The terms of this licence are important, and if you fail to comply with any of them, the rights granted to you under this licence,
Grey Road (at Highbury), 300 Block West Georgia Street (Library Square), 1529 West Pender Street (formerly 300 Cardero Street), 3400-3600 Vanness, Foster and Euclid Streets, 800 Beatty Street (Repealed on July 20, 2001), 2124-30 Burrard Street and 1798 West 5th Avenue, 1575-1577 West Georgia Street (Repealed on July 26, 2016), 3438 Vanness Avenue & 5104-56 Joyce Street, 711 West Broadway and 700 West 8th Avenue, 1101 Waterfront Road (formerly 1199 W Cordova Street), 2176 West 10th Avenue, 2179 West 11th Avenue and 2625-27 Arbutus Street, 1001 Hornby Street, 1050 & 1088 Burrard Street, 4186 West 4th Avenue & 4125 West 8th Avenue, 600 Granville Street & 602 Dunsmuir Street, 1402-1436 Kingsway and 4050 Knight Street, 3837 Point Grey Road (Jericho Tennis Club), 745-749 West 42nd Avenue and 5816-5818 Tisdall Street, 898 Seymour Street and 887-897 Richards Street, 969 Burrard Street and 1019-1045 Nelson Street, 2950 Celtic Avenue (2900, 3000 and 3100 blocks of Celtic Avenue), Hillcrest Park and Nat Bailey Stadium Park, 111 and 141 West Hastings Street, 351 Abbott Street and 128 West Cordova Street, 5455 Fraser Street (Mountain View Cemetery), 6111-6161 Oak Street and 1007 West 46th Avenue, 5475 Dunbar Street and 3625-3641 West 39th Avenue, 3238 Granville Street and 1402 McRae Avenue, 2330-2372 Kingsway and 2319 East 30th Ave, 1201-1215 Bidwell Street and 1702-1726 Davie Street, 1601 Main Street (1618 Quebec Street) (formerly
Each corner of the intersection (including City Hall) is now recorded in Vancouvers Heritage Registry. As we pass 8th and approach 7th & Yukon, our stop six, we get a better view of the Commercial Industrial (E) split. of moving them to HTML5 to provide an improved user experience and device independence. On the left (S) side of the block, all of the normal-sized lots between Yukon and Cambie are actually owned by the City! General Information:
This map covers the Western portion of the District of North Vancouver. On June 22, Vancouver City Council approved the Broadway Plan. Here Ill just return to our guide map to point out that were about to head North to Broadway, crossing definitively into the C-3A Commercial zone, and setting us off to our next stop! This plan has been shaped by thousands of people who live, work, play and learn within the area and across the city and region. 2218-2256
Anything beyond that (like, say, a small apartment building) is verboten. If you would like to read the engagement summary, please click here. We hope that you continue to stay engaged in our process. or any similar licence granted by the Information Provider, will end automatically. Much of our existing Social Housing stock is similarly modest in size and serving specialized groups, like seniors and families with children. They have been developed in adherence toUBC Brandstandards. Heres what the route looks like mapped out on Google Maps, which is where anyone can follow along virtually. Raster data (such as orthophotos and LiDAR) for the UBC Vancouver Campus can be found through UBC Library's Abacus Data Network. Metro Vancouver Zoning Maps Available or in Progress through the project. This licence does not grant you any right to use the Information in a way that suggests any official status or that the Information Provider endorses
One of two versions of our standard street map, in addition to the features found on the other version, this map includes an alphabetical listing of street names and associated grid coordinates making it easy to find particular streets. On the right (N) side of the block, the view from above reveals that the stubby little buildings are on very shallow square lots. Step 1: Determine your property's zoning district Step 2: Review the rules in the district schedule that applies to your property Step 3: Review other sections of the by-law Step 4: Review policies and guidelines, parking requirements, and other related by-laws Step 5: Review what you need to do if you are thinking of renovating or building Your use of the Information will be governed by the
