It is a machine that shows the names of the candidates and the party symbol. Political competition may cause divisions and some ugliness, but it finally helps to force political parties and leaders to serve the people. The numbers of men and women who cast their vote at each booth is given in the table below. Answer: Every political party and candidate gets a fair and equal chance to compete. The main functions of the Election Commission of India are among others. In most democracies people rule through their representatives because it is not possible for everyone to have time and knowledge to take decisions on all matters. [CBSE 2016] 5. During the 2004 elections, more than one-third voters took part in a campaign related activities. (d) Voting should be made compulsory. (b) Nowadays Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) are used instead of ballot papers. 19. Answer: Question 77. They feel that through elections, they can bring pressure on the political parties to adopt policies and programmes favourable for them. Answer: (iii) The Lok Sabha or Vidhan Sabha stands dissolved. Home Class 9 Extra Questions Social Science Civics Chapter 3 Electoral Politics. Answer:(i) The system of reservation was extended later to other weaker sections at the district and local level. (v) Smaller parties and independent candidates suffer a huge disadvantage as compared to the bigger parties. Leaders realise that if they raise and work for peoples issues they would become popular and their chance to win would increase. Answer: Topper Answer Sheets Independent candidates too have their own symbols, allotted by the election officials. What are the merits and demerits of an electoral competition? Some good people do wish to serve the country but do not like to do so because of being dragged into unhealthy competition. Inside the booth, and election officials identify them and put a mark on their finger and allow them to cast their vote. A mark is put on the finger of the voter who vote as an identification mark so as to avoid any person voting more than once. Barring very few disputed elections, the electoral outcomes are usually accepted as the peoples verdict by the defeated party. How does a party file a nomination for its candidates? Answer:(i) The constitution makers were worried that in an open electoral competition, certain weaker sections may not stand a good chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and to the State Legislative Assemblies. Similarly, one-third of the seats are reserved in rural and urban local bodies for women candidates. (a) Peoples participation in an election is usually measured by voters turnout figure. What is the motive behind reserved constituencies? For example, when we say that Lok Dal won 60 seats in Haryana, it means that candidates of Lok Dal won is 60 assembly constituencies in the state and thus Lok Dal had 60 MLAs in the state assembly. (iv) Election-related activities are increasing over the years. ML Aggarwal Solutions Candidates who spend a lot of money in buying votes and those with criminal connection often lose elections. Every person whose name is in the voters list goes to the nearby polling booth to cast his/her vote. Answer:(i) Some constituencies are reserved for the people who belong to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. (iii) During the election period, the EC can order the government to follow some guidelines, to prevent the use and misuse of government power to enhance its chances to win the elections or to transfer some government officials. They want to remain in power or get power and position for themselves for which, they can compete with other political parties. Why were reserved constituencies devised for the weaker sections by the makers of the Indian constitution? Challenges to the elections in India are: Question 81. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. They feel that they can bring pressure on political parties to adopt policies and programmes favourable to them. 30. What is it? If the information provided is not correct, the nomination can be cancelled and the security deposit is returned. What is an Election Commission? What is an electronic voting machine? In our country elections are conducted by an independent and very powerful Election Commission (EC). Answer:Each state is also divided into a specific number of Assembly constituencies. Answer: One third of the total seats are reserved in rural and urban local bodies for women candidates. Every person who contest an election has to fill a nomination form and give some money as security deposit. Inside the booth, and election officials id. Information about What is polling booth? Answer:Chief Election Commissioner in consultation with State Government appoints Chief Electoral Officer. (b) Some values that the contestants should keep in mind are honesty, non-violence, patriotism, team work, etc. Answer:The country is divided into different areas for purposes of elections. How is peoples participation in election measured? 