Not that it was a complete failure either, there were definitely a lot of opportunities to learn and improve, but currently were having teachers do both roles., Instead of handing the student a laptop and saying go do this on your own, teachers should be in the classroom as they usually do. The program featured the talent of about 300 student singers ranging from grades six through 12. She feels that the last thing people should worry about is their child wearing a mask. October 28, 2020 . Search results are not intended as legal advice for you or your organization and are not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney in your jurisdiction. They set what their price is and were really hamstrung and handcuffed to the fact that we have to pay and foot that bill. He stressed that cyber charter schools are for profit and many times students academically are not up to speed if they come back to the brick and mortar school. WASD welcomes 48 new faculty members and five new administrators for the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year. EQT is partnering with the WASD Education Foundation in a week-long effort to pay tribute to district teachers and raise funds to support classroom innovation during Teacher Appreciation Week from May 2-6. Poole, who is currently the districts student services director, will take on his new post beginning July 1. Deaver: She said that the Pennsylvania Child Abuse bylaws do state that anything that inhibits a childs ability to breath is considered child abuse and a mask actually does do that. Not that it was a complete failure either, there were definitely a lot of opportunities to learn and improve, but currently were having teachers do both roles. Derr, who works as an instructor at a cyber charter school, says that it is difficult to manage both in-person and online students at the same time. Williamsport Area SD Its more of an expectation that we all have as a community that people are going to be civilthe glue we need to hold this all together., opportunity to not be as academically honest, I feel like theyd feel more connected to the schools., They set what their price is and were really hamstrung and handcuffed to the fact that we have to pay and foot that bill., Unfortunately its something thats beyond the school boards control. Derr: She would like to see two public comment periods in order for comment at the beginning on agenda items and at the end for comments on any topic. As we enter the last nine weeks of the school year, the district must ensure the integrity of our students learning remains uninterrupted as much as possible. Bids must be received by the business office at 2780 West Fourth St. no later than 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 27. Patrick J. Ross, director of educational data analysis. Jackson Primary School Head Principal Theresa Montgomery will become the districts elementary curriculum supervisor (K-6), replacing John Killian, who retires June 30. He started his time at WASD in 2002 when he was hired as principal of Round Hills Elementary School after having worked in the same capacity for three years at J. George Becht School in Loyalsock Township. In a year when school board members have been under intense scrutiny, three Williamsport School Board incumbents kept their seats and newcomers Michelle Deavor and Jamie Sanders were added to the ranks, according to unofficial election night results. With a matching contribution from Larson Design Group, the WASD Education Foundation was able to raise $9,822 through its third employee giving campaign this winter. I think it results in students being left behind and students being slowed in their education., First they need to be will to admit that it wasnt a huge success. We strive to meet or exceed the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility in all areas of our website. Im excited to build on our positive experiences for our students, parents and staff in the new school year, Forney said. She feels that the last thing people should worry about is their child wearing a mask. This all hinges on education. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Carol W. Porter, special education teacher, high school. Carol S. Fisher, kindergarten teacher, Stevens Primary School. The Williamsport Area School Districts music department will present its All-District Choir concert at 7 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 13, at the Williamsport Area High School auditorium. The project would be covered in part with federal Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief dollars and the districts capital reserve funds. Sanders, Reeves, Welteroth and Derr are cross-filed with both the Republican and Democratic parties. The Feb. 9 event, presented by Geisinger, drew some 1,500 people to the Magic Dome. Twenty-six players have joined the team of teachers, principals and staff who will take on the Harlem Wizards in a charity basketball event at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 9 at WAHS. After returning to WAHS for the first time since 2018, the Harlem Wizards event raised a net total of $20,164 for the WASD Education Foundation. Williamsport, Pa. The Williamsport Area School Board meets tonight with a potential elephant in the room. It doesnt bode well when you dont hear from people who come to the meeting. Williamsport Area School District - YouTube From learning new schedules, classroom and morning routines (and yes even getting familiar with lunch