Escape from Amenos - Quest - The Elder Scrolls Online I must protect her until she completes the final ritual below. Queen Ayrenn must perform the final ritual at Tanzelwil in the ancestral crypts. Daggerfall Covenant Zone Main Story Quests, Elder Scrolls Online vs Skyrim Comparison, Elder Scrolls Online vs Morrowind Comparison. While we work to resolve this, you will need to exit your interaction with Ayreen, and speak with her again. Jester Queen Ayrenn is an Orc impersonating Queen Ayrenn during the Jester's Festival event. Eventually, you will reach a room with two crystals and a barricaded door. Once he is defeated, his body transforms back into its regular form. Follwed the main quest up the point Queen Ayrenn asks you to collect items while looking for High King Emeric. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Norion fights with a maul and lightning magic, as well as summoning spirits to his side, who will denigrate the queen. Grahtwood Quests - The Elder Scrolls Online Guide - IGN To Catch a Magus And Now, Perhaps, Peace 3 Notes Queen Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri, the Unforeseen Queen, is the Queen of Alinor and the leader of the Aldmeri Dominion. Inside the Orrery, she saw a vision of peace. Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done. [2022] Main Quest in High Isle is bugged - Queen Ayrenn not spawning advertisement Other Reaper's March Walkthrough. If you kill theorbs, they will heal you instead.Video Guide:Click here, Daggerfall Covenant Zone Main Story Quests, Elder Scrolls Online vs Skyrim Comparison, Elder Scrolls Online vs Morrowind Comparison. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages. Razum-dar (after . Starfield: Why 30fps Might Make Sense on Console | IGN Performance Preview, Superman: Legacy Officially Has Its Superman and Lois Lane, Diablo 4 Helltide Mystery Chest Locations, Graccus Journal Volume II (on the second floor of the building), Dusty Instrument (near the end of Thibauts Cairn), Pathwalkers Shield, 1 Skill Point, 518 gold, Gravel of the Hallowed, 1 Skill Point, 328 gold, Signet of Sancre Tor, 1 Skill Point, 525 gold, Milk Eyes (if you picked the first option for help in, Yenadars Journal which drops from the boss of Jodes Light, Fire of Shazahs Wisdom, 1 Skill Point, 274 gold, 302 gold, ability to access Eidetic Memory. You tell her the bad news about the other Champion, and she gives you a reward. Online:Escape from Amenos - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages She can be visited first to garner an introduction to the Jester's Festival, and her quest is obtained by visiting her at the festival stage north of Vulkhel Guard. Detailed Walkthrough . Malicious spirits plague this holy shrine and the traitorous Norion lurks somewhere in the shadows. The Harborage. I should follow her. Skywatch, Dune, the haunted ruins (Tanzeweil or whatever); maybe in Greenshade manor or wherever the Silvenar questline ended in Malabal Tor. This page contains walkthrough information for quests found in Greenshade, one of the Locations held by the Aldmeri Dominion in The Elder Scrolls Online. Online:Rites of the Queen - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) We also compare the improvements over the previous showing, enhancements within the engine, and much more. She will begin to pray and the Ancient Spirits will appear and approve of her. Lady Arabelle has a plan for rescuing them. So get ready to blast off in a rocket fuelled Starfield performance preview.Chapters0:00 Introduction0:27 Why might it be 30fps and Deeper into the Creation Engine3:39 PC Specifications and Graphics impact4:25 Testing the older games on Xbox Series X and PC, what can we learn?9:29 What this may mean for Starfield & improvements12:57 The physics, details of Starfield & how it has improved16:18 Closing the question, why might the developers have chosen 30fps on consoles? *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Fit to Rule. She will ask you to spread merriment to grumpy temple-goers, residents of Skywatch, and . King Camoran is excited to see it work since he often snuck into the Orrery to see it spin. She emerges from the Orrery in a blue-green light as herself. Fit to Rule. She is also found at the festival tents in Ebonheart performing on