SO in a nutshell, Voltage and polarity must be the same. My dell laptop charger has same terminal (+,-) to machine. Alright, you need a wire that can handle a little bit more than 250 amps (to account for small voltage drop due to 15 feet cable length). The rating on the power cord is just a max voltage rating because in other countries they may have power rated at 250V. Any suggestions for a simple workable solution or any issues to avoid ? Youre right about LED strips. We have to be quite careful when sizing 12V wires. Never had a problem to date. I have an internet switch device which originally has adapter with following specs: output 9 volts 500 miliamp. (See formula below.) Im late to the party here, but I just want to say thank you for the fantastic article. But with insufficient amps, your device may not work at all, or it it does, it will be hard on the power supply, which may overheat and/or fail like the bicyclist trying to tow a boat. Its not that complicated. The device will only draw what it requires from the power pack. Once you understand the terms hes explaining- the three variables (voltage, current, polarity)- and where to find them on your device and your power supply, youll be golden. If you grab an incompatible power adapter, your best case scenario is that it works, albeit not the way the manufacturer intended. An i am still confused with the AC DC FLOW . The output one is 5V/1A and the other one is 5V/2.1A. Voltage drop calculation is quite complex. Im shopping around on Amazon and so much items spec make absolutely no sense or are overkill. Why does the present continuous form of "mimic" become "mimicking"? The most important details for you and your delicate electronics are the voltage and the current. Can I assume that any AD-5 adapter will have the correct voltage, amperage and polarity for that keyboard? Without seeing a schematic for the circuit serving the accessory outlet it's hard to say if the rating is based on an abundance of caution or other loads on the same circuit, or maybe even a bureaucratic limitation. Thank you so much for explaining this so damn well. Many thanks, This may have been the closest I have been able to find anything about power supplies. Is ther any damage can happen to my shaver. Bingo Agree 200%. electricity as water flowing through a pipe,,,,, How to Rebuild the Microsoft Outlook Search Index, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Third Trailer Debuts. POWER ADAPTER OUTPUT :AC 17X2V0.84A You would want to check how many amps the device requires. I purchased two used RCA 25425RE1-C business phones, but one didnt come with an adapter. Hope this helps. You may have already answered my question but..if you use the incorrect charger on a much larger heavier device, can the charger be sort of reverse loaded up with electricity from that actual battery pack and then when used on the correct very delicate device that power fries the sensitive devise? A hard call but if it was mine, I would avoid it and get just but a 19V 2.53 (or greater) adapter. You should not worry. Waiting to hear back from the Ebay supplier. A great article that explains things in a simple to understand manner. If I have an input of 12V DC 3.0A and I used a lower amp on accident will it damage the device? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. I have some universal converters that work fine with Chinese 2 pin ac adapters of the same rating but know that China uses a 220V, 50HZ system, whereas the US is 120V/60HZ. i'm guessing the inline fuse is a 10 amp. I mistakenly plugged in what I thought was the right cord (my masking tape marking was no longer on it), but didnt think to check the power cords adapter output (24 VAC 1.5A 36VA) with the keyboards required input (DC in 10-12 volts) before plugging in. You may not move at all, or you may be able to move the boat, but you are going to overheat and possibly die in short order. For DC power supply, watts are equal to amps times volts. Only states 9v DC. CE; RoHS(a square icon w/check); FC (with a little c inside big C); 10 with counterclockwise arrowed circle around it; a filled in circle with check mark in it. P = V*I What is the significance of that, if any? In your case, 19.5V x 3.34A = 65.13W, which is about the 65W listed. Hence it will overheat if you plugged it to a device that demands higher amp say 3A. Thanks in advance and Ill wait patiently your kind answers! Match to laptop. This doesn't mean it will work, as there may be other stuff on that circuit that would draw current as well so that the fuse may blow even if you didn't take the full 20A from the lighter port, but I would give it a try anyway, especially when in most cases you won't be drawing the full 20A from the inverter at all times. Really glad the article helped you get back up and running! What happens if I am powering lights that require 1250 mA for 2 lights and I power 4 of them with 1000 mA. if its not regulated, it might be putting out way more than 6v (putting a load on the adapter drops the volts), hello please is it possible to use 20volts adapter on 19.5volts laptop. If you