THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ISAAC BRUMAGHIM, KAYAK FISHERMAN: The shark is part of the ocean, he`s going to want fish, and we`re in his domain, so you just got to live with it. The International Pillow Fight Day is organized by Newmindspace, an event production, community organization, and art installation company that produces free all-ages events around North America including bubble battles, subway parties, and lightsaber fights. Get The 7 DMV newsletter in your inbox every weekday morning. If you go to, you check out the resources box and look for the feedback link you can tell us what you thought of today`s show. Thanks to a recent Facebook announcement, it looks like the free annual event will return once again. Pillows have come a long way from their rustic origins. Anthony Hill, a Federal Aviation Administration contracting officer, guided his two grandkids into the furious fray. There`s no reason to separate them UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel, they`re all classmates. [9], October 5, 2021, NYPost reports that MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighters were enjoying the new sport of professional pillow fighting.[7]. [1] The Wall Street Journal estimated that 5,000 people participated in a New York event coinciding with the day. In Bronts phrase, the pillow and mind swap places and, for a instant, merge into the same substance. The rules of the annual urban pillow fight, organized on Facebook, were simple: show up at 3 p.m., bring only soft featherless pillows, be careful not to break cameras and eye-glasses, and don't . A pillow fight is a common game mostly played by young children . Each week Kelly Grovier takes a photo from the news and likens it to a great work of art. March 22, 2008, was the first World Pillow Fight Day, . Image: Google Image. Learn more about International Pillow Fight Day and why people observe it. International Pillow Fight Day 2020 is observed on Saturday, April 4, 2020, International Pillow Fight Day 2017 is observed on Saturday, April 1, 2017, International Pillow Fight Day 2018 is observed on Saturday, April 7, 2018, International Pillow Fight Day 2019 is observed on Saturday, April 6, 2019, International Pillow Fight Day 2020 is observed on Saturday, April 4, 2020. World Pillow Fight Day Amsterdam 2015 took place on the Dam Square by the National Monument in Amsterdam on 4th April. [10] Lubin returned to the subject in 1903 with the film Pillow Fight, Reversed. pin Newmindspace 1 Union Sq W, New York, NY 10003 Pillow Fight Day[edit]. Pillow fights were a popular theme in early cinematography. She is also the author of several books covering the capital and mid-Atlantic regions. TUCHMAN: And many in Wilcox County are supportive. This was one of the events held around the world as part of International Pillow . On Saturday, April 15, pick up a pillow and head over to Washington Square Park to kick off spring with a feathery party. MARESHIA RUCKER, PROM ORGANIZER: We share everything else together, why not have this one moment that means the world to us together? Yes, this is strangely enough entirely possible. Other host cities from include Asheville, Atlanta, Chicago, New York City, Orlando, Seattle, Barcelona, Hong Kong, London, Melbourne, Rotterdam, and Vancouver, to name just a few. Participants are also asked to not bring down pillows as the feathers will get everywhere if the pillow bursts. When the young man awakens to discover that his gratifying 50-year dream has in fact come and gone in the short space of an afternoons nap, our impression of the pillows power shifts from wonder to terror. See also: How We held a vote and decided to hold International Pillow Fight Day on the first Saturday of every April, he said. Many people only care about the comfort of pillows but they can be so much more. Pillow fighting is moving out of the bedroom and into the boxing ring when Pillow Fight Championship (PFC) holds its first live, pay-per-view event in Florida on Jan. 29. Many of the county`s parents went to segregated proms back in their day and say the time has come for this. In total we detected 104 total unique days being shared such as Wear Red Day which had 7,476 people talking about it, or Signing Day having 5,841 tweets. In a city full of ritual and outrage faux and real the annual brawl on International Pillow Fight Day represented many things: a chance for low-key federal bureaucrats to release some high . In fact, the committee has its pick of free DJs, dozens from around the country who have volunteered to provide the entertainment. Microsoft? And if you liked this story,sign up for the weekly features newsletter, called If You Only Read 6 Things This Week. Why not celebrate and get your little ones this fantastic one to add to the bed time story collection?! [10] 1897 saw the release of A Pillow Fight by the American Mutoscope and Biograph Company followed