Join Mukunda as we speak with Vishal Ganesan, who is a lawyer and posts on the Twitter handle @hindoohistory. In this episode, we discuss a host of topics including:
00:01:20 Introduction to Vishal Ganesan and conversation on growing up in the US
00:23:40 Origins and Purpose of Hindoo History;
00:32:40 American Missionaries relationship with British Missionaries in the Indian colonial period;
00:36:30 What were the first depictions and understandings of Hindus in America?
00:44:50 Swami Vivekananda is a pivotal moment in Hindu depiction in the US; American Elites flock to Vedanta;
00:54:30 Parallels between the various immigrant communities (Indian, Irish, Latinos and so on);
01:04:40 How are Hindus viewed today in society? Are there tropes or parallels that linger from the past?
01:20:00 Academia and engagement with Hindus;
01:33:00 Building in America or returning to India?;
01:43:00 Hinduism: a religion or not?;
01:54:325 Final Thoughts and Conclusion;
You can find Vishal Ganesan at:
Twitter: @hindoohistory
Meru Media
Twitter: @themerumedia @raghman36
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