(3) If a child suffers from an allergic reaction, the early learning provider must immediately: (a) Administer medication pursuant to the instructions in that child's individual care plan; (b) Contact 911 whenever epinephrine or other lifesaving medication has been administered; and. (4) The department may license a center located in a private family residence when the portion of the residence accessible to children is: (a) Used exclusively for children during the center's operating hours or when children are in care; or. (c) Within three months of the date this section becomes effective if already employed or being promoted to a new role. (c) Provide information to the parent or guardian of the child that includes, but is not limited to, community-based resources that may benefit the child. (1) An early learning provider must observe all children for signs of illness when they arrive at the early learning program and throughout the day. (a) An orientation about the early learning program's medication policies and procedures; (b) The department standardized training course in medication administration that includes a competency assessment pursuant to WAC. Materials and equipment must meet individual, developmental, and cultural needs of children in care, and must be: (b) Nonpoisonous, free of toxins, and meet ASTM D-4236 labeling requirements for chronic health hazards; (c) Large enough to prevent swallowing or choking; (f) Accommodating to a range of abilities and special needs of enrolled children, if applicable; (g) Accessible for children to find, use, and return independently; and. [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0290, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. (ii) There must be an additional 15 square feet of licensed, accessible indoor space for each infant or toddler included in the total capacity. (9) Diaper receptacles must be emptied, cleaned, and disinfected daily or more often as needed. Covers from 2002 to the year before the current date. Statutory Authority: RCW, (1) Early learning providers must wash their hands, pursuant to WAC, (2) Early learning providers must store, prepare, cook, hold food, and wash dishes, pursuant to WAC. (ii) For at least two weeks or until the violation causing the enforcement action is corrected, whichever is longer. (ii) Center early learning programs licensed after this chapter becomes effective must have one working flush toilet for every fifteen children and staff. (c) The department must evaluate the early learning provider's ability to follow requirements contained in this chapter during the initial license period. (i) Except for the use of a gas kitchen range, open flame devices must not be used in early learning program space or any other space accessible to children in care during operating hours; (ii) Candles must not be used during operating hours; (iii) Matches and lighters must be inaccessible to children. (10) When only one center staff is required to care for the only group of children on-site for up to an hour at the beginning or end of the day, the center licensee must ensure: (a) That staff member provides an appropriate level of supervision at all times to the children in care; (b) That staff member is free of all other duties while providing care to children; and. A plastic bottle must not contain the chemical bisphenol-A or phthalates; (f) Prepare infant formula according to manufacturer's directions and never serve infant formula past the expiration date on the container; (h) Warm bottles under running warm water, in a container of water, or in a bottle warmer; (i) Keep bottle nipples covered if bottles are prepared ahead; (j) Store prepared and unserved bottles in the refrigerator; (k) Not allow infants or toddlers to share bottles or cups when in use; and. Washington State Register (WSR)Contains all proposed, emergency, amended, new, or repealed rules filed with the Office of the Code Reviser. Agency Rules and RulemakingWashington Administrative Code (WAC) Regulations of executive branch agencies are issued by authority of statutes. Statutory Authority: RCW. (d) Include information that may benefit an expelled child including, but not limited to, community based resources. (i) The licensee must have an ECE short certificate or equivalent when operating with 13 or more children. (c) Be stored separately from bedding used by another child, unless it is cleaned and sanitized after each use. (5) If an early learning provider refuses a FLCA or probationary license, this may result in any of the following enforcement actions: (b) Noncontinuation of a nonexpiring license; (6) The department may place an early learning provider on nonreferral status, pursuant to RCW, (7) A probationary license may be issued to an early learning provider or program operating under a nonexpiring license as part of a corrective action plan. Concept development and feedback quality. (c) Preschoolers (thirty months through six years of age who are not attending kindergarten or elementary school) with a maximum group size of twenty with a ratio of 1:10; and. (b) The space is safe and appropriate for activities otherwise performed in an outdoor play space. $("#requestSubmitted").removeClass("noDisplay")
(11) Licensee, center director, assistant director, or program supervisor must have state fire marshal or department approval and comply with local building ordinances following a significant change under WAC, (12) Licensee, center director, assistant director, or program supervisor must notify the department within thirty calendar days when liability insurance coverage under RCW, [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0425, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Parent or guardian handbook and related policies. Child, staff, and household member illness. Statutory Authority: RCW. [CDATA[
(b) Cleaned and sanitized weekly or more often as needed if assigned to only one child. The online version of the WAC is updated twice a month. Statutory Authority: RCW. The Developmental Disabilities Administration operates according to the statutes established in the Revised Code of Washington, as interpreted by Washington Administrative Code. Parent or guardian provided food and written food plans. (4) An early learning provider must immediately remove sleeping children from car seats, swings, or similar equipment not designed for sleep unless doing so would put another enrolled child at risk. The snacks provided must be limited to: (a) Store purchased fruits and vegetables (uncut); (b) Foods prepackaged in the original manufacturer containers; or. (v) Any nearby hazards including those in the licensed or unlicensed space. The online version of the WAC is updated twice a month.