3. What did they do to bring them in the mainstream? Campaigning is also done through newspapers and television. Question 7. What are the challenges to free and fair elections in India? In any large community it is not possible for all people to sit together everyday and take all the decisions. Describe the challenges to free and fair elections in India. This is how nomination papers are filed. Canvassing has stopped 48 hrs before the polling day . Seats reservation was later extended to other weaker sections at the district and local level. The voting is done in the following manner. tests, examples and also practice Class 9 tests. In India elections are conducted by the Election Commission. (ii) The representative elected from each constituency is called a Member of Parliament or an MP. A few candidates may win on the basis of money power and unfair means. EC can reprimand the government and administration for their lapses. It means that everyone should have one vote and each vote should have equal value. [CBSE 2016] There is competition among political parties. Is the Election Commission of India an independent or an advisory body? The party promised to prepare all policies to remove poverty from the country. Answer:The number of Lok Sabha constituencies at present is 543. The country is divided into different areas for the purpose of elections. Answer: Free and Fair Election: In order to ensure a fair chance to the people there should be free and fair election in every democratic country. Booth is Top 5/M7 while Tuck is a solid Top 9 school, there's a definite prestige/reputation difference between the two. Solution Verified by Toppr Correct option is A) The final stage of an election is the day when the voters cast or 'poll' their vote. 4. Answer:Rulers in non-democratic countries need to hold elections because they want to show the world that they are not unpopular and they have the support of the people of the country and so that their image improves in the eyes of the world. 5. It means people participate in the electoral process and give votes according to their choices. V. Polling Booth Excepting the voters, no one without a valid pass from the Election Commission shall enter the polling booths. Question 3. 26. Question 20. (iv) An agent of each candidate is allowed to sit inside the polling booth and ensure that the voting takes place in a fair way. What is the Photo Identity Card System? Install the app to watch our videos and get a crystal clear understanding of concepts, Offered for classes 6-12, LearnNext is a popular self-learning solution for students who strive for excellence, Finding exercises tough? Question 25. Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs). On a fixed date all the EVMs from a constituency are opened and the votes secured by each candidate are counted. (v) Elections should be conducted in a free and fair manner, where people can choose as they wish. Sometimes elections are held only for one constituency to fill up the vacancy caused by the death or resignation of a member. Details of assets and liabilities of the candidate and his or her family and educational qualifications of the candidate. Elections are held in all the constituencies on the same day at the same time or within a few days as in the case of General Elections. 49. Political parties nominate their candidates who get the party symbol and support. Educational qualification of the candidate. The personal information of a candidate needs to be made public as it provides an opportunity to the voters to make their decisions on the basis of the information provided by the candidates. Mention any three powers and functions of the Election Commission of India. This is to avoid any type of conflicting situation. Why are the candidates required to give a detailed statement of their property ? Here you can find the meaning of what is you mean by polling booth Related: Key Concepts - Electoral Politics? How far is it good to have political competition? More that half of the people identified themselves as being close to one or the other political parties. Answer:At panchayati and municipal elections each village or town is divided into several wards that are like constituencies. Answer: The Left Front used the slogan of Land to the Tiller in the West Bengal elections held in 1977. This is called a by-election. A polling booth is a room or cabin in a polling station where voters are able to cast their vote in private to protect the secrecy of the ballot. How are voters choices fulfilled by Elections? What is meant by code of conduct? Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for Class 9 Exam by signing up for free. Nowadays, the campaigning is also done through social media. Get Instant Access to 1000+ FREE Docs, Videos & Tests, View all answers and join this discussion on the EduRev App, Select a course to view your unattempted tests. theory, EduRev gives you an in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for Class 9. Answer: Details of assets and liabilities of the candidate and his or her family and Educational qualifications of the candidate. defined & explained in the simplest way possible. These areas are called electoral constituencies. What are the legal declarations made by every party candidate? One person one vote makes our government responsible to all citizens. Answer:(i) Free and fair elections are held. Polling booth is a data collection methodology used to obtain sensitive information from participants. Question 53. What is the meaning of free and fair elections? Details of his/her assets and liabilities and those of his/her family. (ii) At the constituency level, it takes the form of competition among several candidates. (ii) In India, the poor, illiterate and the underprivileged people vote in larger proportion as compared to the rich and privileged sections. To provide a fair chance to the weaker sectipn to get elected to the Lok Sabha and state Legislative Assemblies in an open electoral competition. The ruling parties routinely lose elections India, both at the national and state levels. use any place of worship for election propaganda. for Class 9 2023 is part of Class 9 preparation. Answer: Answer: It is to give the people a chance to choose the representatives, the government and the policies they prefer. N.T. That is why, all of them deserve to have an equal say in decisions that