Municipal zoning isnt the only regulatory context that matters for what can be built. I describe the basic features of co-operatives below, but head on over to the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC for more. Agricultural Use Only (includes aquaculture, livestock, forestry, fish & wildlife habitat, horse riding, bee keeping, kennel). And the Broadway Subway is coming soon, initiating a new City Planning exercise for the area. You are
Each municipality has different regulations for what can be built and how land can be used. Section 550 - Institutional Use Zones PH1 & PH2 and PA1 . Vancouver Zoning Map. Strikingly, even after zoning arrived to Vancouver in the form of preliminary bylaws passed through the late 1920s, the area containing and surrounding our old house wasnt zoned Industrial. The only substantive changes in this licence
the beginning of our transition to device independent, standards-based online services. Item is related to Zoning By-law no. 2600 East 49th Ave., 6620-6680 Elliott St. 6475 Elliott Street, 2550 Waverley Avenue, 2900-3098 East 54th Avenue, 7007-7101 Kerr Street, 7106-7176 Killarney Street, 1925 West 33rd Avenue (formerly 4625-4875 Valley Drive), 2105 West 32nd Avenue, 4615-4675 Arbutus Street, 2001 Nanton Ave (formerly 4226 Arbutus Street), 300-496 Pender Street, 325-487 Keefer Street, Van Dusen Gardens, 4900 Cartier Street (Shaughnessy Place), 3550-3650 East 49th Avenue, 6500-6530 Chambord Place, 3150-3370 Rosemont Drive (Champlain Heights), 510-522 West 65th Avenue, 8107-8167 Cambie Street, 1010-1016 West 48th Avenue, 6409-6429 Oak Street, 1001 Cotton Drive, 1010 McLean Drive, 1661 Napier Street (Brittannia Community Centre), 4349-4379 Arbutus Street, 4304-4456 Yew Street, 2277-2299 East 30th Avenue and 2280 Kingsway, 49th Avenue and Boundary Road (Champlain Heights), 3500-3550 Adanac Street, 800 Cassiar Street, 7349-7353 Yew Street, 2204-2292 Yewbrook Place, 3859-3893 West 2nd Avenue, 3860-3890 Point Grey Road, 1701-1721 Wallace Street, 4452-4460 West 2nd Avenue, 1980 Sasamat Street, 3432-3456 Fraser Street (Glad Tidings Temple), 3243 Findlay Street (Croatian Cultural Centre), 2421-2581 Eddington Drive, 4508-4652 Puget Drive, Rezoning Application - 706 West 13th Avenue and 725 West 14th Avenue, 5th Avenue and Renfrew Street, 7th Avenue and Kaslo Street, 2657-2693 West 10th Avenue, 2676-2696 West Broadway, 3496-3578 Kingsway, 3545 East 43rd Avenue, 1095 West Hastings Street, 1095 West Pender Street, 333 Seymour Street (formerly 601 West Hastings Street/602 West Cordova Street), 2433 East 10th Avenue and 2588 Nanaimo Street, 1445 Marpole Avenue (Hycroft Towers Apt. As we turn the corner onto 6th, we arrive at yet another notable instance of non-market housing! The zone was created in conjunction with a massive effort in the 1970s to transform the post-industrial southern shores of False Creek into a new residential district, owned primarily by the City of Vancouver, and enrolling the federal assistance of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) in the effort. We look forward to seeing you again in 2022. goals of the City of Vancouver Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of this Development Permit Area is to protect the natural features and ecological systems that may be present in these areas. These areas may be subject to additional regulations and restrictions. It is continually updated to include all OCP amendments subsequent to adoption of the OCP in 2011. Key regulatory features include: uses allowed, floor space allowed (FSR where specified), maximum height, setbacks and footprint. Amendments to modernize industrial zoning across the Plan area and to enable more employment space to be built in the Mount Pleasant Industrial Area (I-1 zone) and the Burrard Slopes Mixed Employment Area (IC-1 and IC-2 zones). North Vancouver, BC
The above is only a sample of outright and conditional uses. In the meantime, please refer to the large scale map that shows zoning for the whole city. City Hall was shifted to a CD-1 (46) zone in 1968, three decades after its construction, likely just to reflect its distinct use. Public engagement opportunities in early 2021. We value the opportunity to learn, share, and serve our community on these unceded lands. The Broadway Plan was approved by Vancouver City Council on June 22. tanneries) were specifically restricted, but all other uses were allowed by default. Following Councils adoption of the Broadway Plan in June last year, implementation of the Plan is underway. Programs and