(ii) When there are more than four children in care. + "translation=no";
1500.14 (b)(8)(i); (g) Accommodating to special needs of children in care; and. (i) The date and description of the child's incident or injury; (ii) Treatment provided to the child while in care; (iii) The names of the early learning program staff providing the treatment; and. (c) Family home licensees must have all ECE certificates or equivalent qualifications approved and verified in the department's electronic workforce registry; (d) Family home licensees must have their professional development progress documented annually; (e) Family home licensees must provide the following services: (i) Be on-site for the daily operation of the early learning program fifty percent or more of weekly operating hours, or designate a person with the qualifications of a family home licensee to be on-site when not present; (ii) Comply with these foundational quality standards; (iii) Develop a curriculum philosophy, communicate the philosophy to all early learning program staff and parents, and train staff to ensure the philosophy serves all children in the early learning program; (iv) Have knowledge of community resources available to families, including resources for children with special needs and the ability to share these resources with families; and. (e) Notify the department when a written plan has been developed. (c) Working with a qualified assistant, may request a capacity of up to 12 children birth through 12 years of age with a maximum of six children under two years of age with two children being able to walk independently. [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0325, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. Gracias, su solicitud ha sido presentada. Creating a climate for healthy child development. This must be done as soon as possible or prior to access by children. (3) An early learning provider may separate a preschool age or school age child from other children when that child needs to regain control of him or herself. (2) The department may issue a nonexpiring license to a licensee operating under an initial license who demonstrates compliance with the requirements of this chapter during the period of initial licensure, pursuant to RCW, (3) A licensee must submit annual compliance documents at least thirty calendar days prior to that provider's anniversary date. (ii) A three-compartment sink method (sink one is used to wash, sink two is used to rinse, sink three contains a sanitizer, and the dishes are allowed to air dry). (b) A center early learning program may allow a person to be employed or volunteer on the center early learning premises if the person provides the center early learning program with a written certification signed by a health care practitioner, as defined in RCW, (4) An early learning program's health policy, pursuant to WAC. Statutory Authority: RCW. Statutory Authority: RCW. (4) Pursuant to this chapter, the department will periodically monitor and assess early learning programs to determine compliance with these foundational quality standards. Washington Administrative Code. (xiv) Implementation of child's individual health care or special needs plan; (xv) Following nonsmoking, vaping, alcohol and drug regulations; (xvii) Religious, equity and cultural responsiveness; (xviv) Planned daily activities and routines. (ii) In addition to the requirements in (c)(i) of this subsection, at least one staff person or volunteer working on-site must have an ECE initial certificate or equivalent when operating with 13 or more children. For each age group of children in care, a provider must supply a variety of materials that satisfy individual, developmental, and cultural needs. Statutory Authority: RCW. (1) An early learning provider must complete ten hours of annual in-service training after twelve months of cumulative employment. (b) Hands are not visibly soiled or dirty. (ii) Where children will safely stay inside the early learning program. If these symptoms appear, the pet or animal must be removed from the licensed space until appropriately treated for the condition; and. (7) Children must be actively supervised when using hand sanitizers to avoid ingestion or contact with eyes, nose, or mouths. (5) Early learning providers must complete the emergency preparedness training as approved or offered by the department (applicable to the early learning program where they work or volunteer) according to subsection (1) of this section. //get rid of the trailing slash