for our little ones), to meeting new teachers and friends, our Millionaires kicked off the start of a new year today. David E. Gephart, CTE welding teacher, high school. She said the district should provide face shields. The Williamsport Area School District has announced the dates for its annual round of open houses to kick off the start of the 2021-2022 school year. Williamsport Area High School Head Principal Dr. Brandon Pardoe was named as the district's new director of student services, replacing Dr. Richard Poole, who . Board Agendas 2023 Board Meeting Dates: January 10 February 14 March 21 April 11 May 9 June 13 Id like to see less of an emphasis on worksheets at those younger levels and more of the applications and physically doing some of that problem-solving.. The Williamsport Area School District Board of Directors voted to have all students, K-12, in the hybrid model return to five days a week for full-time, in-person instruction. We dont manage budgets and make spending decisions, generally speaking., I personally feel that our district and our community is overtaxed. Williams: Ultimately if you have an increase in enrollment in cyber charter schools, its because theres a reason why parents are pulling their kids out of in-person instruction. The work also addresses water infiltration issues at Cochran. An honest and logical look at American history, not only shows, but screams the reality; when Judeo-Christian values are removed from education, disaster ensues. Chance of rain 50%.. Thunderstorms likely this evening. If we can get the wording right in the policy that we have so that whomever needs to have a voice, has a voice, I think that would help a lot. She also feels the mask mandate should be enforced at the door for board meetings, which might help. School board members and administrators had cited student safety as their top objection to having voters in buildings when school is in session. School Board Meeting | Williamsport Area School District This is something that has to go down to Harrisburg., Thats something I would really have to think about., I think that obviously needs to be a discussion that we continue to have., The most effective address for that would be ensuring that students dont need to go to the cyber charter schools., Even though they say theyre not, they (brick and mortar schools) are doing a one size fits all for the vast majority of their educational process., Ultimately if you have an increase in enrollment in cyber charter schools, its because theres a reason why parents are pulling their kids out of in-person instruction. All conferences will be by Zoom or by phone. Taxes have gone up for district residents this year. South Williamsport, PA 17702, Residential Location Search results from our Services may contain copyrighted material and, if so, you may not use such content unless you obtain permission from its owner or are otherwise permitted by law. Superintendent Dr. Bowers opened the special meeting of the Williamsport Area School District Board of Directors with a presentation on the hybrid model and moving forward. The contribution was made through the company's Feeding School Kids initiative, an effort focused on supporting food programs at local public schools. Royal: People are more opinionated instead of speaking factually and keeping everything straight forward and not just sharing their opinions as much. Two-hundred and twelve students in grades seven and eight are named as having earned their status on the distinguished high honor roll, high honor roll or honor roll roster. Your browser is out of date and potentially vulnerable to security risks.We recommend switching to one of the following browsers: You have permission to edit this article. One hundred and six WAMS students were celebrated Sunday during the National Junior Honor Society Ceremony, and, from among them, 59 were inducted as new members from grades seven and eight. Rosss career in education began in 2005 as an alternative education teacher at Round Hills Elementary School before he became a special education teacher at Curtin Middle School in 2007. He then became an assistant principal at Milton Middle School in 2009 before he became principal of both White Deer and Montandon Elementary schools in 2011. The Williamsport Area School Board is accepting applications until 12 p.m. on April 29, 2021, to fill a vacancy on the board. You cant expect these facilities to take all these kids in one classroom and all different grades and try to get them all on the internet. There are 3 representatives from each region. The South Williamsport Area School Board approved next year's final budget with a 0.30 mill real estate tax increase. Elliss move to Cochran will remain in place should Stevens remain open, which would create a principal opening for that building. I am thankful to the Williamsport Area School District, our community, and my colleagues and family who have supported me throughout my professional journey.. Reeves: She believes that large businesses should not be redresses to give them lower tax rates. She feels that those who have been on the board for so many years that they dont want to hear anything new. Reeves: Because of the pandemic, she said, I would love to see a stronger structure for our online learning platform. Reeves would like to see better training for teachers and support for students and parents. I would certainly want to get kids more involved in school, to get them to want to be in school and feel more