have a device that needs 20 volts, and you feed it 100, your device will probably not survive the experience, though may entertain you with some fireworks for a few seconds. Thats true? CHECK INSIDE THE APPLIANCE THERE MAY BE A FUSE WHICH BLEW., I have a weBoost connect 4g cell/signal booster. Hope this helps and that I didnt confuse the matter. Here I place something different. I am having trouble understanding how to determine the quantity and raitings of Aluminum Clad resistors I would need in order to bring a 1212 1/8 aluminum plate up to a temperature of around 100-120 C. Also how to wire them. As the voltage decreases, the amperage increases to give the same wattage output. Core i7-8565U 1.8GHz 16GB 512GB laptop. I had a 100-240V 50/60hz input on my TV my sister gave me, and had been using a power plug that was 12V4A, then all of a sudden, it stopped working. In short, you need a 250 kcmil copper or 300 kcmil aluminum wires. I have a Brother P-Touch PT-2300 label maker. No music came outjust a hum. Modifying air conditioner to run without key inserted? Which one should you choose? It does not say the polarity and I can not find it online anywhere. this process rapeat again and again fed of from this could u plz help me. If you have a 58 amp draw, you would kind of need a wire that can handle that current, and 10 AWG doesnt seem sufficient. does that mean i should look for a plug that is 12dc with .1amp. Example: Lets say we want to connect a 200W device to a 12V battery. Output 1 = (5V1A) Input specifications do not indicate polarity any clues on where I can go to look this up? Those two concepts combine to answer your question; let me explain with an example. To charge my supported QC.3.0 phone? I have purchased a Universal AC adapter from Belker model PA-30450W-ZMX 45W with an Input: 100-240V-1.0A 50/60 Hz. If I could then it must be negative polarity, otherwise it is positive polarity. All you do is find a wall adapter with an output that matches the input of your device. i couldnt agree more isnt there a simple chart i can input the info of the ac or dc adapter and it will give me the crossreference electrical info on the side EXAMPLE my adapter reads input output exc. Thanks Cherie for the feedback! In the videos/blogs that I have seen it shows the battery number as A31N319 and it is rated at 11.25 volts, yet I can see on the power adapter supplied with my laptop that it is rated at 19 Volts output, so, my question is, wouldnt this cause an issue with the battery receiving 8 volts too much??? That is why the PS2 power supply says 100- 240V because it can turn AC power between those voltages into the power appropriate for the PS2. times volts. Laptop: +19V 3.42A, 65W. Will I have problems? I have a 12v 0.5amp transformer that has open circuit voltage on 19v. Where can I find a power adapter to run a car stereo from a wall outlet? course, I dont want to put my laptop at risk. You may have just extended the life of my Hoover stick vacuum (the charger is no longer available). The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Why is a 12V outlet that provides 120W protected by a 20A fuse in my 2015 Forester? I know that I have to observe the proper polarity, but I cant seem to find a transformer that is provide with just bare wires. The other weekend, I sat down and sorted through all my random electronics junk. For my shaving Mashien (NEC 210.21), Thermostat Wire Color Codes For 3-8 Wire Thermostats (Color-By-Color), Wire Gauge For 15 Amp Service + 15 Amp Breaker Wire Size, 4 Best Cassette Ceiling Air Conditioners In 2023 (+ Specs), Air Conditioner Wire Size Calculator (+ Chart For 1.5-5 Ton AC Units), 15 SEER vs 16 SEER Energy Saving Calculator + Chart, Air Conditioner BTU Calculator (With AC BTU For Room Size Chart), 13 SEER vs 15 SEER Energy Savings Calculator + Chart, 13 SEER vs 16 SEER Energy Savings Calculator + Chart, 16 SEER vs 20 SEER Energy Savings Calculator + Chart, How Many CFM Per Square Foot In HVAC? Theres a good chance it wont turn on, and even if it does turn on, it will probably shut off soon. Starting the Prompt Design Site: A New Home in our Stack Exchange Neighborhood, Statement from SO: June 5, 2023 Moderator Action. I know they are 4V because I though it was a rather strange voltage. The article mentions, If you multiply the voltage by the current, you get the wattage. Have you found it doesnt rub off either over time? What does the m mean in 300mA for example? Most USB wall adapters will be 5 V adapters and have a current rating well over .5 A. Current (A or mA) of the adapter should not be lower than the current of the device but may be higher. Output 12V dc 1.8a. This is what allows them to play nice with the USB ports on your computer. R = 1.5 ohms Adapter plug looks like a stereo headphone jack and I dont know which part is negative/positive. It seems many of these wall transformers will vary the voltage under different loads very good ones may not but basic ones may well do. In your case being a notebook it will have some tolerance built in. It melted flashlight DOA. Thanks again. Your new adapter has more than