(a) The department may require the early learning provider to temporarily close until the water connection is restored or the water source is no longer contaminated; or. Foods that may be subject to spoiling include, but are not limited to, meats, cooked potatoes, cooked legumes, cooked rice, sprouts, cut melons, cut cantaloupes, milk, and cheese; and. (c) A center director or assistant director or equivalent must provide the following services: (i) Be on-site for the daily operation of the early learning program fifty percent or more of weekly operating hours up to forty hours per week, or designate a person with the qualifications of an assistant director, program supervisor, or equivalent. (2) When possible, an early learning provider must be assigned to work with a consistent group of children for much of the day with a goal of building long-term, trusting relationships. (2) An early learning provider working directly with infants must complete the department required infant safe sleep training pursuant to WAC. (d) Clean dishes, pans, baby bottles, and kitchen utensils as follows: (i) Cleaning and sanitizing with an automatic dishwasher that uses heat or chemicals to sanitize; or. (3) A written notification under this section must include the following information: (b) Emergency contact information for the absent early learning provider; and.
(a) Cleaned and sanitized after each use if used by more than one child; or. Pursuant to the state building code, center early learning providers must comply with WAC, (i) Fire extinguishers must be located pursuant to the state building code chapter, (ii) Fire extinguishers must be located on each level of the early learning program space used by children and mounted within seventy-five feet of an exit next to the path of the exit; and. Why this is happening now (ii) Resume for applicant, center director, assistant director, program supervisor, and family home lead teacher, if applicable. (iv) External medication (designed to be applied to the outside of the body) must be stored to provide separation from internal medication (designed to be swallowed or injected) to prevent cross contamination. A rule is an agency interpretation of a statute. These courses must be delivered by a postsecondary institution and approved by the department. (3) An early learning provider may request an internal review process regarding the violation of department rules pursuant to RCW. (2) Attendance records must be kept for a minimum of five years. });
Department of Health rules are written and adopted by a Board or Commission or the Secretary of the Department of Health. Statutes and ConstitutionRevised Code of Washington (RCW) View the table of contents of the RCW. (c) Prohibit smoking, vaping, or similar activities in motor vehicles used to transport enrolled children; (d) Prohibit smoking, vaping, or similar activities by any provider who is supervising children, including during field trips; (e) Prohibit smoking, vaping, or similar activities within twenty-five feet from entrances, exits, operable windows, and vents, pursuant to RCW. (h) Removed from the early learning premises as soon as a provider becomes aware an item has been recalled by CPSC. (3) An early learning provider must comply with the following requirements when using a swimming pool as part of the early learning program: (a) Comply with the supervision requirements of WAC. (2) If not conducted on-site, an early learning provider must share information with parents or guardians about organizations that conduct developmental screenings such as a local business, school district, health care provider, specialist, or resources listed on the department website. (a) Proof of training can be shown with a certification card, certificate, or instructor letter. Overview of the Judicial Opinions Website - additional information about the free access to Washington court cases. If an early learning provider offers screen time to children in care: (1) The screen time available for each child: (a) Must be educational, developmentally and age appropriate, nonviolent, and culturally sensitive; and. (9) When the department issues a probationary license, the early learning provider must: (a) Provide notice of the probationary license and a copy of the department's probationary licensing agreement to the parents or guardians of enrolled children within five business days of receiving the probationary license; (b) Provide documentation to the department that parents or guardians of enrolled children have been notified within ten business days of receiving the probationary license; (c) Inform new parents or guardians of the probationary status before enrolling new children into care; (d) Return the early learning program's nonexpiring license to the department; and, (e) Post documentation of the approved written probationary license as required by RCW, [WSR 18-15-001, recodified as 110-300-0440, filed 7/5/18, effective 7/5/18. (a) During separation time, the child must remain under the appropriate level of supervision of a licensee, center director, assistant director, program supervisor, lead teacher or an assistant teacher. (1) An early learning provider must serve meals and snacks to children in care as follows: (a) Meals and snacks must be served not less than two hours and not more than three hours apart unless the