stage with Jester King Emeric and Daggerfall with Jester King Jorunn respectively. In Throne Room at Elden Root by talking to King Camoran (after turning in The Great Tree) Ear of the Queen, 362 gold. To Tanzelwil - The Elder Scrolls Online Guide - IGN Ayrenn | Elder Scrolls | Fandom Online:Queen Ayrenn - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) Frighten the Fearsome. Online:To Dune - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) The Crystal Tower: Ascend the Crystal Tower and put an end to Nocturnal 's machinations. This page will contain walkthrough information for quests found in Reaper's March, one of the lands of Tamriel held by the Aldmeri Dominion . Quest Information We have corroborating evidence that High King Emeric, Queen Ayrenn, and Prince Irnskar may have washed ashore on the prison island of Amenos. It will be your job to escort Ayrenn to the Ancestral Chamber. 2 6 comments Best CyanPancake 6 yr. ago She appears in dozens of locations. The Staff of Magnus. This will take you to Grahtwood) Camoran's Boon, 169 gold. The Queen continues to lead the way. Quest marker directs you to near a beach, just beyond that is a wayshrine..but the Queen is not spawning in this location for me. Queen Ayrenn completed the ritual at Tanzelwil. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Switch Review, The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Review, The Elder Scrolls Online Review - Familiar World, Strange Territory Review, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The Prophet (as soon as you step on the ship from . ; Escort Ayrenn through the passages of Inner Tanzelwil. He is transformed into a huge monster, and the Vestige is forced to kill him. Quest: The Fires of Dune. Community content is available under. Talk to Queen Ayrenn. Online:Jester Queen Ayrenn - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) He will be hostile; kill him, and Ayrenn will perform the rituals. Quests range between levels 24-33. The Lunar Champion says she must walk the Two Moons Path, with your help, in Dune. NORTHERN ELSWEYR. In this IGN Performance preview, we dive into the details shared by the team, the revealed PC minimum and recommended specifications, and how the Creation Engine 2 works, comparing the previous games to gauge some of the potential reasons why the team might have chosen 30fps. So get ready to blast off in a rocket fuelled Starfield performance preview.Chapters0:00 Introduction0:27 Why might it be 30fps and Deeper into the Creation Engine3:39 PC Specifications and Graphics impact4:25 Testing the older games on Xbox Series X and PC, what can we learn?9:29 What this may mean for Starfield & improvements12:57 The physics, details of Starfield & how it has improved16:18 Closing the question, why might the developers have chosen 30fps on consoles? We have corroborating evidence that High King Emeric, Queen Ayrenn, and Prince Irnskar may have washed ashore on the prison island of Amenos. After the crystals are gone, head through the door and continue following Ayrenn through the crypt. First off we're gonna start with Ayrenn, I found 3 locations besides the Skywatch Castle she can be found. The Orrery itself is a large Ayleid ruin with a spinning orb in its main room, where the ceremony takes place. Rites of the Queen is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. The quest will still advance to the next step. Nearby, Battlereeve Urcelmo will have a task for you. The Fires of Dune - The Elder Scrolls Online Guide - IGN Queen Ayrenn and I need to enter the crypts. Legends say it can reveal those worthy of becoming emperor or empress. Greenshade Quests - The Elder Scrolls Online Guide - IGN Throw Mud Ball at Queen Ayrenn (If quest incomplete: Queen Ayrenn is in the Vulkhel Guard Manor & Treasury. Elder Scrolls Online Skyrim Games Community Sign In Register in: Summerset: Quests, TESWiki Featured Articles, Summerset: Main Quests English The Queen's Decree Edit The Queen's Decree Razum-dar at the attack site. He freezes the group in place, but the Vestige uses Rajhin's Mantle to escape. I should speak with her first, to learn more about what we might face. Auridon Quests - The Elder Scrolls Online Guide - IGN I must protect her. She is in the house on the outskirts of the city. Where to Start. Feedback Thread for High Isle Main Quest [SPOILERS] - Elder Scrolls Online The Queen's Decree | Elder Scrolls | Fandom Queen Ayrenn must perform the final ritual at Tanzelwil in the ancestral crypts. Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Level: 42. The Vestige must uncover several plots and help the Queen convince her people. On the way to the Orrery, the Vestige can see Vicereeve Pelidil trying to get into the ceremony, Prince Naemonrefusing to leave andreassuring his sister, and King Aeradan successfully 'sneaking' into the ceremony. At this, Battlereeve Urcelmo will protest: Queen Ayrenn will be waiting for you at the entrance and you will need to talk to her first to get more details about what hazards you may face. Shazah has asked me to meet her at Dune, where we'll prepare to walk the Two Moons Path. Queen Ayrenn | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki I should follow the Queen into the ancestral chambers. Queen Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri of Alinor was a leader of the Aldmeri Dominion in the Second Era. The Vestige needs to use Rajhin's Mantle to be in more than one place at once. Queen Ayrenn may disappear as you are following her through the first or second sections of the interior. The Orrery awakens, which brings stairs up from the ground. With Starfield being the center of the Xbox 2023 Showcase last week, Bethesda gave us a deep dive into one of the biggest games this generation. Travel West from the wayshine to the top of the ruins. 1 Quick Walkthrough 2 Detailed Walkthrough 3 Quest Stages 4 Bugs Travel to Amenos in search of survivors. Dune is northeast of Moonmont. The Orrery of Elden Root is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. Aldmeri Dominion Quests | Elder Scrolls | Fandom After completing the quest, you can hear random Altmer commenting. The Honor of the Queen. The biggest question after the show(s) was: why is it 30fps on Xbox Series X and Series S and not 60fps? Queen Ayrenn (after turning in Sever All Ties) King Camoran's Boon, 169 gold. He will be hostile; kill him, and Ayrenn will perform the rituals. The biggest question after the show(s) was: why is it 30fps on Xbox Series X and Series S and not 60fps? Ayrenn cannot die, but she can be wounded and stop fighting for a short time. Dareneth recalls seeing the Vestige in Southpoint and tells them how to activate the Orrery. I should meet her outside the tombs. Daggerfall Covenant Zone Main Story Quests, Elder Scrolls Online vs Skyrim Comparison, Elder Scrolls Online vs Morrowind Comparison. Lady Arabelle has a plan for rescuing them. The Honor of the Queen. Mud Ball Merriment | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. She will ask you to spread merriment to grumpy temple-goers, residents of Skywatch, and professors of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. The Fires of Dune. After a vicious fight with the Dark Mane at Moonmont, we left Khali behind to hold his essence in place. In this IGN Performance preview, we dive into the details shared by the team, the revealed PC minimum and recommended specifications, and how the Creation Engine 2 works, comparing the previous games to gauge some of the potential reasons why the team might have chosen 30fps. With Starfield being the center of the Xbox 2023 Showcase last week, Bethesda gave us a deep dive into one of the biggest games this generation. In From Firsthold, Auridon to Grahtwood by talking to Queen Ayrenn (after turning in Sever All Ties. Quests range between levels 24-33. This region, also known as Anequina, merged with the southern region of Pellitine several centuries ago to form the province of Elsweyr. Walkthrough: written by Runs-in-Rivers, Talyyn, not checked. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Switch Review, The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Review, The Elder Scrolls Online Review - Familiar World, Strange Territory Review, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Activate the Pillar of Welke with the Heart of Anumaril. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Online:Zone Guide/Summerset - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages During the Mud Ball Merriment, share the joy of mud balls with each Alliance leader. For historical information, see the lore article. The ancestors will bless her rule. **HELP** Can't speak with Queen Ayrenn after Den of Lorkhaj quest - Reddit Once you arrive, talk to Queen Ayrenn to begin an investigation on an attack on the city. We also compare the improvements over the previous showing, enhancements within the engine, and much more. Head in and follow the Queen; you will be set upon by several waves of evil spirits as you progress. Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty. Location 2 is in Marbruk, Greenshade. Starfield: Why 30fps Might Make Sense on Console | IGN Performance Preview, Superman: Legacy Officially Has Its Superman and Lois Lane, Diablo 4 Helltide Mystery Chest Locations, Sheogoraths Choice, 1 Skill Point, 354 gold, Ukaezais Scalpel, 1 Skill Point, 226 gold, Signet of the Worm, 1 Skill Point, 370 gold, Jade Generals Helm, 1 Skill Point, 392 gold. ESO High Isle Spoiler : r/elderscrollsonline - Reddit If Queen Ayrenn is to prove herself worthy of leading the Aldmeri Dominion to glory, she must complete the ratification ceremony in the Orrery of Elden Root. The traitor Norion appeared and attacked the Queen! Below is a list of quests available in the Grahtwood area. A Necessary Alliance: Figure out a way to get into the Crystal Tower with the help of Clavicus Vile and Mephala. In this IGN Performance preview, we dive into the details shared by the team, the revealed PC minimum and recommended specifications, and how the Creation Engine 2 works, comparing the previous games to gauge some of the potential reasons why the team might have chosen 30fps. I followed Queen Ayrenn into the ancient chambers. The quest step to destroy the Guardian Crystal may autocomplete itself (or not trigger at all) without you ever getting near the crystal if you take too long or get too far away from Queen Ayrenn while on the preceding step. Daggerfall Covenant Zone Main Story Quests, Elder Scrolls Online vs Skyrim Comparison, Elder Scrolls Online vs Morrowind Comparison. It's a patchwork that united many former small kingdoms, including Rimmen, Orcrest, Riverhold, and Meirvale. Starfield: Why 30fps Might Make Sense on Console | IGN Performance Preview, Superman: Legacy Officially Has Its Superman and Lois Lane, Diablo 4 Helltide Mystery Chest Locations, Tharn Family Ring, 1 skillpoint, 408 gold, Sargassos Curse, 1 Skill Point, 219 gold, Major Cirenwe (after turning in Pelidil's End), Gauntlets of the Forest Protector, 219 gold, Defender of the Valenheart, 1 Skill Point, 454 gold, Jewel of the Duchess, 1 skillpoint, 446 gold. Where to Start. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In order to open the first door, Queen Ayrenn destroys the dark crystal by the door, while you destroy the guardian crystal to the east (see bugs). Malicious spirits plague this holy shrine and the traitorous Norion lurks somewhere in the shadows. For picture purposes. The Aldmeri Dominion main questline. Elsweyr Grand Adventurer. Now she can complete her ritual. After assisting with the other rituals in Tanzelwil, Queen Ayrenn will need to complete final ritual but you will volunteer to accompany her. The initial one is Vulkhel Guard I believe, and then it keeps changing when you progress through the questline. Grahtwood Quests | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki Quick Walkthrough []. Head in and you will find Norion there. This quest begins by talking to Meleras in the Elden Root Throne Room. The Vestige helps Queen Ayrenn complete a Bosmer rarification ceremony to prove she will be a great ruler. Defeat the traitor. Please . Prince Naemon dismisses the Orrery, calling it a heap of moss and rubble. Quests range between levels 5-15. She. The Upper Crust Achievement Guide : r/elderscrollsonline - Reddit The biggest question after the show(s) was: why is it 30fps on Xbox Series X and Series S and not 60fps? Once you arrive, talk to Queen Ayrenn to begin an investigation on an attack on the city. Quest Name. The second quest begins when you finish the first one (they are the equivalence of the Vulkhel Guard/early Queen Ayrenn quests). Enter the Orrery Talk to Conservator Daraneth Use Rajhin's Mantle on the Pillars x2 Talk to Conservator Daraneth Activate the Pillar of Welke with the Heart of Anumaril Watch the