Russia - 17,098,246 km 2 (6,601,670 mi 2) Russia is by-far the largest country in the world, covering over 6.6 million square miles (17,098,246 km 2 ). |
Statistics are at the core of the work of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), its mandate and strategic goals. France has around 730000 farms, about 7% of the population earn from agriculture or similar sectors that are fishing or forestry. The modernization of farming practices and technologies led to a period of substantial self-sufficiency and wealth in China. Areas include inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, rivers). The 49th state spans 586,000 square miles of land, according to its official website. Global and regional inflation are calculated using household consumption expenditure weights. China has 7% of the arable land and with that, they feed 22% of the worlds population. United States. Farm-gate emissions covers all GHG emissions produced from agricultural processes (enteric fermentation, manure management, rice cultivation, synthetic fertilizers, manure applied to soils, manure left on pastures, crop residues, drained organic soils, burning of crop residues, savanna fires, energy use) within the farm gate and at the farm boundary. Share of agriculture, forestry and fishing value added in total GDP (2019, USD 2015 prices), 3. 10 African Union. 5 World Bank. [cited September 2021]. Figures relate to the total domestic production whether inside or outside the agricultural sector, i.e. When it comes to the staples that feed the world (rice, corn, wheat, beans, lentils and animal proteins), countries like the United States, Germany, Canada, Brazil and Thailand feature more prominently. Wood carbonized by partial combustion or by heat from external sources is wood charcoal. In the 20th century, China was able to feed a substantial portion of its population. Sugar cane accounted for 21 percent of the global crop production over the 20002019 period. The main users of inorganic fertilizers are, in descending order, China, India, the United States of America and Brazil (see TABLE 15), with China the largest user of each nutrient. Africa and Europe also had increases, but much smaller. Cultivable land is limited in the country but the countrys relentless efforts in this area has led to improved crop acreage. The indicator is calculated in three-year averages, to reduce the impact of possible errors in estimated production and trade, due to the difficulties in properly accounting for stock variations in major foods. The index consists of the average of five commodity group price indices (whitefish, salmon, tuna, other pelagic fish and shrimps) weighted by the average export shares of each of the groups for the 20142016 period. The higher levels in Asia compared to the rest of the world are partly attributable to the prevalence of irrigation-intensive rice cultivation in the region. Producing rice, sugarcane and coconut, Philippines is a country that is mainly agriculture oriented. statistic alerts) please log in with your personal account. Yet these farmers are some of the poorest. In many countries much agricultural employment is informal and unrecorded, including substantial work performed by women and children. 2021. TABLE 26 shows that five African countries are included in the top 10: Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Ghana and Uganda. Land cultivated with long-term crops that do not have to be replanted for several years (such as cocoa and coffee), land under trees and shrubs producing flowers (such as roses and jasmine), and nurseries (except those for forest trees, which should be classified under Forestry) are all considered land under permanent crops. This has become all the more critical as governments around the world commit to major sectoral and national development plans, as well as regional and global development agendas. Although agriculture has seen a decline in the recent years, it still contributes to the Russian economy to a great extent. km., 2020 - Country rankings: The average for 2020 based on 193 countries was 243665 sq. Oil crops exclude dessert and table nuts, although they are rich in oil, as well as annual oilseed plants that are either harvested green or are used for grazing and for green manure. Dairy As of 2020, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [2] Drinks As of 2020, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [3] Meat As of 2020, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [5] Nuts As of 2020, FAOSTAT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [6] Not only that, the country is also known to produce a large variety of animal products both for exports as well as for the domestic use. The charts below are based on the CIA World Factbook[43] as of 15 February 2005. status in employment andeconomic activity. These sub-sectors correspond to Section A of the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), revision 4 and are covered in its Divisions 1, 2 and 3. Together with pulp for paper and recovered paper, it accounts for 58 percent of the total. 2021. World agricultural land by use and main countries (2019), 7. Besides, the country is also known to be the house of some of the major livestock such as pigs and fowls. 2020. The production of wood charcoal reached its highest value in 2019 with 54 million tonnes, up 46 percent from the 2000 level. Agriculture is one of the indispensable sectors of the world economy which is not only one of the highest revenue earners worldwide, but also one which caters to the food requirement of the world. Agricultural Land Area ('000 sq km), 2014. National average protein supply is expressed in grams per capita per day. Around 11% of the worlds land occupied by agriculture, and about 26% used for animal grazing. The leaders of the other regions all had shares of 2730 percent. Since January 2000, it went up 74.8 points to 127.4 points in August 2021 (see FIGURE 42 and TABLE 34). More than 40% of the countrys land is dedicated farmland. Agriculture sector as a share of GDP in Africa 2021, by country, Main crops produced Egypt 2021, by production volume, Wheat production volume in Egypt 2010-2022, Share of wheat imports in Egypt 2020, by country, Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2023, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2023, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. Therefore, to provide a more holistic and inclusive picture we have taken the World Agricultural Production data by United States Department of Agriculture and the data for production quantities of All commodities by USDA as our main sources. |
Permanent pasture is land used for five or more years for forage, including natural and cultivated crops. World meat production reached 337 million tonnes in 2019, up 44 percent, or 103 million tonnes compared with 2000 (see FIGURE 26).Although many species are raised for their meat, only three accounted for nearly 90 percent of the global production during the 20002018 period: chicken, pig and cattle (not taking into account the different breeds for each). World primary crops commodities harvested area by type, 61. Based on a comparison of 176 countries in 2014, China ranked the highest in agricultural land area with 5,171 '000 sq km followed by USA and Australia. India produced spices too, that include ginger, pepper, and chili. In fact, the country is known to be a leader as far as organic agriculture is concerned. The value added is the net output of a sector after adding up the value of all outputs and subtracting intermediate inputs. Includes areas with mangroves in tidal zones, regardless of whether this area is classified as land area or not. The breakdown is roughly the same in Africa and the Americas, with the largest share of fruit in the total (around 4 percent) and the lowest share of vegetables (less than 2 percent), even though the absolute quantities consumed are higher in the Americas. It also includes areas that are temporarily unstocked owing to clear-cutting as part of a forest management practice or natural disasters, and that are expected to be regenerated within five years. Focus on the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables production, 2. This brings the total estimates for moderate or severe food insecurity in 2020 to 30.4 percent of the world population, or 2.4 billion people. Statistics on expenditure in AFF are used to compile the Agriculture Orientation Index. China was the main producer of soybean oil, with a share of 29 percent in 2018 and the United States of America a distant second with a share of 19 percent. The main types of agricultural production are Food, Fuel, Fiber, and Raw Materials. It is two-and-a-half times larger than Texas, which is the second . World fruit production went up 54 percent between 2000 and 2019, to 883 million tonnes, which represents an increase of 311 million tonnes. Bangladesh Bangladesh tops the list with 59% (33828.34 square miles) of its total land space marked as arable, a significant fall from 67.4% in 1965. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (agriculture, forestry and fishing) as a share of value added (2019, USD 2015 prices), 20. capture fisheries and aquaculture production (2019), 22. With a total arable land close to 1,649,873 square kilometers, the United States of America is the number one country that has the most arable land in the world.The share and value of agriculture have always been on an increasing trend since the year 1990.The major agricultural products of the country include corn, cattle meat, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, cottonseed, wheat, pig meat, grapes, oranges, amongst a host of others. It is reported in cubic metres of solid volume in the case of roundwood, sawnwood and wood-based panels and metric tonnes in the case of charcoal, pulp and paper products. Around 55 percent derive from livestock-related activities, and with 2.8 Gt CO2eq, the emissions from enteric fermentation generated in the digestive system of ruminant livestock were alone responsible for about 40 percent of agricultural emissions. There is a salt lake and some wetlands of unknown area. 2020. The index consists of the average of five commodity group price indices (whitefish, salmon, tuna, other pelagic fish and shrimps) weighted by the average export shares of each of the groups for the 20142016 period. grassland in the plain or low mountain areas used for grazing: land crossed during transhumance where the animals spend a part of the year (approximately 100 days) without returning to the holding in the evening: mountain and subalpine meadows and similar; and steppes and dry meadows used for pasture. The total arable land in the area is roughly around 586,784 square kilometers which is representative of around 3.72 percent of the worlds land. List of countries in the workd by cropland area in hectares. Wheat, rice paddy, barley, maize, popcorn, rye, oats, millets, sorghum, buckwheat, quinoa, fonio, triticale, canary seed, mixed grain and cereals nes are all considered cereals. Link to historical chart and more food and agriculture statistics Share of forest area in total land area (percent), 49. The sector employed around 6.71 percent of the total employed in the country in the year 2015. A summary of the methodological changes can be found at The agriculture industry combines agricultural production with theories of marketing - where distribution channels and exports come into play. Includes forest roads, firebreaks and other small open areas. Olivier Lavagne dOrtigue led the work under the direction of Jos Rosero Moncayo (ESS Director). The transcontinental country extends halfway around the northern hemisphere, over much of Europe and whole of North Asia. Latin American Countries With Agricultural Potential | Farmfolio Required citation:FAO. I'm Hina Khan, working as a writer at blog. ; Source . Over the 20002019 period though, the two products show a production increase of 25 percent (paper and paperboard) and 61 percent (recovered paper). The share of the combined three main producers of roundwood commodities in 2019 was roughly 30 percent for wood fuel, 40 percent for non-coniferous industrial roundwood and 50 percent for coniferous industrial roundwood (see FIGURE 34). 2020. The country names have been abbreviated in the data tables and figures. Canadian wildfire maps show where fires continue to burn across Quebec Rome. The best of the best: the portal for top lists & rankings: Strategy and business building for the data-driven economy: Show sources information Water stress, defined as the share of freshwater withdrawal in available freshwater resources, after taking into account environmental water requirements, affects predominantly Western and Central Asia as well as Northern Africa (see FIGURE 63 and TABLE 52). Water stress is the ratio between total freshwater withdrawn by all major sectors and total renewable freshwater resources, after taking into account environmental water requirements. The food consumer price index (CPI) measures the price change between the current and reference periods of the average basket of food items purchased by households. The other main producers account for 4 to 6 percent of the total production each, with the Russian Federation relying only on sugar beet for sugar production. There are a number of agricultural produce in which China ranks first as far as the total production is concerned. Land use in agriculture by the numbers | Sustainable Food and Not only that, the importance of agriculture in India can be estimated from the fact that the sector itself employs around 50% of the total workforce of the country. Thanks to the expansion of aquaculture production, freshwater fish experienced major growth, more than doubling (+137 percent) between 2000 and 2019, going from about 25 million tonnes in 2000 (19 percent of the total) to 58 million tonnes in 2019. These claims are overblown, but soil erosion is a problem and we can do something about it. 1. Top Agricultural Producing Countries - Investopedia OCS provides guidance to the technical units in charge of data acquisition, compilation and dissemination, with the aim of ensuring quality and consistency of statistical practices at the corporate level. The situation is most alarming in Africa, where the PoU is the highest among all regions and has increased the most between 2019 and 2020 by 3 percentage points. In these statistical domains, it also plays a vital role in the compilation, processing and dissemination of internationally comparable data, and provides essential capacity-building support to member countries. Import values are reported as CIF (cost insurance and freight: the value of the goods, plus the value of the services performed to deliver goods to the border of the exporting country, plus the value of the services performed to deliver the goods from the border of the exporting country to the border of the importing country).