by Pillow Fight from Edison Studios. Like this guy in the fox hat, said Abbey Ashley, a stay-at-home mom. Cities around the world are taking the . We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. Over 25 cities around the globe participated in the first "international flash mob", which was the world's largest flash mob to date. Apr 7, 2018 - International Pillow Fight Day 2018 takes place on 7th April. He never fired a shot. AZUZ: On a modern map, you can go from England down to Egypt, and from Syria across to Spain. By Montaignes logic, theres no sleep for the wickedly smart, only the invincibly stupid. Bizhanov thrashed about with a pillow in each hand, riding on the shoulders of Maryland programmer Meder Omuraliev. First, if you`re talking about the one that got away, it helps to have evidence. Why We Love It The company announced plans to expand the franchise internationally and to develop pillow fighting as a national sport with standardized rules scoring and equipment. AZUZ: That case said it was unconstitutional to have separate but equal schools for students from different races. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was raised to appreciate them (ph) and you know, not be disrespectful, but that`s just my opinion. On that day big pillow fights will take place in different cities of the world including New York, London, Seattle, Rotterdam, and many others. This article was published more than8 years ago. For people who wish to promote National Pillow Fight Day, we've put together the following resources. While this annual event started in 2008 as two small gatherings in New York City and Toronto, other cities in the United States and Canada have joined in the fun since. Still lots of fun and some costumes too! There were many celebrations relating to national holdiays written about on social media that our algorithms picked up on the 5th of February. This Site Uses Cookies. Wondering when is International Pillow Fight Day? Wondering when is International Pillow Fight Day? How to Experience the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC. Earlier in the week, some states got hit with huge snowfalls. Hovering somewhere between painting and sculpture, readymade and collage, Canyon belongs to an idiosyncratic class of works Rauschenberg called Combines. But a man in a toga with leather straps would declare a winner and pull the participants off each other after a series of major blows. In Wilcox County, Georgia there was one for white students, and one for black students. or. Very very small rectangular swellings thrown up quite quickly, lots of small-scale industrial activity going on. MCLAUGHLIN: The find includes rare objects like a tiny amber amulet in the shape of a gladiator`s helmet. Makes me smile thinking of all the fun we had as kids and with our kids and . The ordinary pillow fight has existed for a long time, these events are massive in scale, occur in public, and are promoted primarily through the internet. This year, the event coincides with April Fools' Day and is being celebrated on April 1. Pillows are symbolic of sleep and therefore theyre symbolic of your dreams as well. Feather and down pillows should be replaced every 5-10 years and polyester should be replaced after 2 years. The best way to celebrate Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day is right in the name! does The industrialization of many processes made them more attainable to the common person and more affordable because they were mass-produced. International Pillow Fight Day will be observed in the month of April on Sunday, 02. . This crowdsourcing of data method to assess the National Pillow Fight Day date is used as opposed to being connected with any Government sacntioned lists :D Hurrah for democracy by concensus! Is there anything more to this delightful duffing-up than smacks the eye? See the full vid in the Pennsylvania Playlist on m. My people would have a fit if they see me down here. Social media is frequently used to initiate and advertise public pillow fight events. This years theme has yet to be released (the 2019 theme was Space Ponies) but it is expected to run for a total of two hours (3p.m. You might want to bring an extra pillow just in `case.` But as long as you intend to have fun, you shouldn`t be let `down.