like children. The items listed for sale are from the construction trades program and include 13 sheds and a chicken coop. Our 2023 spring newsletter is now available! A lot of money going to a lot of places. The frustration the people feel in the meetings is they feel they are not being represented and that is the onus of the school board to represent the people and not your own personal agenda or the agenda necessarily of the school board, but to bring to bear the concerns of your constituents.. WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (APRIL 5, 2022) The Williamsport Area School Board approved a number of administrative changes tonight that will take effect next school year, beginning July 1. WAMS released the year's second marking period honor roll listing. This all hinges on education. Low 69F. $35M school renovation considered | News, Sports, Jobs - Williamsport Furthermore, introduction to competitive sports, enhanced music education and performance arts will help your child become well-rounded, blossom, and flourish. 700 Percy Street Policies are established to support the mission of the Williamsport Area School District, "Developing responsible citizens through excellence in education." For more information, please contact the Office of the . The event is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021. Montgomery began her career in education in 1989 at Bedford Area School District. More local rivalries, less travel time and schedule flexibility are just a few of the benefits the WASD football program is destined to have starting in its 2024 season. Claudine Griffin, full-time aide, special education, base wage rate of $22,909. At the same time, I look forward to collaborating on our mission with everyone from the middle school.. The county had been tasked by the Department of Justice with bringing all of its polling places into ADA compliance following a tour of several of the sites by the DOJ. When people share their opinions they can get passionate and heated if someone speaks against them, which might happen in a board meeting. As board members we are here to serve the people who we are representing, not our own interests. She said that she would encourage people in the community to reach out to her with their concerns and then she can present them to the board. Mark's Recommended Readings; Title IX; Million Mountie Lights; Volunteers; Central Elementary. New, state-of-the-art fitness centers at both the middle school and the high school provide physical education instruction opportunities and give student athletes an edge on their competition. Thank you WASD for entrusting me with the awesome staff and students at Jackson, Montgomery said. 555 West Mountain Avenue Using our Services does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our Services or the content you may access. In its latest grant round, the WASDD Education Foundation recently awarded $4,708 to support three program enhancements across the district. I will miss working daily with my administrative, teaching and support staff colleagues at the elementary level. I think it results in students being left behind and students being slowed in their education.. You cut down the costs of cyber charter schools by making sure that the families are happy with the in-person instruction the kids are getting in the schools., Collins: I would the enrollment costs are going up because more students are being enrolled. In making his argument at the Board of Elections meeting for the change to school facilities, Forrest Lehman, director of Lycoming County Voter Services, quoted the states election code which allows polling sites in school buildings. 515 West Central Avenue Im looking forward to working alongside Dr. Collins: Id like to see stronger points in our vo-tech classes, our agriculture classes. Return to Any WASD School, Image for WASD Education Foundation Opens Grant Opportunities for WASD Teachers, about WASD Education Foundation Opens Grant Opportunities for WASD Teachers, Image for WASD Named a '2020 Outstanding Visual Arts Community' for 2nd Consecutive Year, about WASD Named a '2020 Outstanding Visual Arts Community' for 2nd Consecutive Year, Image for Need Tech Support? Danielle E. Johnson, instrumental music, Lycoming Valley Intermediate School, Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. With the mask mandates that are going on kids are more online with technology, theyre finding more ways to bully other children. My son is little and I cant expect him to go to school and stick up for himself. River Valley Regional YMCA, YWCA Northcentral PA and the WASD Education Foundation are pleased to announce the return of Over the Edge (OTE) this fall this time with some unique changes. Unfortunately its something thats beyond the school boards control. Deaver and Collins are running as Republicans only and Royal and Williams are running as Democrats only. Sanders: Its obviously a really complex issue. Sanders said he is not aware of all the ins and outs of the subject and how the school board can effect a change. , I knew remote learning was going to be a challenge, not only for our teachers, but for our students., happier if people had embraced it more and use it more., Its important that our students learn more how to do that., I think the one thing weve learned from that is that it is not effective across the board and makes it very difficult for students to actually progress in their studies, at least the way we have done it in the past.