Detective Jake Beu was killed in a vehicle crash on Armstrong Valley Road in Murfreesboro. LifeFlight helicopter arrives to fly a patient to Vanderbilt University Medical Center after a crash Friday on Snail Shell Cave Road. Good supervision is few and far between. He served as a patrol sergeant, lieutenant and captain. Criminal Warrants Division. Rutherford County Sheriffs Office operates under a strict budget approved by the Rutherford County Mayor and County Commission. Rutherford County Sheriff's Office and Adult Detention Center 940 New Salem Highway Murfreesboro, TN 37129. As the previous major, Spence supervised the Patrol Division, Criminal and Civil Warrants, the Criminal Investigations Division, School Resource Officers, and Judicial Services. The current rank structure used by the sheriff's office had been in effect since January 2023. The RCSO currently employs 178 sworn law enforcement officers and 135 Detention Officers as Deputy Sheriffs. and Charles Omotunde Taiwo, 39, of Murfreesboro. Officials say the suspect vehicle is described as a black 2006-2016 . The Rutherford County Adult Detention Center / Rutherford County Sheriffs Office, located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is a law enforcement agency that promotes public safety in Rutherford County through public policing and the management of county jails and inmates. Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh said "Det. Accessible hours are 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Content subject. Share this page on your favorite Social network, each and every county the applicant has resided for the past 10 years. Inmate Phone AccountList of Phone Numbers Inmate CommissaryHire an Off Duty DeputyWarrants & RecordsInmate Video VisitationSubmit a TipJail MailCrime MapMonthly Crime MapCareersFAQ, Lobby Hours: 8:00AM to 10PM *A Notary Public is available at the Sheriff's Office to notarize your application packet at no charge, if needed. A non-refundable processing fee is required. School Safety:'If kids aren't safe, they don't learn': School resource officer staffing remains top priority. He rose through the ranks as detective sergeant, patrol lieutenant and detective captain until becoming a major in June 2022. He joined Smyrna Police Department as a patrol officer in 1990, later promoted to detective, the working his way up to Captain of the Special Services Division. On May 21, 2015, Sheriff Arnold and two others were the target of an FBI and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation raid related to a probe into financial and purchasing irregularities. Communications deputies receiving 911 and emergency calls and dispatching deputies to those calls. I was just happy he was safe. Judicial Services deputies guarding the courts. <a href="">Your Link Name</a> FBI currently investigating campaign unaccounted contributions to Republican Party in Tennessee. Any falsification of the information within this application will result in the refusal of this application for a concealed handgun permit. Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh. (615) 893-2624. The RCSO is responsible for patrolling the 626-square miles of the County and its 250,000+ residents. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Sheriff's Office - Public Information Officer. "I'm a culture changer," said Henderson adding he is a team builder and very inclusive. " [4] Rutherford County residents Steve Lane, Joe Liggett and Jacob Bogle have been seeking an ouster lawsuit since April 2015. It is crucial to provide the reporting deputy with complete identification information on any suspects. This office manages a $42 million annual budget for both the Sheriffs Office and the Adult Detention Center. Judge Barry Tidwell Judge James A. Turner Circuit Criminal Court handles all felony and misdemeanor cases presented to the Grand Jury. Inmate Phone AccountList of Phone Numbers Inmate CommissaryHire an Off Duty DeputyWarrants & RecordsInmate Video VisitationSubmit a TipJail MailCrime MapMonthly Crime MapCareersFAQ, Lobby Hours: 8:00AM to 10PM 4,525 Followers. The Information Center is the hub of the department, providing assistance to citizens, handling incoming phone calls, ordering for central supply, distributing departmental mail and administering other departmental duties. Previous coverage:'He needs to go': Smyrna High student, mother challenge SRO's vulgar remarks. The reports are submitted to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the FBI. The Accounting Department performs all duties associated with accounts payable and accounts receivable including verifying and processing purchase