The person allowing these leaks, or rather, the person directing us forward in discovery of new clues and discoveries, is either unknowingly leaving us clues, or outright purposefully leaving us clues to pick up on. (Which, as is proven by the website and sources, is true. It feels STRANGE that this voice, not only doesn't have a subject in which to come from, but is instead just a void-less thing raising the question. Home. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Sunny, Eddie, the Vinyl, and the House. Why would Wally be here? Where HE might be. For this in particular, it's practically yelling at you that Wally, and by extension Barnaby, are WELL AWARE of what's happening in Welcome Home. Thats why, This guide has tips for writing a welcome letter that will, And why is communication so important? On the Guestbook! But I wanna collect enough evidence to JUSTIFY a big post. The Neighborhood! As well as a piece of itself. EVERYONE in town has cards EXCEPT Barnaby, Home, and Wally. Open. is another page that looks innocent at first; you click on a Welcome Home character's house, and it brings up biographical information about them. His segments were focused on drawing and painting with viewers. With modern, easy-to-use templates and automatic recommendations based on location, you can create engaging local area guides and amenity handbooks. You will be joining our highly trained team of Airborne professionals who are dedicated to ensuring our Army Special Operations Forces receive the absolute best logistics, medical, and signal support the Army has to offer. Like on of those optical illusions made to make you feel dumb when you read over something that, sounded out aloud, should not make any sense. 9. r/WelcomeHomeNeighbor. Or at least one of them. Welcome Home is this neat little ARG website. Combined with a passion for writing, Ashley is focused on bringing the best news, guides, reviews and lists the industry has to offer. page on a mobile device, Wally's house will be levitating above a large black abyss, which could be a nod to the Emerald Tablet verse from the URL. Finally, the words in the bottom left are too vague to surmise anything from. However, several decades later a group of individuals have formed The Welcome Home Restoration Team. Other than that, however, lets get into what I believe this drawing represents. Or at least someone sharing Wally's identity knows that we're looking for clues. Communication is a key element during your reassignment process and we are committed to providing any assistance that you may require before and during your transition period. This next image does more to insinuate than it does to explain like some of the others. The 528th Sustainment Brigade (SO)(A) Command Team, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, 8th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne), U.S. Army Special Operations Aviation Command. Reddit, Inc. 2023. Here's a complete breakdown of hidden clues from the Guestbook in Welcome Home ARG. 1 / 2. On your arrival if you should have any questions or concerns with the unit or Fort Liberty area, please don't hesitate to contact the Brigade S1/NCOIC at (910) 908-8624/DSN: 312-239-8624 or email at Heres an example of a welcome letter for an apartment in San Francisco, California. The responder uses first-person when the note is about Wally, third-person when its about another character, and mentions they are a yellow puppet. The ARG is currently in its prologue stage, and can be found [ [ here]]. What Is Welcome Home? - Inside A Mind - YouTube But if you wanna explore it yourself, don't hesitate to in the slightest. "When I unwrapped the first letter, I felt it. page, visitors to the Welcome Home website can leave a message. Like Pooh bear stumbling on a pot of honey. But I believe that there is something intrinsically wrong with the leader, or at least the spokesperson for the restoration team. Wally Darling - Welcome Home Wiki | Fandom UNLESS CONTACTED BY YOUR CHAIN OF COMMAND, USASOC OPERATES FROM THE FORT LIBERTY INSTALLATION STATUS. Here's a list of all the links hidden on the Welcome Home ARG website. The number filenames continue until Page 6, with the doodle of an orange and red hat in response to Mr. Teddy. Words that blend DIRECTLY into the image if you don't zoom in. Through them, it would spread to Corporate. But what if it isn't a joke? Heres what we like about Ayodeles welcome letter: It builds excitement about the local area and amenities, You can hear the warmth and personality of the host, It tells the guest where to find more information, It doesnt offer clear instructions about how or when to contact the host. We get strong Five Nights at Freddy's vibes from Welcome Home ARG, but that may just be our imagination. Delivering your welcome message online via a hospitality app means it will be easily accessible for your guests to browse whenever they wish. Forcing them to begin making changes to the show. And, presumably, holds these children's books in good enough quality to warrant sending it to the Restoration project. The code for the secret of Wally singing Beautiful Dreamer is currently wrong. (That being Home. Take note of the colorful one. Like, it seems like he truly replies to the question/request doesn't he? Hello! Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting
I'm sure people would assume that it's a book for cooking. These hidden links were discovered by scrambling the unaligned letters found throughout the Welcome Home website. Welcome Letter - SOC But I don't think that's true. Its your way of supporting your guest and shaping their experience. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. So I would ask that you please bare with me in this one, as I'm going to let my imagination flow with explaining the information presented. When reading through the Welcome Home website, you'll notice the letters Y, O, X, W, V, and E scattered around on different pages. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. From there, whatever entity not entrenches itself in the puppets of Welcome Home sent a letter. 101. Like Most ARGs, Welcome Home is a site that's layered in secrets. Which I don't blame them for. (Myself included). When youre ready to get started on your own welcome letter, youll find a free template at the end. I think that it's ongoing, though, not finished. Wondering whatever happened to their favorite kids show, Welcome Home. Open. Answer 1 of 6: We are looking for a holiday rental and ran across a flat in Giesing District on Airbnb. You should be ashamed if you ever make Eddie cry. Include the crucial details. Welcome Home : r/ARG - Reddit We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that youve provided to them or that theyre collected from your use of their services. 6 - Grezi. The nurse from old St. Beth's was widowed this year. Of course, it's a children's book. Packaged in it was a piece of history. Once youve got your communication strategy perfected, youll see how quickly those 5-star reviews come in. Welcome Home. Open. Note: This page is not for speculation, theories, fanon, or comparisons. The WHOLE caboodle. All Characters in Welcome Home ARG Full List. For more information, please see our There are hidden secrets stashed away for you to find, taking the lore to new, terrifying depths. It mean it is inside of you too, then. I imagine that if a hardcore lover of Kermit sent him a letter, they'd expect a letter back in their grand delusion of ego. Scrolling to the empty boxes, we can see that, indeed, someone is typing. It infected the creative team first, I would assume. With Operto Guest, you can customize your welcome letter for maximum engagement using images and personalized messaging. Silly.. A gif of Wally reaching up to one of the windows/eyes of home. Something hidden underneath the paper. Or perhaps a spirit of some sort. Airbnb Welcome Letter Example [+ Plug & Play Template] Writing your welcome letter will take no time at all. (Which is ironic.) I just double checked, and yxwvoe does indeed work for the phone error page, hello! This corporate meddling is further expounded on in a later image. text at the bottom of the image. Airbnb guests love to feel like they can reach out to their hosts, so make your greeting warm and friendly. Open. Hidden Letters + Text : r/WelcomeHomeARG by Princessmore Hidden Letters + Text What letters do you think these are? Or, perhaps, the piece of merchandise belonging to the fourth and final indicator. The state at which he is in? When you open the image in editing software and manipulate the brightness, exposure, and contrast, a hidden message appears over the "We'll Be Right Back!" And that's been a double-edged sword. Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. This just being an indicator of it. Welcome Home ARG lore & story, All comments must be on topic and add something of substance to the post, Do not attempt to start a poll in the comments, We reserve the right to remove a comment for any reason, Do not impersonate a staff member or influencer. Do you see what I see? In the bottom-right of the image, you would be remiss for confusing the jumble of numbers as a signature. in: ARG Elements Welcome Home (Show) Sign in to edit Welcome Home First released October 11th, 1969 Run time 4 years (1974) Created by The Playfellow Workshop Producer The Playfellow Workshop Country U.S.A. Information !, I was going to post this yesterday but :b Awesome Con got in the way, so, sorry guys! Welcome Home is an ARG that follows a lost children's TV show called Welcome Home. While many of them are real (or at least appear to be), some of them hide a rather unsettling secret that you can only spot by hovering over the doodled images and reading the uploaded file name.