affect them. Answer:(a) A ballot paper is a sheet of paper on which the names of the contesting candidates along with party name and symbols are listed. (iii) The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) is appointed by the President of India. The party which gets a majority forms the government. Even the independent candidates have their own symbol allotted by the Election Commission. This PowerPoint presentation identifies a HIV prevention program implemented in India, and how a polling booth was used toevaluatethe behavior patterns of MSMs and FSWs in Condom use, risky sexual activities and assess the utilization of services such as STI services, ICTC, etc. Question 8. Answer: All the citizens of 18 years and above have the right to vote. Answer: The machine shows the names of the candidates and the party symbols. [CBSE 2016] CBSE Sample Papers Answer:Election should be conducted in a free and fair manner where people can choose as they really wish and this type of election is known as Democratic Election. Answer: (c) The government is responsible for entering the names of all the eligible voters on the voters list. Even if the ruling party or government does not like what the commission does, it is virtually impossible for it to remove the CEC. After 5 years the terms of all the elected representatives comes to an end. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for what is you mean by polling booth Related: Key Concepts - Electoral Politics?. Answer: The interest of the voters in the election-related activities has been increasing over the year. The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by the President of India. Give two reasons. In India, elections are held on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise. On the election day the eligible voters go to the nearest polling booth to vote. In a democracy political leaders know what is good for the people. A ballot paper or EVMs are used to record the votes. (iii) The Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) is appointed by the President of India. A vote presses the button against the name of the candidate he/she want to vote for. 2022 BetterEvaluation. Besides giving the explanation of 7. 2. Question 45. How has reservation system been extended to other weaker sections? (ii) Every person whose name is on the voters list can go to a nearby polling booth, situated usually in a local school or a government office. 16. The phrase polling station is also used in American English and British English, although polling place is the building and polling station is the specific room (or part of a room) where voters cast their votes. Identify the reasons which make India a successful democracy in the world. (iv) spend more than Rs. What choices are given to voters during elections? They can choose who will make laws for them. [HOTS] This machine is used to record the votes. Tickets are distributed to members of these families. This is also the period when people come to know policies and programmes of various political parties. Further, candidates preferred by people only are elected. (ii) They want to come in power and retain positions for themselves. Polling booth. Like in Panchayats should we not have at least one-third seats in the Parliament and Assemblies reserved for women? (ii) In this case, the elected representative is called Member of Legislative Assembly or an MLA. Hence, they advocated the value equality for all. [CBSE 2016] Answer:Currently, in the Lok Sabha, 79 seats are reserved for the Scheduled Castes. Information about what is you mean by polling booth Related: Key Concepts - Electoral Politics? Each ward elects one member of the village or the urban local body. 44. How are constituencies divided at the local level? Answer: (vi) A complete revision of the list takes place every five years. 46. (Definition of polling booth from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus Cambridge University Press) Examples of polling booth polling booth Answer: Who is/are responsible for conducting elections at polling booths? Here we have given NCERT Extra Questions for Class 9 Social Science SST Civics Chapter 4 Electoral Politics. Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge. Question 33. Question 73. That is why, our constitution requires that each constituency should have a roughly equal population living within it. (iii) Once the voter goes inside the booth, the election officials identify him or her by putting a mark on his or her finger and allow him or her to cast the vote. in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for Class 9. (iii) Common people in India attach a lot of importance to elections. Question 21. 8. defined & explained in the simplest way possible. once elections are announced, Ministers shall not lay foundation stones of any project, take any big policy decisions or make any promises to provide public facilities. Enlist them. Answer: It is a mechanism by which people can choose their representatives at regular intervals and change them if they wish to do so. 34. 5. Available for CBSE, ICSE and State Board syllabus. (iii) The agents of all candidates are present there to ensure that the counting is done properly. Every person whose name is on the voters' list can go to a nearby 'polling booth'. How are results declared after an election in our country? 