child is asleep; (b) Children in care for five to nine hours: (c) Children in care for more than nine hours: (d) After school snack, dinner, evening snack, and breakfast: (i) A snack or meal must be provided to a child that arrives to the early learning program after school; (ii) Dinner must be provided to children in nighttime care if a child is at an early learning program after his or her dinnertime, or has not had dinner; (iii) An evening snack must be provided to children in nighttime care; (iv) Breakfast must be provided to children in nighttime care if a child remains in care after the child's usual breakfast time; and. (a) An early learning provider must not use dry shampoos or dry chemical sanitizers or disinfectants, unless approved by the department. (3) Any herbicide or pesticide must be applied pursuant to the product manufacturer's directions. Statutory Authority: RCW. If the waiver from the rule is time limited, the provider must not exceed the time frame established by the department. These records must clearly document: (c) Child arrival and departure times from the early learning program; (d) Signature or electronic signature of parent, guardian or other authorized person at the time of arrival and departure; and. Sections Affected Table A list of RCW sections and which Session Law affected that section. (1) An early learning provider must have and follow written policies on providing, preparing, and storing breast milk or infant formula and food. Statutory Authority: RCW. (a) Center early learning program space must provide fifteen additional square feet for each infant or toddler using a crib or playpen if the crib or playpen is located or placed in the sleeping or play area. (c) A balance of different ethnic and cultural groups, ages, abilities, family styles, and genders. A provider must use equipment and materials that include, but are not limited to: (a) Diverse dolls, books, pictures, games, or materials that do not reinforce stereotypes; (b) Diverse music from many cultures in children's primary languages; and.
(iv) Any material that has a certificate of compliance, label, or documentation stating it meets ASTM standards F1292. The department must approve alternate plans to use off-site play spaces. (5) An early learning provider may use the kitchen for actively supervised cooking or food preparation activities with children in care. Early learning materials must be: (c) Accommodating to a range of abilities of children in care; (d) Available to children in care appropriate to a child's age and developmental level; (e) Nonpoisonous and free of toxins. (a) Tooth brushing activities must be safe, sanitary, and educational. (10) Prior to increasing capacity of an early learning program, the licensee, center director, assistant director, or program supervisor must request and be approved to increase capacity by the department. An early learning provider may develop an alternate plan if an early learning program does not have enough outdoor play space to accommodate all enrolled children at once, such as rotating groups of children to play outdoors or using an off-site play area. (b) At least one additional staff member than would otherwise be required is present to help actively supervise if the children are preschool age or older. It is arranged by agency. }
(b) Provides a dated, signed, written summary to the early learning provider for each visit that includes topics discussed with parents or staff, any areas of concern related to discussion, observation, assessment, or screening outcomes; and.
(5) Sinks that are not used for handwashing after toileting, diapering, or food preparation must be cleaned and sanitized daily or more often as needed. (h) Be able to perform in an accurate, reliable, and consistent manner in the normal course of business. These rules are then codified in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) and published by the Office of the Code Reviser. }
Conditions that pose a health or safety risk may include, but are not limited to: (a) Heat in excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or pursuant to advice of the local authority; (b) Cold less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit, or pursuant to advice of the local authority; (c) Lightning storm, tornado, hurricane, or flooding if there is immediate or likely danger; (e) Air quality emergency ordered by a local or state authority on air quality or public health; (f) Lockdown notification ordered by a public safety authority; and. (3) An early learning provider must determine how the program can best accommodate each child's individual characteristics, strengths, and needs. (b) Audible alarms must be on all doors, screens, and gates in licensed areas that lead to a swimming pool. (3) When a child becomes ill, an early learning provider (or school nurse, if applicable) must determine whether the child should be sent home or separated from others.