We are unable to do anything about having the tent there, so our only option is to park everyone on the concrete where there is a better view. Date: Saturday, October 14 & Sunday, October 15, 2023 Time: Saturday 8am to 3pm; Sunday 10:30am to 4pm Location: Ellington Airport, 11602 Aerospace Avenue, Houston, TX 77034 Admission: Early bird General Admission tickets are discounted 50% and start at $25 for Air Show Insiders on Thursday, June 15. The price of your ticket includes FREE Parking & Shuttle Bus service. HOUSTON, TX (September 22, 2022) - The CAF Wings Over Houston Airshow, one of Houston's largest annual events, will return to Ellington Airport on October 29-30, 2022. Theres something for everyone! A from/to date range will show all events within the selected range, including long run events. Please read our. This VIP area is a 21+ ONLY seating area. It blocked peoples view of the show. As a Wings Over Houston Airshow ticket holder you get: FREE Parking & Shuttle Bus Service! Airshow Weekend FRIDAY Military-Might Drive-In Price: $190* ), Ellington Airport is located about 20 minutes south of Houston in the Clear Lake area. Just click below and select your tickets. Major Zane Taylor, who flies. <<< Though set for the fall, Houston weather typically is hot and humid. Dont miss all the other attractions that can be found at Ellington Airport during the airshow. To see these aircraft please arrive early! All rights reserved.No Federal Endorsement Intended. Your Privacy & Personal Information Please check the Wings Over Houston Airshows website for the most up-to-date information before planning your visit. Wings Over Houston Airshow returns this weekend KTRK 10/9/2021. Theres even a special play area for kids that features a rock-climbing wall, inflatable slides and obstacles, carnival-style games and rides, and more. Gates will open at 2 PM, and flying will begin somewhere around 3 PM and go approximately to 6 PM. Insider ONLY SATURDAY Airshow Eagle Squadron Limited-Quantity Price: $250* | Privacy & Terms of Service | SitemapDesign by Sukhenko Design. The most heart-pounding/spine-tingling action takes place at the airfield. Pro Members can create sub lists within MyList. The CAF Wings Over Houston Airshow is an IRC 501(c)(3) community event presented by the volunteer efforts of theHouston Wing, Gulf Coast Wing, and Tora! Act fast and join the Air Show Insiders to get in on discounted admission ahead of Octobers Wings Over Houston Airshow 2022 at Ellington Field. Tickets are available now at www.wingsoverhouston.com. All Airshow tickets can be ordered and printed on your own printer through our ticketing partner EventSprout Avoid waiting in line! You may also purchase General Admission tickets at any local H-E-B store in Texas at the customer service desk. Advance Purchase FRIDAY Military-Might Drive-In Discount Price: $180* Check to search for events by promoters that have multiple events. Saturday10/14/2312:00:00 PM Wings Over Houston Airshow Ellington Airport Houston, TX 10/14/23Saturday12:00:00 PM Sunday10/15/2312:00:00 PM Wings Over Houston Airshow Ellington Airport Houston, TX 10/15/23Sunday12:00:00 PM < Prev1 Next > Your Insider ONLY discount is automatically applied to any tickets you select during the checkout process.The prices you see in the cart are the LAUNCH discounted prices. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Copyright 2023 KTRK-TV. All bags are subject to search. I thought you might be interested in this story from the Tour Texas web site: Texas State Parks near El Paso & Big Bend, Texas State Parks near Abilene, Amarillo & Midland. Please confirm this year's expected attendance with the promoter. Full-price general admission tickets on the day of the event are $50 per person, but if you act today and sign upfor freeto be an Air Show Insider, then you can purchase your early bird tickets to the Airshow for as low as $32 (offer valid until Thursday, September 1, 2022). Our program is viewed by thousands every year. (a $25 Value!). To advertise, these organizations must meet our editorial standards and truly present a valuable activity, event, resource or destination for Houston area residents and visitors. Manage your sub lists below. We recommend using the address for Signature Flight Services located at Ellington Airport Building 500, 11811 North Brantly Ave, Houston, TX 77034. This is a fun and relaxed way to start the Airshow weekend off. Add notes to any event by clicking Show Notes (requires Pro membership). Tora. Go here to update it. Ticket prices and options are subject to change. There is no charge for parking with paid Airshow ticket. Airshow Weekend Sunrise Photo Tour Pass Price: $85* Plan accordingly. of the Commemorative Air Force, with support from the Lone Star Flight Museum, Collings Foundation-Houston based at Ellington Airport, and the Vietnam War Flight Museum. It's fun for the whole family! The Texas Eagles, an Eagles tribute band, will perform live on the close of the first day. No consent is given, and no authority is granted to taking or making of any photograph, movie, sound, or video recording, for any part of the CAF Wings Over Houston Airshow for any commercial purpose, except with the express written permission of the Airshow Board of Directors. We value and respect your privacy! Thank you! To buy Wings Over Houston Airshow tickets for sale at discounted prices, choose from the Wings Over Houston Airshow schedule and dates below. The Family Chalet area will include the food your whole family can enjoy. 