22. But not all public opinion data is equally reliable: the type of poll used, the methods and sampling techniques, and the type and format of the questions all affect the accuracy of poll results. [CBSE 2016] Answer: (iii) Faith in democracy is affected. Previous Year Papers The information is collected anonymously, which allows respondents to be honest - avoiding social desirability bias - resulting in more reliable data collection. Answer:Political leaders address election meetings and political parties mobilise their supporters. Answer:(i) Political leaders all over the world, like all other professionals are motivated by desire to advance their political careers. Although canvassing on the day of polling is prohibited by law, yet it continues in low whispers. Answer: (a) On the election day, the eligible voters go to the nearest polling booth to vote. In India the poor, illiterate and underprivileged people vote in larger number proportion as compared to the rich and privileged sections. (ii) In India, about half of the sitting MPs or MLAs lose elections. All the citizens aged 18 years and above have got the right to vote. It enjoys the same kind of independence as the Judiciary enjoys. If you have any doubts, please comment below. RD Sharma Solutions , RS Aggarwal Solutions and NCERT Solutions. Give one reason why it is good to have political competition. Answer:Uttar Pradesh is the largest Legislative Assembly in India. 35. (ii) People are deprived of choosing candidate of their choice. Question 50. Give any one challenge of Indian Elections. (iv) Elections should be conducted in a free and fair manner and people should have full freedom to vote for any candidate they like. covers all topics & solutions for Class 9 2023 Exam. The Congress party had been ruling Haryana since 1982. What do you mean by election? The Election Commission conducts elections in India. Which promises of Devilal draw in election campaign attracted the people? Answer: Question 67. But once appointed, he is not answerable to the President or the government. Very often elections offer little choice to ordinary citizens as both the major parties are similar to each other in their policies and practices. But all of them are human beings with their own needs and views. Question 5. After five years the term of all the elected representatives comes to an end. Voter ID card is also called Election Photo Identity Card. Answer: Answer: This information needs to be made public as it provides an opportunity to the voters to make their decisions on the basis of the information provided by the candidates. has been provided alongside types of what is you mean by polling booth Related: Key Concepts - Electoral Politics? Answer: Each ward elects one member of the village or the urban local body. (iii) Political leaders are motivated by a desire to advance in their political careers. (d) In India, the losing parties accept the electoral verdict. Answer: It is a time period when free and open discussion takes place between different political parties. Answer: In fact in every two out of the three elections held in the last fifteen years, the ruling party lost. But once appointed, he is not answerable to the president or the government. Answer:If the Lok Sabha or any State Legislative Assembly is dissolved before the expiry of its normal term, the election held to constitute a new House is known as mid-term election. Besides giving the explanation of (b) All major political parties are allotted election symbols by the Election Commission. 40. Polling booth. (ii) Our constitution makers opted for free competition in elections as the way to select our future leaders, because this system works better in the long run. Answer:These should be something to choose from parties and candidates should be free to contest elections and should offer real choice of a suitable political party to represent them in the parliament. (iii) This is an important step as it is linked to the first condition of a democratic election. Answer:(i) In our country, elections are conducted by an independent and very powerful Election Commission. What is polling booth? What is code of conduct? How is electoral competition helpful to political parties and leaders to win elections? Booths are captured by the political parties before the voters reach there. How many seats are reserved for women at local bodies? theory, EduRev gives you an 34. (iv) Even if the ruling party or the government does not like what the Commission does, it is virtually impossible for it to remove the CEC. NCERT Solutions Elections are held in all the constituencies at the same time, either on the same day or within few days. It gives information on how the representatives are elected, how the election takes place and the importance of the election. Educational qualification is not relevant to them. Why do common people in India attach a lot of importance to elections? Answer: What legal declaration is required to be submitted by each candidate who wishes to contest an election? They help people to choose candidates on the basis of one-vote-one-value. That day is usually called the election day. Election are held in the constituencies to fill the vacancy/vacancies caused by death or resignation of a member/members. Code of conduct means a set of norms and guidelines to be followed by political parties and candidates during the election time. Question 24. (ii) Rigging: Fraud and malpractices indulged by a party or candidate to increase his votes. Answer: So, if the representatives among them had not been elected, our Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies would have been deprived of the voice of a significant section of our society. Solutions for What is polling both? To be part of this democratic process, it is required to get registered as a voter, and then to finally cast your vote for the candidate of your choice. 40. Answer: Our Constitution entitles every citizen to elect his representatives or to be elected as a representative. 