orders and all invoices and monitoring expenditures to stay within the budget. KENNEDY RICE, OF ELLENBORO WAS ARRESTED FOR POSS OF STOLEN GOODS AND DIVERTING UTILITY USE. I am proud of our deputies and their dedication to making Rutherford County a safe and welcoming county for you and your families. About 1,500 to 2,000 reports are received and entered into the system each month. Rutherford County Department's and Important Phone Numbers: All Numbers are Area Code (828) SHERIFF'S OFFICE MAIN NUMBER: 287-6247: SHERIFF'S OFFICE FAX: 287-6196: BURGLARY DIVISION. Please, wait to sign all documents if you use Sheriff's Office notary. The Administration Division includes Accounting, Human Resources and the Information Center. [8] No evidence of mud slinging exists for the two Rutherford County sheriff's candidates . Fleet maintenance deputies keeping the vehicles running. Mailing Information: Rutherford County Sheriff's Office 198 North Washington Street Rutherfordton, North Carolina 28139 Sign up for Alerts from the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office and other public safety agencies in your area with Nixle.. RUTHERFORD COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) Five young kittens have found new homes after a Rutherford County deputy, with some help from inmate workers, rescued them . Deputy Chief Henderson is a 25-year veteran. He remained in the Army National Guard. The sheriff's office . This page is not available in other languages. Jacob Arthur Beu. He served as a patrol sergeant, lieutenant and captain. But the good ones look out for their employees. It is my vision to maintain and expand the rapport with the other public safety agencies and to continue to grow in my career as a serving within public safety.". According to officials . If the form was not received at the scene of accident, please click here. Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh was elected as Rutherford County Sheriff in September, 2018. He supervised about 400 employees at two corrections facilities. A Certified Criminal History report must be obtained from the Clerk of Court in each and every county the applicant has resided for the past 10 years. Required fields are marked *. He earned the Rutherford County Crime Stoppers Officer of the Year. These reports are used for statistics and investigative reasons. The Medicine Drop Box is located in the lobby of the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office at. Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh was elected as Rutherford County Sheriff in September, 2018. He enjoys reading and lake activities. This page is not available in other languages. Information about the Sheriffs Office may be located on the Rutherford County, Tennessee Web site, Facebook at Rutherford County Sheriffs Office and Twitter at RCTNSheriff. Audrie Warren, Admissions Director [email protected] Mary Byers, Director of Nursing [email protected] David Zack, Administrator [email protected] The developer provided this information and may update it over time. Captain Chris Lovelace, County Schools Investigator, Captain Jamie Keever, Detention Center (and Professional Standards), Sergeant Wilmer Chavez Perez, Patrol Crew D, Sergeant A. Greenway, School Resource Officers, This page was last edited on 22 May 2023, at 18:16. Phone Numbers Information: (615) 898-7777 Emergency: 911 Community Services: (615) 904-3019 Narcotics: (615) 895-3609 Public Information: (615) 904-3089 He strives to get the best out of the staff. Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue 8, 2023 at 5:54 . We welcome your input. 198 N. Washington Street, Rutherfordton. Copyright 2023 WSMV. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. yesterday at 8:28 PM. I am proud of our deputies and their dedication to making Rutherford County a safe and welcoming county for you and your families. App activity and App info and performance, . Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh was elected as Rutherford County Sheriff in September, 2018. 901 E County Farm Road Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Murfreesboro, TN 37130. [16][17], After receiving unofficial final election night results from all county precincts, Aaron Ellenburg is the winner of the general election being more than 11,000 votes ahead of Jason Wease and more than 13,000 votes ahead of Tony Roberson. [6], Divisions and units of the Sheriff's Office.[7]. Murfreesboro, TN 37130. The Public Information Officer handles questions from citizens and the media about the Rutherford County Sheriffs Office and Adult Detention Center. Murfreesboro, TN Joined May 2014. 