2 pm. Display times will vary. Reserved Prime View Seating Online Only Price: Prices begin at $65 online and go up to $80 at the gate the day of the show. ET. Insider ONLY SATURDAY Airshow ADULT Family Chalet Limited-Quantity Price: $135* In addition to the Blue Angels, the event will also include performances by the F-16 Viper Demo Team, Debby Rihn-Harvey, U.S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue Demo Team, Extreme Flight with Patrick McAlee, and ReMax Skydiving Team. SUNDAY Airshow Weekend CHILD Family Chalet Price: $70* Wings Over Houston (WOH) is an annual aviation show, running at Ellington Airport over a weekend in late October. This exclusive area is meant for the entire family to enjoy and will be equipped with private restrooms, free food and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, a shaded private area along with a top-notch unshaded front row view and family activities. Listen to the roar of jet engines and watch as historic warbirds soar in the skies above at the Wings Over Houston Airshow. All seating at the Airshow, no matter the level, has ADA seating. If you are a previous Prime View customer from 2022, your tickets will already be spooled up when you click the red Buy Now button. This article has been sponsored by the event organizer. Due to ongoing construction at Ellington Airport, our onsite parking will be limited again this year. There will be thousands of seats available at that time. We recommend using the address for Signature Flight Services located at Ellington Airport Building 500, 11811 North Brantly Ave, Houston, TX 77034. When trying to fill a certain weekend, an event with old info is better than no event at all. Drive-in tickets are per car and up to 6 people per vehicle. Special "Insider ONLY" Discounts and Offers. January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December We are not the organizer for any of the listed events. | Privacy & Terms of Service | SitemapDesign by Sukhenko Design. If you need help with the Public File, call (713) 778-4745. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. ***SATURDAY IS SOLD OUT*** Tora! Fun for the entire family. Advance Purchase SUNDAY ADULT Family Chalet Discount Price: $135* For more information about performers, tickets, and more visit www.wingsoverhouston.com. Limited to 30 per day Don't miss this amazing offer! Thank you! Plan accordingly. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. With the return of the US Air Force Thunderbirds and some of the best pilots in the world, discount tickets will sell out quickly. MORE+ Aug 21, 2024 19854 used Verified Screenshot Click to Save Recommend The Thunderbirds team will be flying for you, plus a few more surprises! Learn more about promoting your event orbusiness. The 2018 Wings Over Houston Airshow, October 20 & 21 at Ellington Airport, features the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. View the 2022 Airshow Program-2023 Scholarship Application. Ellington Airport Make sure to take a look at our Family, ***Based on your feedback, we have made changes to the drive-in! Copyright 2021 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved. Always sells out, purchase early to save your spot online only. Location: Ellington Airport, 11602 Aerospace Avenue, Houston, TX 77034 Admission: Early bird tickets start at $37.50 and will increase on Thursday, September 1, 2022. Non-alcoholic beverages served all day (Soda, Juice & Water), Catered Family Lunch (Hamburgers and Hot Dogs), Catered Family Breakfast (fruit, pastries, and kolaches), Outside tables and additional seating available, Dedicated Family Chalet Washrooms and Hand Wash Stations, Exclusive restrooms to the Prime View Area, Food & drink vendors available directly near the Prime View area, Near endless displays and interactive exhibits along the airshow ramp, All seats for all ages If a child can comfortably fit on your lap, they do not need a ticket and are FREE. The Wings Over Houston Airshow aerial and pyrotechnical performances produce loud noises, smoke and fire. Feature Flying Ends-TBD We recommend using the address for Lone Star Flight Museum located at Ellington Airport, 11551 Aerospace Ave, Houston, TX 77034. Go where the action is in MAX afterburner >>> AT THE AIRSHOW! of the Commemorative Air Force, with support from the Lone Star Flight Museum, Collings Foundation-Houston based at Ellington Airport, and the Vietnam War Flight Museum. Saturday, October 9, 2021 HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- One of the city's biggest events will take to the skies over Houston this weekend. <<< Don't miss the action: You can watch the Wings Over Houston Airshow live stream exclusively on ABC13.com and on your favorite streaming devices, like Roku, FireTV, AppleTV and Google TV. Patrons should only bring necessary items and limit the size/ contents of allowed carry-in items. Sponsored Spotlight stories are paid promotional placements, purchased by local event organizers and businesses to promote their events, products and services. Yes, unless there is catastrophic weather. . Login to wingsoverhouston.com and become an insider to receive the deepest discounts on Prime View tickets. 2023 Wings Over Houston Air Show. All rights reserved. Important Note: youre welcome to purchase beer and wine from our vendors and bring your purchased alcoholic beverages into Family Chalet. Schedule and aircraft participating are subject to change without notice. SATURDAY Airshow Weekend ADULT Family Chalet Price: $170* "One of our main goals was to enhance the show sequence with the crowd experience in mind, and we're very excited to debut these changes at the Wings Over Houston event.". 1,352 tickets each good for one car with up to six people were . Wings Over Houston Airshow. Click on " link " to visit the airshow's website. of the Commemorative Air Force, with support from the Lone Star Flight Museum, Collings Foundation-Houston based at Ellington Airport, and the Vietnam War Flight Museum. }. <<<. Otherwise it finds all words in any order. If you did not purchase Prime View seats in 2022, but are interested, seats will open up for everyone on Jun 26th. Please arrange with your rideshare driver for a pick-up time and location. All Rights Reserved. Please note: Your Insider ONLY discount is automatically applied to any tickets you select during the checkout process. Please be advised that following the end of the airshow, a rideshare pick-up may be delayed as almost all traffic lanes are outbound only! Specific for Saturday or Sunday-limited to 100 per day. Tora! View the 2022 Airshow Program-2023 Scholarship Application, We value and respect your privacy! After that, prices will start rising as the big event nears, so lock in your tickets today. Advertising revenue helps support 365 Things to Do in Houston, and our contributors, allowing us toexpand our coverage of activities and events around theHouston area. Photo: Wings Over Houston Airshow/Tora! Please read our Privacy Policy. It also includes reserved parking near the entry gate. Thus, no alcohol service in the Family Chalet area. Tora! You can narrow your search to events that exhibitors are 100% handmade (or a percentage are). Houston, March 11, 2022 - CAF Wings Over Houston Airshow announced their performer line up for their XX annual show. The last inbound shuttle to Ellington leaves at 2:30 p.m.