Join Mukunda as he speaks with Dr. Satyan Sharma. Dr. Sharma is a Professor of Sanskrit at the Panjab University in Chandigarh. He specializes in Vedanta, Indian Philosophy, and Dharma Shastras. In this episode, we discuss a host of topics including:
00:01:20 Introduction to Dr. Satyan Sharma and his background and educational history
00:9:00 Discussion on Advaita Vedanta, Satkaryavada, Vivartavada, and two truths perspective
00:16:45 Dr. Sharma’s dissertation on Tarka Samgraha by Anandagiri, a 12th-century text that focuses on a complete refutation of the Vaishesika Darshana
00:29:20 Truth, Experience, and Categories
00:33:50 Interaction between Jains and Buddhists with Hindu Schools of Thought in medieval philosophy
00:39.20 How do you pick the texts you want to read and study? For academic pursuit or practice?
00:44:00 Sanskrit Scholars in India versus the West
00:50:45 What are the Dharmshastras? What was it used for?
01:03:50 What is Varna Dharma in Manu Smriti? How do the rules of descent work (Anuloma and Pratiloma)?
01:13:55 Discussion on Rituals, Shraddha, and Bhakti
01:25:00 Modern history of Caste and connection to the Shastras and Indian History (we also discuss who can study the Vedas)
01:45:00 Sudra Dharma text discussion: who is a sudra, were they denied education? what are their duties in the text?
02:01:30 What is the difference between Varna and Jati?
02:10:30 Last Thoughts and Conclusion
You can find Dr. Satyan Sharma at:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sharmasatyan
Meru Media
Twitter: @themerumedia @raghman36
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