Join Mukunda as he speaks with Dr. T.S. Rukmani. Dr. T.S. Rukmani was a Professor and Chair of Hindu Studies at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. She had the distinction of being the first Chair of Hindu Studies and Indian Philosophy at the University of Durban-Westville, South Africa. She had a distinguished academic career at the University of Delhi, where her last assignment was Principal, Miranda House. She is the author of many books which also includes the Yogavarttika of Vijnanabhiksu. She has innumerable papers to her credit and publishes regularly in academic journals both in India and abroad.. In this episode, we discuss a host of topics including:
00:01:20 Introduction to Dr. TS Rukmani and her professional journey including her time studying with Prof. BK Matilal
00:13:00 Dr. Rukmani’s study of YogaVarthika by Vijnanabhikshu, a commentary on Vyasa and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras using the Samkhya Darshana
00:19:15 Discussion on Purusha and Prakriti in Samkhya and Vijnanabhikshu’s commentary in contradistinction with Advaita Vedanta
00:29:20 Discussion of Vijnanabhikshu’s commentary on Brahma Sutras
00:32:30 Vijnanabhikshu’s view on Prakriti vis-à -vis the three main Vedanta schools Advaita, Visisthadvaita and Dvaita
00:42:30 Women and the Mahabharata
00:49.00 Discussion Yudhisthira, Rama, Ashoka and the idea of moral rulers
00:57::45 Discussion on the impact of Colonialism on Indic frameworks, scholarships, and worldviews
01:02:30 Hinduism and Buddhism interaction
01:04:40 Discussion of Karma, Free Will, and Moksha
01:12:10 Last Thoughts and Conclusion
You can find Dr. T.S. Rukmani at:
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