Its a shame companies like this can exist. The organization says that the invited students must meet the following criteria: They should have a GPA of at least 3.5 and an SAT score of 1750. The National Society of High School Scholars awards more than $2 million in scholarships each year. The NSHSS is not chartered through schools like the NHS, which means you can switch schools and still hold your membership. Others who say not to compare this organization with the National Honors Society, and those who do are misinformed. Im not missing this opportunity because now I know what this society is all about. Its one thing to actually go to events vs just paying into an org.) They are preying on peoples pride and desire to be recognized. to help them pursue higher education. They literally send them out to everyone!!!! However, getting into the NSHSS shouldnt be an issue if you are a high-performing student. While there are differences between the two, both honor societies are open to strong academics with a focus on community service.. Also I watched their videos and they actually have conversations with a room full of children and they give out awards. College admissions are an important process, and identifying the right schools to apply to can make all the difference in your future career and personal satisfaction. If an honor is truly earned, it should be free! Christina Lyon is the author of this educational blog and she is involved with students life and education. I am furious that they sent me this letter, especially since my family doesnt have that much money. BGRSP only costs $100 to join. The requirements to are quite low and invitations to join are sent to several thousand students each year based on GPA and test scores, so it is not regarded as a prestigious society. In my mind, I was The group and its partners provide over $2,000,000 in scholarship funding to its members annually. However, students who make an effort to join and participate are glad they did. In elementary school, one of the counselors gave my daughters information to a company like this and I was appalled! Still no money back. If . Because both societies heavily emphasize community service, the admissions team will note that you are deeply involved in the community. Many colleges and universities take into account a student's membership in NSHSS during the admissions process. BGRSP also gives away $1000-$5000 scholarships to some of its members. If you havent heard of that, go to You Tube and have a look at any number of presentations describing Agenda 2030 (or Agenda 21). Read more on our membership, testimonials, and qualifications to learn more about NSHSS. How do they get peoples information and addresses. They are noe offering a new certificate. To be a member of ESA, a student must meet the mandatory requirements and any additional requirements that an individual chapter may set. A Lifetime Membership in NSHSS helps today's scholars become tomorrow's leaders through recognition, scholarships, college fairs, internships, career connections, personal development events, leadership opportunities, and more. But, in general, your antennae should be up when you are asked to pay for any honor." Students who take the steps required to join are glad they did so. But is it worth it to pay the fee to join this organization just for a chance at a scholarship? Thx so much for the info, Ive been debating whether or not to pay for this, I now know Im better off without it. A counselor, teacher, or an education group can nominate potential members. By Ryan Smith October 17, 2022 So, you just got an invitation to join the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS). Now that we have clarified that the NSHSS and NHS are different, what is the NSHSS? Used with Permission from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. It's nice to be able to meet homeschoolers who are near my age, too. I know a young man in the eighth grade that has an intelligence ratio of 182 and has the social aptitude to go with that it and presents himself in a more dignified manner than most adults I see, so what makes you think that you or I can do a better job at researching it (the society) than she did, Im 50 years old by the way and I dont underestimate young people nowadays. Is NSHSS a scam? The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) is an international academic honor society. Does the school sell it?? It is beneficial to include extracurricular activities on your resume, particularly if they are related to your degree. In many cases, recipients are the first in their families to attend college. What is the NSHSS acceptance criteria? The National Honor Society (NHS) and the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) share the term "Honor Society" in their titles, but they differ significantly as organizations. She said that Eta Sigma Alpha was specifically designed for the homeschool student and that "its standards are higher." For more information about NSHSS, visit their website at Ultimately, if you have an interest and get an invite to either the NHS or the NSHSS, go for it! . My twin and I both fell for it several months ago (Freshman year). iStock Question: My son got an invitation to join the National Society of High School Scholars. Is sad that you all want do your on investigation you just go by hear say or what other people experienced. You may think that the money is nothing, but you are completely ignorant to others problems. I am going into my senior year, and this is the second time that I am receiving an invitation to join. Those benefits just aren't very meaningful. Did Jesus Say We Must Be Baptized in Order to Be Saved? You pay a one-time $75 fee for a lifetime membership that you never have to renew. The organization focuses more on your academic performance and recognition and is typically more flexible regarding eligibility criteria. No, the NSHSS and the NHS are not the same. I may cancel membership if possible someday, or maybe Ill just let it be. The honor cord may be worn alone or with the honor stole and medallion. Shes 16, 17, or 18? Yes, it may be challenging to get into the National Society of High School Scholars. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. to get the most out of their membership experience. Right, I get all of this but can I put the Im the Proud parent of bumper sticker on my car even if I dont join? I am so glad that I did go on line to find out if its legitimate or a scam. Videos Featuring members, partners, and amazing events that make NSHSS Worth It. But only a few million people are given this chance. Generally, there are two reasons they ask this question. NSHSS celebrates and honors lifetime members from across the globe who believe in being the next agents of change and the next thought leaders. Yes. It was exciting when I received my invitation to join ESA and was happy to belong to something which would help getting into college. And wouldn't it be wonderful if homeschooling students could join a national honor society and receive national awards for their hard work! A lot of qualified college counselors advise you to skip any scholarship offers that you need to pay for. Sorry, but they are the ones misinformed. For this small fee, your personal information will be printed and published in this glorious tome. I paid for my sons membership in 2017, got a certificate with my name on it ( his mom). I went to that and it had the best information there, but I went for the Future Medical Leaders and Physicians. Required fields are marked *. Other than that, there are a few more STEM scholarships that the organization gives, which are worth either $1,000, $2.500, or $5,000. In doing so, NSHSS connects members with global events, scholarships, college fairs, internships, career and leadership programs, partner discounts, and more. He is 59 and even though he has and has ran a lifetime successful business he dropped out of school in 11 grade. LMAO!!! Advertise with your local homeschool association and newspaper. Most honors societys dont give you a lifetime membership and require you to keep your grades up. Go on to their website and it tells you what the requirements are. One more thing to make him motivated, confident and proud! Mrs. Holly Craw of the Covenant Home School Resource Center in Phoenix, Arizona states, "I was told by a mom in Houston, who has helped with starting Eta Sigma Alpha, [the student should] join any honor society for which you qualify, even if it costs some money . Here are some of them: - Scholarships: NSHSS offers various scholarships to its members, ranging from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Eta Sigma Alpha shall also advocate homeschooling as a viable and successful educational methodology and act as a [liaison] for homeschooling to the general public, colleges/universities, and the media. is NSHSS a scam, scams, Who's Who. Its of low value relative to the money you need to spend, but that doesnt mean that its an outright scam., 10 Classic Hymns You Might Remember and Why They're Important. May Your Higher Power Bless You!!!!! To be eligible for an invitation to NSHSS, you must meet one of the following criteria: The NSHSS requirements are much broader than the NHS, which might make the NSHSS a more attractive organization for some. The purpose of Eta Sigma Alpha National Home School Honor Society shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among home school students. Read more on our. Ultimately, the most important factor in college admissions is your overall academic and personal profile, so focus on highlighting your strengths and achievements in a genuine and authentic way. Essays hold significant weight in the college admissions process. This is a little sketchy, and it is commonly believed that this is done so that people act on a whim and make a decision without contacting a professional first. Bottom line: With so many programs, awards and other options available to college-bound adolescents, you may need to borrow The Dean's Dick Tracy Decoder Ring to figure out which ones are worthwhile. It also means that you can continue to benefit from your membership after high school.. This is legit my daughter was nominated by 3 of her teachers and i took the letter to the counselor and had a conference with her teacher who nominated her. However, there are two other honor societies homeschool students have successfully joined and you may want to consider them for your student: Eta Sigma Alpha and The National Society of High School Scholars. But, actually, the National Society of High School Scholars and the Duke TIP program can't really be discussed in the same breath. Students who join can pursue several leadership opportunities to get the most out of their membership experience. Look at the YouTube channel. Am I the only one who cares more about what it does for my childs confident and dedication to do even better above what I may gain from it and whether its worth my measly $60 bucks. If you search online, youll see teachers and even students talking about this. My DD got an email from them asking her to participate in a CIA Stem Camp. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For instance, they can talk about participating in sports, either as a team member or an individual player, or engaging in various forms of exercise, such as hiking. Some people like to use every opportunity for research and to get into colleges, just because you have to pay $75 to join doesnt mean its a scam. Now in 2019, complained again. Plus I think the scholarships are in relatively small amounts too (like around ~$1000). [and] to highlight the academic accomplishments of high school students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, scholarship, and community commitment, as well as to foster their continued success." My daughter has received the letter in the mail and I keep getting emails encouraging her to join. The NSHSS is definitely a legitimate organization, but it sure gives out far less than it gets. However, some colleges do not view NSHSS membership as a significant factor in the admissions process. Desire to do well and truly apply yourself to your studies. If $60 isnt worth a possible even $1000, or $5000 oh and not required.. how is that not a worthwhile investment. Im sure struggling families have paid money that they did not have because they were under the notion that it would have a tremendous affect on a resume when it does not . You should also research the specific colleges you are applying to and their admissions criteria to see if NSHSS would be a relevant factor. They change the name a bit and send on fancy letterhead to make you think its real. Members must be a student in high school and must meet ANY ONE of the criteria below: 3.5 Cumulative GPA (4.0 Scale) or higher (or equivalent such as 88 on a 100-point scale) 1280 SAT score or higher. We got excited for a few minutes until I went on their webpage. I am a 10th grader and I just received my invitation, did you pay the fee? Does the organization award scholarships? If not, why not? The applicants must have a high school GPA higher than 3.5 on a scale of 4.0. Have your children received a letter in which they're invited to join an organization called "The National Society of High School Scholars" (NSHSS)? How is The National Society of High School Scholars rated? Since 2002, NSHSS has supported young academics on their journey to college and beyond as they prepare to become the leaders of tomorrow. We are committed to supporting you on your path to greatness. Dont do it. Should we do it? A skeptic might view these many avenues to acceptance as tied to collecting as many $75 membership fees as possible. They offer various experiences and resources to their members, including scholarships, leadership and study abroad programs, that offer lifetime access. With access to valuable resources and a network of more than 2 million exceptional peers spanning high school to college and career, NSHSS scholars embody academic . The whole idea of an honors society is bull **** anyway. It gives out very few benefits in comparison to this gigantic revenue. Each chapter pays a small charter fee and yearly dues. According to the information provided, joining the NSHSS may not be as beneficial for college admission as joining the National Honor Society due to less rigorous entrance requirements and higher fees. Additionally, Mr. Cordts said that it is possible for a homeschool student to be invited to become a member of the National Honor Society if the student is enrolled part time in a school that has a NHS chapter. However, what sets our scholars apart is the organization's recognition that there are several ways to demonstrate academic performance. TIP programs can be especially valuable to those whose school classes and/or school peer groups do not challenge them. Membership is based on selection rather than application. I really dont care. This is especially true since the organization sends invitations to a lot of high school students, most of which do not apply to be invited. Theres also the Global Student Voices series, where students from all over the world meet to discuss their passions, talents, academics, and experiences as members. invites high-achieving high school students, Essential Skills for College: How to Build Them Early, Top College Application Mistakes: Avoiding Common Pitfalls, Researching Colleges: How to Find Key Information, How to Answer Why This College Like a Pro Webinar, Applying to Schools Abroad: Your Passport to Success, Boosting Your High School GPA: Expert Tips, Applying to Competitive Specialized Programs, What to Expect During the Summer and Beginning of Senior Year, The Art of Deciding Which Schools to Apply to Webinar, Personal Statements: Tips, Tricks, And Mistakes to Avoid, Personal Statement Part 2: Next Steps After Choosing Your Topic, Personal Statement Part 1: Brainstorming and Choosing a Topic, Handling The Stress of College Applications, How Admissions Are Decided: What Happens After You Submit Your Application, Getting Into An Ivy League School Webinar, Summer Planning: Make the Most of Your Time, Everything You Need to Know About Deferred College Applications, Tips and Strategies for Acing the SAT/ACT, Tackling Common College Interview Questions, Securing Strong Letters Of Recommendation. Do your research people. Despite the criticisms, NSHSS does offer some benefits that might be valuable to some students. NSHSS is a distinguished academic honor society, committed to recognizing and serving the highest-achieving student scholars in more than 26,000 high schools across 170 countries. Thank you very much. First, they want to know the criteria for joining the NSHSS. It claims that it has the highest number of memberships among this type of organization. AntheaPicciano April 3, 2010, 12:22am 1 <p>I got a letter inviting me to both The National Honor Society (which I know is real) and NSHSS. Thanks for the clarification.
,Member here. Its a scam. I mean, my parents have no issue shelling out the $60 membership fee, but how does it look on college applications? Colleges evaluate extracurricular activities based on four tiers, as defined by CollegeVine. Is there a way to get out of it if I get invited to another Honor Society? - The Well-Trained Mind Forums (aka Hive Mind)](
,Also, what kind of honor society offers merchandise to buy?
,And just like buying sports merchandise straight from the team it represents, its a big scam to get your money!
,Pretty much a scam.