enough Amp to supply though. to label my cords. Trying to purchase correct power inverter for long trip, confused by the specifications. Voltage: adapter = device And consudering this, my replacement adapter wouldnt harm my Sega Genesis model 2? I didnt realise the difference between AC/DC, so used an old one my sister had for a laptop and the power button goes on, but nothing comes on screen. If the + sign is on the right, then the adapter has positive polarity: If there is a sign on the right, then it has negative polarity: Next, you want to look at your device for the DC input. And that is what I assumed. I know I have the right two pieces they came together and Im trying to charge up my tablet, The two pieces do not fit together flush, there is a gap. Very Frustrating!! If so, then replacing with a 5V 2.4amp adaptor is always fine as the Powerbank will only draw as much current (amps) as it needs/capable of. EPS-120-12 is a 120W 12V highly reliable green PSC power supply with high power density, with an input of 80 ~ 264 VAC there are various output Voltages available in this rang between 12V and 48V. Ive since ordered a correct voltage ac cord with 12V4A, so I hope it actually works. Thank you so much!! Ive been told the 100-240 is good for the States, which seems to make sense. For an adapter to work, the positive plug must mate with a negative receptacle or vice versa. most likely nothing would have happenedunless the polarity was wrong. Kind of like the Water Tap controls the water (The Volts) and the hose determines how much water can actualyy pass (Amps). I have a universal adapter that allows you to switch polarity. Hope this helps. This includes polarity. Trying to figure out what 15 VDC and 100 mega amps means. Is it legal to bill a company that made contact for a business proposal, then withdrew based on their policies that existed when they made contact? Is it possible for the amperage to have dropped while still maintaining the voltage? So I wonder if because I was using a different output voltage that it could be the reason why it wasnt working? Suppose you have a laptop that came with a 20 volt power supply, with an output of 3.5 Amps. Yes, this is fine. Thank you very much! It just takes time and frustrating failure to finally identify what youre looking for, you got it. It is a computer charger. To choose the correct AWG wire size for a 12-volt circuit, consult the complete AWG wire size chart here. You must have deep pockets. The 120 volts is the pressure pushing the electricity through the resistance of the heating filiment of your light bulb. But this adapter stopped working (may be it was in use for 3 years). To understand what these three terms mean, it helps to think of electricity as water flowing through a pipe. But if I get a 300W inverter and I plug in a 250W load, shouldn't the car fuse trip before the inverter overload protection using the numbers above(and assuming 100% efficiency which in reality is not the case)? God bless, If I am following this thread correctly It turned on the first time. I am asking because on other forums, I learnt (I didnt know) that Super Nintendos and Sega Genesis models 1 and 2 have internal voltage-current regulators which convert all power to 5V, despite the incoming power; that they could handle voltages from 3V up to 15V adaptors! Maybe I'm missing something, but the only high-wattage automotive inverters I've seen come with very low gauge wire and clamps to connect to the battery terminals (or to rewire yourself in an appropriate manner), not cigarette lighter plugs. Reread the article and try to follow the examples, check other websites as well if you really want to understand this it just takes time and maybe even somebody in person to show you if you happen to know somebody that is good with this stuff in your neighborhood or your family. In theory, your device should be fine and not have overheated as it was under powered. You can either try and see, or try to get specs on the peak draw (input) of the inverter, which might be considerably higher than the 12V current equivalent of the output wattage, especially if the battery voltage droops below 12V while the inverter is in use. I'd stick to the manufacturer's recommendation of a 120W steady load. For example, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3s power is 10.6W (5.3V2A) and a powerbank of two port which the output is the same but the current is different. The other day I accidentally threw away my husbands beard trimmer charger. The article stated that an adapter with a current too high wont cause damage to the cord or device. I Even tried a different brand power adapter. It has a polarity of + Centre, -. What these outlooks dont take into account is the various protections and versatility of adapters and devices. About | More attention is required for those to ensure the replacement is capable of handling the throughput. A UPS that includes power conditioning and regulate voltage may help? I have an emergency flashlight but I do NOT have the adapter to charge the sealed lead rechargeable battery, it is old and is some unknown brand. Spec on the controller out of prob China makes no sense: i.e. You dont mention trickle charging. Output: 20VDC, 2.25A = 45 Watts. In Basement All The Time? I believe Sean did respond to her question. Great information!! Electrical power ratings are always nebulous. Same issue. This was a really helpful article! 12v is used for low voltage fixtures such as doorbells, smoke detectors, thermostats, and LED lights. You just check the chart and see that you would need a 6 AWG wire. As the article states, you do want to match voltages between the power supply and device, but you can us a power supply with more amps than needed. 1. I was going to splice the two tother but the old charger had an out put of 12v 1.5a and the new one is 12v and 3a. What you need to do is to recognize that your circuit needs more amps. HI Today however, there are also bronze, silver, gold, platinum power supplies which guarantee a certain amount (minimum of 80%) of . Please reach out at your convenience: jayaallen * 60/50Hz Live in the sticks, have no other options for Internet and it is almost useless without the booster. The graph at the bottom shows the relationship between overload and time to blow (trip) for Littlefuse's automotive blade fuses. :/. I agree with what you are saying and sometimes the adaptors given especially with some Mobiles/Tablets & in this case a Powerbank are cheap and barely meet the min requirements. The Volts are important and generally the power required by your device. What are some installation best practices of a higher-wattage, pure-sine inverter to connect to pre-April, 2016 Model S Tesla? Thanks. Weve never had (or lost ages ago) an adapter, so are looking for a cheap one at our local Goodwill, but the closest options weve found are 5.1 volts or 6 volts. hehehe you are 100% correct. Hi there. These tips are very valuable. I dont have time to read through 256 comments so I dont know if this has been addressed yet but you are absolutely wrong about the input of the device.. if it plugs into the wall, then your input is 120 volts ac and the box youre plugging into the wall is a transformer thats transforming 120 volts down to save 5 volts 2.1 amp for instance but the input and the output do not ever match if youre plugging it into your wall outlet it will always be 120 volts ac and output to whatever your devices the box you plug into the wall is a transformer. I have a question that you may have answered implicitly above. (+ 2,000 Sq Ft Example), 12 SEER vs 16 SEER Energy Saving Calculator + Chart. keep your head up Murray! I ended up flunking drum lessons, but for different reasons (lack of talent). That would be enough to educate any lay person worried or simply frustrated to know if they are making a mistake, Or, look for a diagram showing the polarity. I replaced it with other adapter with following specs:output 5 volts 600 miliamp. 10A to watts calculation with voltage of 12V DC. I believe this is what happened to me. Watts (W) is the product of Volts (V) and Amps (A). My cellphone charger was indicate 100 240v, it is safe to plug-in into 220v outlet? But the number of watts alone wont tell you if the adapter is right for your device. Went back to the store and a very knowledgeable young man discovered that it took at least a 2.0amp charger to charge the unit. That it must have come with a faulty adapter? If im using it in Australia with a 240V to 110V step down transformer rated at 50W Max output power and 0.45A max current, will this cause any issues. Also, the gauge of wires used in a circuit is part of the "safe" current limits (maybe why your 12V outlet has a 10A limit), while the fuse is there more for current "spikes" rather than steady loads. Yes, they are likely interchangeable even though voltage is not the same. = 4.5 x CFM x h (std. Is there any advantage to a longer term CD that has a lower interest rate than a shorter term CD. The wiring within the cord for the heater would be thicker and capable of more throughput than the lamps. Is the replacement unit compatible and safe to use as my replacement AC Adapter for a HP touchsmart All-in-one PC? Current must be same or higher. Sometimes the information is printed on a label that is worn & torn. Here's OpenAI's ChatGPT allows you to generate content quickly. Any advice would be appreciated. The real solution would have been for the manufacturer to provide a charger with the unit in the original packaging. I was saying surge protector, but it is a ups. Output: 12V (DC symbol) 200mA, Possible replacement power supply Could someone decifer this for me? For example, a 10 amp-fused 12-volt lighter socket will safely power about 1 amp of 120 -volt AC (or about 120 watts). Your email address will not be published. I have a Belkin USB hub with a port for a charger but the information on the hub has not been described here yet. The easiest to explain this is just to look at the 12-volt wire size chart here: Here is how you can read the 12V wire size table: Lets say we have a 300W device we want to run with a 12V battery. But the little polarity tip doesnt lock in place. Be careful and gentle with your plugs like you are with your wimmin and they will do you fine through the years. To complete the example, suppose they also offered a 200 watt power supply. I have a spare wall wart rated at 9V DC 1500mA that I would like to use which also doesnt indicate polarity. The amperage output will self-adjust controlled by your device.. I have a zillion power supplies too and I dont know what to do with them. Current: adapter >=device, I am using adapter 15 V 0.5 Am- 7.5 W Battery will be approx. I think it has something to do with most dont have a polarized plug and we dont know what is the right way to plug it in without one. In this case, we will need a 18 AWG wire size because it has a 14A ampacity. Is the replacement one compatible with the original? Perhaps call the likes of APC who make reliable units for home and business and ask them for recommendations or an electrician. Spectacular job on this post. R = V/I why woouldnt that work? If hes mistake can i use the 12v 1a? Thanks for taking your time to reply. Milliamperes. I was thinking that it was equal like 300mA=3.0A but I see now that 300mA=.3A. Hi Ben, if that is a 12V battery, we first need to calculate the amp draw like this: 3000W / 12V = 250 Amps. if using adaper 15V,0.5Am,7.5W instead of the original adapter 15V,0.36Am,5.4W is it wrong. Battery specs: 6V 4.5A. Effectively matching like for like. So. Now, I have a some questions related to video games: The original power supply is Reading around this subject I am not sure it is quite as simple as match volts, amps at least as much as required. On this machine near electric connection point, DC 6V is written. The EU 2 pin plug that I have found, matches the keyboard info and the polarity. Backblaze is the solution I use and recommend. For future purchases I might try and get multiple adapters when the appliance purchase is first made. Making a positive polarity device having the + on the left. Using this calculation and consulting the AWG wire size chart you can adequately choose a 12V wire size for devices that are 0 feet away (this is a theoretical calculator, for practical use, you have to consult the 12V wire size amp ampacity chart you find further on). The 120W refers to the power entering and exiting the 12V outlet itself, but because the converters and other components in the inverter linked above are not 100% efficient, the power at the inverters input (what really matters) may be higher than the output (what my load actually sees). good to know! Not enough power. I got an AMH A399U monitor with a Korean plug and power AC 100-240V 5a 75w. Likewise,. But i did decide to give it a try because when i opened the plastic box of the Creative AC Adaptor, i found that it had only a stepdown transformer inside and i concluded that the AC TO DC Converter circuit had to be located inside the Woofer box to which the AC 11.5V 1600mA was to be fed. The Zagg ifrogz 7800 power supply calls for a 1.0amp input. Now, this is how you theoretically calculate the required size of 12V wire for any device. It was a fancy flashlight that you use to work on cars or really light up the night in an emergency, the kind with 5 different modes and all that. If the inverter is rated at under 10 amps under full load you should be OK. = 5W same or higher. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. . Its helps but its not a perfect system. Stepon Voof. Trust the lowest number. Anyone here that can help it would be greatly appreciated. It only takes a minute to sign up. I have a record player that I bought in the US. thank you. So, instead of the AC 11.5V 1600mA , I was giving 12 V 1.5A DC to the WOOFER. Not sure it woukd help. The iPhone USB wall adapter Im holding in my hand right now is 5 V / 1 A. How can one know the correct direction on a cloudy day? Accounting for the 80% NEC rule (we will explain this later on), you need a wire with at least 13.34A ampacity. The speaker one, potato one and motor one are probably the easiest to do at home. Other than that, its by far the best and easiest to understand article about adapters and electricity :), When i connect my charger to my laptop . Too much power generates excess heat, which is the bane of sensitive electronics. The same is true for your 2nd question; you might be able to facilitate that amp draw with 8 AWG copper wire but 6 AWG copper wire is the safe bet. Thanks. I always used the if it fits its the right one mentality, guess But that does not inform a non-electrical minded person if the device will work on small device. Im willing to bet that any given household has a dozen or more different types of cell phone chargers, AC/DC adapters, power bricks, power cables, and charger plugs. Thanks for the information. The 2A is referring to the max current of 2Amp the device can handle. MY device input 5v ___500mA and my charger output is 6vDC600mA -c+ Under the Polarity Section you said: If there is a sign on the right, then it has negative polarity:, This is not necessarily true. (Youve probably also heard about resistance (), but this doesnt usually show up on power adapters.).