Orrery Use Rajhin's Mantle to Free . ; Watch the final ritual. can't find queen ayrenn Elder Scrolls Online As Norion is likely inside, it is probable that he will send many spirits against you. However, a mage warned Dareneth not to let anyone keep the mantle on for too longone wearer went insane. In the Aldmeri Dominion, the theme is assisting Ayrenn and defeating the Sea Viper invasion. Questgiver: Queen Ayrenn. So get ready to blast off in a rocket fuelled Starfield performance preview.Chapters0:00 Introduction0:27 Why might it be 30fps and Deeper into the Creation Engine3:39 PC Specifications and Graphics impact4:25 Testing the older games on Xbox Series X and PC, what can we learn?9:29 What this may mean for Starfield & improvements12:57 The physics, details of Starfield & how it has improved16:18 Closing the question, why might the developers have chosen 30fps on consoles? Talk to Queen Ayrenn. Daggerfall: Redguard starting quests? :: The Elder Scrolls Online English Queen Ayrenn (Online) | Elder Scrolls | Fandom The Orrery of Elden Root is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online. We also compare the improvements over the previous showing, enhancements within the engine, and much more. 1 Overview 2 Main Quests 3 Miscellaneous Quests 4 Appearances Overview Tensions between the Maormer and the Summerset Isles are high, and many Altmer question Queen Ayrenn's right to rule. The Queen and I discovered a set of crystals blocking one of the doors. Finally new dialog with my beautiful queen Ayrenn, she's been away for way too long also LOVE that outfit, seriously didn't recognize her until I saw the comments. Dinovader97 6 yr. ago Omg my dreams has come true. After the crystals are gone, head through the door and continue following Ayrenn through the crypt. When you confront him, he will shout at Ayrenn: Inside the Ancestral Chamber, you help Queen Ayrenn defeat Norion. The Vestige activates the pillars behind the Orrery while thinking they will "never be held in place", the key thing to remember when wearing the mantle. She thanks you and gives you your reward. Note: To . Dareneth is directly across from the orb, on the stairs when the Vestige goes to meet her. We also compare the improvements over the previous showing, enhancements within the engine, and much more. Queen Ayrenn location? : r/elderscrollsonline - Reddit Tensions between the Maormer and the Summerset Isles are high, and many Altmer question Queen Ayrenn's right to rule. The Queen, her brother and King Camoran enter the Orrery's main room while the Vestige does so. I have tried the following with no luck: She will head to the entrance; speak with her again there and she will warn you that Advisor Norion is most likely inside. The biggest question after the show(s) was: why is it 30fps on Xbox Series X and Series S and not 60fps? If quest completed: Queen Ayrenn is at Skywatch Manor in Skywatch, Auridon) Detailed Walkthrough [] Accompanying the Queen []. Queen Ayrenn, full name Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri and also known as the Unforeseen Queen , is the Altmer leader of the Aldmeri Dominion and High Queen of the Summerset Isles [1] during the Three Banners War . Quests range between levels 16-23. He has a lot of Area of Effect attacks, so dodge them. With Starfield being the center of the Xbox 2023 Showcase last week, Bethesda gave us a deep dive into one of the biggest games this generation. At a mere 28 years old, Queen Ayrenn is young, especially for an Altmer. After this, head outside and speak with Ayrenn there to finish the quest. After he is slain, Queen Ayrenn will walk up to the altar to complete the last ritual. We made it to the final chamber. Starfield: Why 30fps Might Make Sense on Console | IGN Performance Preview, Superman: Legacy Officially Has Its Superman and Lois Lane, Diablo 4 Helltide Mystery Chest Locations. Rewards. For more quests involving Coldharbour and the other factions, see Quests. Escape from Amenos | Elder Scrolls Online Wiki The Vestige helps Queen Ayrenn complete a Bosmer rarification ceremony to prove she will be a great ruler. With Starfield being the center of the Xbox 2023 Showcase last week, Bethesda gave us a deep dive into one of the biggest games this generation. Quest Giver Calibar Razum-dar