151 Following. The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office (RCSO) is the primary law enforcement agency in Rutherford County, Tennessee. He was promoted to detective four years later. ARRESTS. The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office is asking the public for help identifying suspects caught on camera during a larceny. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - A Rutherford County deputy saved an autistic man running on Interstate 840 late at night, according to the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office. If applying for Rutherford County 911 Communications, . Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh was elected as Rutherford County Sheriff in September, 2018. Before the primary election in May 2022, Tony Roberson registered to run unaffiliated,[11] and Chris Francis had dropped out of the race after successfully being elected three times. He also served as the Rutherford County Chairman for Homeland Security District 5. Applications will not be accepted if any of the above information and/or copies are missing. The purpose of this site is to provide Rutherford County residents. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - A Rutherford County deputy saved an autistic man running on Interstate 840 late at night, according to the Rutherford County Sheriffs Office. He was the Special Weapons and Tactics Team commander and one of the original members when the SWAT team was established. If . Fitzhugh started out his career at BellSouth where he rose in the ranks to serve as manager of marketing, corporate and community affairs, personnel and business marketing. Applications will not be accepted if any of the above information and/or copies are missing.Return application in person or mail to:Rutherford County Sheriffs Office198 N. Washington StreetRutherfordton, NC 28139. Rutherford County Sheriff's Office Kitten Rescue. His responsibilities include direct command of the Communications Division and the Information Technology Division. Inmate Phone AccountList of Phone Numbers Inmate CommissaryHire an Off Duty DeputyWarrants & RecordsInmate Video VisitationSubmit a TipJail MailCrime MapMonthly Crime MapCareersFAQ, Lobby Hours: 8:00AM to 10PM Deputies providing community services such as the Senior Citizens Awareness Network, a volunteer program to care for senior citizens, and the Sheriffs Citizens Academy for residents who wish to know more about our operations. Timmy Lee Green invented the Angle Degree Indicator. Both pled guilty to 3 Felony counts with maximum prison terms of 20 years. He has risen through the ranks and served in several assignments including detention, patrol, and training. He served in the Iraq war during six years of active duty, four years with the U.S. Navy and two years with the Air National Guard. Two Rutherford County Adult Detention Center inmates died at Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital this weekend, the sheriff's office confirmed. At Gray, our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve. This document must be completed and sent to the Tennessee Department of Safety Homeland Security within 20 days of the crash. "Michael Fitzhugh takes oath of office as interim sheriff", "Sheriff's office, 3 homes investigated by TBI, FBI in Rutherford County", "Rutherford sheriff, 2 others indicted on federal charges", "Residents seek ouster suit against Sheriff Arnold", "Rutherford Sheriff Robert Arnold, Russell to plead not guilty", "Jailed Sheriff Robert Arnold's civil suit trial set for April", "Rutherford County sheriff pleads guilty to fraud, extortion",, Rutherford County Sheriff's Office jurisdiction, This page was last edited on 30 April 2023, at 16:17. 615-904-3089 or email at Tweets. Call 615-898-7777 for help. HE WAS GIVEN A SECURED BOND OF $500. [6] Arnold was suspended without pay on November 14, 2016. Non-Emergency: (615) 898-7777. The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office is responsible for patrolling the towns and unincorporated areas of Rutherford County, North Carolina, operating the Detention Center, transporting inmates, securing the court house, executing warrants, serving civil papers, and ensuring public safety. For records information: (615) 898-7877 For emailed incident reports: Civil Warrants Division. *A Notary Public is available at the Sheriffs Office to notarize your application packet at no charge, if needed. The Warrants Division conducts a local check of records including booking, criminal warrants, citations and expartes and orders of protection and provides the dispositions from the courts of all records found in the county. Non-Emergency: (615) 898-7777. He joined the Sheriff's Office in 1994 as a patrol officer and soon trained new deputies. Five kittens found abandoned outside Rutherford County Sheriff's Office. Circuit Criminal Court COVID19 Update Posted 5/28/2020 Building Access will remain limited until further notice of the Courts. "During my tenure, we became a fiscally solid system. [1] Additionally, the Rutherford County Sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer of the county. Pay is SAD, appreciation non-existent. He recently retired as chief of security with the Division of Corrections. Fitzhugh's office on Wednesday also reported 17 employees with COVID-19, including five detention deputies out of a workforce of 572. . Tennessee AG files motion for emergency stay to overturn transgender health injunction, Preventing an A/C break down in extreme heat, Motorcyclist seriously hurt in crash in Murfreesboro, THP investigating deadly crash in Wilson County, Public File: - 615-353-2260. All records including criminal warrants and orders of protection can be obtained by calling the division on (615) 898-7877 or sending a completed Public Information Release Request Form to 7, 2023 at 5:20 PM CDT | Updated : May. The RCSO currently employs 178 sworn law enforcement officers and 135 Detention Officers as Deputy Sheriffs. The Administration Division includes Accounting, Human Resources and the Information Center. Citizens may contact PIO Lisa Marchesoni at 615-904-3089. He rose through the ranks to be captain. He joined the Sheriffs Office in 1994 as a patrol officer and soon trained new deputies. He has previously served as a Major and Director of the Information Services Division at the Sheriff's Office, as Assistant Chief of Police at La Vergne Police Department, then returned to the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office as Deputy Chief. This office serves as the keeper of all Circuit Criminal Court Records and collection of costs. Citizens may contact PIO Lisa Marchesoni at 615-904-3089. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Sheriff's Office - Warrants and Records Division. 29 Jun 2023 15:33:07 287-6346/287-6303/287-6341/ 287-6340: The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office was founded in 1804 and Samuel McBride was elected the first sheriff. The records are certified. The up to nearly 20% boost to employee pay will be for sheriff's law enforcement deputies, dispatchers, and detention officers at the jail, Correctional Work Center and Juvenile Detention Center. Non-Emergency: (615) 898-7777. I hope the site will allow you to gain information about our operations with 500 employees who serve you anytime, night or day. The USDSA sent a . Murfreesboro, TN 37130. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Sheriff's Office - Administration Division. Media. Non-Emergency: (615) 898-7777. The race for sheriff began crowded with five people running for office; incumbent Chris Francis (R), Anthony 'Tony' Roberson (R), James 'Aaron' Ellenburg (R), Steve 'Theo' Theodoropoulos (R), and Jason Wease (D). TIMMY SMITH, OF MARION WAS ARRESTED FOR POSS MARIJ UP TO 1/2. He could have been hit by a car.. Statistical crime in the county may be found by going to clicking on Crime Statistics. Published: Jun. Home Departments Sheriff Sheriff'sOfficeEmployment. He is a member of First Baptist Church in Murfreesboro. November 14, 2012, wrongful arrest conducted by Rutherford County Sheriff's Office as a favor for the patent thief, Ward W. Brien at Sniper Tools Design Company, Estes Park, Colorado. ALEXANDRA RAY, OF RUTHERFORDTON REPORTED LARCENY. County Courthouse Suite 105 Comment. Reed completed the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety School of Staff and Command and the FBI LEEDA Leadership Trilogy of Supervisor Leadership Institute, Executive Leadership Institute and Command Leadership Institute. "If you don't like it, you can always quit" has been said to me and my co-workers many times. He and his wife, Janice, have six children and 16 grandchildren. The Rutherford County Sheriffs Department / Rutherford County Jail, located in Rutherfordton, North Carolina, is a law enforcement agency that promotes public safety in Rutherford County through public policing and the management of county jails and inmates. He served as a patrol sergeant, lieutenant and captain. "I endeavor to help the Sheriff's Office continue to progress," Lowery said. He earned the Rutherford County Crime Stoppers' Officer of the Year and was awarded the Noon Exchange Club Officer of the Year. Administration deputies who handle human resources and business. Chief Lowery has also received honors as Smyrna Police Department's Officer of the Year, and APCO IT Technician of the Year. Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue [5] Sheriff Arnold and Deputy Russell have plead not guilty and Arnold stated he intends to stay in office. "The Office of Sheriff in North Carolina", "Sheriff Chris Francis will not seek re-election", "Rutherford County's Youngest Sheriff A Dream Realized", "Pay for law and order: WNC salaries for sheriffs and registers of deeds", "Detention officers recognized for "heroic lifesaving actions" during overdose situation", "Nazelrod receives advanced professional certificate", "Rutherford deputies ask for help identifying suspect in ATM break-in", "Sheriff's candidate Roberson will bypass primary", "Ellenburg's maiden campaign nets GOP nomination",, "ELECTION RESULTS: Voters decide 2022 NC Primary", "Aaron Ellenburg (Rutherford County Sheriff, North Carolina, candidate 2022)",, "11/08/2022 UNOFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS - RUTHERFORD", "Voters choose Ellenburg in 3 candidate race",, 198 N Washington Street, Rutherfordton, North Carolina 28139. Inmate Phone AccountList of Phone Numbers Inmate CommissaryHire an Off Duty DeputyWarrants & RecordsInmate Video VisitationSubmit a TipJail MailCrime MapMonthly Crime MapCareersFAQ, Lobby Hours: 8:00AM to 10PM Captain Roy Huskey, Trooper Robert Peterson, and Deputy Sheriff Millard Messersmith were shot and killed after responding to a domestic dispute between a man and his teenager daughter in Rutherford County. The Sheriffs Office does not provide employment background checks. He joined the Sheriffs Office in 1994 as a patrol officer and soon trained new deputies. He supervised the communications, records and warrants divisions. November 29, 2019 The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office is. Assists the Sheriff and Chief Deputy in supervising the divisions, completing administrative duties. He is a graduate of Central High School in Murfreesboro. Department Name First Name Last Name Profession Email Phone; Sheriffs Office: Aaron: Ellenburg: Sheriff: (828)-287-6247 119 West College Street, Murfreesboro TN, 37130. We answer questions, but not 24/7. School resource officers protecting children, teachers and staff at school. The Rutherford County Sheriff App allows residents to connect with the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office by reporting crimes, submitting tips, and other interactive features, as well as providing the . He served 30 years at the Shelby County Sheriff's Office and Division of Corrections. [1] Additionally, the Rutherford County Sheriff is the . Keep a copy for your records. 303 N Church Street Suite 200 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Office: (615) 494-4480 Fax: (615) 907-5699 Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm The Human Resources Department manages day-to day operations such as employment, personnel records, payroll, employee benefits, employee health and maintenance of Personnel Policies and Procedures for the Sheriffs Office. County Courthouse Suite 105 I hope the site will allow you to gain information about our operations with 500 employees who serve you anytime, night or day. The sheriffs office said Oeser learned the man was autistic and almost non-verbal. [3][4][5] In 2016, the sheriff's salary was set at $82,555. He supervised the communications, records and warrants divisions. In patrol, we see a lot of bad situations. Monday - Friday. West, the last of the five original SROs, is . He completed specialized training in crimes against children, homicide and fire investigations, SWAT leadership, tactical operations and FBI LEEDA Supervisor Liability and Terrorism. Rx and over the counter medicine accepted. Drivers involved in the crash should receive the Owner/Driver Report. He earned his bachelor's degree in criminal justice administration and his master's degree in criminal justice at MTSU. "I want to move people in a common direction, to assist in completing projects and to undertake any unforeseen challenges. He is survived by his mother, father, two brothers, and girlfriend. RCTNSheriff's Tweets. Fitzhugh volunteered at the Rutherford County Rescue Squad and served as the director for four years. I am a stickler for order and I like for things to be done right.". The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office investigated the incident after the student's mother, Yesenia Cruz, complained publicly. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue Narcotics detectives battling drug crimes. Incident reports are written about most complaints or when people call the Sheriffs Office. This form does not require insurance information. He earned his Bachelor of Science Degree from Middle Tennessee State University. Rutherford County Sheriff's Office detective dies in traffic crash on duty Detective Jacob Beu was a veteran sheriff's office deputy, served as a member of the SWAT Team and served as a U.S. Marine. Chief Lowery is a graduate of Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command, and Oakland High School. He started running across the westbound lanes, Bennett said. For residents who have lived only in Tennessee may contact the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation at Jessica Renee Blackwell is the victim. The sheriffs office said patrol deputy Michael Bennett drove onto I-840 and saw a young man walking on the westbound lanes heading eastbound at about 1 a.m. on June 6. For emailed incident Non-Emergency: (615) 898-7777, For records information: (615) 898-7877 [3] His ownership and business interests in JailCigs was also being looked at for potential conflicts of interest by examiners from the Tennessee Comptroller's office. The sheriffs office said Bennett found the young man to be happy-go-lucky but unable to communicate well. Serves as a school resource officer or supervisor in a unit. Deputy Sheriff (Current Employee) - 940 New Salem - May 28, 2022. The RCSO is responsible for patrolling the 626-square miles of the County and its 250,000+ residents. Now the department is one of five across the country with new cri He supervises the Deputy Chiefs who command the Criminal Investigations, Patrol, Special Enforcement Bureau, Detention, School Resource Officers, Administration, Evidence, Maintenance, Fleet, Warrants and Records, Community Services, and the Judicial/Court Security Divisions. This office handles traffic tickets from the Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) and the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office (RCSO). Requests for arrest records and police reports are processed by the Warrants & Records Division of the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office. He earned his Bachelor of Science Degree from Middle Tennessee State University. The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office was the first in Tennessee to implement the school resource officers program in 1993 at Riverdale, Oakland and La Vergne high schools and Central Middle and Smyrna middle schools. Content on this page maintained by the Rutherford County Office of Information TechnologyReport a Website Error or Issue Bennett initiated his blue lights and turned around to check on the man. Traffic Crash Reports. County Courthouse Suite 105 Inmate Phone AccountList of Phone Numbers Inmate CommissaryHire an Off Duty DeputyWarrants & RecordsInmate Video VisitationSubmit a TipJail MailCrime MapMonthly Crime MapCareersFAQ, Lobby Hours: 8:00AM to 10PM He served as a patrol sergeant, lieutenant and captain. . View larger map. The Rutherford County Sheriff App allows residents to connect with the Rutherford County Sheriffs Office by reporting crimes, submitting tips, and other interactive features, as well as providing the community the latest public safety news and information. You must completely and accurately fill-out this application to be considered for a permit. In a third case, Ashley McKinzie, 37, of Murfreesboro, was brought into booking waiting to be processed when she suffered an apparent overdose. For media requests, including booking mug shots, please email Marchesoni at Warrants deputies arresting people accused of committing crimes and serving civil and court-ordered documents. Deputy Chief Steve Spence is a 34-year law enforcement veteran who joined the Rutherford County Sheriff's office in 1987. It is most certain that had it not been for the quick and professional actions of Deputy Bennett the outcome of this crisis would have had a much different ending, Patrol Lt. Oeser said. As chief of security, Henderson handled security issues for inmates, staff, maintenance, meal service and transportation. When the 911 Communications Center was part of the Sheriff's Office, the assistant director held the rank of first sergeant. It is most certain that had it not been for the quick and professional actions of Deputy Bennett the outcome of this crisis would have had a much different ending, Oeser said. Jacob Beu who died in a traffic crash Sunday. Updated: Jun 28, 2023 / 05:21 PM CDT. Deputy Chief Britt Reed supervises the law enforcement divisions of the Sheriff's Office including patrol, criminal investigations, school resource officers, judicial services and civil and criminal warrants.