rebates for conserving water, Water restrictions and sprinkling permits, Understanding municipal taxes and property assessments, About assessments, tax rates, tax notices, Affordable housing on District-owned lands, Housing diversity in single family neighbourhoods, Dementia-friendly North Shore Action Plan, Building permit (commercial & multi-family home), Building in environmentally sensitive or hazardous areas, Request an exception to the building rules, Residential tenant relocation assistance policy, Service and amenity funding (DCCs & CACs), Kirkstone Park to Salop Trail cycling route, Lynn Canyon seasonal resident parking pass, Arts, culture, and recreation programming, Get upcoming minutes and agendas sent to your inbox, Statement of Financial Information (SOFI), Privacy, transparency, open data, digital, Inter-municipal licences for North Shore contractors, Learn about government business requirements, Lease office, retail, or concession space, Start a non-medical cannabis retail business. Contact us for any help on browser support. Our map sets divide
Why did the city create an area plan for Broadway now? We received over 3,600 survey responses, over 300 people attended in person open houses and over 1,000 hard copy draft plan booklets were distributed through our local libraries. As we return to Cambie Street, we re-enter the C-3A zone, but recall that this zoning was only recently put in place on the East side of Cambie., 355 West Queens Road
Lutheran Manors non-conforming status, meaning it doesnt meet its zoning, helps explain how our current zoning rules work to really limit the construction of new Social Housing. During this upcoming phase, youll get a chance to review the proposed land use concept plan, built form, draft Public Benefits Strategy, and area wide policies that will shape the next 30 years around the future Broadway Subway. At 300 dpi for excellent viewing and printing, the detail available in this 1:10,000 scale image is equivalent to one metre resolution. All of the feedback shared will be used to inform the draft plan which we will bring out for consultation in early March 2022. We respectfully acknowledge the original peoples of these lands and waters, specifically the slilwta (Tsleil-Waututh), Swxw7mesh xwumixw (Squamish), and xmkym (Musqueam), on whose unceded ancestral lands the District of North Vancouver is located. Lets take a look at the streetscape to the West. Download Sample Report. In fact, the entirety of our tour lies within protected view cones, with the largest one extending from Queen Elizabeth Park. If your property is in a zone that does not allow for the project you are planning, you should consider another site where that use is permitted. How did the Vancouver Plan and other planning programs and policies affect the Broadway Plan? 6700. In normal times, this was also purportedly the most frequently traveled bus corridor in Canada or the USA (who doesnt love the 99 B-Line!) On June 22, 2022, Council approved the Broadway Plan, which introduced enhanced tenant protections for renters in the Broadway Plan area, in addition to the existing City-wide Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy (TRPP). The Property data comprises Zoning information by aggregating: Municipal zoning mapping. This map illustrates North Vancouver streets based on street classification. On the map from 1912 Cambie Street wasnt even Cambie Street as yet, but rather simply called Bridge Street. Input received in this final phase of engagement will help inform the final adjustments to the Draft Plan before it is considered by Council in May 2022. and your community. you or your use of the Information. city of vancouver zoning map rt-2 c-2 rm-4 rs-1 cd-1 (256) cd-1 (257) cd-1 (43) rs-1 cd-1 (173) rs-6 rs-1 rt-8 rt-2 c-2 rt-7 rs-1 ra-1 rs-5 c-2c1 c-2c c-2 cd-1 (240) cd-1 (300) cd-1 The Annexation Blueprint is a plan outlining a general annexation schedule for Vancouver's Urban Growth Area (VUGA). Information subject to other intellectual property rights, including patents, trade-marks and official marks. But its not the only barrier, we also cross some railway tracks linked back to an old CPR right-of-way, a short-term Olympic streetcar pilot, and a more contentious future (you can let Uytae Lee break it down). ); third party rights the Information Provider is not