Location Ceporah Tower Coral Forest Keep of the Eleven Forces Shimmerene Region Summerset Artaeum Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Your task is to destroy the eastern one while Ayrenn destroys the one in the west. So get ready to blast off in a rocket fuelled Starfield performance preview.Chapters0:00 Introduction0:27 Why might it be 30fps and Deeper into the Creation Engine3:39 PC Specifications and Graphics impact4:25 Testing the older games on Xbox Series X and PC, what can we learn?9:29 What this may mean for Starfield & improvements12:57 The physics, details of Starfield & how it has improved16:18 Closing the question, why might the developers have chosen 30fps on consoles? Queen Ayrenn location? Head in and you will find Norion there. She is in the house on the outskirts of the city. Lore:Ayrenn - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done. For some reason, the quest marker pointed back to where I left her and she wasn't there. Starfield: Why 30fps Might Make Sense on Console | IGN Performance Preview, Superman: Legacy Officially Has Its Superman and Lois Lane, Diablo 4 Helltide Mystery Chest Locations, The Prophet (as soon as you step on the ship from Khenarthi's Roost, Prophet's Recollection, 1 skillpoint, 146 gold, Aicessar in Fighters Guild, Vulkhel Guard, Guildmaster Sees-All-Colors (after turning in, Blood Journal inside Dels Claim mini dungeon, Eaglebanner Longbow, 1 skillpoint, 114 gold, Battered Bear Trap, 152 gold(The Toothmaul Ploy) & 152 gold (Well Armed Savages), Titanborn Family Signet, 260 gold, 1 Skill Point, Royal Guard at the Skywatch entrance (after turning in, Palomir in Barbed Hook Tavern (after turning in, Alandare on The Veiled Isle (after turning in, Queensguard Chestplate, 1 Skill Point, 138 gold, Skywatch entrance (after turning in The Veil Falls), Captain Landare (after turning in To Dawnbreak), Estres Dreadstaff, 210 gold, 1 Skill Point, Aldmions Amulet, 1 skill point, 336 gold. We must enter the chamber and face whatever awaits the Queen. She leads the Dominion from its capital city of Elden Root. I am stuck on the same quest but I made it all the way to rescue King Emeric And back out to meet Caska and Queen Ayrenn It is telling me to talk to king Emeric I can go all the way through his dialogue but it never takes like it thinks I didn't do it it just keeps telling me to talk to him crazyeyesbtb 1 yr. ago I have this issue. Queen Ayrenn Queen Ayrenn is intelligent and honorable, with a genuine humility rarely seen among her people but she is also a decisive leader with a stubborn streak. She's in the Queen's Residence right next to the wayshrine. At the Daggerfall Event stage, she is performing with Jester King Jorunn: At the Daggerfall Event stage, she is performing with Jester King Emeric: Quest: The Fires of DuneQuestgiver: Queen AyrennLevel: 42Location: Dune (after turning in To Dune)Reward: Deserts Jewel Cowl, 540 goldNote:To kill the Harvester, destroy the orbs that they spawn,These orbs heal the Harvester to full. Mustangnut001 6 yr. ago If you finished the main quest line and you are doing the Silver or Gold lines now you will get this response. * Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., Location 1 is in Auridon, at Tanzelwil. Location of Queen Ayrenn - Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) - YouTube Daggerfall Covenant Zone Main Story Quests, Elder Scrolls Online vs Skyrim Comparison, Elder Scrolls Online vs Morrowind Comparison. Related Quests A Hostile Situation: Bring a traitor to justice. The Vestige needs to go to the Orrery and speak to Daraneth before the ritual can begin. In this IGN Performance preview, we dive into the details shared by the team, the revealed PC minimum and recommended specifications, and how the Creation Engine 2 works, comparing the previous games to gauge some of the potential reasons why the team might have chosen 30fps. She was born on the 5th of Second Seed in 2E 555 to her father King Hidellith and her mother Kinlady Tuinden, and all of the Summerset Isle reportedly celebrated for fifty-five days. Like in a castle or something? We'll each need to destroy one before we can enter the holy site. The biggest question after the show(s) was: why is it 30fps on Xbox Series X and Series S and not 60fps?