Despite its dangers, aggressive driving is extremely common among U.S. drivers. Do You Have a Case Against the Other Driver? If you are unable to change lanes, reduce your speed to the point that the tailgater will be encouraged to go past you. At Buckingham Barrera Vega Law Firm, we know you need help to put your life back together after an accident. The angrier they get, the higher the chances of them losing control over their car and causing serious harm to others. You may use this opportunity to drive away while your aggressor is unable to pursue you but only if you can do so calmly, without endangering yourself or other road users. Blaring your horn in traffic or making rude gestures are not illegal, but they can escalate and lead to road rage. The first step is to contact 911. Failing to obey stop signs or traffic lights, Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs - 10.1%. It is never fun to be on the receiving end of an aggressive driver's rampage. Ignore rude and bad drivers on the road. Never reprimand them or draw their attention to their own behavior by tailgating. Traffic jams? Viewing does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. What you need to know about road rage and how to avoid it Steer away from antagonizing the driver and make an effort to suggest pulling over and taking a moment to breath and calm down. If you encounter an angry or aggressive driver on the road, dont engage them. [Google Review], KBG Injury Law. I would recommend them any time and personally use them again if ever needed. 5 Tips to Avoid Aggressive Drivers | Phillips Law Group Hawaii, by far, although Honolulu ranked only 22nd among cities. We will listen to the details of your story and provide you with candid advice about what your best course of action is moving forward. It isn't easy to share the road with an aggressive driver, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Pass your DMV Written Test with flying colors It can also be caused by your own mood, reactions, and ability to deal with stress on and off the road. Toll Free: 866-621-1551 Avoid eye contact and do not make (or return) rude gestures or comments. Thats why you need a tough, experienced lawyer who is used to handling these types of cases and knows how to get evidence even in challenging circumstances. one way to avoid becoming drowsy on the road is to. Most new motorists believe that they will not act aggressively on the road and yet many drivers end up doing it anyway. However, female aggressive drivers are increasing. In [], With more than 100,000 vehicles, nearly 125,000 drivers, and an annual revenue estimated at around $84 billion, FedEx is easily one of the largest trucking companies in the United States. Punitive damages are different. Heres some advice the AAA foundation offers moderate- and high-risk drivers: Impatience When you begin to feel your blood boil give the other drivers the benefit of the doubt and treat them with the consideration with which you would like to be treated., Competitiveness For too many motorists, driving has become a contest. Since that time, it's been categorized as an official term by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defined as when a driver commits aggressive moving traffic violations with the intent of endangering another driver, or assaults another driver with a motor vehicle or dangerous weapon. Finding yourself the focus of another drivers aggression can be frightening but it is important not to panic, and to consider your actions carefully. Imagine, how easy it would be to live a successful, productive and efficient life without emotions getting in the way. Leave plenty of time for a trip so that if traffic or another delay occurs, you can keep your cool. Retaliate by tailgating them. Cutting in front of another driver and then slowing down. Aggressive driving includes speeding, which often leads to following too closely, frequent or quick lane changes without a signal, passing on the shoulder or parts of the roadway that are not paved or being a nuisance to motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians, who don't get out of the way. What Is the Three Second Rule for Driving? Avoid eye contact. Fast drivers? In fact, a study by AAA found that nearly 80 percent of drivers felt anger, aggression or road rage in the past year. If an aggressive driver cuts you off, you should: - DMV Written Test Do your best to get out of the way safely. All Rights Reserved. If you are having trouble staying calm while youre trying to get away, turn off your music and ask any passengers to remain silent so that you can focus on driving safely for the time being. You look at your rear-view mirror and you see a furious driver coming at you with speed. RELATED: Sophisticated Tactics Uncover a Truckers Negligence: J.T.s Story. Among other results, the organization's survey showed that "nearly two in three drivers believe that aggressive driving is a bigger problem today than three years ago, while nine out of 10 believe aggressive drivers