authorized to licence; the names, crests, logos, or other official marks of the Information Provider; and. 1553-1577 Main Street), 1549 West 70th Avenue (formerly 8495 Granville Street)(Marpole Safeway), 10 Terry Fox Way (Concord Area 5(b) East), 7299 Granville Street (Formerly known as 7101-7201 Granville St) (Shannon Mews), 1880 Renfrew Street (Renfrew Care Centre), 555 Robson Street, 775 Richards Street and 520 West Georgia Street (Telus Block), 2730 East 41st Avenue (5711 Rhodes Street), 1305-1335 Burrard Street and 1009 Harwood Street, 4350 Oak Street (Congregation Beth Israel), 6110-6170 Oak Street and 975 West 46th Avenue, 5515-5665 Boundary Road, 5448-5666 Ormidale Street and 3690 Vanness Avenue, 4533-4591 Cambie Street and 510 West 29th Avenue (4599 Cambie Street), 475 Howe Street and 819 West Pender Street (The Exchange), 3002-3036 West Broadway (2525 Carnarvon Street), 516 West 50th Avenue and 6629-6709 Cambie Street, 1568 East King Edward Avenue (1526-1560 Kingsway), 699 W 41st Ave (Enacted as 665-685 W 41st Ave), 8175 Cambie Street, 519 Southwest Marine Drive and 8180-8192 Lord Street, 1462 Granville Street (formerly 1410 Granville Street), 1412-1480 Howe Street, 1429 Granville Street and 710 Pacific Street, 1870 East 1st Avenue and 1723 Victoria Drive, 7249 Cypress Street (7250 East Boulevard), 228-246 East Broadway and 180 Kingsway (285 East 10th Avenue), 5129-5169 Cambie Street (5149 Cambie Street), 998 Expo Boulevard (Concord Area 5B West), 587 West King Edward Avenue (Hobbit House), 960-968 Kingsway and 955 East 19th Avenue, 3323-3367 East 4th Avenue (Beulah Gardens), 508 West 28th Avenue and 4439-4461 Cambie Street, 2806-2850 Cambie Street, 453 West 12th Avenue, and 465 West 13th Avenue, 126, 136, 146, 156, 166 and 168 East 35th Avenue, 3503-3523 East Hastings Street and 394-398 Skeena Street, 506 West 60th Avenue and 7645-7685 Cambie Street, 1551 Quebec Street, 1600 Ontario Street, and 95 East 1st Avenue (Southeast False Creek Areas 3A and 3B), 6929-6969 Cambie Street and 515 West 54th Avenue, 3819 Boundary Road (3680-3684 East 22nd Avenue), 620 Cardero Street (formerly 1575-1577 West Georgia Street), 468 West 33rd Avenue, 4956 and 4958 Cambie Street, 2133 Nanton Avenue (formerly known as 4255 Arbutus Street), 3365 Commercial Drive and 1695-1775 East 18th Avenue, 4085 Ash Street and 619-633 West King Edward Avenue, 753 Seymour Street and 650 West Georgia Street, 2720 East 48th Avenue (6465 Vivian Street), 305 West 41st Avenue (Oakridge United Church), 3205-3221 West 41st Ave and 5590 Balaclava Street, 1837-1847 Main Street and 180 East 2nd Avenue and 157-185 East 3rd Avenue, 5733 Alberta Street and 376-392 West 41st Avenue, 4621-4663 Cambie Street and 605 West 31st Avenue, 500-650 West 57th Avenue (Pearson Dogwood), 920 East Hastings Street (Ray-Cam Co-operative Community Centre), 400 W Georgia Street and 725-731 Homer Street, 3868-3898 Rupert Street and 3304-3308 East 22nd Avenue, 870 East 8th Avenue (Red Door Housing Society), 625-659 West 45th Avenue and 5926-6076 Tisdall Street, 3681 Victoria Drive and 1915 Stainsbury Avenue, 3560-3570 Hull Street and 2070-2090 East 20th Avenue, 5809-5811 Main Street (198 Ontario Place), 686-688 East 22nd Avenue, 3811-3891 Fraser Street and 679 East 23rd Avenue, 2542-2570 Garden Drive and 2309-2369 East 10th Avenue, 4495 Camosun Street (formerly 4175 West 29th Avenue), 998 West 64th Avenue and 8030-8130 Oak Street, 118-150 Robson Street (828 Cambie Street), 1506 West 68th Avenue and 8405-8465 Granville Street, 2543-2583 Renfrew Street and 2895 East 10th Avenue, 4750 Granville Street and 1494 West 32nd Avenue, 815-825 Commercial Drive and 1680 Adanac Street, 5085 McHardy Street (3279-3297 Vanness Avenue), 1636 Clark Drive and 1321-1395 East 1st Avenue, 5107-5119 Main Street and 196 East 35th Avenue, 146-186 West 41st Avenue and 5726 Columbia Street, 8420 Kerr Street and 3104-3130 Southeast Marine Drive, 3449-3479 West 41st Avenue and 5664 Collingwood Street, 1405 East 15th Avenue and 3047-3071 Maddams Street, 1837-1863 East 11th Avenue and 2631-2685 Victoria Drive, 1317 Richards Street and 508 Drake Street, 2022-2218 Main Street and 206 East 6th Avenue, 4408-4488 Fraser Street and 707-709 East 29th Avenue, 6409-6461 Cambie Street and 505 West 49th Avenue, 1332 Thurlow Street and 1065 Harwood Street, 650 West Georgia Street (Repealed on July 11, 2017.