` It`s time for us to put this baby to bed. Thousands of people around the world have taken part in International Pillow Fight Day. Additionally, you shouldn't swing at people with camera equipment or without pillows and should remove your glasses beforehand. On this day, people ac Make Up Your Mind Day is celebrated on October 16th. New Yorkers gathered over the weekend to celebrate the return of International Pillow Fight Day, after dozens of people in cities such as Toronto kicked off the annual event. His underlying philosophy: All would be better if urban spaces were more like playgrounds. He snuck out of the camp, stealing food, and sneaking it back for others. Aside from needing a soft pillow, there are a few other rules youll have to adhere to for maximum fun, including: swinging lightly, not swinging at people without pillows or with cameras, and taking off your glasses before the fight. Aired April 12, 2013 - 00:00 ET. It's Pillow Fight day on the 5th of February. Youre supposed to get hit in the head, Hill responded. A blizzard warning in Denver and South Dakota; the snow and ice knocked down power lines and trees. All told, thousands participated in the gleeful bash. Isaac Brumaghim was on a kayak reeling in a tuna, wow, when something else decided his catch was bait. The holiday was created in 2000 by meat com National Bicarbonate of Soda Day is a day to celebrate the many uses of this versatile ingredient. I wasn`t raised that way. In Mesopotamia, people used pillows made of stone to keep bugs from crawling into their mouths, noses, and ears. International Pillow Fight Day began in 2008 when a group of friends organized a flash mob in Toronto, Canada. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit? No matter what you believe in, everyone can agree that now that we have the pillow, we cant imagine sleeping without it. At this time, almost every household used pillows. If they can participate in and play sports together, why not have a prom together: TUCHMAN: The high school principal and the superintendent of the school district would not go on camera, but the superintendent told us off camera that the tradition of private proms is being reevaluated and a decision about whether the school will sponsor integrated proms in the future is being considered. 10% of a pillow's weight is built up of sweat, mold, dead skin cells, and dust mites, and dust mite feces. I needed a weapon, Gauthier said during a lull in the mayhem. This week his actions earned him the medal of honor, the military`s highest award for valor. Its a trick perhaps she learned from the Renaissance philosopher Montaigne, who once insisted (with double-edged discomfort) that ignorance is the softest pillow on which a man can rest his head. And in 2018, International Pillow Fight Day is observed on Saturday, April 7, 2018. This is a symptom of the season, and as temperatures change, so does the weather. November 2019 Festivals and Events in Washington, D.C. How to Visit the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C. October Festivals and Events in the Washington, DC, Area. If you`re on Facebook, our address is This might be an exception. . International Pillow Fight Day 2018 - National Awareness Days Events International Pillow Fight Day 2018 in Washington, D.C. - TripSavvy, International Pillow Fight Day 2019 in New York - Dates & Map. First in-person national pillow fight day event in Toronto in two years due to COVID-19 draws hundreds of people to city hall square for a massive all ages pillow fight. I`m Carl Azuz, have a great weekend. Erin McLaughlin looks at some recent discoveries. Sam S. Pollard. After all, what could be less edgy than an object that is, by definition, cushy and filled with fluff? The engineering of the pillow continued throughout the years and materials such as cotton, linen, silk, and velvet were used for pillows. Remember those times as a kid when youd attack your siblings with pillows? [10], Other films to portray pillow fights include Animal House, Annie, and The Room. In earlier eras, pillows would often break, shedding feathers throughout a room. I sure do! P.S., if youre really feeling the pillow fight spirit, pajamas are more than welcome! 5th of February is National Pillow Fight Day,   First detected on the 2nd of April 2015. During the nineteenth century, the Industrial Revolution made the pillow common. TUCHMAN: Wilcox County High has never had an integrated prom. International pillow fights took place on the 6th of April every year. Note the following rules in order to prevent any unnecessaryharm during the event. Instead, for as long as anyone remembers, there has been one prom for white kids and one prom for black kids. SADIE WATSON, SITE DIRECTOR: This was a hugely important town for the Romans even when the Romans were based in Rome, across the empire. The Industrial Revolution mass produces pillows and they become more affordable for the public to purchase. The date shown for National Pillow Fight Day can change, if for instance several hundred people tweeted about Pillow Fight Day in early April, then in May a few thousand people tweeted about Pillow Fight day, then the date shown for National Pillow Fight Day, could come up twice :D. We have also detected mentions of Pillow Fight day on; Get our 'daily day' widget. So it was one 14-year-old, one 16-year-old, and one 3,000 pound tractor that after six or seven tries they lifted enough for their father to get out of danger. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day in Hong Kong, how many days until International Pillow Fight Day . Pillows from the battle were donated to area homeless shelters. Relive your childhood by challenging friends or family to a game of pillow fighting and find out who the real champion is. You try to find someone to attack. Who knew there was a national day for this crazy pastime? Some specialized in the sucker thump and quick escape. As it turns out, it was the perfect day to have another Pillow Fight April 4 th is none other than National Pillow Fight Day! Despite the change in comfortability, people didnt use them all that often, especially those who couldnt afford the extra expense. Follow those and you won`t ruffle any feathers. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. Elham Parsa. We went to the Washington, D.C. pillow fight on the National Mall to find out. For an extra dash of excitement, dont tell people in your house what youre doing and see how they react. Copy the code below to show today's day automatically on your site. The most recent detection of references to Pillow Fight Day was 2years, 2months ago. Where else can you hit a stranger in a big American city and both walk away giggly and unbloodied? The futile attempt to keep the masses apart until the 3p.m. starting gun was doomed. In a city full of ritual and outrage faux and real the annual brawl on International Pillow Fight Day represented many things: a chance for low-key federal bureaucrats to release some high-energy aggression; an opportunity to wax John Lennon-like about a world where feathers and polyester stuffing are the only weapons; and a venue for a muscular man in a red-white-and-blue unitard to teach the world about Freedom. March 27, 2015 at 11:34 AM. International Pillow Fight Day 2020 in Washington, D.C. International Pillow Fight Day 2020 in New York - Dates. WATSON: The deposits we are excavating are waterlogged, and they have anaerobic conditions - which means there was no oxygen getting to them. We believe this is much more fun as it reflects the nature of how the most amusing / interesting national days are often created organically and grow based off popular social trends and sharing, as such we don't add new days to our database unless they are organically observed on social media. The final match of this type was held in 2008. The storm system moved east bringing wind, rain, and reports of tornadoes with it. Have we missed something? International Pillow Fight Day is a global event that takes place every first Saturday in April and is celebrated in numerous locations throughout the globe. WATSON: Well, we`ve learned that life in the early Roman period was pretty hard for lots of people. See how Pillow Fight affects company share prices. How about this year? The creator and the history behind the creations are not known. [2] These were often booked as Lingerie Pillow Fights, in which women "compete" in lingerie or pajamas, with little or no actual wrestling taking place. We're now tracking the sentiment around every mention of Pillow Fight day to show how people feel about Pillow Fight. So, schools integrated, but in some places some school-related traditions remain separate - like prom. OnInternational Pillow Fight Dayeach year, massive pillow fights breakout in cities around the world, and if you're in the Washington, D.C. area, you can join the fun near the Washington Monument on April 6, 2020, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Organizers ask that you swing pillows lightly, and since this event has a large number of child participants, be mindful of who you're swinging at. Inside that building site, a team of archaeologists is in the process of uncovering thousands of artifacts dating all the way back to the Roman period. National Bacon Day is a food holiday celebrated annually on December 30th. Feathers fly all over the world as more than 130 cities participate in the fourth annual International Pillow Fight Day. They called 911, but knew it would be a while before helped arrived, and their father couldn`t breathe well. Pillow fighting has become a part of flash mob culture, with pillow fight flash mobs popping up in cities around the world. Anybody need a pillow? Hill shouted into the crowd. TUCHMAN: After segregation in schools was ruled illegal 60 years ago in this country, many high schools stopped sponsoring proms so they wouldn`t have to worry about legal repercussions of privately sponsored high school proms. Constitution! he kept blaring, by way of instant introduction before diving into the white-hot core of the fight and bashing his latest target. Create new account. His boot slipped on the clutch and the machine rolled over on him. Our head and neck health are critically important and both should be given special attention. Visitor Posts. I got hit in the head and it hurt, Davage said. CNN meteorologists say that in spring, we should expect the unexpected. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe that they were destined for this moment and nobody else could do this before now. A pillow fight is a common game mostly played by young children (but also by teens and adults) in which they engage in mock physical conflict, using pillows as weapons. Some regionally specific trends subsequently become immensely popular internationally and worldwide, partly fuelled by widely shared 'National Days', National Pabebe Wave Day being one such example. A man was using an antique tractor to pull out a stump. Not now. Sun 3 Apr 2011 11.54 EDT 11.54 EDT. Level6n Uploading since 8th May 2015. This is from another National Pillow Fight day in Philadelphia. Eventually it did. Ancient Egyptians would carve images of gods into their pillows and placed them under the heads of those who had died to keep unwanted spirits away. Against a hodgepodge of photos, abstract splotches, and patches of cloth, the taxidermied body of a salvaged bald eagle perches on a small box that in turn rests on a protruding plank the feathers of the birds unfurling wings are endlessly poising for flight. And of course, teachers we want to hear from you too. MCLAUGHLIN: Pottery, jewelry, and tools, clues as to how an ancient people once lived, buried in what is now a very modern city. Next up, a pair of fishing stories. We don't have an international authority or governmental remit to declare any officially celebrated "national Pillow Fight day". Who couldnt use a bit more good fortune? Its all good fun but these fluffy flurries are actually weightier than you might first think, writes Kelly Grovier. [4], March 22, 2008, was the first World Pillow Fight Day, a day organized in the United States by Newmindspace, a group created by two University of Toronto students. Even my parents joined in the fun at times. (END VIDEO CLIP) AZUZ: Heavy is right. Here in Wilcox County, proms remain privately sponsored. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It just makes sense to have one prom. See more of Denver's National Pillow Fight Day on Facebook. On the multi-textured mattress of Montaignes thinking, intelligence and happiness face off forever in an existential pillow fight that only one can win. Pillows come in a range of options and people celebrate a revised old tradition of putting them on their fridge to bring good luck. Subsequent writers have likewise seized upon the pillow as more than merely a comfy metaphor for easy sleep. [3] Pre-selected female "fighters" with stage personalities were paid small amounts to stage regular, unscripted fights. There are gel pillows, boyfriend pillows, and body pillows to help people find peace while they sleep. 1 National Day on our homepage) are in fact locally very specific and are offical holidays celebrated on a Country's national calendar. MCLAUGHLIN: Thousands of years of history. toyourinbox. I`m Brown v. Board of Education and I contributed to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. The day shown for 'National Pillow Fight Day' is based off how much chitter-chatter and buzz there was on Feb. 5, 2016 across social media making references to 'Pillow Fight Day'. It was heavy. History of International Pillow Fight Day. In Rauschenbergs work, the pillow is not just a ballast, it exemplifies the fight between the souls urge for freedom and the inescapable forces that pull everything back to Earth. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. Log In. After a moment, the mob engaged hundreds screaming toward each other and landing thousands of blows with the gentlest of weapons. What are pillows really stuffed with? There will still be a white prom this year, but these teens are organizing another prom that welcomes kids from all races. Emil Kapaun served in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean War. The resources include: graphs, badges, and resources on what steps to take to boost Pillow Fight Day's visibility. Sign up to our newsletter for the latest and greatest from your city, Take A Peek Inside Macys Iconic Flower Show, Now Blooming In NYC, 15 Fabulous Hotel & Rooftop Pools In NYC With The Best Views, 6 Swimming Holes Near NYC That Are Worth The Trip, 8 Perfectly Pink Ways To Feel Like Youre In The New Barbie Movie In NYC. When the 19th-Century English novelist Charlotte Bront poetically observed a ruffled mind makes a restless pillow, she didnt just scrunch up the expected order of the adjectives and nouns, but instead tossed-and-turned the sentences syntax in order to blur the boundaries between mind and matter the thing resting and the thing rested upon. The empires stretched across areas of three continents. Hundreds gathered in Washington Square Park in New York City Saturday to take part in this year's National Pillow Fight Day. Since pillows are usually soft, injuries rarely occur. This is the heart of the city of London. It`s been going on for a few years not. Liberty always goes on. Specialized pillows can properly support your head and neck, giving you a good night's sleep and it helps to avoid head and neck problems throughout the day. International Pillow Fight Day has always been observed annually on the first Saturday of April. I don`t like that, I don`t believe in it. It was the short and nerve-wracking pathway from bystander to full-on shellacker that was the most satisfying for some. Daniel Gauthier, a French-Colombian who is studying at American University, took up Hills offer, then began to swing wildly at everyone around him. Survey data is powered by Wisevoter and Scholaroo, Vincy Mas in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Mass pandemonium abounded and the giggle and laugh factor was high! 286740 Scores of New Yorkers met up in Washington Square Park on Saturday to bash each other with pillows as part of International Pillow Fight Day 2019. Pillow Fight affect the share price of Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day is celebrated on May 29 and its meant to bring you prosperity and good fortune. Fast, informative and written just for locals. Read our privacy policy here. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it`s fine (ph) if you want to get together (ph) and have a prom. Archaeologists say there`s likely more out there lysing right under our feet. Erin McLaughlin, CNN, London. [8] Sports Writer Joe Capozzi reported the event as a "Fierce but wholesome combat sport". Get our travel tips Delivered to your inbox. Next up, members of a high school baseball team from Georgia managed to hook a great white shark. But the sense of outward movement that lifts the works spirit is counterbalanced by the strange, immeasurable weight of a pillow that sways surreally below the bottom edge of the Combine dangling like the pendulum of a stopped clock. The Chinese playwright Tang Xianzu who tells a famous story about a wise man who meets a despondent young scholar at an inn and offers him a magic pillow filled with the most vivid dreams of a seemingly more fulfilling life. TUCHMAN: Others are much more blunt about their desire to maintain the tradition. He knew there was a risk of being captured by the enemy and that`s what happened. Check out this year'sFacebook pagefor inspiration before you go. Now in its eighth year, the event brings together hardened pillow warriors in 41 cities around the globe to gleefully and gently hit each other. Sea of Pillows - Great San Francisco Pillow Fight 2008 If you ever worried that your childhood is over, fear not: Saturday, March 22, is International Pillow Fight Day. A trussed pillow hangs pendulously from Robert Rauschenbergs 1959 work, Canyon (Credit: Chris 9/Flickr). International Pillow Fight Day 2018 is observed on Saturday, April 7, 2018 In Ancient Greece, people would use cotton, straw, and reeds in their pillows, but they weren't common. Sleep deprivation can cause memory loss and the ability to plan and sense time can be severely impacted. The ancient Greeks and Romans created pillows that were closer to what we use today. Common people of the time used materials such as cotton, straw, and reeds, while the wealthier citizens stuffed their pillows with soft down feathers. This day reminds us to never stop believing and hoping for the best, even if we have to do something silly to break us out of our routine. He didn`t carry a rifle. TUCHMAN: But, the integrated prom committee has national support. I started in Kansas and eventually went in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. The rules are simple: you bring your own pillow, preferably a soft one, don`t wear glasses, don`t hit anyone without a pillow. Let your inner child roam free for the day at NYC's massive pillow fight, appearing to return next month. The Republic never dies. History Timeline FAQs Importance Celebrate Related Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day is celebrated on May 29 and it's meant to bring you prosperity and good fortune. There was a pillow fight on the National Mall here in Washington, D.C . Our algorithms examine all of the references to National Days across social media and updates hourly, with our homepage displaying the current national day, including others such as: Doodle, Friends or Libraries Day. Making sure we get a good nights sleep will make us more effective members of society and it helps prevent problems that could worsen over time. Not him, Mr. Straitlaced himself, Hill said. (END VIDEOTAPE) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: See if you can ID me. [2], In January 2007, Reuters reported on a Pillow Fight League that was operating in bars in Toronto. What's really intersting is how whilst some National Days like National Daughters Day are seemingly celebrated internationally irrespective of geography, some very popular days (That often become the No. Rachel Cooper is a travel writer who has lived in the Washington, D.C., area for more than 25 years.