are a serious threat to their personal safety." Do not react or retaliate if you are threatened or spoken to rudely. Though we rarely stop to consider its effects, gravity is an ever-present force which acts on you, everything you can see in the room around you and of course, your vehicle. To that point, there has been a standard uptick in the number of women driving on roadways at higher risk times, like rush hour and during the night. Many of us are guilty of driving aggressively on occasion. Remember that traffic jams, red lights and the behavior of other drivers are beyond your control. Responding to aggressive driving with aggressive driving only makes the road less safe. Unsafe speed, improper turning, failure to yield the right of way, and obey traffic signals were the most frequent causes, which led the Department of Transportation (DOT) to estimate that two-thirds of traffic fatalities may be caused by aggressive driving. If you notice an unfamiliar car parked in front of your home, school, or workplace; or if you receive a strange friend request on social media, a private investigator might be tracking your [], You were stopped at a red light, minding your own business. RELATED: Can I Get Punitive Damages After a Car Accident in Texas? In the best-case scenario, an aggressive driver will pass you by unharmed, and you can go on about your day as normal. However, true road rage characterized by violence, injury and even death is a sobering issue about which true offenders are not likely to post on social media., A comment by one Instagrammer simply suggested showing more kindness to avoid falling victim or succumbing to #roadrage: Its hot and tempers can get a lot hotter. Albuquerque Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me, Las Cruces Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me, San Antonio City Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me. If you usually answered Never or Sometimes then you probably arent. Do not engage in these behaviors, as they increase your chances of causing an accident. How to Keep Yourself Safe from Aggressive Drivers - Side Car Whether youre a letter carrier, a child playing in the park, or a neighbor taking your own dog for a walk, being injured in a canine attack is a traumatizing event. To that point, there has been a standard uptick in the number of women driving on roadways at higher risk times, like rush hour and during the night. Apparently, in the Aloha state, the locals arent enamored of out-of-state drivers trying to navigate unfamiliar roads. In the event that you do not have access to a cell phone, you can let others know that you are in need of assistance by yelling or sounding your horn. And dont get us started on how exciting it is to get behind the wheel of a new vehicle. Steer away from antagonizing the driver and make an effort to suggest pulling over and taking a moment to breath and calm down. What to Do If You've Been in a Car Crash Involving an Aggressive Driver, An Experienced Car Accident Attorney Can Help You Protect Your Legal Rights, Crosley Law: Holding Reckless Drivers Accountable and Getting You the Compensation You Deserve, Driving on theshoulder orside of the road. Give yourself more than enough travel time to reach your destination. Sometimes we forget the good car driving experiences rather than celebrating them extraordinary road trip, smooth commute to work,, Its going to be chaos out there. How to Report Aggressive Driving | KBG Injury Law Tensions can rise on the road, leading to speeding, tailgating, lane-weaving and cutting off other drivers. Even if you drive as safely as possible, there is no way to account for the reckless behavior of other drivers onthe road. In the case where you are a passenger traveling with an aggressive driver, you should do your best to calm things down. Although they are capped in Texas, punitive damages can be awarded up to either $200,000, or a value equal to double your economic damages plus your non-economic damageswhichever is higher. Most aggressive driving is carried out by men aged 18 to 26. When someone else causes you harm in a severe accident, you deserve to pursue compensation. What to Do When You Encounter an Aggressive Driver If you find yourself dealing with an aggressive driver, its important to protect yourself. As a safe driver, you know this means keeping to the posted speed limit, yielding to other drivers' rights-of-way, and maintaining a safe following distance. Suddenly, a truck rear-ends you, pushing your car into the middle of an intersection. For example, this might include things like working with accident reconstruction experts, who can analyze things like skid marks, vehicle damage, final resting place of the vehicles, or debris patterns to piece together how an accident really occurred. Too much to do. Changing lanes without signaling. Most aggressive driving is carried out by men aged 18 to 26. When this is not possible, remain in your vehicle and contact the police. Blocking cars attempting to pass or change lanes. Forget the idea of winning on the road. What should you do when you encounter an aggressive driver? Many of us are guilty of driving aggressively on occasion. Examples andEffects of Aggressive Driving. This may prompt the aggressive driver to discontinue their pursuit. Being in the car with an aggressive driver puts you in a very tough position. Victims are often [], A serious collision can cause more than just physical injuries. If you witnessed the incident or the events prior to the crash, you should contact law enforcement and wait for them to arrive to provide a statement. Driving behavior is not inherently private though, although it does involve a unique blend of both private and public behavior. Can You Sue for Road Rage? How to Handle Aggressive Drivers - Crosley Law In the case where you are a passenger traveling with an aggressive driver, you should do your best to calm things down. And if youre into automobiles like we are, a fascinating new study just released on the best-selling used cars in America. The amount of times I had to [gesture at people] today while driving was absurd, said a third. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. In other words, theyre supposed to compensate you for what youve lost and make the situation right. Because criminal and civil cases are completely separate and have different standards for the burden of proof, a reckless driver does not necessarily have to be charged with or convicted of a crime for them be to held liable for your damages. Dont offend. Im sure even the best of us have found themselves getting mad over other drivers cutting around us. Dont take other drivers actions personally and dont think that you can teach them a lesson. Anger management classes or counseling can help you deal with the stress in your life and in your car that may be contributing to your behavior. drivers ed. ch. 11 Flashcards | Quizlet Tailgaters? Youve made your final vehicle payment congratulations! Or maybe they're experiencing a stressful situation. Truth is, the answer may not be cut-and-dried, with different situations bringing out bad behavior. Avoiding tailgaters whenever feasible may be accomplished by changing lanes. Chapter 8: Defensive Driving Flashcards | Quizlet avoid all contact and get away. Call 9-1-1 and give the operator the aggressive driver's license plate number (if possible). This means that you might already be familiar with some of the most common examples of aggressive driving behaviors: Being the target of such behaviors is truly terrifying. While my injuries were not life threatening, they certainly were life altering for longer than I ever imagined. Frequent driving obligations like this tend to contribute to acts of aggressive driving. Got me the maximum allowed for my accident and made the process very easy. November 01, 2013 Imagine you are on your commute to work when you encounter a driver who is swerving, tailgating, bumping cars and endangering your life and the lives of your fellow motorists. Many current #roadrage posts on Instagram have nothing to do with aggressive behavior and the insurance center conceded that we did not screen the content of the 65,000-plus posts we included in our analysis due to the sheer volume of inclusions.. Every year, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) reports approximately 500,000 collisions with 200,000 injuries and 4,000 fatalities as a result. Adjust your driving behavior to keep your distance and if necessary, call the police at the next safe opportunity. Tune in to some soothing music. However, female aggressive drivers are increasing. Medical care is one of the most important aspects you should consider after a car accident. How Common Is Aggressive Driving? Going up against the insurance company to get what you deserve is a challenge we are prepared to meet. Emotional trauma associated with these types of accidents can be profound and long-lasting. At worst, it can lead to a fatal auto accident. Far too many drivers are losing themselves in the heat of the moment and lashing out in ways that could turn deadly.. Aggressive driving and its extreme variant, road rage. Now, you may be wondering when youll receive your title. Do not make eye contact, make gestures, or engage in any way. What Are Paid and Incurred Medical Expenses? Aggressive drivers are more likely to cause a car accident than those who are carefully following the rules of the road. Never try to get an aggressive drivers attention or communicate with them in any way, unless your immediate safety depends on it. Driving is a stressful activity, as it requires you to remain alert, alternate between multiple tasks and avoid dangerous situations. Mark Macesich is an experienced writer and editor who has written extensively about customer auto finance, car research and shopping, car-purchasing decisions, consumer news and insights, and auto-dealer-related subjects. I dont know. Im so thankful I reached out to KBG law firm. If you encounter an aggressive driver, PennDOT offers these tips for what to do: Get out of their way and don't challenge them. Chrysler Capital is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC and licensed to Santander Consumer USA Inc. Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, Mopar and SRT are registered trademarks of FCA US LLC. Aggressive driving and California motorists: What you should know This information is not intended to create, and receipt The fewest posts were published in May and April. When you get in touch for your free consultation, one of our compassionate car accident lawyers will make sure you understand all of your legal options. explanation What You Should Do When Confronted by an Aggressive Driver: First and foremost, make every attempt to get out of their way. Weaving in and out of traffic. Have a passenger call, or pull over to a safe location and call yourself. Use traffic reports or traffic apps to learn about delays before youre caught in them. Home / Blog / How to Report Aggressive Driving. Call our offices at 210-LAW-3000 | 210-529-3000 or fill out our convenient onlinecontact formtoday. And if you didnt do as well or just want to learn more read on, and well describe the ways AAA recommends to avoid getting into road rage situations. A sense of anonymity encourages some people to engage in rude, dangerous, and reckless behaviors. But you could pay a price if you dont know how long, Go figure. When cut off? Everything in the known universe is subject to natural forces like inertia, gravity, friction and energy. You never know whats on someones mind on the road. Unless you are a traffic safety officer, it is not your job to enforce the rules of the road or punish the bad behavior of others behind the wheel. Certainly, road rage incidents would qualify as a violation. While many people have witnessed aggressive driving first-hand, others are unaware of the deadly consequences of road rage. What to Do When Encountering an Aggressive, Angry Driver Once a month, get a simple digest of fresh, in-depth content along with exclusive access to newly available resources, news, stories, and more! Aggressive driving occurs when a driver endangers another person with his or her actions on the road. Extreme cases of aggressive driving can even escalate to road rage. If wethink you have a case, well get to work immediately and you dont have to pay us unless we achieve a settlement or win your case in court. Explanation More often than not, unsolicited interference from other road users will only make the aggressive person feel more indignant and angrier as a result. If necessary, flash your lights and sound your horn to notify other road users of your situation. Copyright OSHA Safety Manuals | All Rights Reserved, Care For Your Half-Mask Air-Purifying Respirator, Cold Weather Hazards Of Propane Fueled Vehicles, IIPP Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Aggressive drivers pose a huge danger to motorists everywhere. Even if you may have done nothing wrong, the other driver may be so blinded by their rage (or sheer ignorance) that they will continue to take it out on you and do things behind the wheel that are illegal, inconsiderate, and dangerous. Drivers who are late for things like work, school, or doctors appointments are more likely to speed, cut other drivers off, and generally act aggressively while driving. Avoid eye contact with drivers who seem dangerous. You must pay attention and act defensively, to protect yourself against the threat such drivers pose. In driving, as with baseball, themain goalis to get home safe. Terms in this set (15) this is not considered aggressive driving. The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for legal compliance purposes. It takes everyone's effort and cooperation to keep traffic flowing safely and smoothly. If an aggressive driver loses control of their vehicle, its fairly possible that they would collide with you causing serious injuries; no matter how defensively you may drive. If an aggressive driver cuts you off, you should: Answers Call the police immediately. Attempting to take things into your own hands is likely to inflame the situation and put you and your passengers at risk.. However, you must know how to deal with aggression on the road just in case you ever find yourself in hot water. Remember these safety rules: DO NOT drive home or to your place of work. Do not allow wounded pride to make you do something youll regret. Do not try to teach other drivers a lesson.. When to expect your title after paying off an auto loan, Heres how long a car should be financed new or used, Use auto finance calculators before you buy your next car. Stay calm and relaxed. ALFA ROMEO and FIAT are registered trademarks of FCA Group Marketing S.p.A., used with permission. Avoid offending other drivers. Explanation They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. At one time or another, you probably had to deal with an aggressive driver, but the one thing you probably didnt do is report it. Obviously, drivers on the road owe this duty to each other.