Join Mukunda as he speaks with Sri Rama Ramanuja Achari, also known as Rami Sivan, of www.srimatham.com. Sri Rama Ramanuja Achari is an Acharya of the Sri Vaishanava tradition and one of the first ordained western acharyas of the tradition. He is an scholar of the shastras including Gita, Mahabharata, Nyaya, Vedanta, Mimamsa and the Pancaratra Agamas. In addition to being an acharya and purohita, he is a full time Registered Nurse and works in helping those in need and distressed, he lives the idea of Nara Seva Narayana Seva. In this episode, we discuss a host of topics including:
00:01:10 Brief Introduction and current trends of Hindu weddings
00:06:15 Relationship between Pancaratra and Vedas
00:15:00 What is the reason for having a Vedic system and a different Agama or Pancaratra system? How does varna work into this? What were the historical contexts for this shift?
00:24:35 Dating and Authorship of the Pancaratra Agamas
00:33:30 The elements of Pancaratra Agama and Tantra: Jnana, Acara, Kriya and Yoga
00:38:40 Introduction to the Theology of Pancaratra
00:50:10 Conclusion
You can find Sri Rama Ramanuja Achari at:
Twitter: @SivanRami
Meru Media
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