33. Question 14. Why has personal information of a candidate to be made public? Answer:Political competition takes various forms such as: (i) The most obvious form is the competition among political parties. Answer: That day is usually called the election day. Origin of polling booth 1 First recorded in 1850-55 Words Nearby polling booth pollice verso pollicitation pollinate pollination polling polling booth polling place polling station pollini- polliniferous pollinium 1. Question 28. Our counselor will call to confirm your booking. 13. (iii) Parties and candidates often use dirty tricks to win elections. Answer:In our country elections are conducted by an independent and very powerful election commission. If the government fails to work as per its promises, people can change it. Answer:(i) For Lok Sabha elections, the country is divided into 543 constituencies. Answer: (c) The relevant qualification for being an MLA or an MP is the ability to understand peoples concerns, problems and to represent their interests. Answer: They feel that through elections they can bring pressure on political parties to adopt policies and programmes favourable to them. Question 59. A polling booth is a place where voters go inside to caste their vote. (ii) They can choose who will form the government and take major decisions. Highlight any three issues which bring many limitations and challenges of Indian elections to our attention. 14. campaigns the way they want to. Elections should be conducted in a free and fair manner where people can choose as they wish. (ii) They may not have the required resources, education and contacts to contest and win elections against others. Answer:(i) In order to be a candidate, the minimum age is 25 years. The party promised to undo the excesses committed during the Emergency and restore civil liberties. This is the Election Day. It implements the code of conduct and punishes the parties and candidates who violate it. RS Aggarwal Solutions What is the mechanism of Elections behind choosing the representatives of a democratic country? Give any one challenge of Indian Elections. Answer: (i) The Election Commission (EC) controls the elections right from the announcement of the elections to the declaration of the result. What do you know about Election Commission? 1 Crore+ students have signed up on EduRev. ample number of questions to practice what is you mean by polling booth Related: Key Concepts - Electoral Politics? What is the number of Lok Sabha constituencies at present? Track your progress, build streaks, highlight & save important lessons and more! Solutions for what is you mean by polling booth Related: Key Concepts - Electoral Politics? Are elections in India free and fair? How many seats are reserved for SC & ST in Lok Sabha? 35. How many seats are reserved for Scheduled Castes (SCs) in the Lok Sabha? Answer: If there is no competition elections will be pointless. Answer:EVMs are electronic voting machines, which are used to record votes. How can you say that Election Commission of India is independent and powerful? Answer: Question 74. (any three). They may not have the required resources, education and contacts to contest and win elections. Question 31. Here the elected representative is called the Member of Legislative Assembly or an MLA. Question 22. Answer: Ways to check the quality of the election process: (i) To see whether people participate in it with enthusiasm. 20. Q. At the constituency level, it takes the form of competition among several candidates. Answer:(i) They can choose who will make laws for them. We have received your request successfully. (ii) In many states, seats in rural and urban local bodies are now reserved for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) as well. Which section of our countrys population is eligible to vote? Answer:(i) A few days later, on a fixed date, all the EVMs from a constituency are opened and the votes secured by each candidate are counted. 19. Why reserved constituencies were created by the makers of the Constitution? Question 38. It is a set of norms and guidelines to be followed by political parties and candidates during election time. Answer: (c) It indicates the interest of voters in election related activities. Once the voter goes inside the booth, the election officials identify Why is it needed in a Democracy? 4. Install LearnNext+ app to watch our videos and get a crystal clear understanding of concepts, Sample papers, board papers and exam tips. What legal declaration is required to be submitted by each candidate who wishes to contest an election? Justify the statement with the help of the outcomes of Indias elections. NCERT Notes Question 37. Answer:On the election day every person whose name is on the voters list can go to a nearby Polling Booth, situated usually in a local school or a government office. Answer: If any candidate or voter feels that election in his constituency has not been held properly or if he has any objection against the result he can file an election petition in the court. Answer: 1. We prepared these questions with PDF as per the latest NCERT book and CBSE syllabus. A polling booth presents a very busy scene. Give reasons. Give three reasons why the system of reserved constituencies was introduced by the constitution makers in India. (iv) If the EC comes to know that the polling was not fair in some booths or even an entire constituency, they order a repoll. We have seen why democracies need to have elections. (ii) Every citizen has the right to vote, regardless of his or her caste, religion or gender. Answer: Outcomes of Indias elections justify the statement in the following ways (i) The ruling parties routinely lose elections in Indiaboth at the national and state levels.