of hearing about it A changed man, living She survived Thirteen stab wounds, a broken neck, Sophomores lead Kennedy track and field into future, Longtime athletic directors Rossi, Trifone retire, Canady to play basketball at Anna Maria College, Girls get a chance to shine at CIAC hoop showcase, Watch: Local girls get chance to play high school basketball in June. _oneall.push(['social_login', 'do_render_ui', 'oneall_social_login_providers_9121736']); Captcha loadingIn order to pass the CAPTCHA please enable JavaScript. Records; . 0. Gallery 25 and Creative Arts Studio New Milford Commission[], St. Pauls Church in Bantam and Christ Episcopal Church will offer a Pizza Church format the first and third Saturdays of the month beginning July 1. Worship will be at 5:30 p.m. at Christ Church,[], Theres nothing quite like the aroma of freshly baked challah, and at Kent Farmers Market, weve got the best in town! HECTOR BENITEZ, 34, of 174 Pearl St., violation of protective order. 0. Republican-American 389 Meadow St. P.O. Police blotter for March 23 MIRIAM JIMENEZ, 34, of 76 Lydia St., second-degree breach of peace, risk of injury to child. A tiny Maine town. EBINIE NORDBY, 40, of 317 Oak St., interfering with search. ], Have you ever seen a bobcat out in the wild in Connecticut, Your point of view sometimes depends on where youre standing.
')[1] ? 13 Weeks of access to all Premium Content and our E-Edition. JOAO PEREIRA, 24, 66 E Pembroke Road, Danbury, failure to comply building inspector order, violation of state building code. WILLIE RODRIGUEZ, 20, of 30-B Glade St., West Haven, three counts second-degree failure to appear, two counts first-degree failure to appear. You May also obtain a Pistol Permit Application. Access all Premium Content and the E-Edition for 1 day. GEORGE VANRAM CUNG, 42, of 1006 22nd St., West Des Moines, Iowa, third-degree criminal trespass, second-degree breach of peace. ], Have you ever seen a bobcat out in the wild in Connecticut. June 28, 2023. Police responded to the area of North Main and East Farm streets at 2 a.m. Friday for. Waterbury Police Department is proud to work with diverse partner organizations that cultivate mutual trust and cooperation in the community. You May Now Obtain Copies of Motor Vehicle Accident or Police Reports Online. Senators say theyre just learning of probe into mishandled sexual assaults Haze, heat and storms are dulling start of summer in Supreme Court rejects Bidens plan to wipe away $400 billion in Public catching on to Bidens corruption, DOJ weaponization, State lawmaker attacked while leaving Muslim prayer service, Supreme Court rejects Bidens plan to wipe away $400 billion in student loans.
NICOLE FERRAZZI, 39, 205 Heritage Drive, Waterbury, larceny sixth-degree, May 23. ')[1] ? 0. TRAVARES COTTON, 35, 139 Day St., New Haven, breach Naugatuck police reported the following arrests:
Senators say theyre just learning of probe into mishandled sexual assaults Haze, heat and storms are dulling start of summer in Supreme Court rejects Bidens plan to wipe away $400 billion in Public catching on to Bidens corruption, DOJ weaponization, State lawmaker attacked while leaving Muslim prayer service, Supreme Court rejects Bidens plan to wipe away $400 billion in student loans. WATERBURY. POLICE BLOTTER. The worlds tallest flagpole. 0. _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_callback_uri', (window.location.href + ((window.location.href.split('? Naugatuck police reported the following arrests: IRIS ESTELLA, 46, 39 High St., Waterbury, larceny second-degree, March 13. December 3, 2022. CLAUDE PARKER, 54, of 36 Birch St., interfering with officer/resisting arrest, sixth-degree larceny. The Waterbury Police Department strives to proactively work toward reducing crime to keep the community safe. CHRISTOPHER BROWN, 21, of 66 Washington St., first-degree failure to appear. The worlds tallest flagpole. -. REGISTER to access your 5 FREE ARTICLES a week. -. 1 week of full access. JASMINE GOINS, 27, of 150 Manhan St., disorderly conduct. Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: JEFFREY CASTRO, 24, of 9 Parker St., failure to respond to infraction, disorderly conduct. Stay safe and informed during emergencies in our area, including publichealth risks, dangerous weather and safety threats. WATERBURY Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: VICTOR SANTIAGO, 31, of no certain address, Waterbury, second-degree breach of peace, third-degree assault, home invasion, third . _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_providers', ['amazon','facebook','google','linkedin','twitter']]); Gallery 25 and Creative Arts Studio New Milford Commission[], St. Pauls Church in Bantam and Christ Episcopal Church will offer a Pizza Church format the first and third Saturdays of the month beginning July 1. ARIANA PORTER, 25, homeless, of Waterbury, fifth-degree larceny, interfering with officer/resisting arrest, use of drug paraphernalia. Service Representatives to join our team. All are invited. DONALD DOBITAS, 42, 5 Hawkstone Terrace, Oxford, illegal operation of motor vehicle under 14-140 suspension, Feb. 24. + "oa_social_login_source=shortcode"))]); PL2023-0086 - Zoning Regulation Amendment proposed revisions to the Zoning Regulations to: 1. WATERBURY. WATERBURYWaterbury police recently filed the following charges:DAYALIRA MERCADO, 43, of 335 Congress Ave., second-degree failure to appear, second-degree breach of peace, violation of protective order, first-degree criminal trespass, first-degree threatening,. var _oneall = _oneall || []; Every one talks to Gd on their level and in their language and pace. 13 Weeks of access to all Premium Content and our E-Edition. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE PART TIME The Republican American is looking for positive & professional Cust. ')[1] ? 188. Renews Monthly, Full access to all digital content for 1 year. REGISTER to access your 5 FREE ARTICLES a week. Waterbury police blotter. 1 week of full access. WATERBURY. Waterbury police recently filed the following charges:EDWARD DALZELL, 59, of 114 Benedict St.,one count of third-degree assault on . Waterbury Police Blotter. Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: ZAIRE CRAWFORD-PETTWAY, 25, of 52 Jewett St., Ansonia, first-degree failure to appear, criminal violation of restraining order.. ELIBERTO ROBLERO, 30, of 49 W. Liberty St., disorderly conduct.. SEGUNDO LOJA-AREVALO, 58, of 49 W. Liberty St., disorderly conduct, third-degree assault. Worship will be at 5:30 p.m. at Christ Church,[], Theres nothing quite like the aroma of freshly baked challah, and at Kent Farmers Market, weve got the best in town! JEANCY TSHIBANGU, 19, 52 Glenbrook Ave., Waterbury, improper use marker/license/registration, illegal operation of motor vehicle without minimum Naugatuck police reported the following arrests: