nothing was her fault. Most things are always flowery in tone. Unable to form strict commitments and bent on maintaining a balance, Libras are hard to read and harder to pin down. "Whoa is me"..libra. And when he's not writing he enjoys surfing, scuba-diving, and sailing. The realest women in the zodiac I love their tell it like it is ways. If someone is rich or talented, a Libra has no problem with becoming a part of their life and sharing the benefits they reap from their hard work. Mostly because most things I read about Libras don't feel like they connect with me. They know what needs to be done in order to get what they want,and its most likely theyll get it one way or another. Yes I can be dark by being extremely lazy and indecisive but everyone has got a dark side. This is true even without a confrontational situation. Libras tendency to accept everything the world has to offer needs tight control, otherwise they become carried away by the current and lose everything. Nobody wants to read thru all that so i'll say what really matters and make it quick. Mother, father, uncle whatever..that's ridiculous. Our advice to Libra? And to think I still stood by her EVEN when I was admitted and discharged till her demented form comes devouring me inside out again!!! Libra negative traits however, are much less known. However, in order to maintain balance inside and outside themselves, Libra will often find vindication for others wrongdoings on them. Unfortunately, one way a Libra gets what they want with minimal effort is by using the success of other people. Their status is important to them before everything, even before their family, they are treacherous and chasing sickly, dressing up as those who are fans so they do not have their own character, for them there is nothing to admire a man who slept with many girls, not considered to be a man, not cool - This is the person they imitate every day and every day until they meet someone greater than him in this field is very shallow, and thus inherently boring dressing up as other people, are subject in any depth. I hate drama, and i am not sociable either. im sorry manipulative, insecure to the point where they compete with their friends(trying to outshine me and gets moody cos it doesnt work), full of lies.. attention seeking. Libras are much too gentle and indecisive to be a good fit in a stressful position like that. (Of course I'm born in October hahaI happen to be controlling indeed toward those who get closer to me; in the work-social arenaa combination of practicality- choosing your battles- and impracticality - picking battles you can't win, just to make a point, I do that too. I'm fascinated by them. But that's a 1 way thing. Just that we only show it in private place. Another facet of their personality that stems from this is their ability to get on the good side of people. The UKs WORST politicians are librans: Thatcher, Cameron and May. This sign is extremely evil, cunning and sly. 7.) Each Zodiac Sign's Flaws and Annoying Traits - Insider They impose their desires on everyone around them, even ready to impose their opinion as the only opinion. What makes a libra one of the best zodiac signs? Vindictive and nosy. I think that is just right when etiquette is concern. As it was mentioned, they dont like to get into any confrontation or cause any sort of problems to the people around them. Reactions are learned through experience and habit, you are not born with a certain way of reacting due to a zodiac sign. Think of Judge Judy (born October 21) and the pain she's seen and absorbed over 25 years as a judge in family court. Being an air sign and the only sign symbolized by an inanimate object, Libras lack genuineness and honesty as their opposite sign, Aries. If peace can't be had, silence and secrets will do. But when with him, its a real fight not to let myself go to that dark, vindictive, ruthless place. But when they do, I have this urge to feel responsible and take on the guilt and blame. What do libras hate? - ThinkCelestial Hopefully, this list of Libra negative traits serves not to demonize Libras, but instead to humanize them. Think of Mahatma Gandhi. So this article is in no way 10% correct describing how a Libra is like when wronged. However I met a libra and she's like me but diffrent. i am sick of her controlling ways and i have decided that the scorpio cold shoulder is now here. But I've also tried to genuinely fix my mistakes and repair the damage I cause because of my behavior. This can lead to problems financially, especially when it comes to relationships. The whole atmosphere around her changes when things don't go her way, and it's scary! Were not here to discuss if Libra negative traits are any better or worse than the other signs. However, you shouldn't forget that Libras are assholes and don't buy their shit, unless you test them. I knew then she truly was that ugly person from Christmas. Here are Tuesday's biggest analyst calls: Tesla, Micron, Roblox, Kellogg, Eli Lilly, Meta, Nike. In fact the way one reacts to whatever angers them is much more beyond a zodiac sign. I was terrified. At the end of the day, all we can try to accomplish is being better versions of ourselves than what we were the day before. This made his Mr Libra 2 VERY determined, possessive, jealous, vindictive and revenge seeking when I didn't do what he wanted. It's extremely unfair to call Sylvia Browne a fake psychic. (I made Mr. Libra 2 look good in photos). Woo hoo party & thats about all theyre good for. They can make mistakes as well. Libra Man: Good Traits, Bad Traits, Love and Sex - Thought Catalog Theyre the perfect acquintance. I ended up feeling hurt and confused because I saw the signs that said he didnt want to be with me but kept pursuing anyways. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. She doesn't have money or a job with 3 kids luckily I still support my kids and back to her parents house. As they tend to overwork themselves with their hectic schedule, they might need to take some time away from people to recharge, even if that means being flaky and cancelling plans at the last minute. i hope she can just control herself from now on and never treat my daughter the way she treated us. Libra, however, refuses to accept this. I am able to bind and twist words in my favour, utilising their double meanings. Even u. You can't be weak around these majestic women. 7 Reasons LIBRAS Are Downright AWESOME - The Libra Life A Guide to your Spiritual Journey, Mars in Gemini: A Summary of Its Importance and Uniqueness, The Archer and The Bull: Taurus and Sagittarius Friendship, What Does the Queen of Spades Mean: Unraveling Truths of the Mystical Queen. Sagittarius signs are also very positive in their outlook on life. The Best and Worst Libra Matches: Complete Compatibility Guide (4) I am skilled at photography. Libras are more likely to respond better to the straightforward conversation though. They are manipulators, competitive sickeningly beneath the surface. U are all psycho. As long as you are not looking for clear advice or decision making, 4) When we love, we love with every part of our heart, we are absolutely ready to drop anything and everything for you. I dont owe you a damn thing!!!!! I'm a Libran and I all I care about is love . Also..psychopathssociopaths.idiots..bad fathers.narcissistsare in all zodiacs.and for this writer to associate it with one particular zodiac..just means they have something against poor libras. Librans want peace and negative ones want it at any price, even if it means sneaking around, denying, controlling, and drama. I do whatever makes my lover happy just to keep the harmony and passion between us. I'm an aries and I had a libra completely ghost me for years because ofwell I can't even remember what the problem was, but I tried to talk to her about it and she just closed the door in my face basically. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. We already talked about how Libra cant make up their mind. Then he stop talking to me. Wednesday, July 5: Before 2 p.m. Im dealing with a libra mom. and YES guess sometimes I lose hope. Inconclusive: Tired Aries woman sick of the Libra injustice. It might be difficult to see a Libra as vengeful. but they need to recharge in order to keep it up or as i said before they will lash out. These are the worst times to drive: Thursday, June 29: Between 4 and 6 p.m. Friday, June 30: Between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Saturday, July 1: 1 p.m. Tuesday, July 4 . readmore 02 /13 MOST EVIL: Scorpio Scorpio represents the venomous creature that won't hesitate to sting someone if they feel like it. She uses people and shes a know it all. Maxing out their credit card doesnt scare them. Heres something to know about a libra, they have a gut feeling that is almost always accurate, if you hurt a libra and not be able to make it up to them fully they will use and hurt you in anyway possible over the smallest things yet not feel any remorse. But always react to things I say. Libras are all about balance and taking the time to . The worst-matched signs for Virgo are Leo, Aries, Libra, and Sagittarius. ( I'm an aquarius.) Thank God doctors brought me back alive. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. True Librans dont like conflict or ugliness. They love the exterior attributes of people but also objects. I read a comment saying that a libra was only fixated on her friends failures not her success and was thinking that's not a real friend. Once they see that another can give better, they will give themselves over to another (but they wont leave you, ever. I was cohabitating with one under her suggestion and without a thought (being a male & feeling totally cloud 9 to be asked), I experienced a life changing event. 2023 Might Be the Worst Tick Season Ever. Here's Why | Time Are libras dangerous when mad? - ThinkCelestial They want to look incredible all the time. Libra needs to let go of control, and seek balance in other ways. As they chase peace everywhere they go, they overlook other essential parts of their life. If peace cant be had, silence and secrets will do. Libras may sound like a good bunch initially, but upon closer inspection, you can see many cracks in their peace-loving armor. Please take time to read a few of her books to understand what she was really all about. Because of their overly superficial nature, Libra often holds themselves to the same unrealistic standard. All scorpios are poison and made out to be like we're the horrible ones. Some people may find Libras to be pushovers; theyre willing to do anything to keep everyone satisfied. But the kind of relationship that. we only give excuses on purpose even we can cry or beg to make you belive %100. every sign has a dark side but a libra??? That libra bad moon came out PURE EVIL . They are intelligent, which charms others and makes them good company to others. Especially those of you who have been in relationships with 2 or 3 Libras in a row, are you crazy or just looking to make yourself miserable. Libras are very resourceful when they want to be, as you can tell by the fact that they opt for using people instead of just working hard in life. As of 9 p.m., Chicago retained the distinction of having the world's worst air quality, with an air quality index of 175. We talked on the work phone but never in person 1997 till 2002 and just to show her the engagement ring and never since. Searching on the net about paedophiles I found out that most of them were committed by librans. Not to the point that they cave into what everyone wants, because thats just not what an air Zodiac sign does. By the way, those of you who had Libran parents that treated you like garbage, what's your sign? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. But when you find that you keep cutting people out before trying to help them, that might mean youre the toxic one. I told her he didn't think it wise to take "sides" and wanted to stay out of it. My experience with libras is dark. Yes we can be lazy, but if its its something were definitely interested in were quick to run to it and work hard at it! Also i can tell when someone lies so easily buy the way they look at you . I just decided to keep my personal life private from her. Came to help him. This isnt directly attacking anyone, but it does set the stage for problematic situations down the line. I am loyal and very protective of my friends and loved ones. Libra Vs Libra on Twitter: "Nigga Got The Worst Communication Life has a way of working itself out if you try to live with kindness and grace. The laziness, the controling, able to move from one relationship to another one. Most people believe these are the 3 worst Libra Traits and Characteristics Get High Paying Ads on Your Website! They think that because they like materialistic things, everyone else probably likes them, too. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. All those who commented and appear to be a Libra and can't handle criticism, you just proved the whole author's point. Considering the features that they have, it will be a doozy. Things seem to be falling apart around me. I, do want to move out with my boyfriend because i have problem. I, am lazy, BUT not because I love doing nothing. Libras are the biggest gaslighters imaginable. If they are only pretending to be brilliant, there's no way they will capture my attention beyond the first sentence, as they are bland and phoney, and I simply will not respect them. And just reading some of the negative opinions and attacks on Libras by others here, it just reaffirms my choice. They like being the one that isnt surprised almost always appearing calm and wise, as if they can see the future. Mmmmm Librans, Ive known a few, the first one a friend of a friend, a woman, I overheard bitching me out about my extra pounds (lol) in a pub one night, she was sitting in the next booth to me blissfully unaware that I could hear everything she was saying about me, me sagittarius with a big ego (and ass) apparently and a sharp little virgo moon wasted no time in letting her have my arrows, it shut her up! 10 Bad Traits Of A Libra Zodiac Sign - Revive Zone We read articles books and stuff that interests us to gain a better understanding about ourselves and others, so we can become good at observing people and have a fair (that's a questionable statement) judgement in situations. People themselves don't know what drives them. If there's karma involved in my destiny I only wished I was child raped by a stranger not by my own brother. He ignores me somedays pays attention to me other days and never fully knows if he likes me or not lol. 1 Unreliable & Fickle. Required fields are marked *. If you've got a libra like that - RUN! Every sign is capable of this but ive only seen it with the Scorpio sign. We don't use emotions to figure things out, we don't use tactile sensory to figure things out, it's about all that is mental and the air signs are especially built for this. Libras can use their knowledge of peoples likes and dislikes to get ahead and become their friend. )are NOT COMPATIBLE? They are the best at putting on a good social front, especially at parties and board meetings. Signs Most Likely To Be Your Enemies, According To Your Zodiac - Romper Been with one for 3 1/2 years. Meet the bunny-boilers of the zodiac. Sometimes physicall abuse they dont care if your 3 or 95but when they know if anyone else finds out they can get in trouble they know how make them shut up before they even think about it. Often people see a completely different picture of us that it actually not how we feel inside. But do love a tennis match with a Libra! Libra's Negative Traits - A Full List - Your Higher Journey Theyre very agreeable and friendly, and they shy away from creating drama. BUT dont forget the good as long as you stay on their good side theyll spoil you be your shoulder to cry on and alot more. Libras need that stability in their lives to function, so much so that theyre willing to do anything to get it. K so i love every other sign. Libras can be a little-laid back, especially when they get comfortable in a relationship. Chicago's air quality currently worst in world - CBS Chicago What's hard is, is that a lot of this does happen. Is a false sense of peace really worth all the lying and cheating? Buts its a ruse. If theres an easy way to do something, a Libra is going to take that way. When I say Mr. Libra 2 was pursuing me, it was LOVEBOMBING!!! So Im like that is the craziest thing. Or when she brought home a kitten who was kept locked in a bedroom so for 6-12 hours ( usually for a long time )so she wouldnt be bothered because the kitten wanted to play. Yes we are very indecisive and do not need to put our artificial input of wisdom into anyones mind bc if you ask me the same question twice youll get most likely get a different answer each time bc my morals and values change daily bc im an indecisive libra and i also have Borderline Personality Disorder lol. They know how to break your heart and lie to you constantly in order to always look good and avoid confrontations. He was also court ordered counseling he got out of it too. Being kind also means stopping that which is unkind. Godfather to her daughter and son her parents never had. The women i deal w them at a distance. My mother, grandmothers, two former female managers. Imagine a Libra hurt your feelings, and when you confront them about it, they drown their guilt in liquor or something similar. He's won competitions on creating video games at an early age. As such, it should come as no surprise that even one of the kindest zodiac signs has a darker side. So that could be their another dark, sick and spiteful dark sides to add into the ones mentioned in this article. I remember exactly where I have wronged others and I also remember when and how many times I have compensated for those acts of selfishness or rudeness. It seems not every one is on the same page though. I'm not saying like "oh I'm offended so I'm just going to pretend that Libra's are perfect and it's everyone else's fault." If they're a brilliant Libran, I will definitely listen. Hero though he was, Gandhi ignored his wife, refused to send his sons to college, and disowned his eldest because he married instead of being chaste. To start with, yes when we are grumpy we are the worst thing that can happen to humanity. In my head and finding out how my mind games are going in my head. Dont shy away from the dark side of Libra, never forget the axiom: If you cant handle me at my worst, you dont deserve me at my best! Without further ado, Libra negative traits, listed below: Libras have a compulsive need for balance and a powerful sense of justice. There is a reason why they say Librans make good judges, its because we are able to take every situation or event and tear it down to it's nuts and bolts to see what's really within. Libras are more likely to respond better to the straightforward conversation though. Why are Libras so mean? Sometimes I think they overdo it when a shitstorm is about to occur and they purposely control conversations to avoid ill feeling. You may find this quality more prominently in some Libras than others, but every Libra is on the spectrum for this one. He is very intelligent and extremely good at computers/programming and logical science, stuffs which requires a lot of high IQ. I married a Libra male for 6 years I was lucky to get only 1 year of child support out of him. Explore the dark side of the zodiac sign of the thinker, philosopher, educator, almost-Instagram star who believes putting their talent online will make them great. Advice for Libras. Libras often go above and beyond to please the people in their life. I am leaving him in God's hands because I know one day he will pay for all these sick acts he's committed. I avoid confrontations and drama if at all possible. The dark side of Aries: These individuals can be motor-mouthed, boring, arrogant, and manipulative. Something darker? Librans are gifted with eloquence and intelligence but cant make a concrete decision to save their life! My worst experiences involved 3 different Libras. They like discussing and finding solutions together, which dives into their love of.